path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
37 files changed, 0 insertions, 7318 deletions
diff --git a/src/0x.ts b/src/0x.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index fe765bbbe..000000000
--- a/src/0x.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
-import {SchemaValidator, schemas} from '0x-json-schemas';
-import {bigNumberConfigs} from './bignumber_config';
-import * as ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util';
-import {Web3Wrapper} from './web3_wrapper';
-import {constants} from './utils/constants';
-import {utils} from './utils/utils';
-import {signatureUtils} from './utils/signature_utils';
-import {assert} from './utils/assert';
-import {AbiDecoder} from './utils/abi_decoder';
-import {intervalUtils} from './utils/interval_utils';
-import {artifacts} from './artifacts';
-import {ExchangeWrapper} from './contract_wrappers/exchange_wrapper';
-import {TokenRegistryWrapper} from './contract_wrappers/token_registry_wrapper';
-import {EtherTokenWrapper} from './contract_wrappers/ether_token_wrapper';
-import {TokenWrapper} from './contract_wrappers/token_wrapper';
-import {TokenTransferProxyWrapper} from './contract_wrappers/token_transfer_proxy_wrapper';
-import {OrderStateWatcher} from './order_watcher/order_state_watcher';
-import {OrderStateUtils} from './utils/order_state_utils';
-import {
- ECSignature,
- ZeroExError,
- Order,
- SignedOrder,
- Web3Provider,
- ZeroExConfig,
- OrderStateWatcherConfig,
- TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs,
-} from './types';
-import {zeroExConfigSchema} from './schemas/zero_ex_config_schema';
-// Customize our BigNumber instances
- * The ZeroEx class is the single entry-point into the 0x.js library. It contains all of the library's functionality
- * and all calls to the library should be made through a ZeroEx instance.
- */
-export class ZeroEx {
- /**
- * When creating an order without a specified taker or feeRecipient you must supply the Solidity
- * address null type (as opposed to Javascripts `null`, `undefined` or empty string). We expose
- * this constant for your convenience.
- */
- public static NULL_ADDRESS = constants.NULL_ADDRESS;
- /**
- * An instance of the ExchangeWrapper class containing methods for interacting with the 0x Exchange smart contract.
- */
- public exchange: ExchangeWrapper;
- /**
- * An instance of the TokenRegistryWrapper class containing methods for interacting with the 0x
- * TokenRegistry smart contract.
- */
- public tokenRegistry: TokenRegistryWrapper;
- /**
- * An instance of the TokenWrapper class containing methods for interacting with any ERC20 token smart contract.
- */
- public token: TokenWrapper;
- /**
- * An instance of the EtherTokenWrapper class containing methods for interacting with the
- * wrapped ETH ERC20 token smart contract.
- */
- public etherToken: EtherTokenWrapper;
- /**
- * An instance of the TokenTransferProxyWrapper class containing methods for interacting with the
- * tokenTransferProxy smart contract.
- */
- public proxy: TokenTransferProxyWrapper;
- /**
- * An instance of the OrderStateWatcher class containing methods for watching a set of orders for relevant
- * blockchain state changes.
- */
- public orderStateWatcher: OrderStateWatcher;
- private _web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper;
- private _abiDecoder: AbiDecoder;
- /**
- * Verifies that the elliptic curve signature `signature` was generated
- * by signing `data` with the private key corresponding to the `signerAddress` address.
- * @param data The hex encoded data signed by the supplied signature.
- * @param signature An object containing the elliptic curve signature parameters.
- * @param signerAddress The hex encoded address that signed the data, producing the supplied signature.
- * @return Whether the signature is valid for the supplied signerAddress and data.
- */
- public static isValidSignature(data: string, signature: ECSignature, signerAddress: string): boolean {
- assert.isHexString('data', data);
- assert.doesConformToSchema('signature', signature, schemas.ecSignatureSchema);
- assert.isETHAddressHex('signerAddress', signerAddress);
- const isValidSignature = signatureUtils.isValidSignature(data, signature, signerAddress);
- return isValidSignature;
- }
- /**
- * Generates a pseudo-random 256-bit salt.
- * The salt can be included in an 0x order, ensuring that the order generates a unique orderHash
- * and will not collide with other outstanding orders that are identical in all other parameters.
- * @return A pseudo-random 256-bit number that can be used as a salt.
- */
- public static generatePseudoRandomSalt(): BigNumber {
- // BigNumber.random returns a pseudo-random number between 0 & 1 with a passed in number of decimal places.
- // Source: https://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/#random
- const randomNumber = BigNumber.random(constants.MAX_DIGITS_IN_UNSIGNED_256_INT);
- const factor = new BigNumber(10).pow(constants.MAX_DIGITS_IN_UNSIGNED_256_INT - 1);
- const salt = randomNumber.times(factor).round();
- return salt;
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the supplied hex encoded order hash is valid.
- * Note: Valid means it has the expected format, not that an order with the orderHash exists.
- * Use this method when processing orderHashes submitted as user input.
- * @param orderHash Hex encoded orderHash.
- * @return Whether the supplied orderHash has the expected format.
- */
- public static isValidOrderHash(orderHash: string): boolean {
- // Since this method can be called to check if any arbitrary string conforms to an orderHash's
- // format, we only assert that we were indeed passed a string.
- assert.isString('orderHash', orderHash);
- const schemaValidator = new SchemaValidator();
- const isValidOrderHash = schemaValidator.validate(orderHash, schemas.orderHashSchema).valid;
- return isValidOrderHash;
- }
- /**
- * A unit amount is defined as the amount of a token above the specified decimal places (integer part).
- * E.g: If a currency has 18 decimal places, 1e18 or one quintillion of the currency is equivalent
- * to 1 unit.
- * @param amount The amount in baseUnits that you would like converted to units.
- * @param decimals The number of decimal places the unit amount has.
- * @return The amount in units.
- */
- public static toUnitAmount(amount: BigNumber, decimals: number): BigNumber {
- assert.isBigNumber('amount', amount);
- assert.isNumber('decimals', decimals);
- const aUnit = new BigNumber(10).pow(decimals);
- const unit = amount.div(aUnit);
- return unit;
- }
- /**
- * A baseUnit is defined as the smallest denomination of a token. An amount expressed in baseUnits
- * is the amount expressed in the smallest denomination.
- * E.g: 1 unit of a token with 18 decimal places is expressed in baseUnits as 1000000000000000000
- * @param amount The amount of units that you would like converted to baseUnits.
- * @param decimals The number of decimal places the unit amount has.
- * @return The amount in baseUnits.
- */
- public static toBaseUnitAmount(amount: BigNumber, decimals: number): BigNumber {
- assert.isBigNumber('amount', amount);
- assert.isNumber('decimals', decimals);
- const unit = new BigNumber(10).pow(decimals);
- const baseUnitAmount = amount.times(unit);
- return baseUnitAmount;
- }
- /**
- * Computes the orderHash for a supplied order.
- * @param order An object that conforms to the Order or SignedOrder interface definitions.
- * @return The resulting orderHash from hashing the supplied order.
- */
- public static getOrderHashHex(order: Order|SignedOrder): string {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('order', order, schemas.orderSchema);
- const orderHashHex = utils.getOrderHashHex(order);
- return orderHashHex;
- }
- /**
- * Instantiates a new ZeroEx instance that provides the public interface to the 0x.js library.
- * @param provider The Web3.js Provider instance you would like the 0x.js library to use for interacting with
- * the Ethereum network.
- * @param config The configuration object. Look up the type for the description.
- * @return An instance of the 0x.js ZeroEx class.
- */
- constructor(provider: Web3Provider, config?: ZeroExConfig) {
- assert.isWeb3Provider('provider', provider);
- if (!_.isUndefined(config)) {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('config', config, zeroExConfigSchema);
- }
- const artifactJSONs = _.values(artifacts);
- const abiArrays = _.map(artifactJSONs, artifact => artifact.abi);
- this._abiDecoder = new AbiDecoder(abiArrays);
- const gasPrice = _.isUndefined(config) ? undefined : config.gasPrice;
- const defaults = {
- gasPrice,
- };
- this._web3Wrapper = new Web3Wrapper(provider, defaults);
- this.token = new TokenWrapper(
- this._web3Wrapper,
- this._abiDecoder,
- this._getTokenTransferProxyAddressAsync.bind(this),
- );
- const exchageContractAddressIfExists = _.isUndefined(config) ? undefined : config.exchangeContractAddress;
- this.exchange = new ExchangeWrapper(
- this._web3Wrapper,
- this._abiDecoder,
- this.token,
- exchageContractAddressIfExists,
- );
- this.proxy = new TokenTransferProxyWrapper(
- this._web3Wrapper,
- this._getTokenTransferProxyAddressAsync.bind(this),
- );
- const tokenRegistryContractAddressIfExists = _.isUndefined(config) ?
- undefined :
- config.tokenRegistryContractAddress;
- this.tokenRegistry = new TokenRegistryWrapper(this._web3Wrapper, tokenRegistryContractAddressIfExists);
- const etherTokenContractAddressIfExists = _.isUndefined(config) ? undefined : config.etherTokenContractAddress;
- this.etherToken = new EtherTokenWrapper(this._web3Wrapper, this.token, etherTokenContractAddressIfExists);
- const orderWatcherConfig = _.isUndefined(config) ? undefined : config.orderWatcherConfig;
- this.orderStateWatcher = new OrderStateWatcher(
- this._web3Wrapper, this._abiDecoder, this.token, this.exchange, orderWatcherConfig,
- );
- }
- /**
- * Sets a new web3 provider for 0x.js. Updating the provider will stop all
- * subscriptions so you will need to re-subscribe to all events relevant to your app after this call.
- * @param provider The Web3Provider you would like the 0x.js library to use from now on.
- */
- public async setProviderAsync(provider: Web3Provider) {
- this._web3Wrapper.setProvider(provider);
- await (this.exchange as any)._invalidateContractInstancesAsync();
- (this.tokenRegistry as any)._invalidateContractInstance();
- await (this.token as any)._invalidateContractInstancesAsync();
- (this.proxy as any)._invalidateContractInstance();
- (this.etherToken as any)._invalidateContractInstance();
- }
- /**
- * Get user Ethereum addresses available through the supplied web3 provider available for sending transactions.
- * @return An array of available user Ethereum addresses.
- */
- public async getAvailableAddressesAsync(): Promise<string[]> {
- const availableAddresses = await this._web3Wrapper.getAvailableAddressesAsync();
- return availableAddresses;
- }
- /**
- * Signs an orderHash and returns it's elliptic curve signature.
- * This method currently supports TestRPC, Geth and Parity above and below V1.6.6
- * @param orderHash Hex encoded orderHash to sign.
- * @param signerAddress The hex encoded Ethereum address you wish to sign it with. This address
- * must be available via the Web3.Provider supplied to 0x.js.
- * @return An object containing the Elliptic curve signature parameters generated by signing the orderHash.
- */
- public async signOrderHashAsync(orderHash: string, signerAddress: string): Promise<ECSignature> {
- assert.isHexString('orderHash', orderHash);
- await assert.isSenderAddressAsync('signerAddress', signerAddress, this._web3Wrapper);
- let msgHashHex;
- const nodeVersion = await this._web3Wrapper.getNodeVersionAsync();
- const isParityNode = utils.isParityNode(nodeVersion);
- const isTestRpc = utils.isTestRpc(nodeVersion);
- if (isParityNode || isTestRpc) {
- // Parity and TestRpc nodes add the personalMessage prefix itself
- msgHashHex = orderHash;
- } else {
- const orderHashBuff = ethUtil.toBuffer(orderHash);
- const msgHashBuff = ethUtil.hashPersonalMessage(orderHashBuff);
- msgHashHex = ethUtil.bufferToHex(msgHashBuff);
- }
- const signature = await this._web3Wrapper.signTransactionAsync(signerAddress, msgHashHex);
- // HACK: There is no consensus on whether the signatureHex string should be formatted as
- // v + r + s OR r + s + v, and different clients (even different versions of the same client)
- // return the signature params in different orders. In order to support all client implementations,
- // we parse the signature in both ways, and evaluate if either one is a valid signature.
- const validVParamValues = [27, 28];
- const ecSignatureVRS = signatureUtils.parseSignatureHexAsVRS(signature);
- if (_.includes(validVParamValues, ecSignatureVRS.v)) {
- const isValidVRSSignature = ZeroEx.isValidSignature(orderHash, ecSignatureVRS, signerAddress);
- if (isValidVRSSignature) {
- return ecSignatureVRS;
- }
- }
- const ecSignatureRSV = signatureUtils.parseSignatureHexAsRSV(signature);
- if (_.includes(validVParamValues, ecSignatureRSV.v)) {
- const isValidRSVSignature = ZeroEx.isValidSignature(orderHash, ecSignatureRSV, signerAddress);
- if (isValidRSVSignature) {
- return ecSignatureRSV;
- }
- }
- throw new Error(ZeroExError.InvalidSignature);
- }
- /**
- * Waits for a transaction to be mined and returns the transaction receipt.
- * @param txHash Transaction hash
- * @param pollingIntervalMs How often (in ms) should we check if the transaction is mined.
- * @param timeoutMs How long (in ms) to poll for transaction mined until aborting.
- * @return Transaction receipt with decoded log args.
