import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { Middleware } from 'redux'; import { ETH_DECIMALS } from '../constants'; import { Account, AccountState } from '../types'; import { analytics } from '../util/analytics'; import { Action, ActionTypes } from './actions'; import { State } from './reducer'; export const analyticsMiddleware: Middleware = store => next => middlewareAction => { const prevState = store.getState() as State; const prevAccount = prevState.providerState.account; const nextAction = next(middlewareAction) as Action; const curState = store.getState() as State; const curAccount = curState.providerState.account; switch (nextAction.type) { case ActionTypes.SET_ACCOUNT_STATE_READY: if (curAccount.state === AccountState.Ready) { const didJustTurnReady = prevAccount.state !== AccountState.Ready; const didJustUpdateAddress = prevAccount.state === AccountState.Ready && prevAccount.address !== curAccount.address; const ethAddress = curAccount.address; if (didJustTurnReady) { analytics.trackAccountReady(ethAddress); analytics.addUserProperties({ ethAddress }); } else if (didJustUpdateAddress) { analytics.trackAccountAddressChanged(ethAddress); analytics.addUserProperties({ ethAddress }); } } break; case ActionTypes.SET_ACCOUNT_STATE_LOCKED: if (prevAccount.state !== AccountState.Locked && curAccount.state === AccountState.Locked) { // if we are moving from account not locked to account locked, update the current address to undefined and track `Account - Locked` const ethAddress = undefined; analytics.addUserProperties({ ethAddress }); analytics.trackAccountLocked(); } break; case ActionTypes.UPDATE_ACCOUNT_ETH_BALANCE: if ( curAccount.state === AccountState.Ready && curAccount.ethBalanceInWei && !_.isEqual(curAccount, prevAccount) ) { const ethBalanceInUnitAmount = Web3Wrapper.toUnitAmount( curAccount.ethBalanceInWei, ETH_DECIMALS, ).toString(); analytics.addUserProperties({ ethBalanceInUnitAmount }); } } return nextAction; };