import { Schema, Validator, ValidatorResult } from 'jsonschema'; import values = require('lodash.values'); import { schemas } from './schemas'; export class SchemaValidator { private _validator: Validator; constructor() { this._validator = new Validator(); for (const schema of values(schemas)) { this._validator.addSchema(schema,; } } public addSchema(schema: Schema) { this._validator.addSchema(schema,; } // In order to validate a complex JS object using jsonschema, we must replace any complex // sub-types (e.g BigNumber) with a simpler string representation. Since BigNumber and other // complex types implement the `toString` method, we can stringify the object and // then parse it. The resultant object can then be checked using jsonschema. public validate(instance: any, schema: Schema): ValidatorResult { const jsonSchemaCompatibleObject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(instance)); return this._validator.validate(jsonSchemaCompatibleObject, schema); } public isValid(instance: any, schema: Schema): boolean { const isValid = this.validate(instance, schema).errors.length === 0; return isValid; } }