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PUSH1 0x0 SWAP2 ADD MSTORE JUMP JUMPDEST PUSH1 0x0 JUMPDEST DUP4 DUP2 LT ISZERO PUSH2 0x34E JUMPI DUP2 DUP2 ADD MLOAD DUP4 DUP3 ADD MSTORE PUSH1 0x20 ADD PUSH2 0x336 JUMP JUMPDEST DUP4 DUP2 GT ISZERO PUSH2 0x35D JUMPI PUSH1 0x0 DUP5 DUP5 ADD MSTORE JUMPDEST POP POP POP POP JUMP JUMPDEST PUSH1 0x1F ADD PUSH1 0x1F NOT AND SWAP1 JUMP STOP LOG2 PUSH6 0x627A7A723058 KECCAK256 ADDMOD 0xb7 PUSH2 0x8B6 0xbf CALLDATASIZE LOG2 PUSH23 0x6E799F617E47A5FEAB326E99D46EA5C5BCB8D7DFC682DB PUSH13 0x6578706572696D656E74616CF5 STOP CALLDATACOPY ", "sourceMap": 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} } }, "sources": { "current/test/TestLibAssetProxyDecoder/TestLibAssetProxyDecoder.sol": { "id": 0 }, "current/utils/LibAssetProxyDecoder/LibAssetProxyDecoder.sol": { "id": 1 }, "current/utils/LibBytes/LibBytes.sol": { "id": 2 }, "current/utils/LibMem/LibMem.sol": { "id": 3 } }, "sourceCodes": { "current/test/TestLibAssetProxyDecoder/TestLibAssetProxyDecoder.sol": "/*\n\n Copyright 2018 ZeroEx Intl.\n\n Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n You may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\n Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n limitations under the License.\n\n*/\n\npragma solidity ^0.4.24;\npragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;\n\nimport \"../../utils/LibAssetProxyDecoder/LibAssetProxyDecoder.sol\";\n\ncontract TestLibAssetProxyDecoder is\n LibAssetProxyDecoder\n{\n\n /// @dev Decodes ERC721 Asset Proxy data\n function publicDecodeERC20Data(bytes memory proxyData)\n public\n pure\n returns (uint8, address)\n {\n return decodeERC20Data(proxyData);\n }\n\n /// @dev Decodes ERC721 Asset Proxy data\n function publicDecodeERC721Data(bytes memory proxyData)\n internal\n pure\n returns (\n uint8,\n address,\n uint256,\n bytes memory\n )\n {\n return decodeERC721Data(proxyData);\n }\n}\n", "current/utils/LibAssetProxyDecoder/LibAssetProxyDecoder.sol": "/*\n\n Copyright 2018 ZeroEx Intl.\n\n Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n You may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\n Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n limitations under the License.\n\n*/\n\npragma solidity ^0.4.24;\npragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;\n\nimport \"../LibBytes/LibBytes.sol\";\n\ncontract LibAssetProxyDecoder is\n LibBytes\n{\n\n string constant INVALID_ERC20_METADATA_LENGTH = \"Metadata must have a length of 21.\";\n string constant INVALID_ERC721_METADATA_LENGTH = \"Metadata must have a length of at least 53.\";\n\n /// @dev Decodes ERC721 Asset Proxy data\n function decodeERC20Data(bytes memory proxyData)\n internal\n pure\n returns (\n uint8 proxyId,\n address token\n )\n {\n require(\n proxyData.length == 21,\n INVALID_ERC20_METADATA_LENGTH\n );\n proxyId = uint8(proxyData[0]);\n token = readAddress(proxyData, 1);\n\n return (proxyId, token);\n }\n\n /// @dev Decodes ERC721 Asset Proxy data\n function decodeERC721Data(bytes memory proxyData)\n internal\n pure\n returns (\n uint8 proxyId,\n address token,\n uint256 tokenId,\n bytes memory data\n )\n {\n require(\n proxyData.length >= 53,\n INVALID_ERC721_METADATA_LENGTH\n );\n proxyId = uint8(proxyData[0]);\n token = readAddress(proxyData, 1);\n tokenId = readUint256(proxyData, 21);\n if (proxyData.length > 53) {\n data = readBytes(proxyData, 53);\n }\n\n return (proxyId, token, tokenId, data);\n }\n}\n", "current/utils/LibBytes/LibBytes.sol": "/*\n\n Copyright 2018 ZeroEx Intl.\n\n Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n You may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\n Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n limitations under the License.\n\n*/\n\npragma solidity ^0.4.24;\n\nimport \"../LibMem/LibMem.sol\";\n\ncontract LibBytes is\n LibMem\n{\n\n // Revert reasons\n string constant GTE_20_LENGTH_REQUIRED = \"Length must be greater than or equal to 20.\";\n string constant GTE_32_LENGTH_REQUIRED = \"Length must be greater than or equal to 32.\";\n\n /// @dev Tests equality of two byte arrays.\n /// @param lhs First byte array to compare.\n /// @param rhs Second byte array to compare.\n /// @return True if arrays are the same. False otherwise.\n function areBytesEqual(bytes memory lhs, bytes memory rhs)\n internal\n pure\n returns (bool equal)\n {\n assembly {\n // Get the number of words occupied by \n let lenFullWords := div(add(mload(lhs), 0x1F), 0x20)\n\n // Add 1 to the number of words, to account for the length field\n lenFullWords := add(lenFullWords, 0x1)\n\n // Test equality word-by-word.\n // Terminates early if there is a mismatch.