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* development: (94 commits)
Add solc 0.4.20 and 0.4.21
Prettier sra-report README
Add new packages to top level README
Updated @0xproject/utils in top level package.json
Detail tests in the README
Add support for ropsten and rinkeby
Fix yarn.lock
Update list of packages and organize them alphabetically
Fix prettier issues
Add support for going back to previous hashes via the browser back button to wiki
Scroll to previous hashed elements when user clicks back button
Add back strict null checks to react-shared package and fix issues
remove ability to have implicit dependencies and add missing deps
update license
remove no-implicit-this
Add example & screenshot to npmignore
Remove `;` to be nice to windows users
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- 0x.js@0.33.1
- @0xproject/abi-gen@0.2.5
- @0xproject/assert@0.2.0
- @0xproject/base-contract@0.0.3
- @0xproject/connect@0.6.3
- contracts@2.1.15
- @0xproject/deployer@0.2.1
- @0xproject/dev-utils@0.2.1
- @0xproject/json-schemas@0.7.14
- @0xproject/react-docs@0.0.1
- @0xproject/react-shared@0.0.1
- @0xproject/sra-report@0.0.1
- @0xproject/subproviders@0.7.0
- @0xproject/testnet-faucets@1.0.16
- @0xproject/types@0.3.1
- @0xproject/utils@0.4.1
- @0xproject/web3-wrapper@0.2.1
- @0xproject/website@0.0.18
|/ |
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- 0x.js@0.33.0
- @0xproject/abi-gen@0.2.4
- @0xproject/assert@0.1.0
- @0xproject/base-contract@0.0.2
- chai-as-promised-typescript-typings@0.0.10
- chai-typescript-typings@0.0.4
- @0xproject/connect@0.6.2
- contracts@2.1.14
- @0xproject/deployer@0.2.0
- @0xproject/dev-utils@0.2.0
- ethers-typescript-typings@0.0.2
- @0xproject/json-schemas@0.7.13
- @0xproject/monorepo-scripts@0.1.12
- @0xproject/subproviders@0.6.0
- @0xproject/testnet-faucets@1.0.15
- @0xproject/tslint-config@0.4.10
- @0xproject/types@0.3.0
- @0xproject/utils@0.4.0
- web3-typescript-typings@0.10.0
- @0xproject/web3-wrapper@0.2.0
- @0xproject/website@0.0.17
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- 0x.js@0.32.4
- @0xproject/abi-gen@0.2.3
- @0xproject/assert@0.0.20
- @0xproject/connect@0.6.0
- contracts@2.1.13
- @0xproject/deployer@0.1.0
- @0xproject/dev-utils@0.1.0
- @0xproject/json-schemas@0.7.12
- @0xproject/subproviders@0.5.0
- @0xproject/testnet-faucets@1.0.14
- @0xproject/types@0.2.3
- @0xproject/utils@0.3.4
- web3-typescript-typings@0.9.11
- @0xproject/web3-wrapper@0.1.14
- @0xproject/website@0.0.16
| |
- 0x.js@0.32.3
- @0xproject/abi-gen@0.2.2
- @0xproject/assert@0.0.19
- @0xproject/connect@0.5.8
- contracts@2.1.12
- @0xproject/deployer@0.0.9
- @0xproject/dev-utils@0.0.13
- @0xproject/json-schemas@0.7.11
- @0xproject/monorepo-scripts@0.1.11
- @0xproject/subproviders@0.4.2
- @0xproject/testnet-faucets@1.0.13
- @0xproject/tslint-config@0.4.9
- @0xproject/types@0.2.2
- @0xproject/utils@0.3.3
- @0xproject/web3-wrapper@0.1.13
- @0xproject/website@0.0.15
| |
- 0x.js@0.32.2
- @0xproject/abi-gen@0.2.1
- @0xproject/assert@0.0.18
- chai-as-promised-typescript-typings@0.0.9
- chai-typescript-typings@0.0.3
- @0xproject/connect@0.5.7
- contracts@2.1.11
- @0xproject/deployer@0.0.8
- @0xproject/dev-utils@0.0.12
- @0xproject/json-schemas@0.7.10
- @0xproject/monorepo-scripts@0.1.10