- */
- public async awaitTransactionMinedAsync(
- txHash: string, pollingIntervalMs = 1000, timeoutMs?: number): Promise<TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs> {
- let timeoutExceeded = false;
- if (timeoutMs) {
- setTimeout(() => timeoutExceeded = true, timeoutMs);
- }
- const txReceiptPromise = new Promise(
- (resolve: (receipt: TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs) => void, reject) => {
- const intervalId = intervalUtils.setAsyncExcludingInterval(async () => {
- if (timeoutExceeded) {
- intervalUtils.clearAsyncExcludingInterval(intervalId);
- return reject(ZeroExError.TransactionMiningTimeout);
- }
- const transactionReceipt = await this._web3Wrapper.getTransactionReceiptAsync(txHash);
- if (!_.isNull(transactionReceipt)) {
- intervalUtils.clearAsyncExcludingInterval(intervalId);
- const logsWithDecodedArgs = _.map(
- transactionReceipt.logs,
- this._abiDecoder.tryToDecodeLogOrNoop.bind(this._abiDecoder),
- );
- const transactionReceiptWithDecodedLogArgs: TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs = {
- ...transactionReceipt,
- logs: logsWithDecodedArgs,
- };
- resolve(transactionReceiptWithDecodedLogArgs);
- }
- }, pollingIntervalMs);
- });
- return txReceiptPromise;
- }
- /*
- * HACK: `TokenWrapper` needs a token transfer proxy address. `TokenTransferProxy` address is fetched from
- * an `ExchangeWrapper`. `ExchangeWrapper` needs `TokenWrapper` to validate orders, creating a dependency cycle.
- * In order to break this - we create this function here and pass it as a parameter to the `TokenWrapper`
- * and `ProxyWrapper`.
- */
- private async _getTokenTransferProxyAddressAsync(): Promise<string> {
- const tokenTransferProxyAddress = await (this.exchange as any)._getTokenTransferProxyAddressAsync();
- return tokenTransferProxyAddress;
- }
diff --git a/src/artifacts.ts b/src/artifacts.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 447f9880a..000000000
--- a/src/artifacts.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-import {Artifact} from './types';
-import * as TokenArtifact from './artifacts/Token.json';
-import * as ExchangeArtifact from './artifacts/Exchange.json';
-import * as EtherTokenArtifact from './artifacts/EtherToken.json';
-import * as TokenRegistryArtifact from './artifacts/TokenRegistry.json';
-import * as TokenTransferProxyArtifact from './artifacts/TokenTransferProxy.json';
-export const artifacts = {
- TokenArtifact: TokenArtifact as any as Artifact,
- ExchangeArtifact: ExchangeArtifact as any as Artifact,
- EtherTokenArtifact: EtherTokenArtifact as any as Artifact,
- TokenRegistryArtifact: TokenRegistryArtifact as any as Artifact,
- TokenTransferProxyArtifact: TokenTransferProxyArtifact as any as Artifact,
diff --git a/src/artifacts/EtherToken.json b/src/artifacts/EtherToken.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 91b23bc94..000000000
--- a/src/artifacts/EtherToken.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
- "contract_name": "EtherToken",
- "abi": [
- {
- "constant": true,
- "inputs": [],
- "name": "name",
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "",
- "type": "string"
- }
- ],
- "payable": false,
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "constant": false,
- "inputs": [
- {
- "name": "_spender",
- "type": "address"
- },
- {
- "name": "_value",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "name": "approve",
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "",
- "type": "bool"
- }
- ],
- "payable": false,
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "constant": true,
- "inputs": [],
- "name": "totalSupply",
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "payable": false,
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "constant": false,
- "inputs": [
- {
- "name": "_from",
- "type": "address"
- },
- {
- "name": "_to",
- "type": "address"
- },
- {
- "name": "_value",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "name": "transferFrom",
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "",
- "type": "bool"
- }
- ],
- "payable": false,
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "constant": false,
- "inputs": [
- {
- "name": "amount",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "name": "withdraw",
- "outputs": [],
- "payable": false,
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "constant": true,
- "inputs": [],
- "name": "decimals",
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "",
- "type": "uint8"
- }
- ],
- "payable": false,
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "constant": true,
- "inputs": [
- {
- "name": "_owner",
- "type": "address"
- }
- ],
- "name": "balanceOf",
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "payable": false,
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "constant": true,
- "inputs": [],
- "name": "symbol",
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "",
- "type": "string"
- }
- ],
- "payable": false,
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "constant": false,
- "inputs": [
- {
- "name": "_to",
- "type": "address"
- },
- {
- "name": "_value",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "name": "transfer",
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "",
- "type": "bool"
- }
- ],
- "payable": false,
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "constant": false,
- "inputs": [],
- "name": "deposit",
- "outputs": [],
- "payable": true,
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "constant": true,
- "inputs": [
- {
- "name": "_owner",
- "type": "address"
- },
- {
- "name": "_spender",
- "type": "address"
- }
- ],
- "name": "allowance",
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "payable": false,
- "type": "function"
- },
- {
- "payable": true,
- "type": "fallback"
- },
- {
- "anonymous": false,
- "inputs": [
- {
- "indexed": true,
- "name": "_from",
- "type": "address"
- },
- {
- "indexed": true,
- "name": "_to",
- "type": "address"
- },
- {
- "indexed": false,
- "name": "_value",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "name": "Transfer",
- "type": "event"
- },
- {
- "anonymous": false,
- "inputs": [
- {
- "indexed": true,
- "name": "_owner",
- "type": "address"
- },
- {
- "indexed": true,
- "name": "_spender",
- "type": "address"
- },
- {
- "indexed": false,
- "name": "_value",
- "type": "uint256"
- }
- ],
- "name": "Approval",
- "type": "event"
- }
- ],
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- }
- ],
- "unlinked_binary": "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",
- "networks": {},
- "schema_version": "0.0.5",
- "updated_at": 1503318938227
diff --git a/src/bignumber_config.ts b/src/bignumber_config.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d5214e6f..000000000
--- a/src/bignumber_config.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
-export const bigNumberConfigs = {
- configure() {
- // By default BigNumber's `toString` method converts to exponential notation if the value has
- // more then 20 digits. We want to avoid this behavior, so we set EXPONENTIAL_AT to a high number
- BigNumber.config({
- });
- },
diff --git a/src/contract.ts b/src/contract.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 1aacc65dc..000000000
--- a/src/contract.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-import * as Web3 from 'web3';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import promisify = require('es6-promisify');
-import {SchemaValidator, schemas} from '0x-json-schemas';
-import {AbiType} from './types';
-export class Contract implements Web3.ContractInstance {
- public address: string;
- public abi: Web3.ContractAbi;
- private contract: Web3.ContractInstance;
- private defaults: Partial<Web3.TxData>;
- private validator: SchemaValidator;
- // This class instance is going to be populated with functions and events depending on the ABI
- // and we don't know their types in advance
- [name: string]: any;
- constructor(web3ContractInstance: Web3.ContractInstance, defaults: Partial<Web3.TxData>) {
- this.contract = web3ContractInstance;
- this.address = web3ContractInstance.address;
- this.abi = web3ContractInstance.abi;
- this.defaults = defaults;
- this.populateEvents();
- this.populateFunctions();
- this.validator = new SchemaValidator();
- }
- private populateFunctions(): void {
- const functionsAbi = _.filter(this.abi, abiPart => abiPart.type === AbiType.Function);
- _.forEach(functionsAbi, (functionAbi: Web3.MethodAbi) => {
- if (functionAbi.constant) {
- const cbStyleCallFunction = this.contract[functionAbi.name].call;
- this[functionAbi.name] = {
- callAsync: promisify(cbStyleCallFunction, this.contract),
- };
- } else {
- const cbStyleFunction = this.contract[functionAbi.name];
- const cbStyleEstimateGasFunction = this.contract[functionAbi.name].estimateGas;
- this[functionAbi.name] = {
- estimateGasAsync: promisify(cbStyleEstimateGasFunction, this.contract),
- sendTransactionAsync: this.promisifyWithDefaultParams(cbStyleFunction),
- };
- }
- });
- }
- private populateEvents(): void {
- const eventsAbi = _.filter(this.abi, abiPart => abiPart.type === AbiType.Event);
- _.forEach(eventsAbi, (eventAbi: Web3.EventAbi) => {
- this[eventAbi.name] = this.contract[eventAbi.name];
- });
- }
- private promisifyWithDefaultParams(fn: (...args: any[]) => void): (...args: any[]) => Promise<any> {
- const promisifiedWithDefaultParams = (...args: any[]) => {
- const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- const lastArg = args[args.length - 1];
- let txData: Partial<Web3.TxData> = {};
- if (this.isTxData(lastArg)) {
- txData = args.pop();
- }
- txData = {
- ...this.defaults,
- ...txData,
- };
- const callback = (err: Error, data: any) => {
- if (_.isNull(err)) {
- resolve(data);
- } else {
- reject(err);
- }
- };
- args.push(txData);
- args.push(callback);
- fn.apply(this.contract, args);
- });
- return promise;
- };
- return promisifiedWithDefaultParams;
- }
- private isTxData(lastArg: any): boolean {
- const isValid = this.validator.isValid(lastArg, schemas.txDataSchema);
- return isValid;
- }
diff --git a/src/contract_wrappers/contract_wrapper.ts b/src/contract_wrappers/contract_wrapper.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 7997b1647..000000000
--- a/src/contract_wrappers/contract_wrapper.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import * as Web3 from 'web3';
-import {BlockAndLogStreamer, Block} from 'ethereumjs-blockstream';
-import {Web3Wrapper} from '../web3_wrapper';
-import {AbiDecoder} from '../utils/abi_decoder';
-import {
- ZeroExError,
- InternalZeroExError,
- Artifact,
- LogWithDecodedArgs,
- RawLog,
- ContractEvents,
- SubscriptionOpts,
- IndexedFilterValues,
- EventCallback,
- BlockParamLiteral,
- ContractEventArgs,
-} from '../types';
-import {constants} from '../utils/constants';
-import {intervalUtils} from '../utils/interval_utils';
-import {filterUtils} from '../utils/filter_utils';
-export class ContractWrapper {
- protected _web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper;
- private _abiDecoder?: AbiDecoder;
- private _blockAndLogStreamer: BlockAndLogStreamer|undefined;
- private _blockAndLogStreamInterval: NodeJS.Timer;
- private _filters: {[filterToken: string]: Web3.FilterObject};
- private _filterCallbacks: {[filterToken: string]: EventCallback<ContractEventArgs>};
- private _onLogAddedSubscriptionToken: string|undefined;
- private _onLogRemovedSubscriptionToken: string|undefined;
- constructor(web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper, abiDecoder?: AbiDecoder) {
- this._web3Wrapper = web3Wrapper;
- this._abiDecoder = abiDecoder;
- this._filters = {};
- this._filterCallbacks = {};
- this._blockAndLogStreamer = undefined;
- this._onLogAddedSubscriptionToken = undefined;
- this._onLogRemovedSubscriptionToken = undefined;
- }
- /**
- * Cancels all existing subscriptions
- */
- public unsubscribeAll(): void {
- const filterTokens = _.keys(this._filterCallbacks);
- _.each(filterTokens, filterToken => {
- this._unsubscribe(filterToken);
- });
- }
- protected _unsubscribe(filterToken: string, err?: Error): void {
- if (_.isUndefined(this._filters[filterToken])) {
- throw new Error(ZeroExError.SubscriptionNotFound);
- }
- if (!_.isUndefined(err)) {
- const callback = this._filterCallbacks[filterToken];
- callback(err, undefined);
- }
- delete this._filters[filterToken];
- delete this._filterCallbacks[filterToken];
- if (_.isEmpty(this._filters)) {
- this._stopBlockAndLogStream();
- }
- }
- protected _subscribe<ArgsType extends ContractEventArgs>(
- address: string, eventName: ContractEvents, indexFilterValues: IndexedFilterValues, abi: Web3.ContractAbi,
- callback: EventCallback<ArgsType>): string {
- const filter = filterUtils.getFilter(address, eventName, indexFilterValues, abi);
- if (_.isUndefined(this._blockAndLogStreamer)) {
- this._startBlockAndLogStream();
- }
- const filterToken = filterUtils.generateUUID();
- this._filters[filterToken] = filter;
- this._filterCallbacks[filterToken] = callback;
- return filterToken;
- }
- protected async _getLogsAsync<ArgsType extends ContractEventArgs>(
- address: string, eventName: ContractEvents, subscriptionOpts: SubscriptionOpts,
- indexFilterValues: IndexedFilterValues, abi: Web3.ContractAbi): Promise<Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ArgsType>>> {
- const filter = filterUtils.getFilter(address, eventName, indexFilterValues, abi, subscriptionOpts);
- const logs = await this._web3Wrapper.getLogsAsync(filter);
- const logsWithDecodedArguments = _.map(logs, this._tryToDecodeLogOrNoop.bind(this));
- return logsWithDecodedArguments;
- }
- protected _tryToDecodeLogOrNoop<ArgsType extends ContractEventArgs>(
- log: Web3.LogEntry): LogWithDecodedArgs<ArgsType>|RawLog {
- if (_.isUndefined(this._abiDecoder)) {
- throw new Error(InternalZeroExError.NoAbiDecoder);
- }
- const logWithDecodedArgs = this._abiDecoder.tryToDecodeLogOrNoop(log);
- return logWithDecodedArgs;
- }
- protected async _instantiateContractIfExistsAsync<ContractType extends Web3.ContractInstance>(
- artifact: Artifact, addressIfExists?: string): Promise<ContractType> {
- const contractInstance =
- await this._web3Wrapper.getContractInstanceFromArtifactAsync<ContractType>(artifact, addressIfExists);
- return contractInstance;
- }
- private _onLogStateChanged<ArgsType extends ContractEventArgs>(removed: boolean, log: Web3.LogEntry): void {
- _.forEach(this._filters, (filter: Web3.FilterObject, filterToken: string) => {
- if (filterUtils.matchesFilter(log, filter)) {
- const decodedLog = this._tryToDecodeLogOrNoop(log) as LogWithDecodedArgs<ArgsType>;
- const logEvent = {
- ...decodedLog,
- removed,
- };
- this._filterCallbacks[filterToken](null, logEvent);
- }
- });
- }
- private _startBlockAndLogStream(): void {
- this._blockAndLogStreamer = new BlockAndLogStreamer(
- this._web3Wrapper.getBlockAsync.bind(this._web3Wrapper),
- this._web3Wrapper.getLogsAsync.bind(this._web3Wrapper),
- );
- const catchAllLogFilter = {};
- this._blockAndLogStreamer.addLogFilter(catchAllLogFilter);
- this._blockAndLogStreamInterval = intervalUtils.setAsyncExcludingInterval(
- this._reconcileBlockAsync.bind(this), constants.DEFAULT_BLOCK_POLLING_INTERVAL,
- );
- let removed = false;
- this._onLogAddedSubscriptionToken = this._blockAndLogStreamer.subscribeToOnLogAdded(
- this._onLogStateChanged.bind(this, removed),
- );
- removed = true;
- this._onLogRemovedSubscriptionToken = this._blockAndLogStreamer.subscribeToOnLogRemoved(
- this._onLogStateChanged.bind(this, removed),
- );
- }
- private _stopBlockAndLogStream(): void {
- (this._blockAndLogStreamer as BlockAndLogStreamer).unsubscribeFromOnLogAdded(
- this._onLogAddedSubscriptionToken as string);
- (this._blockAndLogStreamer as BlockAndLogStreamer).unsubscribeFromOnLogRemoved(
- this._onLogRemovedSubscriptionToken as string);
- intervalUtils.clearAsyncExcludingInterval(this._blockAndLogStreamInterval);
- delete this._blockAndLogStreamer;
- }
- private async _reconcileBlockAsync(): Promise<void> {
- try {
- const latestBlock = await this._web3Wrapper.getBlockAsync(BlockParamLiteral.Latest);
- // We need to coerce to Block type cause Web3.Block includes types for mempool blocks
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._blockAndLogStreamer)) {
- // If we clear the interval while fetching the block - this._blockAndLogStreamer will be undefined
- this._blockAndLogStreamer.reconcileNewBlock(latestBlock as any as Block);
- }
- } catch (err) {
- const filterTokens = _.keys(this._filterCallbacks);
- _.each(filterTokens, filterToken => {
- this._unsubscribe(filterToken, err);
- });
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/contract_wrappers/ether_token_wrapper.ts b/src/contract_wrappers/ether_token_wrapper.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cd2f0224..000000000
--- a/src/contract_wrappers/ether_token_wrapper.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
-import {Web3Wrapper} from '../web3_wrapper';
-import {ContractWrapper} from './contract_wrapper';
-import {TokenWrapper} from './token_wrapper';
-import {EtherTokenContract, ZeroExError} from '../types';
-import {assert} from '../utils/assert';
-import {artifacts} from '../artifacts';
- * This class includes all the functionality related to interacting with a wrapped Ether ERC20 token contract.
