import { ZeroEx } from '0x.js'; import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils'; import * as chai from 'chai'; import Web3 = require('web3'); import { Artifacts } from '../util/artifacts'; import { constants } from '../util/constants'; import { ContractInstance } from '../util/types'; import { chaiSetup } from './utils/chai_setup'; chaiSetup.configure(); const expect = chai.expect; const { Exchange, ZRXToken } = new Artifacts(artifacts); const web3: Web3 = (global as any).web3; contract('ZRXToken', (accounts: string[]) => { const owner = accounts[0]; const spender = accounts[1]; let zeroEx: ZeroEx; let MAX_UINT: BigNumber; let zrx: ContractInstance; let zrxAddress: string; beforeEach(async () => { zeroEx = new ZeroEx(web3.currentProvider, { exchangeContractAddress: Exchange.address, networkId: constants.TESTRPC_NETWORK_ID, }); zrx = await; zrxAddress = zrx.address; MAX_UINT = zeroEx.token.UNLIMITED_ALLOWANCE_IN_BASE_UNITS; }); describe('constants', () => { it('should have 18 decimals', async () => { const decimals = new BigNumber(await; const expectedDecimals = 18; expect(decimals); }); it('should have a total supply of 1 billion tokens', async () => { const totalSupply = new BigNumber(await; const expectedTotalSupply = 1000000000; expect(ZeroEx.toUnitAmount(totalSupply, 18)); }); it('should be named 0x Protocol Token', async () => { const name = await; const expectedName = '0x Protocol Token'; expect(name); }); it('should have the symbol ZRX', async () => { const symbol = await; const expectedSymbol = 'ZRX'; expect(symbol); }); }); describe('constructor', () => { it('should initialize owner balance to totalSupply', async () => { const ownerBalance = await zeroEx.token.getBalanceAsync(zrxAddress, owner); const totalSupply = new BigNumber(await; expect(totalSupply); }); }); describe('transfer', () => { it('should transfer balance from sender to receiver', async () => { const receiver = spender; const initOwnerBalance = await zeroEx.token.getBalanceAsync(zrxAddress, owner); const amountToTransfer = new BigNumber(1); const txHash = await zeroEx.token.transferAsync(zrxAddress, owner, receiver, amountToTransfer); await zeroEx.awaitTransactionMinedAsync(txHash); const finalOwnerBalance = await zeroEx.token.getBalanceAsync(zrxAddress, owner); const finalReceiverBalance = await zeroEx.token.getBalanceAsync(zrxAddress, receiver); const expectedFinalOwnerBalance = initOwnerBalance.minus(amountToTransfer); const expectedFinalReceiverBalance = amountToTransfer; expect(finalOwnerBalance); expect(finalReceiverBalance); }); it('should return true on a 0 value transfer', async () => { const didReturnTrue = await, 0, { from: owner, }); expect(didReturnTrue); }); }); describe('transferFrom', () => { it('should return false if owner has insufficient balance', async () => { const ownerBalance = await zeroEx.token.getBalanceAsync(zrxAddress, owner); const amountToTransfer =; const txHash = await zeroEx.token.setAllowanceAsync(zrxAddress, owner, spender, amountToTransfer, { gasLimit: constants.MAX_TOKEN_APPROVE_GAS, }); await zeroEx.awaitTransactionMinedAsync(txHash); const didReturnTrue = await, spender, amountToTransfer, { from: spender }); expect(didReturnTrue); }); it('should return false if spender has insufficient allowance', async () => { const ownerBalance = await zeroEx.token.getBalanceAsync(zrxAddress, owner); const amountToTransfer = ownerBalance; const spenderAllowance = await zeroEx.token.getAllowanceAsync(zrxAddress, owner, spender); const spenderAllowanceIsInsufficient = spenderAllowance.cmp(amountToTransfer) < 0; expect(spenderAllowanceIsInsufficient); const didReturnTrue = await, spender, amountToTransfer, { from: spender }); expect(didReturnTrue); }); it('should return true on a 0 value transfer', async () => { const amountToTransfer = 0; const didReturnTrue = await, spender, amountToTransfer, { from: spender }); expect(didReturnTrue); }); it('should not modify spender allowance if spender allowance is 2^256 - 1', async () => { const initOwnerBalance = await zeroEx.token.getBalanceAsync(zrxAddress, owner); const amountToTransfer = initOwnerBalance; const initSpenderAllowance = MAX_UINT; let txHash = await zeroEx.token.setAllowanceAsync(zrxAddress, owner, spender, initSpenderAllowance, { gasLimit: constants.MAX_TOKEN_APPROVE_GAS, }); await zeroEx.awaitTransactionMinedAsync(txHash); txHash = await zeroEx.token.transferFromAsync(zrxAddress, owner, spender, spender, amountToTransfer, { gasLimit: constants.MAX_TOKEN_TRANSFERFROM_GAS, }); await zeroEx.awaitTransactionMinedAsync(txHash); const newSpenderAllowance = await zeroEx.token.getAllowanceAsync(zrxAddress, owner, spender); expect(initSpenderAllowance); }); it('should transfer the correct balances if spender has sufficient allowance', async () => { const initOwnerBalance = await zeroEx.token.getBalanceAsync(zrxAddress, owner); const initSpenderBalance = await zeroEx.token.getBalanceAsync(zrxAddress, spender); const amountToTransfer = initOwnerBalance; const initSpenderAllowance = initOwnerBalance; let txHash = await zeroEx.token.setAllowanceAsync(zrxAddress, owner, spender, initSpenderAllowance); await zeroEx.awaitTransactionMinedAsync(txHash); txHash = await zeroEx.token.transferFromAsync(zrxAddress, owner, spender, spender, amountToTransfer, { gasLimit: constants.MAX_TOKEN_TRANSFERFROM_GAS, }); await zeroEx.awaitTransactionMinedAsync(txHash); const newOwnerBalance = await zeroEx.token.getBalanceAsync(zrxAddress, owner); const newSpenderBalance = await zeroEx.token.getBalanceAsync(zrxAddress, spender); expect(newOwnerBalance); expect(newSpenderBalance); }); it('should modify allowance if spender has sufficient allowance less than 2^256 - 1', async () => { const initOwnerBalance = await zeroEx.token.getBalanceAsync(zrxAddress, owner); const amountToTransfer = initOwnerBalance; let txHash = await zeroEx.token.setAllowanceAsync(zrxAddress, owner, spender, amountToTransfer); await zeroEx.awaitTransactionMinedAsync(txHash); txHash = await zeroEx.token.transferFromAsync(zrxAddress, owner, spender, spender, amountToTransfer, { gasLimit: constants.MAX_TOKEN_TRANSFERFROM_GAS, }); await zeroEx.awaitTransactionMinedAsync(txHash); const newSpenderAllowance = await zeroEx.token.getAllowanceAsync(zrxAddress, owner, spender); expect(newSpenderAllowance); }); }); });