import { logUtils } from '@0x/utils'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { GIT_SHA, HOST_DOMAINS_EXTERNAL, HOST_DOMAINS_LOCAL, INSTANT_DISCHARGE_TARGET, NODE_ENV, ROLLBAR_CLIENT_TOKEN, ROLLBAR_ENABLED, } from '../constants'; // Import version of Rollbar designed for embedded components // See // tslint:disable-next-line:no-var-requires const Rollbar = require('rollbar/dist/rollbar.noconflict.umd'); const getRollbarHostDomains = (): string[] => { if (NODE_ENV === 'development') { return HOST_DOMAINS_EXTERNAL.concat(HOST_DOMAINS_LOCAL); } else { return HOST_DOMAINS_EXTERNAL; } }; let rollbar: any; // Configures rollbar and sets up error catching export const setupRollbar = (): any => { if (_.isUndefined(rollbar) && ROLLBAR_CLIENT_TOKEN && ROLLBAR_ENABLED) { const hostDomains = getRollbarHostDomains(); rollbar = new Rollbar({ accessToken: ROLLBAR_CLIENT_TOKEN, captureUncaught: true, captureUnhandledRejections: true, enabled: true, itemsPerMinute: 10, maxItems: 500, payload: { environment: INSTANT_DISCHARGE_TARGET || `Local ${NODE_ENV}`, client: { javascript: { source_map_enabled: true, code_version: GIT_SHA, guess_uncaught_frames: true, }, }, }, hostWhiteList: hostDomains, uncaughtErrorLevel: 'error', ignoredMessages: [ // Errors from the third-party scripts 'Script error', // Network errors or ad-blockers 'TypeError: Failed to fetch', 'Exchange has not been deployed to detected network (network/artifact mismatch)', // Source:!topic/chromium-discuss/7VU0_VvC7mE "undefined is not an object (evaluating '__gCrWeb.autofill.extractForms')", // Source: 'SecurityError (DOM Exception 18)', ], }); } }; export const errorReporter = { report(err: Error): void { if (!rollbar) { logUtils.log('Not reporting to rollbar because not configured', err); return; } rollbar.error(err, (rollbarErr: Error) => { if (rollbarErr) { logUtils.log(`Error reporting to rollbar, ignoring: ${rollbarErr}`); } }); }, };