\n for {let i := 0} lt(i, lenFullWords) {i := add(i, 1)} {\n let lhsWord := mload(add(lhs, mul(i, 0x20)))\n let rhsWord := mload(add(rhs, mul(i, 0x20)))\n equal := eq(lhsWord, rhsWord)\n if eq(equal, 0) {\n // Break\n i := lenFullWords\n }\n }\n }\n\n return equal;\n }\n\n /// @dev Reads an address from a position in a byte array.\n /// @param b Byte array containing an address.\n /// @param index Index in byte array of address.\n /// @return address from byte array.\n function readAddress(\n bytes memory b,\n uint256 index\n )\n internal\n pure\n returns (address result)\n {\n require(\n b.length >= index + 20, // 20 is length of address\n GTE_20_LENGTH_REQUIRED\n );\n\n // Add offset to index:\n // 1. Arrays are prefixed by 32-byte length parameter (add 32 to index)\n // 2. Account for size difference between address length and 32-byte storage word (subtract 12 from index)\n index += 20;\n\n // Read address from array memory\n assembly {\n // 1. Add index to address of bytes array\n // 2. Load 32-byte word from memory\n // 3. Apply 20-byte mask to obtain address\n result := and(mload(add(b, index)), 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /// @dev Writes an address into a specific position in a byte array.\n /// @param b Byte array to insert address into.\n /// @param index Index in byte array of address.\n /// @param input Address to put into byte array.\n function writeAddress(\n bytes memory b,\n uint256 index,\n address input\n )\n internal\n pure\n {\n require(\n b.length >= index + 20, // 20 is length of address\n GTE_20_LENGTH_REQUIRED\n );\n\n // Add offset to index:\n // 1. Arrays are prefixed by 32-byte length parameter (add 32 to index)\n // 2. Account for size difference between address length and 32-byte storage word (subtract 12 from index)\n index += 20;\n\n // Store address into array memory\n assembly {\n // The address occupies 20 bytes and mstore stores 32 bytes.\n // First fetch the 32-byte word where we'll be storing the address, then\n // apply a mask so we have only the bytes in the word that the address will not occupy.\n // Then combine these bytes with the address and store the 32 bytes back to memory with mstore.\n\n // 1. Add index to address of bytes array\n // 2. Load 32-byte word from memory\n // 3. Apply 12-byte mask to obtain extra bytes occupying word of memory where we'll store the address\n let neighbors := and(mload(add(b, index)), 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000)\n\n // Store the neighbors and address into memory\n mstore(add(b, index), xor(input, neighbors))\n }\n }\n\n /// @dev Reads a bytes32 value from a position in a byte array.\n /// @param b Byte array containing a bytes32 value.\n /// @param index Index in byte array of bytes32 value.\n /// @return bytes32 value from byte array.\n function readBytes32(\n bytes memory b,\n uint256 index\n )\n internal\n pure\n returns (bytes32 result)\n {\n require(\n b.length >= index + 32,\n GTE_32_LENGTH_REQUIRED\n );\n\n // Arrays are prefixed by a 256 bit length parameter\n index += 32;\n\n // Read the bytes32 from array memory\n assembly {\n result := mload(add(b, index))\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /// @dev Writes a bytes32 into a specific position in a byte array.\n /// @param b Byte array to insert into.\n /// @param index Index in byte array of .\n /// @param input bytes32 to put into byte array.\n function writeBytes32(\n bytes memory b,\n uint256 index,\n bytes32 input\n )\n internal\n pure\n {\n require(\n b.length >= index + 32,\n GTE_32_LENGTH_REQUIRED\n );\n\n // Arrays are prefixed by a 256 bit length parameter\n index += 32;\n\n // Read the bytes32 from array memory\n assembly {\n mstore(add(b, index), input)\n }\n }\n\n /// @dev Reads a uint256 value from a position in a byte array.\n /// @param b Byte array containing a uint256 value.\n /// @param index Index in byte array of uint256 value.\n /// @return uint256 value from byte array.\n function readUint256(\n bytes memory b,\n uint256 index\n )\n internal\n pure\n returns (uint256 result)\n {\n return uint256(readBytes32(b, index));\n }\n\n /// @dev Writes a uint256 into a specific position in a byte array.\n /// @param b Byte array to insert into.\n /// @param index Index in byte array of .\n /// @param input uint256 to put into byte array.\n function writeUint256(\n bytes memory b,\n uint256 index,\n uint256 input\n )\n internal\n pure\n {\n writeBytes32(b, index, bytes32(input));\n }\n\n /// @dev Reads a uint256 value from a position in a byte array.\n /// @param b Byte array containing a uint256 value.\n /// @param index Index in byte array of uint256 value.\n /// @return uint256 value from byte array.