- * The caller can convert ETH into the equivalent number of wrapped ETH ERC20 tokens and back.
- */
-export class EtherTokenWrapper extends ContractWrapper {
- private _etherTokenContractIfExists?: EtherTokenContract;
- private _tokenWrapper: TokenWrapper;
- private _contractAddressIfExists?: string;
- constructor(web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper, tokenWrapper: TokenWrapper, contractAddressIfExists?: string) {
- super(web3Wrapper);
- this._tokenWrapper = tokenWrapper;
- this._contractAddressIfExists = contractAddressIfExists;
- }
- /**
- * Deposit ETH into the Wrapped ETH smart contract and issues the equivalent number of wrapped ETH tokens
- * to the depositor address. These wrapped ETH tokens can be used in 0x trades and are redeemable for 1-to-1
- * for ETH.
- * @param amountInWei Amount of ETH in Wei the caller wishes to deposit.
- * @param depositor The hex encoded user Ethereum address that would like to make the deposit.
- * @return Transaction hash.
- */
- public async depositAsync(amountInWei: BigNumber, depositor: string): Promise<string> {
- assert.isValidBaseUnitAmount('amountInWei', amountInWei);
- await assert.isSenderAddressAsync('depositor', depositor, this._web3Wrapper);
- const ethBalanceInWei = await this._web3Wrapper.getBalanceInWeiAsync(depositor);
- assert.assert(ethBalanceInWei.gte(amountInWei), ZeroExError.InsufficientEthBalanceForDeposit);
- const wethContract = await this._getEtherTokenContractAsync();
- const txHash = await wethContract.deposit.sendTransactionAsync({
- from: depositor,
- value: amountInWei,
- });
- return txHash;
- }
- /**
- * Withdraw ETH to the withdrawer's address from the wrapped ETH smart contract in exchange for the
- * equivalent number of wrapped ETH tokens.
- * @param amountInWei Amount of ETH in Wei the caller wishes to withdraw.
- * @param withdrawer The hex encoded user Ethereum address that would like to make the withdrawl.
- * @return Transaction hash.
- */
- public async withdrawAsync(amountInWei: BigNumber, withdrawer: string): Promise<string> {
- assert.isValidBaseUnitAmount('amountInWei', amountInWei);
- await assert.isSenderAddressAsync('withdrawer', withdrawer, this._web3Wrapper);
- const wethContractAddress = await this.getContractAddressAsync();
- const WETHBalanceInBaseUnits = await this._tokenWrapper.getBalanceAsync(wethContractAddress, withdrawer);
- assert.assert(WETHBalanceInBaseUnits.gte(amountInWei), ZeroExError.InsufficientWEthBalanceForWithdrawal);
- const wethContract = await this._getEtherTokenContractAsync();
- const txHash = await wethContract.withdraw.sendTransactionAsync(amountInWei, {
- from: withdrawer,
- });
- return txHash;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the Wrapped Ether token contract address
- * @return The Wrapped Ether token contract address
- */
- public async getContractAddressAsync(): Promise<string> {
- const wethContract = await this._getEtherTokenContractAsync();
- return wethContract.address;
- }
- private _invalidateContractInstance(): void {
- delete this._etherTokenContractIfExists;
- }
- private async _getEtherTokenContractAsync(): Promise<EtherTokenContract> {
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._etherTokenContractIfExists)) {
- return this._etherTokenContractIfExists;
- }
- const contractInstance = await this._instantiateContractIfExistsAsync<EtherTokenContract>(
- artifacts.EtherTokenArtifact, this._contractAddressIfExists,
- );
- this._etherTokenContractIfExists = contractInstance as EtherTokenContract;
- return this._etherTokenContractIfExists;
- }
diff --git a/src/contract_wrappers/exchange_wrapper.ts b/src/contract_wrappers/exchange_wrapper.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index fe0c5bc00..000000000
--- a/src/contract_wrappers/exchange_wrapper.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,866 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import * as Web3 from 'web3';
-import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
-import {schemas} from '0x-json-schemas';
-import {Web3Wrapper} from '../web3_wrapper';
-import {
- ECSignature,
- ExchangeContract,
- ExchangeContractErrCodes,
- ExchangeContractErrs,
- ZeroExError,
- OrderValues,
- OrderAddresses,
- Order,
- SignedOrder,
- ExchangeEvents,
- SubscriptionOpts,
- IndexedFilterValues,
- OrderCancellationRequest,
- OrderFillRequest,
- LogErrorContractEventArgs,
- LogFillContractEventArgs,
- LogCancelContractEventArgs,
- LogWithDecodedArgs,
- MethodOpts,
- ValidateOrderFillableOpts,
- OrderTransactionOpts,
- RawLog,
- EventCallback,
- ExchangeContractEventArgs,
- DecodedLogArgs,
-} from '../types';
-import {assert} from '../utils/assert';
-import {utils} from '../utils/utils';
-import {OrderValidationUtils} from '../utils/order_validation_utils';
-import {ContractWrapper} from './contract_wrapper';
-import {TokenWrapper} from './token_wrapper';
-import {decorators} from '../utils/decorators';
-import {AbiDecoder} from '../utils/abi_decoder';
-import {ExchangeTransferSimulator} from '../utils/exchange_transfer_simulator';
-import {artifacts} from '../artifacts';
- * This class includes all the functionality related to calling methods and subscribing to
- * events of the 0x Exchange smart contract.
- */
-export class ExchangeWrapper extends ContractWrapper {
- private _exchangeContractIfExists?: ExchangeContract;
- private _orderValidationUtils: OrderValidationUtils;
- private _tokenWrapper: TokenWrapper;
- private _exchangeContractErrCodesToMsg = {
- [ExchangeContractErrCodes.ERROR_FILL_EXPIRED]: ExchangeContractErrs.OrderFillExpired,
- [ExchangeContractErrCodes.ERROR_CANCEL_EXPIRED]: ExchangeContractErrs.OrderFillExpired,
- [ExchangeContractErrCodes.ERROR_FILL_NO_VALUE]: ExchangeContractErrs.OrderRemainingFillAmountZero,
- [ExchangeContractErrCodes.ERROR_CANCEL_NO_VALUE]: ExchangeContractErrs.OrderRemainingFillAmountZero,
- [ExchangeContractErrCodes.ERROR_FILL_TRUNCATION]: ExchangeContractErrs.OrderFillRoundingError,
- [ExchangeContractErrCodes.ERROR_FILL_BALANCE_ALLOWANCE]: ExchangeContractErrs.FillBalanceAllowanceError,
- };
- private _contractAddressIfExists?: string;
- private static _getOrderAddressesAndValues(order: Order): [OrderAddresses, OrderValues] {
- const orderAddresses: OrderAddresses = [
- order.maker,
- order.taker,
- order.makerTokenAddress,
- order.takerTokenAddress,
- order.feeRecipient,
- ];
- const orderValues: OrderValues = [
- order.makerTokenAmount,
- order.takerTokenAmount,
- order.makerFee,
- order.takerFee,
- order.expirationUnixTimestampSec,
- order.salt,
- ];
- return [orderAddresses, orderValues];
- }
- constructor(web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper, abiDecoder: AbiDecoder,
- tokenWrapper: TokenWrapper, contractAddressIfExists?: string) {
- super(web3Wrapper, abiDecoder);
- this._tokenWrapper = tokenWrapper;
- this._orderValidationUtils = new OrderValidationUtils(tokenWrapper, this);
- this._contractAddressIfExists = contractAddressIfExists;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the unavailable takerAmount of an order. Unavailable amount is defined as the total
- * amount that has been filled or cancelled. The remaining takerAmount can be calculated by
- * subtracting the unavailable amount from the total order takerAmount.
- * @param orderHash The hex encoded orderHash for which you would like to retrieve the
- * unavailable takerAmount.
- * @param methodOpts Optional arguments this method accepts.
- * @return The amount of the order (in taker tokens) that has either been filled or canceled.
- */
- public async getUnavailableTakerAmountAsync(orderHash: string,
- methodOpts?: MethodOpts): Promise<BigNumber> {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('orderHash', orderHash, schemas.orderHashSchema);
- const exchangeContract = await this._getExchangeContractAsync();
- const defaultBlock = _.isUndefined(methodOpts) ? undefined : methodOpts.defaultBlock;
- let unavailableTakerTokenAmount = await exchangeContract.getUnavailableTakerTokenAmount.callAsync(
- orderHash, defaultBlock,
- );
- // Wrap BigNumbers returned from web3 with our own (later) version of BigNumber
- unavailableTakerTokenAmount = new BigNumber(unavailableTakerTokenAmount);
- return unavailableTakerTokenAmount;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the takerAmount of an order that has already been filled.
- * @param orderHash The hex encoded orderHash for which you would like to retrieve the filled takerAmount.
- * @param methodOpts Optional arguments this method accepts.
- * @return The amount of the order (in taker tokens) that has already been filled.
- */
- public async getFilledTakerAmountAsync(orderHash: string, methodOpts?: MethodOpts): Promise<BigNumber> {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('orderHash', orderHash, schemas.orderHashSchema);
- const exchangeContract = await this._getExchangeContractAsync();
- const defaultBlock = _.isUndefined(methodOpts) ? undefined : methodOpts.defaultBlock;
- let fillAmountInBaseUnits = await exchangeContract.filled.callAsync(orderHash, defaultBlock);
- // Wrap BigNumbers returned from web3 with our own (later) version of BigNumber
- fillAmountInBaseUnits = new BigNumber(fillAmountInBaseUnits);
- return fillAmountInBaseUnits;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the takerAmount of an order that has been cancelled.
- * @param orderHash The hex encoded orderHash for which you would like to retrieve the
- * cancelled takerAmount.
- * @param methodOpts Optional arguments this method accepts.
- * @return The amount of the order (in taker tokens) that has been cancelled.
