import { chaiSetup, constants, expectTransactionFailedAsync, expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync, LogDecoder, provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper, } from '@0x/contracts-test-utils'; import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils'; import { RevertReason } from '@0x/types'; import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils'; import * as chai from 'chai'; import { LogWithDecodedArgs } from 'ethereum-types'; import { artifacts, DummyERC721ReceiverContract, DummyERC721ReceiverTokenReceivedEventArgs, DummyERC721TokenContract, DummyERC721TokenTransferEventArgs, InvalidERC721ReceiverContract, } from '../src'; chaiSetup.configure(); const expect = chai.expect; const blockchainLifecycle = new BlockchainLifecycle(web3Wrapper); // tslint:disable:no-unnecessary-type-assertion describe('ERC721Token', () => { let owner: string; let spender: string; let token: DummyERC721TokenContract; let erc721Receiver: DummyERC721ReceiverContract; let logDecoder: LogDecoder; const tokenId = new BigNumber(1); before(async () => { await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync(); }); after(async () => { await blockchainLifecycle.revertAsync(); }); before(async () => { const accounts = await web3Wrapper.getAvailableAddressesAsync(); owner = accounts[0]; spender = accounts[1]; token = await DummyERC721TokenContract.deployFrom0xArtifactAsync( artifacts.DummyERC721Token, provider, txDefaults, constants.DUMMY_TOKEN_NAME, constants.DUMMY_TOKEN_SYMBOL, ); erc721Receiver = await DummyERC721ReceiverContract.deployFrom0xArtifactAsync( artifacts.DummyERC721Receiver, provider, txDefaults, ); logDecoder = new LogDecoder(web3Wrapper, artifacts); await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync( await, tokenId, { from: owner }), constants.AWAIT_TRANSACTION_MINED_MS, ); }); beforeEach(async () => { await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync(); }); afterEach(async () => { await blockchainLifecycle.revertAsync(); }); describe('transferFrom', () => { it('should revert if the tokenId is not owner', async () => { const from = owner; const to = erc721Receiver.address; const unownedTokenId = new BigNumber(2); await expectTransactionFailedAsync( token.transferFrom.sendTransactionAsync(from, to, unownedTokenId), RevertReason.Erc721ZeroOwner, ); }); it('should revert if transferring to a null address', async () => { const from = owner; const to = constants.NULL_ADDRESS; await expectTransactionFailedAsync( token.transferFrom.sendTransactionAsync(from, to, tokenId), RevertReason.Erc721ZeroToAddress, ); }); it('should revert if the from address does not own the token', async () => { const from = spender; const to = erc721Receiver.address; await expectTransactionFailedAsync( token.transferFrom.sendTransactionAsync(from, to, tokenId), RevertReason.Erc721OwnerMismatch, ); }); it('should revert if spender does not own the token, is not approved, and is not approved for all', async () => { const from = owner; const to = erc721Receiver.address; await expectTransactionFailedAsync( token.transferFrom.sendTransactionAsync(from, to, tokenId, { from: spender }), RevertReason.Erc721InvalidSpender, ); }); it('should transfer the token if called by owner', async () => { const from = owner; const to = erc721Receiver.address; const txReceipt = await logDecoder.getTxWithDecodedLogsAsync( await token.transferFrom.sendTransactionAsync(from, to, tokenId), ); const newOwner = await token.ownerOf.callAsync(tokenId); expect(newOwner); const log = txReceipt.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs; expect(log.args._from); expect(log.args._to); expect(log.args._tokenId); }); it('should transfer the token if spender is approved for all', async () => { const isApproved = true; await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync( await token.setApprovalForAll.sendTransactionAsync(spender, isApproved), constants.AWAIT_TRANSACTION_MINED_MS, ); const from = owner; const to = erc721Receiver.address; const txReceipt = await logDecoder.getTxWithDecodedLogsAsync( await token.transferFrom.sendTransactionAsync(from, to, tokenId), ); const newOwner = await token.ownerOf.callAsync(tokenId); expect(newOwner); const log = txReceipt.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs; expect(log.args._from); expect(log.args._to); expect(log.args._tokenId); }); it('should transfer the token if spender is individually approved', async () => { await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync( await token.approve.sendTransactionAsync(spender, tokenId), constants.AWAIT_TRANSACTION_MINED_MS, ); const from = owner; const to = erc721Receiver.address; const txReceipt = await logDecoder.getTxWithDecodedLogsAsync( await token.transferFrom.sendTransactionAsync(from, to, tokenId), ); const newOwner = await token.ownerOf.callAsync(tokenId); expect(newOwner); const approvedAddress = await token.getApproved.callAsync(tokenId); expect(approvedAddress); const log = txReceipt.