#!/usr/bin/env node // We need the above pragma since this script will be run as a command-line tool. import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils'; import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0xproject/web3-wrapper'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as Web3 from 'web3'; import * as yargs from 'yargs'; import { commands } from './commands'; import { constants } from './utils/constants'; import { consoleReporter } from './utils/error_reporter'; import { CliOptions, CompilerOptions, ContractDirectory, DeployerOptions } from './utils/types'; const DEFAULT_OPTIMIZER_ENABLED = false; const DEFAULT_CONTRACTS_DIR = path.resolve('src/contracts'); const DEFAULT_ARTIFACTS_DIR = path.resolve('src/artifacts'); const DEFAULT_NETWORK_ID = 50; const DEFAULT_JSONRPC_URL = 'http://localhost:8545'; const DEFAULT_GAS_PRICE = (10 ** 9 * 2).toString(); const DEFAULT_CONTRACTS_LIST = '*'; /** * Compiles all contracts with options passed in through CLI. * @param argv Instance of process.argv provided by yargs. */ async function onCompileCommandAsync(argv: CliOptions): Promise<void> { const opts: CompilerOptions = { contractDirs: getContractDirectoriesFromList(argv.contractDirs), networkId: argv.networkId, optimizerEnabled: argv.shouldOptimize, artifactsDir: argv.artifactsDir, specifiedContracts: getContractsSetFromList(argv.contracts), }; await commands.compileAsync(opts); } /** * Deploys a single contract with provided name and args. * @param argv Instance of process.argv provided by yargs. */ async function onDeployCommandAsync(argv: CliOptions): Promise<void> { const url = argv.jsonrpcUrl; const web3Provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(url); const web3Wrapper = new Web3Wrapper(web3Provider); const networkId = await web3Wrapper.getNetworkIdAsync(); const compilerOpts: CompilerOptions = { contractDirs: getContractDirectoriesFromList(argv.contractDirs), networkId, optimizerEnabled: argv.shouldOptimize, artifactsDir: argv.artifactsDir, specifiedContracts: getContractsSetFromList(argv.contracts), }; await commands.compileAsync(compilerOpts); const defaults = { gasPrice: new BigNumber(argv.gasPrice), from: argv.account, }; const deployerOpts: DeployerOptions = { artifactsDir: argv.artifactsDir, jsonrpcUrl: argv.jsonrpcUrl, networkId, defaults, }; const deployerArgsString = argv.args as string; const deployerArgs = deployerArgsString.split(','); await commands.deployAsync(argv.contract as string, deployerArgs, deployerOpts); } /** * Creates a set of contracts to compile. * @param contractDirectoriesList Comma separated list of contract directories * @return Set of contract directories */ function getContractDirectoriesFromList(contractDirectoriesList: string): Set<ContractDirectory> { const directories = new Set(); const possiblyNamespacedDirectories = contractDirectoriesList.split(','); _.forEach(possiblyNamespacedDirectories, namespacedDirectory => { const directoryComponents = namespacedDirectory.split(':'); if (directoryComponents.length === 1) { const directory = { namespace: '', path: directoryComponents[0] }; directories.add(directory); } else if (directoryComponents.length === 2) { const directory = { namespace: directoryComponents[0], path: directoryComponents[1] }; directories.add(directory); } else { throw new Error(`Unable to parse contracts directory: '${namespacedDirectory}'`); } }); return directories; } /** * Creates a set of contracts to compile. * @param contracts Comma separated list of contracts to compile */ function getContractsSetFromList(contracts: string): Set<string> { const specifiedContracts = new Set(); if (contracts === '*') { return new Set(['*']); } const contractsArray = contracts.split(','); _.forEach(contractsArray, contractName => { specifiedContracts.add(contractName); }); return specifiedContracts; } /** * Provides extra required options for deploy command. * @param yargsInstance yargs instance provided in builder function callback. */ function deployCommandBuilder(yargsInstance: any) { return yargsInstance .option('contract', { type: 'string', description: 'name of contract to deploy, exluding .sol extension', }) .option('args', { type: 'string', description: 'comma separated list of constructor args to deploy contract with', }) .demandOption(['contract', 'args']) .help().argv; } (() => { const identityCommandBuilder = _.identity; return yargs .option('contract-dirs', { type: 'string', default: DEFAULT_CONTRACTS_DIR, description: "comma separated list of contract directories.\nTo avoid filename clashes, directories should be prefixed with a namespace as follows: 'namespace:/path/to/dir'.", }) .option('network-id', { type: 'number', default: DEFAULT_NETWORK_ID, description: 'mainnet=1, kovan=42, testrpc=50', }) .option('should-optimize', { type: 'boolean', default: DEFAULT_OPTIMIZER_ENABLED, description: 'enable optimizer', }) .option('artifacts-dir', { type: 'string', default: DEFAULT_ARTIFACTS_DIR, description: 'path to write contracts artifacts to', }) .option('jsonrpc-url', { type: 'string', default: DEFAULT_JSONRPC_URL, description: 'url of JSON RPC', }) .option('gas-price', { type: 'string', default: DEFAULT_GAS_PRICE, description: 'gasPrice to be used for transactions', }) .option('account', { type: 'string', description: 'account to use for deploying contracts', }) .option('contracts', { type: 'string', default: DEFAULT_CONTRACTS_LIST, description: 'comma separated list of contracts to compile', }) .command('compile', 'compile contracts', identityCommandBuilder, consoleReporter(onCompileCommandAsync)) .command( 'deploy', 'deploy a single contract with provided arguments', deployCommandBuilder, consoleReporter(onDeployCommandAsync), ) .help().argv; })();