- */
- public async getCanceledTakerAmountAsync(orderHash: string, methodOpts?: MethodOpts): Promise<BigNumber> {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('orderHash', orderHash, schemas.orderHashSchema);
- const exchangeContract = await this._getExchangeContractAsync();
- const defaultBlock = _.isUndefined(methodOpts) ? undefined : methodOpts.defaultBlock;
- let cancelledAmountInBaseUnits = await exchangeContract.cancelled.callAsync(orderHash, defaultBlock);
- // Wrap BigNumbers returned from web3 with our own (later) version of BigNumber
- cancelledAmountInBaseUnits = new BigNumber(cancelledAmountInBaseUnits);
- return cancelledAmountInBaseUnits;
- }
- /**
- * Fills a signed order with an amount denominated in baseUnits of the taker token.
- * Since the order in which transactions are included in the next block is indeterminate, race-conditions
- * could arise where a users balance or allowance changes before the fillOrder executes. Because of this,
- * we allow you to specify `shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance`.
- * If false, the smart contract will not throw if the parties
- * do not have sufficient balances/allowances, preserving gas costs. Setting it to true forgoes this check
- * and causes the smart contract to throw (using all the gas supplied) instead.
- * @param signedOrder An object that conforms to the SignedOrder interface.
- * @param fillTakerTokenAmount The amount of the order (in taker tokens baseUnits) that
- * you wish to fill.
- * @param shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance Whether or not you wish for the contract call to throw
- * if upon execution the tokens cannot be transferred.
- * @param takerAddress The user Ethereum address who would like to fill this order.
- * Must be available via the supplied Web3.Provider
- * passed to 0x.js.
- * @param orderTransactionOpts Optional arguments this method accepts.
- * @return Transaction hash.
- */
- @decorators.contractCallErrorHandler
- public async fillOrderAsync(signedOrder: SignedOrder, fillTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance: boolean,
- takerAddress: string,
- orderTransactionOpts?: OrderTransactionOpts): Promise<string> {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('signedOrder', signedOrder, schemas.signedOrderSchema);
- assert.isValidBaseUnitAmount('fillTakerTokenAmount', fillTakerTokenAmount);
- assert.isBoolean('shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance', shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance);
- await assert.isSenderAddressAsync('takerAddress', takerAddress, this._web3Wrapper);
- const exchangeInstance = await this._getExchangeContractAsync();
- const shouldValidate = _.isUndefined(orderTransactionOpts) ?
- orderTransactionOpts.shouldValidate;
- if (shouldValidate) {
- const zrxTokenAddress = await this.getZRXTokenAddressAsync();
- const exchangeTradeEmulator = new ExchangeTransferSimulator(this._tokenWrapper);
- await this._orderValidationUtils.validateFillOrderThrowIfInvalidAsync(
- exchangeTradeEmulator, signedOrder, fillTakerTokenAmount, takerAddress, zrxTokenAddress);
- }
- const [orderAddresses, orderValues] = ExchangeWrapper._getOrderAddressesAndValues(signedOrder);
- const gas = await exchangeInstance.fillOrder.estimateGasAsync(
- orderAddresses,
- orderValues,
- fillTakerTokenAmount,
- shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance,
- signedOrder.ecSignature.v,
- signedOrder.ecSignature.r,
- signedOrder.ecSignature.s,
- {
- from: takerAddress,
- },
- );
- const txHash: string = await exchangeInstance.fillOrder.sendTransactionAsync(
- orderAddresses,
- orderValues,
- fillTakerTokenAmount,
- shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance,
- signedOrder.ecSignature.v,
- signedOrder.ecSignature.r,
- signedOrder.ecSignature.s,
- {
- from: takerAddress,
- gas,
- },
- );
- return txHash;
- }
- /**
- * Sequentially and atomically fills signedOrders up to the specified takerTokenFillAmount.
- * If the fill amount is reached - it succeeds and does not fill the rest of the orders.
- * If fill amount is not reached - it fills as much of the fill amount as possible and succeeds.
- * @param signedOrders The array of signedOrders that you would like to fill until
- * takerTokenFillAmount is reached.
- * @param fillTakerTokenAmount The total amount of the takerTokens you would like to fill.
- * @param shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance Whether or not you wish for the contract call to throw if
- * upon execution any of the tokens cannot be transferred.
- * If set to false, the call will continue to fill subsequent
- * signedOrders even when some cannot be filled.
- * @param takerAddress The user Ethereum address who would like to fill these
- * orders. Must be available via the supplied Web3.Provider
- * passed to 0x.js.
- * @param orderTransactionOpts Optional arguments this method accepts.
- * @return Transaction hash.
- */
- @decorators.contractCallErrorHandler
- public async fillOrdersUpToAsync(signedOrders: SignedOrder[], fillTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance: boolean,
- takerAddress: string,
- orderTransactionOpts?: OrderTransactionOpts): Promise<string> {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('signedOrders', signedOrders, schemas.signedOrdersSchema);
- const takerTokenAddresses = _.map(signedOrders, signedOrder => signedOrder.takerTokenAddress);
- assert.hasAtMostOneUniqueValue(takerTokenAddresses,
- ExchangeContractErrs.MultipleTakerTokensInFillUpToDisallowed);
- const exchangeContractAddresses = _.map(signedOrders, signedOrder => signedOrder.exchangeContractAddress);
- assert.hasAtMostOneUniqueValue(exchangeContractAddresses,
- ExchangeContractErrs.BatchOrdersMustHaveSameExchangeAddress);
- assert.isValidBaseUnitAmount('fillTakerTokenAmount', fillTakerTokenAmount);
- assert.isBoolean('shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance', shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance);
- await assert.isSenderAddressAsync('takerAddress', takerAddress, this._web3Wrapper);
- const shouldValidate = _.isUndefined(orderTransactionOpts) ?
- orderTransactionOpts.shouldValidate;
- if (shouldValidate) {
- const zrxTokenAddress = await this.getZRXTokenAddressAsync();
- const exchangeTradeEmulator = new ExchangeTransferSimulator(this._tokenWrapper);
- for (const signedOrder of signedOrders) {
- await this._orderValidationUtils.validateFillOrderThrowIfInvalidAsync(
- exchangeTradeEmulator, signedOrder, fillTakerTokenAmount, takerAddress, zrxTokenAddress);
- }
- }
- if (_.isEmpty(signedOrders)) {
- throw new Error(ExchangeContractErrs.BatchOrdersMustHaveAtLeastOneItem);
- }
- const orderAddressesValuesAndSignatureArray = _.map(signedOrders, signedOrder => {
- return [
- ...ExchangeWrapper._getOrderAddressesAndValues(signedOrder),
- signedOrder.ecSignature.v,
- signedOrder.ecSignature.r,
- signedOrder.ecSignature.s,
- ];
- });
- // We use _.unzip<any> because _.unzip doesn't type check if values have different types :'(
- const [orderAddressesArray, orderValuesArray, vArray, rArray, sArray] = _.unzip<any>(
- orderAddressesValuesAndSignatureArray,
- );
- const exchangeInstance = await this._getExchangeContractAsync();
- const gas = await exchangeInstance.fillOrdersUpTo.estimateGasAsync(
- orderAddressesArray,
- orderValuesArray,
- fillTakerTokenAmount,
- shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance,
- vArray,
- rArray,
- sArray,
- {
- from: takerAddress,
- },
- );
- const txHash = await exchangeInstance.fillOrdersUpTo.sendTransactionAsync(
- orderAddressesArray,
- orderValuesArray,
- fillTakerTokenAmount,
- shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance,
- vArray,
- rArray,
- sArray,
- {
- from: takerAddress,
- gas,
- },
- );
- return txHash;
- }
- /**
- * Batch version of fillOrderAsync.
- * Executes multiple fills atomically in a single transaction.
- * If shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance is set to false, it will continue filling subsequent orders even
- * when earlier ones fail.
- * When shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance is set to true, if any fill fails, the entire batch fails.
- * @param orderFillRequests An array of objects that conform to the
- * OrderFillRequest interface.
- * @param shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance Whether or not you wish for the contract call to throw
- * if upon execution any of the tokens cannot be
- * transferred. If set to false, the call will continue to
- * fill subsequent signedOrders even when some
- * cannot be filled.
- * @param takerAddress The user Ethereum address who would like to fill
- * these orders. Must be available via the supplied
- * Web3.Provider passed to 0x.js.
- * @param orderTransactionOpts Optional arguments this method accepts.
- * @return Transaction hash.
- */
- @decorators.contractCallErrorHandler
- public async batchFillOrdersAsync(orderFillRequests: OrderFillRequest[],
- shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance: boolean,
- takerAddress: string,
- orderTransactionOpts?: OrderTransactionOpts): Promise<string> {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('orderFillRequests', orderFillRequests, schemas.orderFillRequestsSchema);
- const exchangeContractAddresses = _.map(
- orderFillRequests,
- orderFillRequest => orderFillRequest.signedOrder.exchangeContractAddress,
- );
- assert.hasAtMostOneUniqueValue(exchangeContractAddresses,
- ExchangeContractErrs.BatchOrdersMustHaveSameExchangeAddress);
- assert.isBoolean('shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance', shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance);
- await assert.isSenderAddressAsync('takerAddress', takerAddress, this._web3Wrapper);
- const shouldValidate = _.isUndefined(orderTransactionOpts) ?
- orderTransactionOpts.shouldValidate;
- if (shouldValidate) {
- const zrxTokenAddress = await this.getZRXTokenAddressAsync();
- const exchangeTradeEmulator = new ExchangeTransferSimulator(this._tokenWrapper);
- for (const orderFillRequest of orderFillRequests) {
- await this._orderValidationUtils.validateFillOrderThrowIfInvalidAsync(
- exchangeTradeEmulator, orderFillRequest.signedOrder, orderFillRequest.takerTokenFillAmount,
- takerAddress, zrxTokenAddress,
- );
- }
- }
- if (_.isEmpty(orderFillRequests)) {
- throw new Error(ExchangeContractErrs.BatchOrdersMustHaveAtLeastOneItem);
- }
- const orderAddressesValuesAmountsAndSignatureArray = _.map(orderFillRequests, orderFillRequest => {
- return [
- ...ExchangeWrapper._getOrderAddressesAndValues(orderFillRequest.signedOrder),
- orderFillRequest.takerTokenFillAmount,
- orderFillRequest.signedOrder.ecSignature.v,
- orderFillRequest.signedOrder.ecSignature.r,
- orderFillRequest.signedOrder.ecSignature.s,
- ];
- });
- // We use _.unzip<any> because _.unzip doesn't type check if values have different types :'(
- const [orderAddressesArray, orderValuesArray, fillTakerTokenAmounts, vArray, rArray, sArray] = _.unzip<any>(
- orderAddressesValuesAmountsAndSignatureArray,
- );
- const exchangeInstance = await this._getExchangeContractAsync();
- const gas = await exchangeInstance.batchFillOrders.estimateGasAsync(
- orderAddressesArray,
- orderValuesArray,
- fillTakerTokenAmounts,
- shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance,
- vArray,
- rArray,
- sArray,
- {
- from: takerAddress,
- },
- );
- const txHash = await exchangeInstance.batchFillOrders.sendTransactionAsync(
- orderAddressesArray,
- orderValuesArray,
- fillTakerTokenAmounts,
- shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance,
- vArray,
- rArray,
- sArray,
- {
- from: takerAddress,
- gas,
- },
- );
- return txHash;
- }
- /**
- * Attempts to fill a specific amount of an order. If the entire amount specified cannot be filled,
- * the fill order is abandoned.
- * @param signedOrder An object that conforms to the SignedOrder interface. The
- * signedOrder you wish to fill.
- * @param fillTakerTokenAmount The total amount of the takerTokens you would like to fill.
- * @param takerAddress The user Ethereum address who would like to fill this order.
- * Must be available via the supplied Web3.Provider passed to 0x.js.
- * @param orderTransactionOpts Optional arguments this method accepts.
- * @return Transaction hash.
- */
- @decorators.contractCallErrorHandler
- public async fillOrKillOrderAsync(signedOrder: SignedOrder, fillTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- takerAddress: string,
- orderTransactionOpts?: OrderTransactionOpts): Promise<string> {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('signedOrder', signedOrder, schemas.signedOrderSchema);
- assert.isValidBaseUnitAmount('fillTakerTokenAmount', fillTakerTokenAmount);
- await assert.isSenderAddressAsync('takerAddress', takerAddress, this._web3Wrapper);
- const exchangeInstance = await this._getExchangeContractAsync();
- const shouldValidate = _.isUndefined(orderTransactionOpts) ?
- orderTransactionOpts.shouldValidate;
- if (shouldValidate) {
- const zrxTokenAddress = await this.getZRXTokenAddressAsync();
- const exchangeTradeEmulator = new ExchangeTransferSimulator(this._tokenWrapper);
- await this._orderValidationUtils.validateFillOrKillOrderThrowIfInvalidAsync(
- exchangeTradeEmulator, signedOrder, fillTakerTokenAmount, takerAddress, zrxTokenAddress);
- }
- const [orderAddresses, orderValues] = ExchangeWrapper._getOrderAddressesAndValues(signedOrder);
- const gas = await exchangeInstance.fillOrKillOrder.estimateGasAsync(
- orderAddresses,
- orderValues,
- fillTakerTokenAmount,
- signedOrder.ecSignature.v,
- signedOrder.ecSignature.r,
- signedOrder.ecSignature.s,
- {
- from: takerAddress,
- },
- );
- const txHash = await exchangeInstance.fillOrKillOrder.sendTransactionAsync(
- orderAddresses,
- orderValues,
- fillTakerTokenAmount,
- signedOrder.ecSignature.v,
- signedOrder.ecSignature.r,
- signedOrder.ecSignature.s,
- {
- from: takerAddress,
- gas,
- },
- );
- return txHash;
- }
- /**
- * Batch version of fillOrKill. Allows a taker to specify a batch of orders that will either be atomically
- * filled (each to the specified fillAmount) or aborted.