- @0xproject/subproviders@0.4.1
- @0xproject/testnet-faucets@1.0.12
- @0xproject/tslint-config@0.4.8
- @0xproject/types@0.2.1
- @0xproject/utils@0.3.2
- web3-typescript-typings@0.9.10
- @0xproject/web3-wrapper@0.1.12
- @0xproject/website@0.0.14
| |
- 0x.js@0.32.1
- @0xproject/abi-gen@0.2.0
- @0xproject/assert@0.0.17
- @0xproject/connect@0.5.6
- contracts@2.1.10
- @0xproject/deployer@0.0.7
- @0xproject/dev-utils@0.0.11
- @0xproject/json-schemas@0.7.9
- @0xproject/subproviders@0.4.0
- @0xproject/testnet-faucets@1.0.11
- @0xproject/types@0.2.0
- @0xproject/utils@0.3.1
- @0xproject/web3-wrapper@0.1.11
- @0xproject/website@0.0.13
| |
- 0x.js@0.32.0
- @0xproject/abi-gen@0.1.7
- @0xproject/assert@0.0.16
- @0xproject/connect@0.5.5
- contracts@2.1.9
- @0xproject/deployer@0.0.6
- @0xproject/dev-utils@0.0.10
- @0xproject/json-schemas@0.7.8
- @0xproject/monorepo-scripts@0.1.9
- @0xproject/subproviders@0.3.6
- @0xproject/testnet-faucets@1.0.10
- @0xproject/tslint-config@0.4.7
- @0xproject/types@0.1.9
- @0xproject/utils@0.3.0
- web3-typescript-typings@0.9.9
- @0xproject/web3-wrapper@0.1.10
- @0xproject/website@0.0.12
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- 0x.js@0.31.1
- @0xproject/abi-gen@0.1.6
- @0xproject/assert@0.0.15
- chai-as-promised-typescript-typings@0.0.8
- @0xproject/connect@0.5.4
- contracts@2.1.8
- @0xproject/deployer@0.0.5
- @0xproject/dev-utils@0.0.9
- @0xproject/json-schemas@0.7.7
- @0xproject/monorepo-scripts@0.1.8
- @0xproject/subproviders@0.3.5
- @0xproject/testnet-faucets@1.0.9
- @0xproject/tslint-config@0.4.6
- @0xproject/types@0.1.8
- @0xproject/utils@0.2.4
- web3-typescript-typings@0.9.8
- @0xproject/web3-wrapper@0.1.9
- @0xproject/website@0.0.11
| | |
|/ |
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- 0x.js@0.31.0
- @0xproject/abi-gen@0.1.5
- @0xproject/assert@0.0.14
- chai-as-promised-typescript-typings@0.0.7
- @0xproject/connect@0.5.3
- contracts@2.1.7
- @0xproject/deployer@0.0.4
- @0xproject/dev-utils@0.0.8
- @0xproject/json-schemas@0.7.6
- @0xproject/monorepo-scripts@0.1.7
- @0xproject/subproviders@0.3.4
- @0xproject/testnet-faucets@1.0.8
- @0xproject/tslint-config@0.4.5
- @0xproject/types@0.1.7
- @0xproject/utils@0.2.3
- web3-typescript-typings@0.9.7
- @0xproject/web3-wrapper@0.1.8
- @0xproject/website@0.0.10
| |
- 0x.js@0.30.2
- @0xproject/abi-gen@0.1.4
- @0xproject/assert@0.0.13
- chai-as-promised-typescript-typings@0.0.6
- @0xproject/connect@0.5.2
- contracts@2.1.6
- @0xproject/deployer@0.0.3
- @0xproject/dev-utils@0.0.7
- @0xproject/json-schemas@0.7.5
- @0xproject/monorepo-scripts@0.1.6
- @0xproject/subproviders@0.3.3
- @0xproject/testnet-faucets@1.0.7
- @0xproject/tslint-config@0.4.4
- @0xproject/types@0.1.6
- @0xproject/utils@0.2.2
- web3-typescript-typings@0.9.6
- @0xproject/web3-wrapper@0.1.7
- @0xproject/website@0.0.9
| |
- 0x.js@0.30.1
- @0xproject/abi-gen@0.1.3
- @0xproject/assert@0.0.12
- chai-as-promised-typescript-typings@0.0.5
- @0xproject/connect@0.5.1
- contracts@2.1.5
- @0xproject/deployer@0.0.2
- @0xproject/dev-utils@0.0.6
- @0xproject/json-schemas@0.7.4
- @0xproject/kovan_faucets@1.0.6
- @0xproject/monorepo-scripts@0.1.5
- @0xproject/subproviders@0.3.2
- @0xproject/tslint-config@0.4.3
- @0xproject/types@0.1.5
- @0xproject/utils@0.2.1
- web3-typescript-typings@0.9.5
- @0xproject/web3-wrapper@0.1.6