\n function readBytes(\n bytes memory b,\n uint256 index\n )\n internal\n pure\n returns (bytes memory result)\n {\n // Read length of nested bytes\n require(\n b.length >= index + 32,\n GTE_32_LENGTH_REQUIRED\n );\n uint256 nestedBytesLength = readUint256(b, index);\n\n // Assert length of is valid, given\n // length of nested bytes\n require(\n b.length >= index + 32 + nestedBytesLength,\n GTE_32_LENGTH_REQUIRED\n );\n\n // Allocate memory and copy value to result\n result = new bytes(nestedBytesLength);\n memcpy(\n getMemAddress(result) + 32, // +32 skips array length\n getMemAddress(b) + index + 32, // +32 skips array length\n nestedBytesLength\n );\n\n return result;\n }\n\n /// @dev Writes a uint256 into a specific position in a byte array.\n /// @param b Byte array to insert into.\n /// @param index Index in byte array of .\n /// @param input uint256 to put into byte array.\n function writeBytes(\n bytes memory b,\n uint256 index,\n bytes memory input\n )\n internal\n pure\n {\n // Read length of nested bytes\n require(\n b.length >= index + 32 /* 32 bytes to store length */ + input.length,\n GTE_32_LENGTH_REQUIRED\n );\n\n // Copy into \n memcpy(\n getMemAddress(b) + index,\n getMemAddress(input),\n input.length + 32 /* 32 bytes to store length */\n );\n }\n}\n", "current/utils/LibMem/LibMem.sol": "/*\n\n Copyright 2018 ZeroEx Intl.\n\n Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n You may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\n Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n limitations under the License.\n\n*/\n\npragma solidity ^0.4.24;\n\ncontract LibMem {\n\n function getMemAddress(bytes memory input)\n internal\n pure\n returns (uint256 address_)\n {\n assembly {\n address_ := input\n }\n return address_;\n }\n\n /// @dev Writes a uint256 into a specific position in a byte array.\n /// @param dest memory adress to copy bytes to\n function memcpy(\n uint256 dest,\n uint256 source,\n uint256 length\n )\n internal\n pure\n {\n // Base cases\n if(length == 0) return;\n if(source == dest) return;\n\n // Copy bytes from source to dest\n assembly {\n // Compute number of complete words to copy + remaining bytes\n let lenFullWords := div(add(length, 0x1F), 0x20)\n let remainder := mod(length, 0x20)\n if gt(remainder, 0) {\n lenFullWords := sub(lenFullWords, 1)\n }\n\n // Copy full words from source to dest\n let offset := 0\n let maxOffset := mul(0x20, lenFullWords)\n for {offset := 0} lt(offset, maxOffset) {offset := add(offset, 0x20)} {\n mstore(add(dest, offset), mload(add(source, offset)))\n }\n\n // Copy remaining bytes\n if gt(remainder, 0) {\n // Read a full word from source, containing X bytes to copy to dest.\n // We only want to keep the X bytes, zeroing out the remaining bytes.\n // We accomplish this by a right shift followed by a left shift.\n // Example:\n // Suppose a word of 8 bits has all 1's: [11111111]\n // Let X = 7 (we want to copy the first 7 bits)\n // Apply a right shift of 1: [01111111]\n // Apply a left shift of 1: [11111110]\n let sourceShiftFactor := exp(2, mul(8, sub(0x20, remainder)))\n let sourceWord := mload(add(source, offset))\n let sourceBytes := mul(div(sourceWord, sourceShiftFactor), sourceShiftFactor)\n\n // Read a full word from dest, containing (32-X) bytes to retain.\n // We need to zero out the remaining bytes to be overwritten by source,\n // while retaining the (32-X) bytes we don't want to overwrite.\n // We accomplish this by a left shift followed by a right shift.\n // Example:\n // Suppose a word of 8 bits has all 1's: [11111111]\n // Let X = 7 (we want to free the first 7 bits, and retain the last bit)\n // Apply a left shift of 1: [11111110]\n // Apply a right shift of 1: [01111111]\n let destShiftFactor := exp(2, mul(8, remainder))\n let destWord := mload(add(dest, offset))\n let destBytes := div(mul(destWord, destShiftFactor), destShiftFactor)\n\n // Combine the source and dest bytes. There should be no overlap:\n // The source bytes run from [0..X-1] and the dest bytes from [X..31].\n // Example:\n // Following the example from above, we have [11111110]\n // from the source word and [01111111] from the dest word.\n // Combine these words using to get [11111111].\n let combinedDestWord := or(sourceBytes, destBytes)\n\n // Store the combined word into dest\n mstore(add(dest, offset), combinedDestWord)\n }\n }\n }\n}\n" }, "sourceTreeHashHex": "0x8431fff2ae9424603c06a10d9c4649edf92a798a8969fe69339fc0063b7ad144", "compiler": { "name": "solc", "version": "0.4.24", "settings": { "optimizer": { "enabled": true, "runs": 0 }, "outputSelection": { "*": { "*": [ "abi", "evm.bytecode.object", "evm.bytecode.sourceMap", "evm.deployedBytecode.object", "evm.deployedBytecode.sourceMap" ] } } } }, "networks": {} }