import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils'; import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0xproject/web3-wrapper'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { Deployer } from '../deployer'; import { constants } from '../utils/constants'; import { tokenInfo } from './config/token_info'; export const migrator = { /** * Custom migrations should be defined in this function. This will be called with the CLI 'migrate' command. * Some operations might be completed in parallel, but we don't do that on purpose. * That way the addresses are deterministic. * @param deployer Deployer instance. */ async runMigrationsAsync(deployer: Deployer): Promise<void> { const web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper = deployer.web3Wrapper; const accounts: string[] = await web3Wrapper.getAvailableAddressesAsync(); const tokenTransferProxy = await deployer.deployAndSaveAsync('TokenTransferProxy'); const zrxToken = await deployer.deployAndSaveAsync('ZRXToken'); const etherToken = await deployer.deployAndSaveAsync('WETH9'); const tokenReg = await deployer.deployAndSaveAsync('TokenRegistry'); const exchangeArgs = [zrxToken.address, tokenTransferProxy.address]; const owners = [accounts[0], accounts[1]]; const confirmationsRequired = new BigNumber(2); const secondsRequired = new BigNumber(0); const multiSigArgs = [owners, confirmationsRequired, secondsRequired, tokenTransferProxy.address]; const exchange = await deployer.deployAndSaveAsync('Exchange', exchangeArgs); const multiSig = await deployer.deployAndSaveAsync( 'MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockExceptRemoveAuthorizedAddress', multiSigArgs, ); const owner = accounts[0]; await tokenTransferProxy.addAuthorizedAddress.sendTransactionAsync(exchange.address, { from: owner }); await tokenTransferProxy.transferOwnership.sendTransactionAsync(multiSig.address, { from: owner }); const addTokenGasEstimate = await tokenReg.addToken.estimateGasAsync( zrxToken.address, tokenInfo[0].name, tokenInfo[0].symbol, tokenInfo[0].decimals, tokenInfo[0].ipfsHash, tokenInfo[0].swarmHash, { from: owner }, ); await tokenReg.addToken.sendTransactionAsync( zrxToken.address, '0x Protocol Token', 'ZRX', 18, constants.NULL_BYTES, constants.NULL_BYTES, { from: owner, gas: addTokenGasEstimate, }, ); await tokenReg.addToken.sendTransactionAsync( etherToken.address, 'Ether Token', 'WETH', 18, constants.NULL_BYTES, constants.NULL_BYTES, { from: owner, gas: addTokenGasEstimate, }, ); for (const token of tokenInfo) { const totalSupply = new BigNumber(0); const args = [, token.symbol, token.decimals, totalSupply]; const dummyToken = await deployer.deployAsync('DummyToken', args); await tokenReg.addToken.sendTransactionAsync( dummyToken.address,, token.symbol, token.decimals, token.ipfsHash, token.swarmHash, { from: owner, gas: addTokenGasEstimate, }, ); } }, };