import * as ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as path from 'path'; import solc = require('solc'); import * as Web3 from 'web3'; import { binPaths } from './solc/bin_paths'; import { constants } from './utils/constants'; import { fsWrapper } from './utils/fs_wrapper'; import { CompilerOptions, ContractArtifact, ContractNetworkData, ContractNetworks, ContractSourceData, ContractSources, ContractSpecificSourceData, ImportContents, } from './utils/types'; import { utils } from './utils/utils'; const ALL_CONTRACTS_IDENTIFIER = '*'; const SOLIDITY_VERSION_REGEX = /(?:solidity\s\^?)(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/; const SOLIDITY_FILE_EXTENSION_REGEX = /(.*\.sol)/; const IMPORT_REGEX = /(import\s)/; const DEPENDENCY_PATH_REGEX = /"([^"]+)"/; // Source: export class Compiler { private _contractsDir: string; private _networkId: number; private _optimizerEnabled: number; private _artifactsDir: string; private _contractSources?: ContractSources; private _solcErrors: Set<string> = new Set(); private _specifiedContracts: Set<string> = new Set(); private _contractSourceData: ContractSourceData = {}; /** * Recursively retrieves Solidity source code from directory. * @param dirPath Directory to search. * @return Mapping of contract fileName to contract source. */ private static async _getContractSourcesAsync(dirPath: string): Promise<ContractSources> { let dirContents: string[] = []; try { dirContents = await fsWrapper.readdirAsync(dirPath); } catch (err) { throw new Error(`No directory found at ${dirPath}`); } let sources: ContractSources = {}; for (const fileName of dirContents) { const contentPath = `${dirPath}/${fileName}`; if (path.extname(fileName) === constants.SOLIDITY_FILE_EXTENSION) { try { const opts = { encoding: 'utf8', }; const source = await fsWrapper.readFileAsync(contentPath, opts); sources[fileName] = source; utils.consoleLog(`Reading ${fileName} source...`); } catch (err) { utils.consoleLog(`Could not find file at ${contentPath}`); } } else { try { const nestedSources = await Compiler._getContractSourcesAsync(contentPath); sources = { ...sources, ...nestedSources, }; } catch (err) { utils.consoleLog(`${contentPath} is not a directory or ${constants.SOLIDITY_FILE_EXTENSION} file`); } } } return sources; } /** * Gets contract dependendencies and keccak256 hash from source. * @param source Source code of contract. * @return Object with contract dependencies and keccak256 hash of source. */ private static _getContractSpecificSourceData(source: string): ContractSpecificSourceData { const dependencies: string[] = []; const sourceHash = ethUtil.sha3(source); const solcVersion = Compiler._parseSolidityVersion(source); const contractSpecificSourceData: ContractSpecificSourceData = { dependencies, solcVersion, sourceHash, }; const lines = source.split('\n'); _.forEach(lines, line => { if (!_.isNull(line.match(IMPORT_REGEX))) { const dependencyMatch = line.match(DEPENDENCY_PATH_REGEX); if (!_.isNull(dependencyMatch)) { const dependencyPath = dependencyMatch[1]; const fileName = path.basename(dependencyPath); contractSpecificSourceData.dependencies.push(fileName); } } }); return contractSpecificSourceData; } /** * Searches Solidity source code for compiler version. * @param source Source code of contract. * @return Solc compiler version. */ private static _parseSolidityVersion(source: string): string { const solcVersionMatch = source.match(SOLIDITY_VERSION_REGEX); if (_.isNull(solcVersionMatch)) { throw new Error('Could not find Solidity version in source'); } const solcVersion = solcVersionMatch[1]; return solcVersion; } /** * Normalizes the path found in the error message. * Example: converts 'base/Token.sol:6:46: Warning: Unused local variable' * to 'Token.sol:6:46: Warning: Unused local variable' * This is used to prevent logging the same error multiple times. * @param errMsg An error message from the compiled output. * @return The error message with directories truncated from the contract path. */ private static _getNormalizedErrMsg(errMsg: string): string { const errPathMatch = errMsg.match(SOLIDITY_FILE_EXTENSION_REGEX); if (_.isNull(errPathMatch)) { throw new Error('Could not find a path in error message'); } const errPath = errPathMatch[0]; const baseContract = path.basename(errPath); const normalizedErrMsg = errMsg.replace(errPath, baseContract); return normalizedErrMsg; } /** * Instantiates a new instance of the Compiler class. * @param opts Options specifying directories, network, and optimization settings. * @return An instance of the Compiler class. */ constructor(opts: CompilerOptions) { this._contractsDir = opts.contractsDir; this._networkId = opts.networkId; this._optimizerEnabled = opts.optimizerEnabled; this._artifactsDir = opts.artifactsDir; this._specifiedContracts = opts.specifiedContracts; } /** * Compiles all Solidity files found in contractsDir and writes JSON artifacts to artifactsDir. */ public async compileAllAsync(): Promise<void> { await this._createArtifactsDirIfDoesNotExistAsync(); this._contractSources = await Compiler._getContractSourcesAsync(this._contractsDir); _.forIn(this._contractSources, (source, fileName) => { this._contractSourceData[fileName] = Compiler._getContractSpecificSourceData(source); }); const fileNames = this._specifiedContracts.has(ALL_CONTRACTS_IDENTIFIER) ? _.keys(this._contractSources) : Array.from(this._specifiedContracts.values()); _.forEach(fileNames, fileName => { this._setSourceTreeHash(fileName); }); await Promise.all(, async fileName => this._compileContractAsync(fileName))); this._solcErrors.forEach(errMsg => { utils.consoleLog(errMsg); }); } /** * Compiles contract and saves artifact to artifactsDir. * @param fileName Name of contract with '.sol' extension. */ private async _compileContractAsync(fileName: string): Promise<void> { if (_.isUndefined(this._contractSources)) { throw new Error('Contract sources not yet initialized'); } const contractSpecificSourceData = this._contractSourceData[fileName]; const currentArtifactIfExists = (await this._getContractArtifactIfExistsAsync(fileName)) as ContractArtifact; const sourceHash = `0x${contractSpecificSourceData.sourceHash.toString('hex')}`; const sourceTreeHash = `0x${contractSpecificSourceData.sourceTreeHashIfExists.toString('hex')}`; const shouldCompile = _.isUndefined(currentArtifactIfExists) || currentArtifactIfExists.networks[this._networkId].optimizer_enabled !== this._optimizerEnabled || currentArtifactIfExists.networks[this._networkId].source_tree_hash !== sourceTreeHash; if (!shouldCompile) { return; } const fullSolcVersion = binPaths[contractSpecificSourceData.solcVersion]; const solcBinPath = `./solc/solc_bin/${fullSolcVersion}`; const solcBin = require(solcBinPath); const solcInstance = solc.setupMethods(solcBin); utils.consoleLog(`Compiling ${fileName}...`); const source = this._contractSources[fileName]; const input = { [fileName]: source, }; const sourcesToCompile = { sources: input, }; const compiled = solcInstance.compile( sourcesToCompile, this._optimizerEnabled, this._findImportsIfSourcesExist.bind(this), ); if (!_.isUndefined(compiled.errors)) { _.forEach(compiled.errors, errMsg => { const normalizedErrMsg = Compiler._getNormalizedErrMsg(errMsg); this._solcErrors.add(normalizedErrMsg); }); } const contractName = path.basename(fileName, constants.SOLIDITY_FILE_EXTENSION); const contractIdentifier = `${fileName}:${contractName}`; const abi: Web3.ContractAbi = JSON.parse(compiled.contracts[contractIdentifier].interface); const unlinked_binary = `0x${compiled.contracts[contractIdentifier].bytecode}`; const updated_at =; const contractNetworkData: ContractNetworkData = { solc_version: contractSpecificSourceData.solcVersion, keccak256: sourceHash, source_tree_hash: sourceTreeHash, optimizer_enabled: this._optimizerEnabled, abi, unlinked_binary, updated_at, }; let newArtifact: ContractArtifact; if (!_.isUndefined(currentArtifactIfExists)) { newArtifact = { ...currentArtifactIfExists, networks: { ...currentArtifactIfExists.networks, [this._networkId]: contractNetworkData, }, }; } else { newArtifact = { contract_name: contractName, networks: { [this._networkId]: contractNetworkData, }, }; } const artifactString = utils.stringifyWithFormatting(newArtifact); const currentArtifactPath = `${this._artifactsDir}/${contractName}.json`; await fsWrapper.writeFileAsync(currentArtifactPath, artifactString); utils.consoleLog(`${fileName} artifact saved!`); } /** * Sets the source tree hash for a file and its dependencies. * @param fileName Name of contract file. */ private _setSourceTreeHash(fileName: string): void { const contractSpecificSourceData = this._contractSourceData[fileName]; if (_.isUndefined(contractSpecificSourceData)) { throw new Error(`Contract data for ${fileName} not yet set`); } if (_.isUndefined(contractSpecificSourceData.sourceTreeHashIfExists)) { const dependencies = contractSpecificSourceData.dependencies; if (dependencies.length === 0) { contractSpecificSourceData.sourceTreeHashIfExists = contractSpecificSourceData.sourceHash; } else { _.forEach(dependencies, dependency => { this._setSourceTreeHash(dependency); }); const dependencySourceTreeHashes = dependencies, dependency => this._contractSourceData[dependency].sourceTreeHashIfExists, ); const sourceTreeHashesBuffer = Buffer.concat([ contractSpecificSourceData.sourceHash, ...dependencySourceTreeHashes, ]); contractSpecificSourceData.sourceTreeHashIfExists = ethUtil.sha3(sourceTreeHashesBuffer); } } } /** * Callback to resolve dependencies with `solc.compile`. * Throws error if contractSources not yet initialized. * @param importPath Path to an imported dependency. * @return Import contents object containing source code of dependency. */ private _findImportsIfSourcesExist(importPath: string): ImportContents { const fileName = path.basename(importPath); const source = this._contractSources[fileName]; if (_.isUndefined(source)) { throw new Error(`Contract source not found for ${fileName}`); } const importContents: ImportContents = { contents: source, }; return importContents; } /** * Creates the artifacts directory if it does not already exist. */ private async _createArtifactsDirIfDoesNotExistAsync(): Promise<void> { if (!fsWrapper.doesPathExistSync(this._artifactsDir)) { utils.consoleLog('Creating artifacts directory...'); await fsWrapper.mkdirAsync(this._artifactsDir); } } /** * Gets contract data on network or returns if an artifact does not exist. * @param fileName Name of contract file. * @return Contract data on network or undefined. */ private async _getContractArtifactIfExistsAsync(fileName: string): Promise<ContractArtifact | void> { let contractArtifact; const contractName = path.basename(fileName, constants.SOLIDITY_FILE_EXTENSION); const currentArtifactPath = `${this._artifactsDir}/${contractName}.json`; try { const opts = { encoding: 'utf8', }; const contractArtifactString = await fsWrapper.readFileAsync(currentArtifactPath, opts); contractArtifact = JSON.parse(contractArtifactString); return contractArtifact; } catch (err) { utils.consoleLog(`Artifact for ${fileName} does not exist`); return undefined; } } }