import * as React from 'react'; import { hydrate, render } from 'react-dom'; import * as Loadable from 'react-loadable'; import { context } from 'ts/context/cov'; import { Base } from 'ts/components/Base'; import { Breakout } from 'ts/components/Breakout'; import { Code } from 'ts/components/Code'; import { Content } from 'ts/components/Content'; import { ContentBlock } from 'ts/components/ContentBlock'; import { Hero } from 'ts/components/Hero'; import { InlineCode } from 'ts/components/InlineCode'; import { Intro, IntroAside, IntroLead } from 'ts/components/Intro'; import { List, ListItem } from 'ts/components/List'; import { TabBlock, Tabs } from 'ts/components/Tabs'; const Animation = Loadable({ loader: () => System.import(/* webpackChunkName: 'cov-animation' */ 'ts/components/Animations/Cov'), loading: () =>
, delay: 1000, render(loadable: { Animation: any }): React.ReactNode { const Component = loadable.Animation; returnWhen it comes to writing smart contracts, testing is one of the most important steps of the process. In order to quantify the robustness of your Solidity testing suite, you need to measure its code coverage.
{`+function executeTransaction(uint transactionId)
+ notExecuted(transactionId)
+ fullyConfirmed(transactionId)
+ pastTimeLock(transactionId)
+ Transaction storage tx = transactions[transactionId]
+ tx.executed = true
+ if (
+ Execution(transactionId)
else {
- ExecutionFailure(transactionId)
- tx.executed = false
npm install @0x/sol-cov --save
Sol-cov is a subprovider that needs to be prepended to your provider engine.
Depending on your project setup, you will need to use a specific ArtifactAdapter. Sol-cov ships with
{`import { SolCompilerArtifactAdapter } from '@0x/sol-trace';
// Both artifactsDir and contractsDir are optional and will be fetched from compiler.json if not passed in
const artifactAdapter = new SolCompilerArtifactAdapter(artifactsDir, contractsDir);`}
{`import { TruffleArtifactAdapter } from '@0x/sol-trace';
const projectRoot = '.';
const solcVersion = '0.4.24';
const artifactAdapter = new TruffleArtifactAdapter(projectRoot, solcVersion);`}
{`import { AbstractArtifactAdapter } from '@0x/sol-trace';
class YourCustomArtifactsAdapter extends AbstractArtifactAdapter {...};
const artifactAdapter = new YourCustomArtifactsAdapter(...);`}
Now that we have an
{`import { ProviderEngine, RpcSubprovider } from 'web3-provider-engine';
import { RevertTraceSubprovider } from '@0x/sol-cov';
const defaultFromAddress = "..."; // Some ethereum address with test funds
const revertTraceSubprovider = new RevertTraceSubprovider(artifactAdapter, defaultFromAddress);
const providerEngine = new ProviderEngine();
providerEngine.addProvider(new RpcSubprovider({rpcUrl: 'http://localhost:8545'}));