import { BlockchainLifecycle, devConstants, web3Factory } from '@0xproject/dev-utils'; import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import 'mocha'; import * as Sinon from 'sinon'; import * as Web3 from 'web3'; import { ApprovalContractEventArgs, DecodedLogEvent, Token, TokenEvents, ZeroEx } from '../src'; import { DoneCallback } from '../src/types'; import { chaiSetup } from './utils/chai_setup'; import { constants } from './utils/constants'; import { assertNodeCallbackError } from './utils/report_callback_errors'; chaiSetup.configure(); const blockchainLifecycle = new BlockchainLifecycle(); describe('SubscriptionTest', () => { let web3: Web3; let zeroEx: ZeroEx; let userAddresses: string[]; let tokens: Token[]; let coinbase: string; let addressWithoutFunds: string; const config = { networkId: constants.TESTRPC_NETWORK_ID, }; before(async () => { web3 = web3Factory.create(); zeroEx = new ZeroEx(web3.currentProvider, config); userAddresses = await zeroEx.getAvailableAddressesAsync(); tokens = await zeroEx.tokenRegistry.getTokensAsync(); coinbase = userAddresses[0]; addressWithoutFunds = userAddresses[1]; }); beforeEach(async () => { await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync(); }); afterEach(async () => { await blockchainLifecycle.revertAsync(); }); describe('#subscribe', () => { const indexFilterValues = {}; let tokenAddress: string; const allowanceAmount = new BigNumber(42); let stubs: Sinon.SinonStub[] = []; before(() => { const token = tokens[0]; tokenAddress = token.address; }); afterEach(() => { zeroEx.token.unsubscribeAll(); _.each(stubs, s => s.restore()); stubs = []; }); it('Should receive the Error when an error occurs while fetching the block', (done: DoneCallback) => { (async () => { const errMsg = 'Error fetching block'; const callback = assertNodeCallbackError(done, errMsg); stubs = [Sinon.stub((zeroEx as any)._web3Wrapper, 'getBlockAsync').throws(new Error(errMsg))]; zeroEx.token.subscribe(tokenAddress, TokenEvents.Approval, indexFilterValues, callback); await zeroEx.token.setAllowanceAsync(tokenAddress, coinbase, addressWithoutFunds, allowanceAmount); })().catch(done); }); it('Should receive the Error when an error occurs while reconciling the new block', (done: DoneCallback) => { (async () => { const errMsg = 'Error fetching logs'; const callback = assertNodeCallbackError(done, errMsg); stubs = [Sinon.stub((zeroEx as any)._web3Wrapper, 'getLogsAsync').throws(new Error(errMsg))]; zeroEx.token.subscribe(tokenAddress, TokenEvents.Approval, indexFilterValues, callback); await zeroEx.token.setAllowanceAsync(tokenAddress, coinbase, addressWithoutFunds, allowanceAmount); })().catch(done); }); it('Should allow unsubscribeAll to be called successfully after an error', (done: DoneCallback) => { (async () => { const callback = (err: Error | null, logEvent?: DecodedLogEvent<ApprovalContractEventArgs>) => _.noop; zeroEx.token.subscribe(tokenAddress, TokenEvents.Approval, indexFilterValues, callback); stubs = [Sinon.stub((zeroEx as any)._web3Wrapper, 'getBlockAsync').throws(new Error('JSON RPC error'))]; zeroEx.token.unsubscribeAll(); done(); })().catch(done); }); }); });