import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils'; import { FillScenarios } from '@0x/fill-scenarios'; import { assetDataUtils, generatePseudoRandomSalt, orderHashUtils, signatureUtils } from '@0x/order-utils'; import { SignedOrder } from '@0x/types'; import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils'; import 'mocha'; import { ContractWrappers } from '../src'; import { TransactionEncoder } from '../src/utils/transaction_encoder'; import { constants } from './utils/constants'; import { migrateOnceAsync } from './utils/migrate'; import { tokenUtils } from './utils/token_utils'; import { provider, web3Wrapper } from './utils/web3_wrapper'; const blockchainLifecycle = new BlockchainLifecycle(web3Wrapper); describe('TransactionEncoder', () => { let contractWrappers: ContractWrappers; let userAddresses: string[]; let fillScenarios: FillScenarios; let exchangeContractAddress: string; let makerTokenAddress: string; let takerTokenAddress: string; let coinbase: string; let makerAddress: string; let senderAddress: string; let takerAddress: string; let makerAssetData: string; let takerAssetData: string; let txHash: string; const fillableAmount = new BigNumber(5); const takerTokenFillAmount = new BigNumber(5); let signedOrder: SignedOrder; before(async () => { const contractAddresses = await migrateOnceAsync(); await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync(); const config = { networkId: constants.TESTRPC_NETWORK_ID, contractAddresses, blockPollingIntervalMs: 10, }; contractWrappers = new ContractWrappers(provider, config); exchangeContractAddress =; userAddresses = await web3Wrapper.getAvailableAddressesAsync(); const zrxTokenAddress =; fillScenarios = new FillScenarios( provider, userAddresses, zrxTokenAddress, exchangeContractAddress, contractWrappers.erc20Proxy.address, contractWrappers.erc721Proxy.address, ); [coinbase, makerAddress, takerAddress, senderAddress] = userAddresses; [makerTokenAddress, takerTokenAddress] = tokenUtils.getDummyERC20TokenAddresses(); [makerAssetData, takerAssetData] = [ assetDataUtils.encodeERC20AssetData(makerTokenAddress), assetDataUtils.encodeERC20AssetData(takerTokenAddress), ]; signedOrder = await fillScenarios.createFillableSignedOrderAsync( makerAssetData, takerAssetData, makerAddress, takerAddress, fillableAmount, ); }); after(async () => { await blockchainLifecycle.revertAsync(); }); beforeEach(async () => { await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync(); }); afterEach(async () => { await blockchainLifecycle.revertAsync(); }); describe('encode and executeTransaction', () => { const executeTransactionOrThrowAsync = async ( encoder: TransactionEncoder, data: string, signerAddress: string = takerAddress, ): Promise => { const salt = generatePseudoRandomSalt(); const encodedTransaction = encoder.getTransactionHex(data, salt, signerAddress); const signature = await signatureUtils.ecSignHashAsync(provider, encodedTransaction, signerAddress); txHash = await salt, signerAddress, data, signature, senderAddress, ); await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(txHash, constants.AWAIT_TRANSACTION_MINED_MS); }; describe('#fillOrderTx', () => { it('should successfully execute the transaction', async () => { const encoder = await; const data = encoder.fillOrderTx(signedOrder, takerTokenFillAmount); await executeTransactionOrThrowAsync(encoder, data); }); }); describe('#fillOrderNoThrowTx', () => { it('should successfully execute the transaction', async () => { const encoder = await; const data = encoder.fillOrderNoThrowTx(signedOrder, takerTokenFillAmount); await executeTransactionOrThrowAsync(encoder, data); }); }); describe('#fillOrKillOrderTx', () => { it('should successfully execute the transaction', async () => { const encoder = await; const data = encoder.fillOrKillOrderTx(signedOrder, takerTokenFillAmount); await executeTransactionOrThrowAsync(encoder, data); }); }); describe('#marketSellOrdersTx', () => { it('should successfully execute the transaction', async () => { const encoder = await; const data = encoder.marketSellOrdersTx([signedOrder], takerTokenFillAmount); await executeTransactionOrThrowAsync(encoder, data); }); }); describe('#marketSellOrdersNoThrowTx', () => { it('should successfully execute the transaction', async () => { const encoder = await; const data = encoder.marketSellOrdersNoThrowTx([signedOrder], takerTokenFillAmount); await executeTransactionOrThrowAsync(encoder, data); }); }); describe('#marketBuyOrdersTx', () => { it('should successfully execute the transaction', async () => { const encoder = await; const data = encoder.marketBuyOrdersTx([signedOrder], fillableAmount); await executeTransactionOrThrowAsync(encoder, data); }); }); describe('#marketBuyOrdersNoThrowTx', () => { it('should successfully execute the transaction', async () => { const encoder = await; const data = encoder.marketBuyOrdersNoThrowTx([signedOrder], fillableAmount); await executeTransactionOrThrowAsync(encoder, data); }); }); describe('#preSignTx', () => { it('should successfully execute the transaction', async () => { const encoder = await; const orderHash = orderHashUtils.getOrderHashHex(signedOrder); const signature = signedOrder.signature; const data = encoder.preSignTx(orderHash, makerAddress, signature); await executeTransactionOrThrowAsync(encoder, data); }); }); describe('#setSignatureValidatorApprovalTx', () => { it('should successfully execute the transaction', async () => { const encoder = await; const isApproved = true; const data = encoder.setSignatureValidatorApprovalTx(senderAddress, isApproved); await executeTransactionOrThrowAsync(encoder, data); }); }); describe('#batchFillOrdersTx', () => { it('should successfully execute the transaction', async () => { const encoder = await; const data = encoder.batchFillOrdersTx([signedOrder], [takerTokenFillAmount]); await executeTransactionOrThrowAsync(encoder, data); }); }); describe('#batchFillOrKillOrdersTx', () => { it('should successfully execute the transaction', async () => { const encoder = await; const data = encoder.batchFillOrKillOrdersTx([signedOrder], [takerTokenFillAmount]); await executeTransactionOrThrowAsync(encoder, data); }); }); describe('#batchFillOrdersNoThrowTx', () => { it('should successfully execute the transaction', async () => { const encoder = await; const data = encoder.batchFillOrdersNoThrowTx([signedOrder], [takerTokenFillAmount]); await executeTransactionOrThrowAsync(encoder, data); }); }); describe('#batchCancelOrdersTx', () => { it('should successfully execute the transaction', async () => { const encoder = await; const data = encoder.batchCancelOrdersTx([signedOrder]); const signerAddress = makerAddress; await executeTransactionOrThrowAsync(encoder, data, signerAddress); }); }); describe('#cancelOrderTx', () => { it('should successfully execute the transaction', async () => { const encoder = await; const data = encoder.cancelOrderTx(signedOrder); const signerAddress = makerAddress; await executeTransactionOrThrowAsync(encoder, data, signerAddress); }); }); describe('#cancelOrdersUpToTx', () => { it('should successfully execute the transaction', async () => { const encoder = await; const targetEpoch = signedOrder.salt; const data = encoder.cancelOrdersUpToTx(targetEpoch); const signerAddress = makerAddress; await executeTransactionOrThrowAsync(encoder, data, signerAddress); }); }); }); });