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs; expect(log.args._from); expect(log.args._to); expect(log.args._tokenId); }); }); describe('safeTransferFrom without data', () => { it('should transfer token to a non-contract address if called by owner', async () => { const from = owner; const to = spender; const txReceipt = await logDecoder.getTxWithDecodedLogsAsync( await token.safeTransferFrom1.sendTransactionAsync(from, to, tokenId), ); const newOwner = await token.ownerOf.callAsync(tokenId); expect(newOwner); const log = txReceipt.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs; expect(log.args._from); expect(log.args._to); expect(log.args._tokenId); }); it('should revert if transferring to a contract address without onERC721Received', async () => { const contract = await DummyERC721TokenContract.deployFrom0xArtifactAsync( artifacts.DummyERC721Token, provider, txDefaults, constants.DUMMY_TOKEN_NAME, constants.DUMMY_TOKEN_SYMBOL, ); const from = owner; const to = contract.address; await expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync( token.safeTransferFrom1.sendTransactionAsync(from, to, tokenId), ); }); it('should revert if onERC721Received does not return the correct value', async () => { const invalidErc721Receiver = await InvalidERC721ReceiverContract.deployFrom0xArtifactAsync( artifacts.InvalidERC721Receiver, provider, txDefaults, ); const from = owner; const to = invalidErc721Receiver.address; await expectTransactionFailedAsync( token.safeTransferFrom1.sendTransactionAsync(from, to, tokenId), RevertReason.Erc721InvalidSelector, ); }); it('should transfer to contract and call onERC721Received with correct return value', async () => { const from = owner; const to = erc721Receiver.address; const txReceipt = await logDecoder.getTxWithDecodedLogsAsync( await token.safeTransferFrom1.sendTransactionAsync(from, to, tokenId), ); const newOwner = await token.ownerOf.callAsync(tokenId); expect(newOwner); const transferLog = txReceipt.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs; const receiverLog = txReceipt.logs[1] as LogWithDecodedArgs; expect(transferLog.args._from); expect(transferLog.args._to); expect(transferLog.args._tokenId); expect(receiverLog.args.operator); expect(receiverLog.args.from); expect(receiverLog.args.tokenId); expect(; }); }); describe('safeTransferFrom with data', () => { const data = '0x0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f'; it('should transfer token to a non-contract address if called by owner', async () => { const from = owner; const to = spender; const txReceipt = await logDecoder.getTxWithDecodedLogsAsync( await token.safeTransferFrom2.sendTransactionAsync(from, to, tokenId, data), ); const newOwner = await token.ownerOf.callAsync(tokenId); expect(newOwner); const log = txReceipt.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs; expect(log.args._from); expect(log.args._to); expect(log.args._tokenId); }); it('should revert if transferring to a contract address without onERC721Received', async () => { const contract = await DummyERC721TokenContract.deployFrom0xArtifactAsync( artifacts.DummyERC721Token, provider, txDefaults, constants.DUMMY_TOKEN_NAME, constants.DUMMY_TOKEN_SYMBOL, ); const from = owner; const to = contract.address; await expectTransactionFailedWithoutReasonAsync( token.safeTransferFrom2.sendTransactionAsync(from, to, tokenId, data), ); }); it('should revert if onERC721Received does not return the correct value', async () => { const invalidErc721Receiver = await InvalidERC721ReceiverContract.deployFrom0xArtifactAsync( artifacts.InvalidERC721Receiver, provider, txDefaults, ); const from = owner; const to = invalidErc721Receiver.address; await expectTransactionFailedAsync( token.safeTransferFrom2.sendTransactionAsync(from, to, tokenId, data), RevertReason.Erc721InvalidSelector, ); }); it('should transfer to contract and call onERC721Received with correct return value', async () => { const from = owner; const to = erc721Receiver.address; const txReceipt = await logDecoder.getTxWithDecodedLogsAsync( await token.safeTransferFrom2.sendTransactionAsync(from, to, tokenId, data), ); const newOwner = await token.ownerOf.callAsync(tokenId); expect(newOwner); const transferLog = txReceipt.logs[0] as LogWithDecodedArgs; const receiverLog = txReceipt.logs[1] as LogWithDecodedArgs; expect(transferLog.args._from); expect(transferLog.args._to); expect(transferLog.args._tokenId); expect(receiverLog.args.operator); expect(receiverLog.args.from); expect(receiverLog.args.tokenId); expect(; }); }); }); // tslint:enable:no-unnecessary-type-assertion