import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0xproject/dev-utils'; import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0xproject/web3-wrapper'; import * as chai from 'chai'; import * as Web3 from 'web3'; import * as tokenTransferProxyJSON from '../../build/contracts/TokenTransferProxy.json'; import { Artifacts } from '../util/artifacts'; import { constants } from '../util/constants'; import { crypto } from '../util/crypto'; import { MultiSigWrapper } from '../util/multi_sig_wrapper'; import { ContractInstance, TransactionDataParams } from '../util/types'; import { chaiSetup } from './utils/chai_setup'; const { TokenTransferProxy, MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockExceptRemoveAuthorizedAddress } = new Artifacts(artifacts); const PROXY_ABI = (tokenTransferProxyJSON as any).abi; chaiSetup.configure(); const expect = chai.expect; // In order to benefit from type-safety, we re-assign the global web3 instance injected by Truffle // with type `any` to a variable of type `Web3`. const web3: Web3 = (global as any).web3; const blockchainLifecycle = new BlockchainLifecycle(constants.RPC_URL); describe('MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockExceptRemoveAuthorizedAddress', () => { const web3Wrapper = new Web3Wrapper(web3.currentProvider); let owners: string[]; const requiredApprovals = 2; const SECONDS_TIME_LOCKED = 1000000; // initialize fake addresses let authorizedAddress: string; let unauthorizedAddress: string; let tokenTransferProxy: ContractInstance; let multiSig: ContractInstance; let multiSigWrapper: MultiSigWrapper; let validDestination: string; before(async () => { const accounts = await web3Wrapper.getAvailableAddressesAsync(); owners = [accounts[0], accounts[1]]; authorizedAddress = `0x${crypto .solSHA3([accounts[0]]) .slice(0, 20) .toString('hex')}`; unauthorizedAddress = `0x${crypto .solSHA3([accounts[1]]) .slice(0, 20) .toString('hex')}`; const initialOwner = accounts[0]; tokenTransferProxy = await{ from: initialOwner }); await tokenTransferProxy.addAuthorizedAddress(authorizedAddress, { from: initialOwner, }); multiSig = await owners, requiredApprovals, SECONDS_TIME_LOCKED, tokenTransferProxy.address, ); await tokenTransferProxy.transferOwnership(multiSig.address, { from: initialOwner, }); multiSigWrapper = new MultiSigWrapper(multiSig); validDestination = tokenTransferProxy.address; }); beforeEach(async () => { await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync(); }); afterEach(async () => { await blockchainLifecycle.revertAsync(); }); describe('isFunctionRemoveAuthorizedAddress', () => { it('should throw if data is not for removeAuthorizedAddress', async () => { const data = MultiSigWrapper.encodeFnArgs('addAuthorizedAddress', PROXY_ABI, [owners[0]]); return expect(; }); it('should return true if data is for removeAuthorizedAddress', async () => { const data = MultiSigWrapper.encodeFnArgs('removeAuthorizedAddress', PROXY_ABI, [owners[0]]); const isFunctionRemoveAuthorizedAddress = await; expect(isFunctionRemoveAuthorizedAddress); }); }); describe('executeRemoveAuthorizedAddress', () => { it('should throw without the required confirmations', async () => { const dataParams: TransactionDataParams = { name: 'removeAuthorizedAddress', abi: PROXY_ABI, args: [authorizedAddress], }; const res = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(validDestination, owners[0], dataParams); const txId = res.logs[0].args.transactionId.toString(); return expect(multiSig.executeRemoveAuthorizedAddress(txId)); }); it('should throw if tx destination is not the tokenTransferProxy', async () => { const invalidTokenTransferProxy = await; const invalidDestination = invalidTokenTransferProxy.address; const dataParams: TransactionDataParams = { name: 'removeAuthorizedAddress', abi: PROXY_ABI, args: [authorizedAddress], }; const res = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(invalidDestination, owners[0], dataParams); const txId = res.logs[0].args.transactionId.toString(); await multiSig.confirmTransaction(txId, { from: owners[1] }); const isConfirmed = await; expect(isConfirmed); return expect(multiSig.executeRemoveAuthorizedAddress(txId)); }); it('should throw if tx data is not for removeAuthorizedAddress', async () => { const dataParams: TransactionDataParams = { name: 'addAuthorizedAddress', abi: PROXY_ABI, args: [unauthorizedAddress], }; const res = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(validDestination, owners[0], dataParams); const txId = res.logs[0].args.transactionId.toString(); await multiSig.confirmTransaction(txId, { from: owners[1] }); const isConfirmed = await; expect(isConfirmed); return expect(multiSig.executeRemoveAuthorizedAddress(txId)); }); it('should execute removeAuthorizedAddress for valid tokenTransferProxy if fully confirmed', async () => { const dataParams: TransactionDataParams = { name: 'removeAuthorizedAddress', abi: PROXY_ABI, args: [authorizedAddress], }; const res = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(validDestination, owners[0], dataParams); const txId = res.logs[0].args.transactionId.toString(); await multiSig.confirmTransaction(txId, { from: owners[1] }); const isConfirmed = await; expect(isConfirmed); await multiSig.executeRemoveAuthorizedAddress(txId); const isAuthorized = await; expect(isAuthorized); }); it('should throw if already executed', async () => { const dataParams: TransactionDataParams = { name: 'removeAuthorizedAddress', abi: PROXY_ABI, args: [authorizedAddress], }; const res = await multiSigWrapper.submitTransactionAsync(validDestination, owners[0], dataParams); const txId = res.logs[0].args.transactionId.toString(); await multiSig.confirmTransaction(txId, { from: owners[1] }); const isConfirmed = await; expect(isConfirmed); await multiSig.executeRemoveAuthorizedAddress(txId); const tx = await; const isExecuted = tx[3]; expect(isExecuted); return expect(multiSig.executeRemoveAuthorizedAddress(txId)); }); }); });