import { assert } from '@0xproject/assert'; import { schemas } from '@0xproject/json-schemas'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as WebSocket from 'websocket'; import { OrderbookChannel, OrderbookChannelHandler, OrderbookChannelMessageTypes, OrderbookChannelSubscriptionOpts, WebsocketClientEventType, WebsocketConnectionEventType, } from './types'; import { orderbookChannelMessageParsers } from './utils/orderbook_channel_message_parsers'; /** * This class includes all the functionality related to interacting with a websocket endpoint * that implements the standard relayer API v0 */ export class WebSocketOrderbookChannel implements OrderbookChannel { private _apiEndpointUrl: string; private _client: WebSocket.client; private _connectionIfExists?: WebSocket.connection; private _subscriptionCounter = 0; /** * Instantiates a new WebSocketOrderbookChannel instance * @param url The relayer API base WS url you would like to interact with * @return An instance of WebSocketOrderbookChannel */ constructor(url: string) { assert.isUri('url', url); this._apiEndpointUrl = url; this._client = new WebSocket.client(); } /** * Subscribe to orderbook snapshots and updates from the websocket * @param subscriptionOpts An OrderbookChannelSubscriptionOpts instance describing which * token pair to subscribe to * @param handler An OrderbookChannelHandler instance that responds to various * channel updates */ public subscribe(subscriptionOpts: OrderbookChannelSubscriptionOpts, handler: OrderbookChannelHandler): void { assert.doesConformToSchema( 'subscriptionOpts', subscriptionOpts, schemas.relayerApiOrderbookChannelSubscribePayload, ); assert.isFunction('handler.onSnapshot', _.get(handler, 'onSnapshot')); assert.isFunction('handler.onUpdate', _.get(handler, 'onUpdate')); assert.isFunction('handler.onError', _.get(handler, 'onError')); assert.isFunction('handler.onClose', _.get(handler, 'onClose')); this._subscriptionCounter += 1; const subscribeMessage = { type: 'subscribe', channel: 'orderbook', requestId: this._subscriptionCounter, payload: subscriptionOpts, }; this._getConnection((error, connection) => { if (!_.isUndefined(error)) { handler.onError(this, subscriptionOpts, error); } else if (!_.isUndefined(connection) && connection.connected) { connection.on(WebsocketConnectionEventType.Error, wsError => { handler.onError(this, subscriptionOpts, wsError); }); connection.on(WebsocketConnectionEventType.Close, () => { handler.onClose(this, subscriptionOpts); }); connection.on(WebsocketConnectionEventType.Message, message => { this._handleWebSocketMessage(subscribeMessage.requestId, subscriptionOpts, message, handler); }); connection.sendUTF(JSON.stringify(subscribeMessage)); } }); } /** * Close the websocket and stop receiving updates */ public close() { if (!_.isUndefined(this._connectionIfExists)) { this._connectionIfExists.close(); } } private _getConnection(callback: (error?: Error, connection?: WebSocket.connection) => void) { if (!_.isUndefined(this._connectionIfExists) && this._connectionIfExists.connected) { callback(undefined, this._connectionIfExists); } else { this._client.on(WebsocketClientEventType.Connect, connection => { this._connectionIfExists = connection; callback(undefined, this._connectionIfExists); }); this._client.on(WebsocketClientEventType.ConnectFailed, error => { callback(error, undefined); }); this._client.connect(this._apiEndpointUrl); } } private _handleWebSocketMessage( requestId: number, subscriptionOpts: OrderbookChannelSubscriptionOpts, message: WebSocket.IMessage, handler: OrderbookChannelHandler, ): void { if (!_.isUndefined(message.utf8Data)) { try { const utf8Data = message.utf8Data; const parserResult = orderbookChannelMessageParsers.parser(utf8Data); if (parserResult.requestId === requestId) { switch (parserResult.type) { case OrderbookChannelMessageTypes.Snapshot: { handler.onSnapshot(this, subscriptionOpts, parserResult.payload); break; } case OrderbookChannelMessageTypes.Update: { handler.onUpdate(this, subscriptionOpts, parserResult.payload); break; } default: { handler.onError( this, subscriptionOpts, new Error(`Message has missing a type parameter: ${utf8Data}`), ); } } } } catch (error) { handler.onError(this, subscriptionOpts, error); } } else { handler.onError(this, subscriptionOpts, new Error(`Message does not contain utf8Data`)); } } }