{ "private": true, "name": "0x-monorepo", "engines": { "node": ">=6.12" }, "workspaces": [ "packages/*" ], "scripts": { "ganache": "ganache-cli -p 8545 --networkId 50 -m \"${npm_package_config_mnemonic}\"", "prettier": "prettier --write '**/*.{ts,tsx,json,md}' --config .prettierrc", "prettier:ci": "prettier --list-different '**/*.{ts,tsx,json,md}' --config .prettierrc", "report_coverage": "lcov-result-merger 'packages/*/coverage/lcov.info' | coveralls", "test:installation": "node ./packages/monorepo-scripts/lib/test_installation.js", "test:installation:local": "IS_LOCAL_PUBLISH=true node ./packages/monorepo-scripts/lib/test_installation.js", "test:publish:circleci:comment": "HACK(albrow) We need an automated way to login to npm and echo+sleep piped to stdin was the only way I could find to do it.", "test:publish:circleci": "{ echo \"test\"; sleep 2; echo \"test\"; sleep 2; echo \"test@example.com\"; } | npm login --registry=http://localhost:4873 && IS_LOCAL_PUBLISH=true run-s script:publish test:installation:local", "run:publish": "run-s install:all build:monorepo_scripts script:prepublish_checks rebuild:no_website script:publish", "run:publish:local": "IS_LOCAL_PUBLISH=true yarn run:publish", "script:prepublish_checks": "node ./packages/monorepo-scripts/lib/prepublish_checks.js", "script:publish": "node ./packages/monorepo-scripts/lib/publish.js", "install:all": "yarn install", "wsrun": "wsrun", "lerna": "lerna", "watch": "wsrun watch_without_deps $PKG --fast-exit -r --stages --done-criteria='complete|successfully'", "build": "wsrun build $PKG --fast-exit -r --stages", "build:no_website": "wsrun build $PKG --fast-exit -r --stages --exclude @0xproject/website", "build:monorepo_scripts": "PKG=@0xproject/monorepo-scripts yarn build", "clean": "wsrun clean $PKG --fast-exit -r --parallel", "remove_node_modules": "lerna clean --yes; rm -rf node_modules", "rebuild": "run-s clean build", "rebuild:no_website": "run-s clean build:no_website", "test": "wsrun test $PKG --fast-exit --serial --exclude-missing", "stage_docs": "wsrun docs:stage $PKG --fast-exit --parallel --exclude-missing", "lint": "wsrun lint $PKG --fast-exit --parallel --exclude-missing", "comment:postinstall": "HACK: For some reason `yarn` is not setting up symlinks properly for order-utils. We temporarily set them manually. Remove this after V2 refactor is complete." }, "config": { "mnemonic": "concert load couple harbor equip island argue ramp clarify fence smart topic" }, "devDependencies": { "@0x-lerna-fork/lerna": "3.0.0-beta.25", "async-child-process": "^1.1.1", "coveralls": "^3.0.0", "ganache-cli": "6.1.3", "lcov-result-merger": "^3.0.0", "npm-run-all": "^4.1.2", "prettier": "^1.11.1", "source-map-support": "^0.5.6", "wsrun": "^2.2.0" }, "resolutions": { "ethers": "0xproject/ethers.js#eip-838-reasons" } }