import 'mocha'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as dirtyChai from 'dirty-chai'; import * as chai from 'chai'; import { WebSocketOrderbookChannel, } from '../src/ws_orderbook_channel'; chai.config.includeStack = true; chai.use(dirtyChai); const expect = chai.expect; describe('WebSocketOrderbookChannel', () => { const websocketUrl = 'ws://localhost:8080'; const orderbookChannel = new WebSocketOrderbookChannel(websocketUrl); const subscriptionOpts = { baseTokenAddress: '0x323b5d4c32345ced77393b3530b1eed0f346429d', quoteTokenAddress: '0xef7fff64389b814a946f3e92105513705ca6b990', snapshot: true, limit: 100, }; const emptyOrderbookChannelHandler = { onSnapshot: () => { _.noop(); }, onUpdate: () => { _.noop(); }, onError: () => { _.noop(); }, onClose: () => { _.noop(); }, }; describe('#subscribe', () => { it('throws when subscriptionOpts does not conform to schema', () => { const badSubscribeCall = orderbookChannel.subscribe.bind( orderbookChannel, {}, emptyOrderbookChannelHandler); // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length expect(badSubscribeCall).throws('Expected subscriptionOpts to conform to schema /RelayerApiOrderbookChannelSubscribePayload\nEncountered: {}\nValidation errors: instance requires property "baseTokenAddress", instance requires property "quoteTokenAddress"'); }); it('throws when handler has the incorrect members', () => { const badSubscribeCall = orderbookChannel.subscribe.bind(orderbookChannel, subscriptionOpts, {}); expect(badSubscribeCall) .throws('Expected handler.onSnapshot to be of type function, encountered: undefined'); }); it('does not throw when inputs are of correct types', () => { const goodSubscribeCall = orderbookChannel.subscribe.bind( orderbookChannel, subscriptionOpts, emptyOrderbookChannelHandler); expect(goodSubscribeCall).to.not.throw(); }); }); });