- * @param orderFillRequests An array of objects that conform to the OrderFillRequest interface.
- * @param takerAddress The user Ethereum address who would like to fill there orders.
- * Must be available via the supplied Web3.Provider passed to 0x.js.
- * @param orderTransactionOpts Optional arguments this method accepts.
- * @return Transaction hash.
- */
- @decorators.contractCallErrorHandler
- public async batchFillOrKillAsync(orderFillRequests: OrderFillRequest[],
- takerAddress: string,
- orderTransactionOpts?: OrderTransactionOpts): Promise<string> {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('orderFillRequests', orderFillRequests,
- schemas.orderFillRequestsSchema);
- const exchangeContractAddresses = _.map(
- orderFillRequests,
- orderFillRequest => orderFillRequest.signedOrder.exchangeContractAddress,
- );
- assert.hasAtMostOneUniqueValue(exchangeContractAddresses,
- ExchangeContractErrs.BatchOrdersMustHaveSameExchangeAddress);
- await assert.isSenderAddressAsync('takerAddress', takerAddress, this._web3Wrapper);
- if (_.isEmpty(orderFillRequests)) {
- throw new Error(ExchangeContractErrs.BatchOrdersMustHaveAtLeastOneItem);
- }
- const exchangeInstance = await this._getExchangeContractAsync();
- const shouldValidate = _.isUndefined(orderTransactionOpts) ?
- orderTransactionOpts.shouldValidate;
- if (shouldValidate) {
- const zrxTokenAddress = await this.getZRXTokenAddressAsync();
- const exchangeTradeEmulator = new ExchangeTransferSimulator(this._tokenWrapper);
- for (const orderFillRequest of orderFillRequests) {
- await this._orderValidationUtils.validateFillOrKillOrderThrowIfInvalidAsync(
- exchangeTradeEmulator, orderFillRequest.signedOrder, orderFillRequest.takerTokenFillAmount,
- takerAddress, zrxTokenAddress,
- );
- }
- }
- const orderAddressesValuesAndTakerTokenFillAmounts = _.map(orderFillRequests, request => {
- return [
- ...ExchangeWrapper._getOrderAddressesAndValues(request.signedOrder),
- request.takerTokenFillAmount,
- request.signedOrder.ecSignature.v,
- request.signedOrder.ecSignature.r,
- request.signedOrder.ecSignature.s,
- ];
- });
- // We use _.unzip<any> because _.unzip doesn't type check if values have different types :'(
- const [orderAddresses, orderValues, fillTakerTokenAmounts, vParams, rParams, sParams] =
- _.unzip<any>(orderAddressesValuesAndTakerTokenFillAmounts);
- const gas = await exchangeInstance.batchFillOrKillOrders.estimateGasAsync(
- orderAddresses,
- orderValues,
- fillTakerTokenAmounts,
- vParams,
- rParams,
- sParams,
- {
- from: takerAddress,
- },
- );
- const txHash = await exchangeInstance.batchFillOrKillOrders.sendTransactionAsync(
- orderAddresses,
- orderValues,
- fillTakerTokenAmounts,
- vParams,
- rParams,
- sParams,
- {
- from: takerAddress,
- gas,
- },
- );
- return txHash;
- }
- /**
- * Cancel a given fill amount of an order. Cancellations are cumulative.
- * @param order An object that conforms to the Order or SignedOrder interface.
- * The order you would like to cancel.
- * @param cancelTakerTokenAmount The amount (specified in taker tokens) that you would like to cancel.
- * @param transactionOpts Optional arguments this method accepts.
- * @return Transaction hash.
- */
- @decorators.contractCallErrorHandler
- public async cancelOrderAsync(order: Order|SignedOrder,
- cancelTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- orderTransactionOpts?: OrderTransactionOpts): Promise<string> {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('order', order, schemas.orderSchema);
- assert.isValidBaseUnitAmount('takerTokenCancelAmount', cancelTakerTokenAmount);
- await assert.isSenderAddressAsync('order.maker', order.maker, this._web3Wrapper);
- const exchangeInstance = await this._getExchangeContractAsync();
- const shouldValidate = _.isUndefined(orderTransactionOpts) ?
- orderTransactionOpts.shouldValidate;
- if (shouldValidate) {
- const orderHash = utils.getOrderHashHex(order);
- const unavailableTakerTokenAmount = await this.getUnavailableTakerAmountAsync(orderHash);
- await this._orderValidationUtils.validateCancelOrderThrowIfInvalidAsync(
- order, cancelTakerTokenAmount, unavailableTakerTokenAmount);
- }
- const [orderAddresses, orderValues] = ExchangeWrapper._getOrderAddressesAndValues(order);
- const gas = await exchangeInstance.cancelOrder.estimateGasAsync(
- orderAddresses,
- orderValues,
- cancelTakerTokenAmount,
- {
- from: order.maker,
- },
- );
- const txHash = await exchangeInstance.cancelOrder.sendTransactionAsync(
- orderAddresses,
- orderValues,
- cancelTakerTokenAmount,
- {
- from: order.maker,
- gas,
- },
- );
- return txHash;
- }
- /**
- * Batch version of cancelOrderAsync. Atomically cancels multiple orders in a single transaction.
- * All orders must be from the same maker.
- * @param orderCancellationRequests An array of objects that conform to the OrderCancellationRequest
- * interface.
- * @param transactionOpts Optional arguments this method accepts.
- * @return Transaction hash.
- */
- @decorators.contractCallErrorHandler
- public async batchCancelOrdersAsync(orderCancellationRequests: OrderCancellationRequest[],
- orderTransactionOpts?: OrderTransactionOpts): Promise<string> {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('orderCancellationRequests', orderCancellationRequests,
- schemas.orderCancellationRequestsSchema);
- const exchangeContractAddresses = _.map(
- orderCancellationRequests,
- orderCancellationRequest => orderCancellationRequest.order.exchangeContractAddress,
- );
- assert.hasAtMostOneUniqueValue(exchangeContractAddresses,
- ExchangeContractErrs.BatchOrdersMustHaveSameExchangeAddress);
- const makers = _.map(orderCancellationRequests, cancellationRequest => cancellationRequest.order.maker);
- assert.hasAtMostOneUniqueValue(makers, ExchangeContractErrs.MultipleMakersInSingleCancelBatchDisallowed);
- const maker = makers[0];
- await assert.isSenderAddressAsync('maker', maker, this._web3Wrapper);
- const shouldValidate = _.isUndefined(orderTransactionOpts) ?
- orderTransactionOpts.shouldValidate;
- if (shouldValidate) {
- for (const orderCancellationRequest of orderCancellationRequests) {
- const orderHash = utils.getOrderHashHex(orderCancellationRequest.order);
- const unavailableTakerTokenAmount = await this.getUnavailableTakerAmountAsync(orderHash);
- await this._orderValidationUtils.validateCancelOrderThrowIfInvalidAsync(
- orderCancellationRequest.order, orderCancellationRequest.takerTokenCancelAmount,
- unavailableTakerTokenAmount,
- );
- }
- }
- if (_.isEmpty(orderCancellationRequests)) {
- throw new Error(ExchangeContractErrs.BatchOrdersMustHaveAtLeastOneItem);
- }
- const exchangeInstance = await this._getExchangeContractAsync();
- const orderAddressesValuesAndTakerTokenCancelAmounts = _.map(orderCancellationRequests, cancellationRequest => {
- return [
- ...ExchangeWrapper._getOrderAddressesAndValues(cancellationRequest.order),
- cancellationRequest.takerTokenCancelAmount,
- ];
- });
- // We use _.unzip<any> because _.unzip doesn't type check if values have different types :'(
- const [orderAddresses, orderValues, cancelTakerTokenAmounts] =
- _.unzip<any>(orderAddressesValuesAndTakerTokenCancelAmounts);
- const gas = await exchangeInstance.batchCancelOrders.estimateGasAsync(
- orderAddresses,
- orderValues,
- cancelTakerTokenAmounts,
- {
- from: maker,
- },
- );
- const txHash = await exchangeInstance.batchCancelOrders.sendTransactionAsync(
- orderAddresses,
- orderValues,
- cancelTakerTokenAmounts,
- {
- from: maker,
- gas,
- },
- );
- return txHash;
- }
- /**
- * Subscribe to an event type emitted by the Exchange contract.
- * @param eventName The exchange contract event you would like to subscribe to.
- * @param indexFilterValues An object where the keys are indexed args returned by the event and
- * the value is the value you are interested in. E.g `{maker: aUserAddressHex}`
- * @param callback Callback that gets called when a log is added/removed
- * @return Subscription token used later to unsubscribe
- */
- public async subscribeAsync<ArgsType extends ExchangeContractEventArgs>(
- eventName: ExchangeEvents, indexFilterValues: IndexedFilterValues,
- callback: EventCallback<ArgsType>): Promise<string> {
- assert.doesBelongToStringEnum('eventName', eventName, ExchangeEvents);
- assert.doesConformToSchema('indexFilterValues', indexFilterValues, schemas.indexFilterValuesSchema);
- assert.isFunction('callback', callback);
- const exchangeContractAddress = await this.getContractAddressAsync();
- const subscriptionToken = this._subscribe<ArgsType>(
- exchangeContractAddress, eventName, indexFilterValues, artifacts.ExchangeArtifact.abi, callback,
- );
- return subscriptionToken;
- }
- /**
- * Cancel a subscription
- * @param subscriptionToken Subscription token returned by `subscribe()`
- */
- public unsubscribe(subscriptionToken: string): void {
- this._unsubscribe(subscriptionToken);
- }
- /**
- * Gets historical logs without creating a subscription
- * @param eventName The exchange contract event you would like to subscribe to.
- * @param subscriptionOpts Subscriptions options that let you configure the subscription.
- * @param indexFilterValues An object where the keys are indexed args returned by the event and
- * the value is the value you are interested in. E.g `{_from: aUserAddressHex}`
- * @return Array of logs that match the parameters
- */
- public async getLogsAsync<ArgsType extends ExchangeContractEventArgs>(
- eventName: ExchangeEvents, subscriptionOpts: SubscriptionOpts, indexFilterValues: IndexedFilterValues,
- ): Promise<Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ArgsType>>> {
- assert.doesBelongToStringEnum('eventName', eventName, ExchangeEvents);
- assert.doesConformToSchema('subscriptionOpts', subscriptionOpts, schemas.subscriptionOptsSchema);
- assert.doesConformToSchema('indexFilterValues', indexFilterValues, schemas.indexFilterValuesSchema);
- const exchangeContractAddress = await this.getContractAddressAsync();
- const logs = await this._getLogsAsync<ArgsType>(
- exchangeContractAddress, eventName, subscriptionOpts, indexFilterValues, artifacts.ExchangeArtifact.abi,
- );
- return logs;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the Ethereum address of the Exchange contract deployed on the network
- * that the user-passed web3 provider is connected to.
- * @returns The Ethereum address of the Exchange contract being used.
- */
- public async getContractAddressAsync(): Promise<string> {
- const exchangeInstance = await this._getExchangeContractAsync();
- const exchangeAddress = exchangeInstance.address;
- return exchangeAddress;
- }
- /**
- * Checks if order is still fillable and throws an error otherwise. Useful for orderbook
- * pruning where you want to remove stale orders without knowing who the taker will be.
- * @param signedOrder An object that conforms to the SignedOrder interface. The
- * signedOrder you wish to validate.
- * @param opts An object that conforms to the ValidateOrderFillableOpts
- * interface. Allows specifying a specific fillTakerTokenAmount
- * to validate for.
- */
- public async validateOrderFillableOrThrowAsync(
- signedOrder: SignedOrder, opts?: ValidateOrderFillableOpts,
- ): Promise<void> {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('signedOrder', signedOrder, schemas.signedOrderSchema);
- const zrxTokenAddress = await this.getZRXTokenAddressAsync();
- const expectedFillTakerTokenAmount = !_.isUndefined(opts) ? opts.expectedFillTakerTokenAmount : undefined;
- const exchangeTradeEmulator = new ExchangeTransferSimulator(this._tokenWrapper);
- await this._orderValidationUtils.validateOrderFillableOrThrowAsync(
- exchangeTradeEmulator, signedOrder, zrxTokenAddress, expectedFillTakerTokenAmount,
- );
- }
- /**
- * Checks if order fill will succeed and throws an error otherwise.
- * @param signedOrder An object that conforms to the SignedOrder interface. The
- * signedOrder you wish to fill.
- * @param fillTakerTokenAmount The total amount of the takerTokens you would like to fill.
- * @param takerAddress The user Ethereum address who would like to fill this order.
- * Must be available via the supplied Web3.Provider passed to 0x.js.
