import { EmptyWalletSubprovider, FakeGasEstimateSubprovider, GanacheSubprovider, RPCSubprovider, Web3ProviderEngine, } from '@0x/subproviders'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { constants } from './constants'; import { env, EnvVars } from './env'; export interface Web3Config { hasAddresses?: boolean; // default: true shouldUseInProcessGanache?: boolean; // default: false shouldThrowErrorsOnGanacheRPCResponse?: boolean; // default: true rpcUrl?: string; // default: localhost:8545 shouldUseFakeGasEstimate?: boolean; // default: true ganacheDatabasePath?: string; // default: undefined, creates a tmp dir } export const web3Factory = { getRpcProvider(config: Web3Config = {}): Web3ProviderEngine { const provider = new Web3ProviderEngine(); const hasAddresses = _.isUndefined(config.hasAddresses) || config.hasAddresses; config.shouldUseFakeGasEstimate = _.isUndefined(config.shouldUseFakeGasEstimate) || config.shouldUseFakeGasEstimate; if (!hasAddresses) { provider.addProvider(new EmptyWalletSubprovider()); } if (config.shouldUseFakeGasEstimate) { provider.addProvider(new FakeGasEstimateSubprovider(constants.GAS_LIMIT)); } const logger = { log: (arg: any) => { fs.appendFileSync('ganache.log', `${arg}\n`); }, }; const shouldUseInProcessGanache = !!config.shouldUseInProcessGanache; if (shouldUseInProcessGanache) { if (!_.isUndefined(config.rpcUrl)) { throw new Error('Cannot use both GanacheSubrovider and RPCSubprovider'); } const shouldThrowErrorsOnGanacheRPCResponse = _.isUndefined(config.shouldThrowErrorsOnGanacheRPCResponse) || config.shouldThrowErrorsOnGanacheRPCResponse; if (!_.isUndefined(config.ganacheDatabasePath)) { // Saving the snapshot to a local db. Ganache requires this directory to exist fs.mkdirSync(config.ganacheDatabasePath); } provider.addProvider( new GanacheSubprovider({ vmErrorsOnRPCResponse: shouldThrowErrorsOnGanacheRPCResponse, db_path: config.ganacheDatabasePath, gasLimit: constants.GAS_LIMIT, logger, verbose: env.parseBoolean(EnvVars.VerboseGanache), port: 8545, network_id: 50, mnemonic: 'concert load couple harbor equip island argue ramp clarify fence smart topic', } as any), // TODO remove any once types are merged in DefinitelyTyped ); } else { provider.addProvider(new RPCSubprovider(config.rpcUrl || constants.RPC_URL)); } provider.start(); return provider; }, };