import { artifacts, wrappers } from '@0xproject/contracts'; import { AssetProxyId } from '@0xproject/types'; import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0xproject/web3-wrapper'; import { ContractAbi } from 'ethereum-types'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { assert } from '../utils/assert'; import { ContractWrapper } from './contract_wrapper'; /** * This class includes the functionality related to interacting with the ERC721Proxy contract. */ export class ERC721ProxyWrapper extends ContractWrapper { public abi: ContractAbi = artifacts.ERC20Proxy.compilerOutput.abi; public address: string; private _erc721ProxyContractIfExists?: wrappers.ERC721ProxyContract; /** * Instantiate ERC721ProxyWrapper * @param web3Wrapper Web3Wrapper instance to use * @param address The address of the ERC721Proxy contract */ // TODO(albrow): Make address optional and default to looking up the address // based in a hard-coded mapping based on web3Wrapper network id. constructor(web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper, address: string) { super(web3Wrapper); this.address = address; } /** * Get the 4 bytes ID of this asset proxy * @return Proxy id */ public async getProxyIdAsync(): Promise { const ERC721ProxyContractInstance = await this._getERC721ProxyContract(); const proxyId = (await ERC721ProxyContractInstance.getProxyId.callAsync()) as AssetProxyId; return proxyId; } /** * Check if the Exchange contract address is authorized by the ERC721Proxy contract. * @param exchangeContractAddress The hex encoded address of the Exchange contract to call. * @return Whether the exchangeContractAddress is authorized. */ public async isAuthorizedAsync(exchangeContractAddress: string): Promise { assert.isETHAddressHex('exchangeContractAddress', exchangeContractAddress); const normalizedExchangeContractAddress = exchangeContractAddress.toLowerCase(); const ERC721ProxyContractInstance = await this._getERC721ProxyContract(); const isAuthorized = await ERC721ProxyContractInstance.authorized.callAsync(normalizedExchangeContractAddress); return isAuthorized; } /** * Get the list of all Exchange contract addresses authorized by the ERC721Proxy contract. * @return The list of authorized addresses. */ public async getAuthorizedAddressesAsync(): Promise { const ERC721ProxyContractInstance = await this._getERC721ProxyContract(); const authorizedAddresses = await ERC721ProxyContractInstance.getAuthorizedAddresses.callAsync(); return authorizedAddresses; } // HACK: We don't want this method to be visible to the other units within that package but not to the end user. // TS doesn't give that possibility and therefore we make it private and access it over an any cast. Because of that tslint sees it as unused. // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-variable private _invalidateContractInstance(): void { delete this._erc721ProxyContractIfExists; } private _getERC721ProxyContract(): wrappers.ERC721ProxyContract { if (!_.isUndefined(this._erc721ProxyContractIfExists)) { return this._erc721ProxyContractIfExists; } const contractInstance = new wrappers.ERC721ProxyContract( this.abi, this.address, this._web3Wrapper.getProvider(), this._web3Wrapper.getContractDefaults(), ); this._erc721ProxyContractIfExists = contractInstance; return this._erc721ProxyContractIfExists; } }