- */
- public async validateFillOrderThrowIfInvalidAsync(signedOrder: SignedOrder,
- fillTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- takerAddress: string): Promise<void> {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('signedOrder', signedOrder, schemas.signedOrderSchema);
- assert.isValidBaseUnitAmount('fillTakerTokenAmount', fillTakerTokenAmount);
- await assert.isSenderAddressAsync('takerAddress', takerAddress, this._web3Wrapper);
- const zrxTokenAddress = await this.getZRXTokenAddressAsync();
- const exchangeTradeEmulator = new ExchangeTransferSimulator(this._tokenWrapper);
- await this._orderValidationUtils.validateFillOrderThrowIfInvalidAsync(
- exchangeTradeEmulator, signedOrder, fillTakerTokenAmount, takerAddress, zrxTokenAddress);
- }
- /**
- * Checks if cancelling a given order will succeed and throws an informative error if it won't.
- * @param order An object that conforms to the Order or SignedOrder interface.
- * The order you would like to cancel.
- * @param cancelTakerTokenAmount The amount (specified in taker tokens) that you would like to cancel.
- */
- public async validateCancelOrderThrowIfInvalidAsync(
- order: Order, cancelTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber): Promise<void> {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('order', order, schemas.orderSchema);
- assert.isValidBaseUnitAmount('cancelTakerTokenAmount', cancelTakerTokenAmount);
- const orderHash = utils.getOrderHashHex(order);
- const unavailableTakerTokenAmount = await this.getUnavailableTakerAmountAsync(orderHash);
- await this._orderValidationUtils.validateCancelOrderThrowIfInvalidAsync(
- order, cancelTakerTokenAmount, unavailableTakerTokenAmount);
- }
- /**
- * Checks if calling fillOrKill on a given order will succeed and throws an informative error if it won't.
- * @param signedOrder An object that conforms to the SignedOrder interface. The
- * signedOrder you wish to fill.
- * @param fillTakerTokenAmount The total amount of the takerTokens you would like to fill.
- * @param takerAddress The user Ethereum address who would like to fill this order.
- * Must be available via the supplied Web3.Provider passed to 0x.js.
- */
- public async validateFillOrKillOrderThrowIfInvalidAsync(signedOrder: SignedOrder,
- fillTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- takerAddress: string): Promise<void> {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('signedOrder', signedOrder, schemas.signedOrderSchema);
- assert.isValidBaseUnitAmount('fillTakerTokenAmount', fillTakerTokenAmount);
- await assert.isSenderAddressAsync('takerAddress', takerAddress, this._web3Wrapper);
- const zrxTokenAddress = await this.getZRXTokenAddressAsync();
- const exchangeTradeEmulator = new ExchangeTransferSimulator(this._tokenWrapper);
- await this._orderValidationUtils.validateFillOrKillOrderThrowIfInvalidAsync(
- exchangeTradeEmulator, signedOrder, fillTakerTokenAmount, takerAddress, zrxTokenAddress);
- }
- /**
- * Checks if rounding error will be > 0.1% when computing makerTokenAmount by doing:
- * `(fillTakerTokenAmount * makerTokenAmount) / takerTokenAmount`.
- * 0x Protocol does not accept any trades that result in large rounding errors. This means that tokens with few or
- * no decimals can only be filled in quantities and ratios that avoid large rounding errors.
- * @param fillTakerTokenAmount The amount of the order (in taker tokens baseUnits) that you wish to fill.
- * @param takerTokenAmount The order size on the taker side
- * @param makerTokenAmount The order size on the maker side
- */
- public async isRoundingErrorAsync(fillTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- takerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- makerTokenAmount: BigNumber): Promise<boolean> {
- assert.isValidBaseUnitAmount('fillTakerTokenAmount', fillTakerTokenAmount);
- assert.isValidBaseUnitAmount('takerTokenAmount', takerTokenAmount);
- assert.isValidBaseUnitAmount('makerTokenAmount', makerTokenAmount);
- const exchangeInstance = await this._getExchangeContractAsync();
- const isRoundingError = await exchangeInstance.isRoundingError.callAsync(
- fillTakerTokenAmount, takerTokenAmount, makerTokenAmount,
- );
- return isRoundingError;
- }
- /**
- * Checks if logs contain LogError, which is emmited by Exchange contract on transaction failure.
- * @param logs Transaction logs as returned by `zeroEx.awaitTransactionMinedAsync`
- */
- public throwLogErrorsAsErrors(logs: Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<DecodedLogArgs>|Web3.LogEntry>): void {
- const errLog = _.find(logs, {
- event: ExchangeEvents.LogError,
- }) as LogWithDecodedArgs<LogErrorContractEventArgs>|undefined;
- if (!_.isUndefined(errLog)) {
- const logArgs = errLog.args;
- const errCode = logArgs.errorId.toNumber();
- const errMessage = this._exchangeContractErrCodesToMsg[errCode];
- throw new Error(errMessage);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the ZRX token address used by the exchange contract.
- * @return Address of ZRX token
- */
- public async getZRXTokenAddressAsync(): Promise<string> {
- const exchangeInstance = await this._getExchangeContractAsync();
- const ZRXtokenAddress = await exchangeInstance.ZRX_TOKEN_CONTRACT.callAsync();
- return ZRXtokenAddress;
- }
- private async _invalidateContractInstancesAsync(): Promise<void> {
- this.unsubscribeAll();
- delete this._exchangeContractIfExists;
- }
- private async _isValidSignatureUsingContractCallAsync(dataHex: string, ecSignature: ECSignature,
- signerAddressHex: string): Promise<boolean> {
- assert.isHexString('dataHex', dataHex);
- assert.doesConformToSchema('ecSignature', ecSignature, schemas.ecSignatureSchema);
- assert.isETHAddressHex('signerAddressHex', signerAddressHex);
- const exchangeInstance = await this._getExchangeContractAsync();
- const isValidSignature = await exchangeInstance.isValidSignature.callAsync(
- signerAddressHex,
- dataHex,
- ecSignature.v,
- ecSignature.r,
- ecSignature.s,
- );
- return isValidSignature;
- }
- private async _getOrderHashHexUsingContractCallAsync(order: Order|SignedOrder): Promise<string> {
- const exchangeInstance = await this._getExchangeContractAsync();
- const [orderAddresses, orderValues] = ExchangeWrapper._getOrderAddressesAndValues(order);
- const orderHashHex = await exchangeInstance.getOrderHash.callAsync(orderAddresses, orderValues);
- return orderHashHex;
- }
- private async _getExchangeContractAsync(): Promise<ExchangeContract> {
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._exchangeContractIfExists)) {
- return this._exchangeContractIfExists;
- }
- const contractInstance = await this._instantiateContractIfExistsAsync<ExchangeContract>(
- artifacts.ExchangeArtifact, this._contractAddressIfExists,
- );
- this._exchangeContractIfExists = contractInstance as ExchangeContract;
- return this._exchangeContractIfExists;
- }
- private async _getTokenTransferProxyAddressAsync(): Promise<string> {
- const exchangeInstance = await this._getExchangeContractAsync();
- const tokenTransferProxyAddress = await exchangeInstance.TOKEN_TRANSFER_PROXY_CONTRACT.callAsync();
- const tokenTransferProxyAddressLowerCase = tokenTransferProxyAddress.toLowerCase();
- return tokenTransferProxyAddressLowerCase;
- }
diff --git a/src/contract_wrappers/token_registry_wrapper.ts b/src/contract_wrappers/token_registry_wrapper.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cc5a9aa0..000000000
--- a/src/contract_wrappers/token_registry_wrapper.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import {Web3Wrapper} from '../web3_wrapper';
-import {assert} from '../utils/assert';
-import {Token, TokenRegistryContract, TokenMetadata} from '../types';
-import {constants} from '../utils/constants';
-import {ContractWrapper} from './contract_wrapper';
-import {artifacts} from '../artifacts';
- * This class includes all the functionality related to interacting with the 0x Token Registry smart contract.
- */
-export class TokenRegistryWrapper extends ContractWrapper {
- private _tokenRegistryContractIfExists?: TokenRegistryContract;
- private _contractAddressIfExists?: string;
- constructor(web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper, contractAddressIfExists?: string) {
- super(web3Wrapper);
- this._contractAddressIfExists = contractAddressIfExists;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves all the tokens currently listed in the Token Registry smart contract
- * @return An array of objects that conform to the Token interface.
- */
- public async getTokensAsync(): Promise<Token[]> {
- const tokenRegistryContract = await this._getTokenRegistryContractAsync();
- const addresses = await this.getTokenAddressesAsync();
- const tokenPromises: Array<Promise<Token|undefined>> = _.map(
- addresses,
- (address: string) => (this.getTokenIfExistsAsync(address)),
- );
- const tokens = await Promise.all(tokenPromises);
- return tokens as Token[];
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves all the addresses of the tokens currently listed in the Token Registry smart contract
- * @return An array of token addresses.
- */
- public async getTokenAddressesAsync(): Promise<string[]> {
- const tokenRegistryContract = await this._getTokenRegistryContractAsync();
- const addresses = await tokenRegistryContract.getTokenAddresses.callAsync();
- return addresses;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a token by address currently listed in the Token Registry smart contract
- * @return An object that conforms to the Token interface or undefined if token not found.
- */
- public async getTokenIfExistsAsync(address: string): Promise<Token|undefined> {
- assert.isETHAddressHex('address', address);
- const tokenRegistryContract = await this._getTokenRegistryContractAsync();
- const metadata = await tokenRegistryContract.getTokenMetaData.callAsync(address);
- const token = this._createTokenFromMetadata(metadata);
- return token;
- }
- public async getTokenAddressBySymbolIfExistsAsync(symbol: string): Promise<string|undefined> {
- assert.isString('symbol', symbol);
- const tokenRegistryContract = await this._getTokenRegistryContractAsync();
- const addressIfExists = await tokenRegistryContract.getTokenAddressBySymbol.callAsync(symbol);
- if (addressIfExists === constants.NULL_ADDRESS) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return addressIfExists;
- }
- public async getTokenAddressByNameIfExistsAsync(name: string): Promise<string|undefined> {
- assert.isString('name', name);
- const tokenRegistryContract = await this._getTokenRegistryContractAsync();
- const addressIfExists = await tokenRegistryContract.getTokenAddressByName.callAsync(name);
- if (addressIfExists === constants.NULL_ADDRESS) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return addressIfExists;
- }
- public async getTokenBySymbolIfExistsAsync(symbol: string): Promise<Token|undefined> {
- assert.isString('symbol', symbol);
- const tokenRegistryContract = await this._getTokenRegistryContractAsync();
- const metadata = await tokenRegistryContract.getTokenBySymbol.callAsync(symbol);
- const token = this._createTokenFromMetadata(metadata);
- return token;
- }
- public async getTokenByNameIfExistsAsync(name: string): Promise<Token|undefined> {
- assert.isString('name', name);
- const tokenRegistryContract = await this._getTokenRegistryContractAsync();
- const metadata = await tokenRegistryContract.getTokenByName.callAsync(name);
- const token = this._createTokenFromMetadata(metadata);
- return token;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the Ethereum address of the TokenRegistry contract deployed on the network
- * that the user-passed web3 provider is connected to.
- * @returns The Ethereum address of the TokenRegistry contract being used.
- */
- public async getContractAddressAsync(): Promise<string> {
- const tokenRegistryInstance = await this._getTokenRegistryContractAsync();
- const tokenRegistryAddress = tokenRegistryInstance.address;
- return tokenRegistryAddress;
- }
- private _createTokenFromMetadata(metadata: TokenMetadata): Token|undefined {
- if (metadata[0] === constants.NULL_ADDRESS) {
- return undefined;
- }
- const token = {
- address: metadata[0],
- name: metadata[1],
- symbol: metadata[2],
- decimals: metadata[3].toNumber(),
- };
- return token;
- }
- private _invalidateContractInstance(): void {
- delete this._tokenRegistryContractIfExists;
- }
- private async _getTokenRegistryContractAsync(): Promise<TokenRegistryContract> {
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._tokenRegistryContractIfExists)) {
- return this._tokenRegistryContractIfExists;
- }
- const contractInstance = await this._instantiateContractIfExistsAsync<TokenRegistryContract>(
- artifacts.TokenRegistryArtifact, this._contractAddressIfExists,
- );
- this._tokenRegistryContractIfExists = contractInstance as TokenRegistryContract;
- return this._tokenRegistryContractIfExists;
- }
diff --git a/src/contract_wrappers/token_transfer_proxy_wrapper.ts b/src/contract_wrappers/token_transfer_proxy_wrapper.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index f81845af9..000000000
--- a/src/contract_wrappers/token_transfer_proxy_wrapper.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import {Web3Wrapper} from '../web3_wrapper';
-import {ContractWrapper} from './contract_wrapper';
-import {artifacts} from '../artifacts';
-import {TokenTransferProxyContract} from '../types';
- * This class includes the functionality related to interacting with the TokenTransferProxy contract.
- */
-export class TokenTransferProxyWrapper extends ContractWrapper {
- private _tokenTransferProxyContractIfExists?: TokenTransferProxyContract;
- private _tokenTransferProxyContractAddressFetcher: () => Promise<string>;
- constructor(web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper, tokenTransferProxyContractAddressFetcher: () => Promise<string>) {
- super(web3Wrapper);
- this._tokenTransferProxyContractAddressFetcher = tokenTransferProxyContractAddressFetcher;
- }
- /**
- * Check if the Exchange contract address is authorized by the TokenTransferProxy contract.
- * @param exchangeContractAddress The hex encoded address of the Exchange contract to call.
- * @return Whether the exchangeContractAddress is authorized.