- @0xproject/website@0.0.8
| |
- 0x.js@0.30.0
- @0xproject/abi-gen@0.1.2
- @0xproject/assert@0.0.11
- chai-as-promised-typescript-typings@0.0.4
- chai-typescript-typings@0.0.2
- @0xproject/connect@0.5.0
- contracts@2.1.4
- @0xproject/dev-utils@0.0.5
- @0xproject/json-schemas@0.7.3
- @0xproject/kovan_faucets@1.0.5
- @0xproject/monorepo-scripts@0.1.4
- @0xproject/subproviders@0.3.1
- @0xproject/tslint-config@0.4.2
- @0xproject/types@0.1.4
- @0xproject/utils@0.2.0
- web3-typescript-typings@0.9.4
- @0xproject/web3-wrapper@0.1.5
- @0xproject/website@0.0.7
| |
- 0x.js@0.29.2
- @0xproject/abi-gen@0.1.1
- @0xproject/connect@0.4.1
- contracts@2.1.3
- @0xproject/kovan_faucets@1.0.4
- web3-typescript-typings@0.9.3
- @0xproject/web3-wrapper@0.1.4
- @0xproject/website@0.0.6
| |
- 0x.js@0.29.1
- @0xproject/abi-gen@0.1.0
- @0xproject/assert@0.0.10
- @0xproject/connect@0.4.0
- contracts@2.1.2
- @0xproject/dev-utils@0.0.4
- @0xproject/json-schemas@0.7.2
- @0xproject/kovan_faucets@1.0.3
- @0xproject/monorepo-scripts@0.1.3
- @0xproject/subproviders@0.3.0
- @0xproject/tslint-config@0.4.1
- @0xproject/types@0.1.3
- @0xproject/utils@0.1.3
- web3-typescript-typings@0.9.1
- @0xproject/web3-wrapper@0.1.3
- @0xproject/website@0.0.5
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Use configured version of bignumber in all packages
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Additionally if the constructor is not existent in JSON, meaning it's
implcite with no parameters, we're
explicitly creating one, with actual JSON parameters that it should have.
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- 0x.js@0.29.0
- @0xproject/abi-gen@0.0.4
- @0xproject/assert@0.0.9
- @0xproject/connect@0.3.2
- contracts@2.1.1
- @0xproject/dev-utils@0.0.3
- @0xproject/json-schemas@0.7.1
- @0xproject/kovan_faucets@1.0.2
- @0xproject/monorepo-scripts@0.1.2
- @0xproject/subproviders@0.2.0
- @0xproject/tslint-config@0.4.0
- @0xproject/types@0.1.2
- @0xproject/utils@0.1.2
- @0xproject/web3-wrapper@0.1.2
- @0xproject/website@0.0.4
| |
- 0x.js@0.28.0
- @0xproject/abi-gen@0.0.3
- @0xproject/assert@0.0.8
- @0xproject/connect@0.3.1
- contracts@2.1.0
- @0xproject/dev-utils@0.0.2
- @0xproject/json-schemas@0.7.0
- @0xproject/kovan_faucets@1.0.1
- @0xproject/monorepo-scripts@0.1.1
- @0xproject/subproviders@0.1.1
- @0xproject/tslint-config@0.3.0
- @0xproject/types@0.1.1
- @0xproject/utils@0.1.1
- @0xproject/web3-wrapper@0.1.1
- @0xproject/website@0.0.3
| |
| |
- 0x.js@0.27.2
- abi-gen-templates@0.0.2
- @0xproject/abi-gen@0.0.2
- @0xproject/assert@0.0.7
- @0xproject/connect@0.3.0
- contracts@2.0.0
- @0xproject/json-schemas@0.6.10
- @0xproject/monorepo-scripts@0.1.0
- @0xproject/subproviders@0.1.0
- @0xproject/tslint-config@0.2.1
- @0xproject/types@0.1.0
- @0xproject/utils@0.1.0
- @0xproject/web3-wrapper@0.1.0
- website@0.0.2
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* development:
Update README.md
Inline network module
Stop supporting different file extensions in abi-gen
Refactor networkId out of web3Wrapper
Update connect types in preperation for publishing
Fix CI command
Address feedback
Refactor web3Wrapper to a separate package
# Conflicts:
# package.json
# packages/website/ts/blockchain.ts
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