Sol-profiler gathers line-by-line gas usage for any transaction submitted through your provider. This will help you find unexpected inefficiencies in parts of your smart contract, and take a data-driven approach to optimizing it.
npm install @0x/sol-trace --save
Sol-trace is a subprovider that needs to be prepended to your provider engine.
Depending on your project setup, you will need to use a specific ArtifactAdapter. Sol-trace
ships with the
{`import { SolCompilerArtifactAdapter } from '@0x/sol-trace';
// Both artifactsDir and contractsDir are optional and will be fetched from compiler.json if not passed in
const artifactAdapter = new SolCompilerArtifactAdapter(artifactsDir, contractsDir);`}
Now that we have an
{`import { ProviderEngine, RpcSubprovider } from 'web3-provider-engine';
import { RevertTraceSubprovider } from '@0x/sol-cov';
const defaultFromAddress = "..."; // Some ethereum address with test funds
const revertTraceSubprovider = new RevertTraceSubprovider(artifactAdapter, defaultFromAddress);
const providerEngine = new ProviderEngine();
providerEngine.addProvider(new RpcSubprovider({rpcUrl: 'http://localhost:8545'}));