import { AssetBuyer, AssetBuyerError, BuyQuote } from '@0x/asset-buyer'; import { AssetProxyId } from '@0x/types'; import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils'; import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as React from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { Dispatch } from 'redux'; import { oc } from 'ts-optchain'; import { ERC20AssetAmountInput } from '../components/erc20_asset_amount_input'; import { Action, actions } from '../redux/actions'; import { State } from '../redux/reducer'; import { ColorOption } from '../style/theme'; import { AffiliateInfo, ERC20Asset, OrderProcessState } from '../types'; import { assetUtils } from '../util/asset'; import { BigNumberInput } from '../util/big_number_input'; import { errorFlasher } from '../util/error_flasher'; export interface SelectedERC20AssetAmountInputProps { fontColor?: ColorOption; startingFontSizePx: number; onSelectAssetClick?: (asset?: ERC20Asset) => void; } interface ConnectedState { assetBuyer?: AssetBuyer; value?: BigNumberInput; asset?: ERC20Asset; isDisabled: boolean; numberOfAssetsAvailable?: number; affiliateInfo?: AffiliateInfo; } interface ConnectedDispatch { updateBuyQuote: ( assetBuyer?: AssetBuyer, value?: BigNumberInput, asset?: ERC20Asset, affiliateInfo?: AffiliateInfo, ) => void; } interface ConnectedProps { value?: BigNumberInput; asset?: ERC20Asset; onChange: (value?: BigNumberInput, asset?: ERC20Asset) => void; isDisabled: boolean; numberOfAssetsAvailable?: number; } type FinalProps = ConnectedProps & SelectedERC20AssetAmountInputProps; const mapStateToProps = (state: State, _ownProps: SelectedERC20AssetAmountInputProps): ConnectedState => { const processState = state.buyOrderState.processState; const isEnabled = processState === OrderProcessState.NONE || processState === OrderProcessState.FAILURE; const isDisabled = !isEnabled; const selectedAsset = !_.isUndefined(state.selectedAsset) && state.selectedAsset.metaData.assetProxyId === AssetProxyId.ERC20 ? (state.selectedAsset as ERC20Asset) : undefined; const numberOfAssetsAvailable = _.isUndefined(state.availableAssets) ? undefined : state.availableAssets.length; return { assetBuyer: state.assetBuyer, value: state.selectedAssetAmount, asset: selectedAsset, isDisabled, numberOfAssetsAvailable, affiliateInfo: state.affiliateInfo, }; }; const updateBuyQuoteAsync = async ( assetBuyer: AssetBuyer, dispatch: Dispatch, asset: ERC20Asset, assetAmount: BigNumber, affiliateInfo?: AffiliateInfo, ): Promise => { // get a new buy quote. const baseUnitValue = Web3Wrapper.toBaseUnitAmount(assetAmount, asset.metaData.decimals); // mark quote as pending dispatch(actions.setQuoteRequestStatePending()); const feePercentage = oc(affiliateInfo).feePercentage(); let newBuyQuote: BuyQuote | undefined; try { newBuyQuote = await assetBuyer.getBuyQuoteAsync(asset.assetData, baseUnitValue, { feePercentage }); } catch (error) { dispatch(actions.setQuoteRequestStateFailure()); let errorMessage; if (error.message === AssetBuyerError.InsufficientAssetLiquidity) { const assetName = assetUtils.bestNameForAsset(asset, 'of this asset'); errorMessage = `Not enough ${assetName} available`; } else if (error.message === AssetBuyerError.InsufficientZrxLiquidity) { errorMessage = 'Not enough ZRX available'; } else if ( error.message === AssetBuyerError.StandardRelayerApiError || error.message.startsWith(AssetBuyerError.AssetUnavailable) ) { const assetName = assetUtils.bestNameForAsset(asset, 'This asset'); errorMessage = `${assetName} is currently unavailable`; } if (!_.isUndefined(errorMessage)) { errorFlasher.flashNewErrorMessage(dispatch, errorMessage); } else { throw error; } return; } // We have a successful new buy quote errorFlasher.clearError(dispatch); // invalidate the last buy quote. dispatch(actions.updateLatestBuyQuote(newBuyQuote)); }; const debouncedUpdateBuyQuoteAsync = _.debounce(updateBuyQuoteAsync, 200, { trailing: true }); const mapDispatchToProps = ( dispatch: Dispatch, _ownProps: SelectedERC20AssetAmountInputProps, ): ConnectedDispatch => ({ updateBuyQuote: (assetBuyer, value, asset, affiliateInfo) => { // Update the input dispatch(actions.updateSelectedAssetAmount(value)); // invalidate the last buy quote. dispatch(actions.updateLatestBuyQuote(undefined)); // reset our buy state dispatch(actions.setBuyOrderStateNone()); if (!_.isUndefined(value) && value.greaterThan(0) && !_.isUndefined(asset) && !_.isUndefined(assetBuyer)) { // even if it's debounced, give them the illusion it's loading dispatch(actions.setQuoteRequestStatePending()); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-floating-promises debouncedUpdateBuyQuoteAsync(assetBuyer, dispatch, asset, value, affiliateInfo); } }, }); const mergeProps = ( connectedState: ConnectedState, connectedDispatch: ConnectedDispatch, ownProps: SelectedERC20AssetAmountInputProps, ): FinalProps => { return { ...ownProps, asset: connectedState.asset, value: connectedState.value, onChange: (value, asset) => { connectedDispatch.updateBuyQuote(connectedState.assetBuyer, value, asset, connectedState.affiliateInfo); }, isDisabled: connectedState.isDisabled, numberOfAssetsAvailable: connectedState.numberOfAssetsAvailable, }; }; export const SelectedERC20AssetAmountInput: React.ComponentClass = connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, mergeProps, )(ERC20AssetAmountInput);