import * as React from 'react'; import { META_MASK_CHROME_STORE_URL, META_MASK_FIREFOX_STORE_URL, META_MASK_OPERA_STORE_URL, META_MASK_SITE_URL, } from '../constants'; import { ColorOption } from '../style/theme'; import { Browser } from '../types'; import { analytics } from '../util/analytics'; import { envUtil } from '../util/env'; import { util } from '../util/util'; import { MetaMaskLogo } from './meta_mask_logo'; import { StandardPanelContent, StandardPanelContentProps } from './standard_panel_content'; import { Button } from './ui/button'; export interface InstallWalletPanelContentProps {} export class InstallWalletPanelContent extends React.Component { public render(): React.ReactNode { const panelProps = this._getStandardPanelContentProps(); return ; } private readonly _getStandardPanelContentProps = (): StandardPanelContentProps => { const browser = envUtil.getBrowser(); let description = 'Please install the MetaMask wallet browser extension.'; let actionText = 'Learn More'; let actionUrl = META_MASK_SITE_URL; switch (browser) { case Browser.Chrome: description = 'Please install the MetaMask wallet browser extension from the Chrome Store.'; actionText = 'Get Chrome Extension'; actionUrl = META_MASK_CHROME_STORE_URL; break; case Browser.Firefox: description = 'Please install the MetaMask wallet browser extension from the Firefox Store.'; actionText = 'Get Firefox Extension'; actionUrl = META_MASK_FIREFOX_STORE_URL; break; case Browser.Opera: description = 'Please install the MetaMask wallet browser extension from the Opera Store.'; actionText = 'Get Opera Add-on'; actionUrl = META_MASK_OPERA_STORE_URL; break; default: break; } const onActionClick = () => { analytics.trackInstallWalletModalClickedGet(); util.createOpenUrlInNewWindow(actionUrl)(); }; return { image: , title: 'Install MetaMask', description, moreInfoSettings: { href: META_MASK_SITE_URL, text: 'What is MetaMask?', onClick: analytics.trackInstallWalletModalClickedExplanation, }, action: ( ), }; }; }