- */
- public async isAuthorizedAsync(exchangeContractAddress: string): Promise<boolean> {
- const tokenTransferProxyContractInstance = await this._getTokenTransferProxyContractAsync();
- const isAuthorized = await tokenTransferProxyContractInstance.authorized.callAsync(exchangeContractAddress);
- return isAuthorized;
- }
- /**
- * Get the list of all Exchange contract addresses authorized by the TokenTransferProxy contract.
- * @return The list of authorized addresses.
- */
- public async getAuthorizedAddressesAsync(): Promise<string[]> {
- const tokenTransferProxyContractInstance = await this._getTokenTransferProxyContractAsync();
- const authorizedAddresses = await tokenTransferProxyContractInstance.getAuthorizedAddresses.callAsync();
- return authorizedAddresses;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the Ethereum address of the TokenTransferProxy contract deployed on the network
- * that the user-passed web3 provider is connected to.
- * @returns The Ethereum address of the TokenTransferProxy contract being used.
- */
- public async getContractAddressAsync(): Promise<string> {
- const proxyInstance = await this._getTokenTransferProxyContractAsync();
- const proxyAddress = proxyInstance.address;
- return proxyAddress;
- }
- private _invalidateContractInstance(): void {
- delete this._tokenTransferProxyContractIfExists;
- }
- private async _getTokenTransferProxyContractAsync(): Promise<TokenTransferProxyContract> {
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._tokenTransferProxyContractIfExists)) {
- return this._tokenTransferProxyContractIfExists;
- }
- const contractAddress = await this._tokenTransferProxyContractAddressFetcher();
- const contractInstance = await this._instantiateContractIfExistsAsync<TokenTransferProxyContract>(
- artifacts.TokenTransferProxyArtifact, contractAddress,
- );
- this._tokenTransferProxyContractIfExists = contractInstance as TokenTransferProxyContract;
- return this._tokenTransferProxyContractIfExists;
- }
diff --git a/src/contract_wrappers/token_wrapper.ts b/src/contract_wrappers/token_wrapper.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 614ac19d4..000000000
--- a/src/contract_wrappers/token_wrapper.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
-import {schemas} from '0x-json-schemas';
-import {Web3Wrapper} from '../web3_wrapper';
-import {assert} from '../utils/assert';
-import {constants} from '../utils/constants';
-import {ContractWrapper} from './contract_wrapper';
-import {AbiDecoder} from '../utils/abi_decoder';
-import {artifacts} from '../artifacts';
-import {
- TokenContract,
- ZeroExError,
- TokenEvents,
- IndexedFilterValues,
- SubscriptionOpts,
- MethodOpts,
- LogWithDecodedArgs,
- EventCallback,
- TokenContractEventArgs,
-} from '../types';
- * This class includes all the functionality related to interacting with ERC20 token contracts.
- * All ERC20 method calls are supported, along with some convenience methods for getting/setting allowances
- * to the 0x Proxy smart contract.
- */
-export class TokenWrapper extends ContractWrapper {
- private _tokenContractsByAddress: {[address: string]: TokenContract};
- private _tokenTransferProxyContractAddressFetcher: () => Promise<string>;
- constructor(web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper, abiDecoder: AbiDecoder,
- tokenTransferProxyContractAddressFetcher: () => Promise<string>) {
- super(web3Wrapper, abiDecoder);
- this._tokenContractsByAddress = {};
- this._tokenTransferProxyContractAddressFetcher = tokenTransferProxyContractAddressFetcher;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves an owner's ERC20 token balance.
- * @param tokenAddress The hex encoded contract Ethereum address where the ERC20 token is deployed.
- * @param ownerAddress The hex encoded user Ethereum address whose balance you would like to check.
- * @param methodOpts Optional arguments this method accepts.
- * @return The owner's ERC20 token balance in base units.
- */
- public async getBalanceAsync(tokenAddress: string, ownerAddress: string,
- methodOpts?: MethodOpts): Promise<BigNumber> {
- assert.isETHAddressHex('ownerAddress', ownerAddress);
- assert.isETHAddressHex('tokenAddress', tokenAddress);
- const tokenContract = await this._getTokenContractAsync(tokenAddress);
- const defaultBlock = _.isUndefined(methodOpts) ? undefined : methodOpts.defaultBlock;
- let balance = await tokenContract.balanceOf.callAsync(ownerAddress, defaultBlock);
- // Wrap BigNumbers returned from web3 with our own (later) version of BigNumber
- balance = new BigNumber(balance);
- return balance;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the spender's allowance to a specified number of baseUnits on behalf of the owner address.
- * Equivalent to the ERC20 spec method `approve`.
- * @param tokenAddress The hex encoded contract Ethereum address where the ERC20 token is deployed.
- * @param ownerAddress The hex encoded user Ethereum address who would like to set an allowance
- * for spenderAddress.
- * @param spenderAddress The hex encoded user Ethereum address who will be able to spend the set allowance.
- * @param amountInBaseUnits The allowance amount you would like to set.
- * @return Transaction hash.
- */
- public async setAllowanceAsync(tokenAddress: string, ownerAddress: string, spenderAddress: string,
- amountInBaseUnits: BigNumber): Promise<string> {
- await assert.isSenderAddressAsync('ownerAddress', ownerAddress, this._web3Wrapper);
- assert.isETHAddressHex('spenderAddress', spenderAddress);
- assert.isETHAddressHex('tokenAddress', tokenAddress);
- assert.isValidBaseUnitAmount('amountInBaseUnits', amountInBaseUnits);
- const tokenContract = await this._getTokenContractAsync(tokenAddress);
- // Hack: for some reason default estimated gas amount causes `base fee exceeds gas limit` exception
- // on testrpc. Probably related to https://github.com/ethereumjs/testrpc/issues/294
- // TODO: Debug issue in testrpc and submit a PR, then remove this hack
- const networkIdIfExists = await this._web3Wrapper.getNetworkIdIfExistsAsync();
- const gas = networkIdIfExists === constants.TESTRPC_NETWORK_ID ? ALLOWANCE_TO_ZERO_GAS_AMOUNT : undefined;
- const txHash = await tokenContract.approve.sendTransactionAsync(spenderAddress, amountInBaseUnits, {
- from: ownerAddress,
- gas,
- });
- return txHash;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the spender's allowance to an unlimited number of baseUnits on behalf of the owner address.
- * Equivalent to the ERC20 spec method `approve`.
- * Setting an unlimited allowance will lower the gas cost for filling orders involving tokens that forego updating
- * allowances set to the max amount (e.g ZRX, WETH)
- * @param tokenAddress The hex encoded contract Ethereum address where the ERC20 token is deployed.
- * @param ownerAddress The hex encoded user Ethereum address who would like to set an allowance
- * for spenderAddress.
- * @param spenderAddress The hex encoded user Ethereum address who will be able to spend the set allowance.
- * @return Transaction hash.
- */
- public async setUnlimitedAllowanceAsync(tokenAddress: string, ownerAddress: string,
- spenderAddress: string): Promise<string> {
- const txHash = await this.setAllowanceAsync(
- tokenAddress, ownerAddress, spenderAddress, this.UNLIMITED_ALLOWANCE_IN_BASE_UNITS,
- );
- return txHash;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the owners allowance in baseUnits set to the spender's address.
- * @param tokenAddress The hex encoded contract Ethereum address where the ERC20 token is deployed.
- * @param ownerAddress The hex encoded user Ethereum address whose allowance to spenderAddress
- * you would like to retrieve.
- * @param spenderAddress The hex encoded user Ethereum address who can spend the allowance you are fetching.
- * @param methodOpts Optional arguments this method accepts.
- */
- public async getAllowanceAsync(tokenAddress: string, ownerAddress: string,
- spenderAddress: string, methodOpts?: MethodOpts): Promise<BigNumber> {
- assert.isETHAddressHex('ownerAddress', ownerAddress);
- assert.isETHAddressHex('tokenAddress', tokenAddress);
- const tokenContract = await this._getTokenContractAsync(tokenAddress);
- const defaultBlock = _.isUndefined(methodOpts) ? undefined : methodOpts.defaultBlock;
- let allowanceInBaseUnits = await tokenContract.allowance.callAsync(ownerAddress, spenderAddress, defaultBlock);
- // Wrap BigNumbers returned from web3 with our own (later) version of BigNumber
- allowanceInBaseUnits = new BigNumber(allowanceInBaseUnits);
- return allowanceInBaseUnits;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the owner's allowance in baseUnits set to the 0x proxy contract.
- * @param tokenAddress The hex encoded contract Ethereum address where the ERC20 token is deployed.
- * @param ownerAddress The hex encoded user Ethereum address whose proxy contract allowance we are retrieving.
- * @param methodOpts Optional arguments this method accepts.
- */
- public async getProxyAllowanceAsync(tokenAddress: string, ownerAddress: string,
- methodOpts?: MethodOpts): Promise<BigNumber> {
- assert.isETHAddressHex('ownerAddress', ownerAddress);
- assert.isETHAddressHex('tokenAddress', tokenAddress);
- const proxyAddress = await this._getTokenTransferProxyAddressAsync();
- const allowanceInBaseUnits = await this.getAllowanceAsync(tokenAddress, ownerAddress, proxyAddress, methodOpts);
- return allowanceInBaseUnits;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the 0x proxy contract's allowance to a specified number of a tokens' baseUnits on behalf
- * of an owner address.
- * @param tokenAddress The hex encoded contract Ethereum address where the ERC20 token is deployed.
- * @param ownerAddress The hex encoded user Ethereum address who is setting an allowance
- * for the Proxy contract.
- * @param amountInBaseUnits The allowance amount specified in baseUnits.
- * @return Transaction hash.
- */
- public async setProxyAllowanceAsync(tokenAddress: string, ownerAddress: string,
- amountInBaseUnits: BigNumber): Promise<string> {
- assert.isETHAddressHex('ownerAddress', ownerAddress);
- assert.isETHAddressHex('tokenAddress', tokenAddress);
- assert.isValidBaseUnitAmount('amountInBaseUnits', amountInBaseUnits);
- const proxyAddress = await this._getTokenTransferProxyAddressAsync();
- const txHash = await this.setAllowanceAsync(tokenAddress, ownerAddress, proxyAddress, amountInBaseUnits);
- return txHash;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the 0x proxy contract's allowance to a unlimited number of a tokens' baseUnits on behalf
- * of an owner address.
- * Setting an unlimited allowance will lower the gas cost for filling orders involving tokens that forego updating
- * allowances set to the max amount (e.g ZRX, WETH)
- * @param tokenAddress The hex encoded contract Ethereum address where the ERC20 token is deployed.
- * @param ownerAddress The hex encoded user Ethereum address who is setting an allowance
- * for the Proxy contract.
- * @return Transaction hash.
- */
- public async setUnlimitedProxyAllowanceAsync(tokenAddress: string, ownerAddress: string): Promise<string> {
- const txHash = await this.setProxyAllowanceAsync(
- tokenAddress, ownerAddress, this.UNLIMITED_ALLOWANCE_IN_BASE_UNITS,
- );
- return txHash;
- }
- /**
- * Transfers `amountInBaseUnits` ERC20 tokens from `fromAddress` to `toAddress`.
- * @param tokenAddress The hex encoded contract Ethereum address where the ERC20 token is deployed.
- * @param fromAddress The hex encoded user Ethereum address that will send the funds.
- * @param toAddress The hex encoded user Ethereum address that will receive the funds.
- * @param amountInBaseUnits The amount (specified in baseUnits) of the token to transfer.
- * @return Transaction hash.
- */
- public async transferAsync(tokenAddress: string, fromAddress: string, toAddress: string,
- amountInBaseUnits: BigNumber): Promise<string> {
- assert.isETHAddressHex('tokenAddress', tokenAddress);
- await assert.isSenderAddressAsync('fromAddress', fromAddress, this._web3Wrapper);
- assert.isETHAddressHex('toAddress', toAddress);
- assert.isValidBaseUnitAmount('amountInBaseUnits', amountInBaseUnits);
- const tokenContract = await this._getTokenContractAsync(tokenAddress);
- const fromAddressBalance = await this.getBalanceAsync(tokenAddress, fromAddress);
- if (fromAddressBalance.lessThan(amountInBaseUnits)) {
- throw new Error(ZeroExError.InsufficientBalanceForTransfer);
- }
- const txHash = await tokenContract.transfer.sendTransactionAsync(toAddress, amountInBaseUnits, {
- from: fromAddress,
- });
- return txHash;
- }
- /**
- * Transfers `amountInBaseUnits` ERC20 tokens from `fromAddress` to `toAddress`.
- * Requires the fromAddress to have sufficient funds and to have approved an allowance of
- * `amountInBaseUnits` to `senderAddress`.
- * @param tokenAddress The hex encoded contract Ethereum address where the ERC20 token is deployed.
- * @param fromAddress The hex encoded user Ethereum address whose funds are being sent.
- * @param toAddress The hex encoded user Ethereum address that will receive the funds.
- * @param senderAddress The hex encoded user Ethereum address whose initiates the fund transfer. The
- * `fromAddress` must have set an allowance to the `senderAddress`
- * before this call.
- * @param amountInBaseUnits The amount (specified in baseUnits) of the token to transfer.
- * @return Transaction hash.
