[ { "version": "0.2.5", "changes": [ { "note": "Consolidate all `console.log` calls into `logUtils` in the `@0xproject/utils` package", "pr": 452 } ], "timestamp": 1521298800, "isPublished": true }, { "version": "0.2.4", "changes": [ { "note": "Add a `backend` parameter that allows you to specify the Ethereum library you use in your templates (`web3` or `ethers`). Ethers auto-converts small ints to numbers whereas Web3 doesn't. Defaults to `web3`", "pr": 413 }, { "note": "Add support for [tuple types](https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/abi-spec.html#handling-tuple-types)", "pr": 413 }, { "note": "Add `hasReturnValue` to context data", "pr": 413 } ], "timestamp": 1520089200, "isPublished": true }, { "version": "0.2.1", "changes": [ { "note": "Fix publishing issue where .npmignore was not properly excluding undesired content", "pr": 389 } ], "timestamp": 1518102000, "isPublished": true }, { "version": "0.2.0", "changes": [ { "note": "Added CLI options for explicit specifying location of partials and main template", "pr": 346 }, { "note": "Added CLI option to specify networkId, adding support for the JSON artifact format found in @0xproject/contracts", "pr": 388 } ], "timestamp": 1517929200, "isPublished": true }, { "version": "0.1.0", "changes": [ { "note": "Fixed array typings with union types", "pr": 295 }, { "note": "Add event ABIs to context data passed to templates", "pr": 302 }, { "note": "Add constructor ABIs to context data passed to templates", "pr": 304 } ], "timestamp": 1515596400, "isPublished": true } ]