- */
- public async transferFromAsync(tokenAddress: string, fromAddress: string, toAddress: string,
- senderAddress: string, amountInBaseUnits: BigNumber):
- Promise<string> {
- assert.isETHAddressHex('tokenAddress', tokenAddress);
- assert.isETHAddressHex('fromAddress', fromAddress);
- assert.isETHAddressHex('toAddress', toAddress);
- await assert.isSenderAddressAsync('senderAddress', senderAddress, this._web3Wrapper);
- assert.isValidBaseUnitAmount('amountInBaseUnits', amountInBaseUnits);
- const tokenContract = await this._getTokenContractAsync(tokenAddress);
- const fromAddressAllowance = await this.getAllowanceAsync(tokenAddress, fromAddress, senderAddress);
- if (fromAddressAllowance.lessThan(amountInBaseUnits)) {
- throw new Error(ZeroExError.InsufficientAllowanceForTransfer);
- }
- const fromAddressBalance = await this.getBalanceAsync(tokenAddress, fromAddress);
- if (fromAddressBalance.lessThan(amountInBaseUnits)) {
- throw new Error(ZeroExError.InsufficientBalanceForTransfer);
- }
- const txHash = await tokenContract.transferFrom.sendTransactionAsync(
- fromAddress, toAddress, amountInBaseUnits,
- {
- from: senderAddress,
- },
- );
- return txHash;
- }
- /**
- * Subscribe to an event type emitted by the Token contract.
- * @param tokenAddress The hex encoded address where the ERC20 token is deployed.
- * @param eventName The token contract event you would like to subscribe to.
- * @param indexFilterValues An object where the keys are indexed args returned by the event and
- * the value is the value you are interested in. E.g `{maker: aUserAddressHex}`
- * @param callback Callback that gets called when a log is added/removed
- * @return Subscription token used later to unsubscribe
- */
- public subscribe<ArgsType extends TokenContractEventArgs>(
- tokenAddress: string, eventName: TokenEvents, indexFilterValues: IndexedFilterValues,
- callback: EventCallback<ArgsType>): string {
- assert.isETHAddressHex('tokenAddress', tokenAddress);
- assert.doesBelongToStringEnum('eventName', eventName, TokenEvents);
- assert.doesConformToSchema('indexFilterValues', indexFilterValues, schemas.indexFilterValuesSchema);
- assert.isFunction('callback', callback);
- const subscriptionToken = this._subscribe<ArgsType>(
- tokenAddress, eventName, indexFilterValues, artifacts.TokenArtifact.abi, callback,
- );
- return subscriptionToken;
- }
- /**
- * Cancel a subscription
- * @param subscriptionToken Subscription token returned by `subscribe()`
- */
- public unsubscribe(subscriptionToken: string): void {
- this._unsubscribe(subscriptionToken);
- }
- /**
- * Gets historical logs without creating a subscription
- * @param tokenAddress An address of the token that emmited the logs.
- * @param eventName The token contract event you would like to subscribe to.
- * @param subscriptionOpts Subscriptions options that let you configure the subscription.
- * @param indexFilterValues An object where the keys are indexed args returned by the event and
- * the value is the value you are interested in. E.g `{_from: aUserAddressHex}`
- * @return Array of logs that match the parameters
- */
- public async getLogsAsync<ArgsType extends TokenContractEventArgs>(
- tokenAddress: string, eventName: TokenEvents, subscriptionOpts: SubscriptionOpts,
- indexFilterValues: IndexedFilterValues): Promise<Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<ArgsType>>> {
- assert.isETHAddressHex('tokenAddress', tokenAddress);
- assert.doesBelongToStringEnum('eventName', eventName, TokenEvents);
- assert.doesConformToSchema('subscriptionOpts', subscriptionOpts, schemas.subscriptionOptsSchema);
- assert.doesConformToSchema('indexFilterValues', indexFilterValues, schemas.indexFilterValuesSchema);
- const logs = await this._getLogsAsync<ArgsType>(
- tokenAddress, eventName, subscriptionOpts, indexFilterValues, artifacts.TokenArtifact.abi,
- );
- return logs;
- }
- private _invalidateContractInstancesAsync(): void {
- this.unsubscribeAll();
- this._tokenContractsByAddress = {};
- }
- private async _getTokenContractAsync(tokenAddress: string): Promise<TokenContract> {
- let tokenContract = this._tokenContractsByAddress[tokenAddress];
- if (!_.isUndefined(tokenContract)) {
- return tokenContract;
- }
- const contractInstance = await this._instantiateContractIfExistsAsync<TokenContract>(
- artifacts.TokenArtifact, tokenAddress,
- );
- tokenContract = contractInstance as TokenContract;
- this._tokenContractsByAddress[tokenAddress] = tokenContract;
- return tokenContract;
- }
- private async _getTokenTransferProxyAddressAsync(): Promise<string> {
- const tokenTransferProxyContractAddress = await this._tokenTransferProxyContractAddressFetcher();
- return tokenTransferProxyContractAddress;
- }
diff --git a/src/globals.d.ts b/src/globals.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index cb3800056..000000000
--- a/src/globals.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-/// <reference types='chai-typescript-typings' />
-/// <reference types='chai-as-promised-typescript-typings' />
-declare module 'web3_beta';
-declare module 'chai-bignumber';
-declare module 'dirty-chai';
-declare module 'request-promise-native';
-declare module 'web3-provider-engine';
-declare module 'web3-provider-engine/subproviders/rpc';
-// HACK: In order to merge the bignumber declaration added by chai-bignumber to the chai Assertion
-// interface we must use `namespace` as the Chai definitelyTyped definition does. Since we otherwise
-// disallow `namespace`, we disable tslint for the following.
-/* tslint:disable */
-declare namespace Chai {
- interface Assertion {
- bignumber: Assertion;
- // HACK: In order to comply with chai-as-promised we make eventually a `PromisedAssertion` not an `Assertion`
- eventually: PromisedAssertion;
- }
-/* tslint:enable */
-declare module '*.json' {
- const json: any;
- /* tslint:disable */
- export default json;
- /* tslint:enable */
-// find-version declarations
-declare function findVersions(version: string): string[];
-declare module 'find-versions' {
- export = findVersions;
-// compare-version declarations
-declare function compareVersions(firstVersion: string, secondVersion: string): number;
-declare module 'compare-versions' {
- export = compareVersions;
-// es6-promisify declarations
-declare function promisify(original: any, settings?: any): ((...arg: any[]) => Promise<any>);
-declare module 'es6-promisify' {
- export = promisify;
-declare module 'ethereumjs-abi' {
- const soliditySHA3: (argTypes: string[], args: any[]) => Buffer;
-// truffle-hdwallet-provider declarations
-declare module 'truffle-hdwallet-provider' {
- import * as Web3 from 'web3';
- class HDWalletProvider implements Web3.Provider {
- constructor(mnemonic: string, rpcUrl: string);
- public sendAsync(
- payload: Web3.JSONRPCRequestPayload,
- callback: (err: Error, result: Web3.JSONRPCResponsePayload) => void,
- ): void;
- }
- export = HDWalletProvider;
-// abi-decoder declarations
-interface DecodedLogArg {
-interface DecodedLog {
- name: string;
- events: DecodedLogArg[];
-declare module 'abi-decoder' {
- import * as Web3 from 'web3';
- const addABI: (abi: Web3.AbiDefinition) => void;
- const decodeLogs: (logs: Web3.LogEntry[]) => DecodedLog[];
-declare module 'web3/lib/solidity/coder' {
- const decodeParams: (types: string[], data: string) => any[];
diff --git a/src/globalsAugment.d.ts b/src/globalsAugment.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 60e2312a3..000000000
--- a/src/globalsAugment.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
-// HACK: This module overrides the Chai namespace so that we can use BigNumber types inside.
-// Source: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/7352#issuecomment-191547232
-declare global {
- // HACK: In order to merge the bignumber declaration added by chai-bignumber to the chai Assertion
- // interface we must use `namespace` as the Chai definitelyTyped definition does. Since we otherwise
- // disallow `namespace`, we disable tslint for the following.
- /* tslint:disable */
- namespace Chai {
- interface NumberComparer {
- (value: number|BigNumber, message?: string): Assertion;
- }
- interface NumericComparison {
- greaterThan: NumberComparer;
- }
- }
- /* tslint:enable */
- interface DecodedLogArg {
- name: string;
- value: string|BigNumber;
- }
diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b3e893ba..000000000
--- a/src/index.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-export {ZeroEx} from './0x';
-export {
- Order,
- SignedOrder,
- ECSignature,
- ZeroExError,
- EventCallback,
- EventCallbackAsync,
- EventCallbackSync,
- ExchangeContractErrs,
- ContractEvent,
- Token,
- ExchangeEvents,
- TokenEvents,
- IndexedFilterValues,
- SubscriptionOpts,
- BlockParam,
- OrderCancellationRequest,
- OrderFillRequest,
- LogErrorContractEventArgs,
- LogCancelContractEventArgs,
- LogFillContractEventArgs,
- ExchangeContractEventArgs,
- TransferContractEventArgs,
- ApprovalContractEventArgs,
- TokenContractEventArgs,
- ContractEventArgs,
- ContractEventArg,
- Web3Provider,
- ZeroExConfig,
- TransactionReceipt,
- TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs,
- LogWithDecodedArgs,
- MethodOpts,
- OrderTransactionOpts,
- FilterObject,
- LogEvent,
- DecodedLogEvent,
- EventWatcherCallback,
- OnOrderStateChangeCallback,
- OrderStateValid,
- OrderStateInvalid,
- OrderState,
-} from './types';
diff --git a/src/order_watcher/event_watcher.ts b/src/order_watcher/event_watcher.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 81529a98c..000000000
--- a/src/order_watcher/event_watcher.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-import * as Web3 from 'web3';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import {Web3Wrapper} from '../web3_wrapper';
-import {
- BlockParamLiteral,
- EventCallback,
- EventWatcherCallback,
- ZeroExError,
-} from '../types';
-import {AbiDecoder} from '../utils/abi_decoder';
-import {intervalUtils} from '../utils/interval_utils';
-import {assert} from '../utils/assert';
-import {utils} from '../utils/utils';
-enum LogEventState {
- Removed,
- Added,
- * The EventWatcher watches for blockchain events at the specified block confirmation
- * depth.
- */
-export class EventWatcher {
- private _web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper;
- private _pollingIntervalMs: number;
- private _intervalIdIfExists?: NodeJS.Timer;
- private _lastEvents: Web3.LogEntry[] = [];
- constructor(web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper, pollingIntervalMs: undefined|number) {
- this._web3Wrapper = web3Wrapper;
- this._pollingIntervalMs = _.isUndefined(pollingIntervalMs) ?
- pollingIntervalMs;
- }
- public subscribe(callback: EventWatcherCallback): void {
- assert.isFunction('callback', callback);
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._intervalIdIfExists)) {
- throw new Error(ZeroExError.SubscriptionAlreadyPresent);
- }
- this._intervalIdIfExists = intervalUtils.setAsyncExcludingInterval(
- this._pollForBlockchainEventsAsync.bind(this, callback), this._pollingIntervalMs,
- );
- }
- public unsubscribe(): void {
- this._lastEvents = [];
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._intervalIdIfExists)) {
- intervalUtils.clearAsyncExcludingInterval(this._intervalIdIfExists);
- delete this._intervalIdIfExists;
- }
- }
- private async _pollForBlockchainEventsAsync(callback: EventWatcherCallback): Promise<void> {
- const pendingEvents = await this._getEventsAsync();
- if (pendingEvents.length === 0) {
- // HACK: Sometimes when node rebuilds the pending block we get back the empty result.
- // We don't want to emit a lot of removal events and bring them back after a couple of miliseconds,
- // that's why we just ignore those cases.
- return;
- }
- const removedEvents = _.differenceBy(this._lastEvents, pendingEvents, JSON.stringify);
- const newEvents = _.differenceBy(pendingEvents, this._lastEvents, JSON.stringify);
- await this._emitDifferencesAsync(removedEvents, LogEventState.Removed, callback);
- await this._emitDifferencesAsync(newEvents, LogEventState.Added, callback);
- this._lastEvents = pendingEvents;
- }
- private async _getEventsAsync(): Promise<Web3.LogEntry[]> {
- const eventFilter = {
- fromBlock: BlockParamLiteral.Pending,
- toBlock: BlockParamLiteral.Pending,
- };
- const events = await this._web3Wrapper.getLogsAsync(eventFilter);
- return events;
- }
- private async _emitDifferencesAsync(
- logs: Web3.LogEntry[], logEventState: LogEventState, callback: EventWatcherCallback,
- ): Promise<void> {
- for (const log of logs) {
- const logEvent = {
- removed: logEventState === LogEventState.Removed,
- ...log,
- };
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._intervalIdIfExists)) {
- await callback(logEvent);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/order_watcher/order_state_watcher.ts b/src/order_watcher/order_state_watcher.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 139f13fdf..000000000
--- a/src/order_watcher/order_state_watcher.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import {schemas} from '0x-json-schemas';
-import {ZeroEx} from '../0x';
-import {EventWatcher} from './event_watcher';
-import {assert} from '../utils/assert';
-import {utils} from '../utils/utils';
-import {artifacts} from '../artifacts';
-import {AbiDecoder} from '../utils/abi_decoder';
-import {OrderStateUtils} from '../utils/order_state_utils';
-import {
- LogEvent,
- OrderState,
- SignedOrder,
- Web3Provider,
- BlockParamLiteral,
- LogWithDecodedArgs,
- ContractEventArgs,
- OnOrderStateChangeCallback,
- OrderStateWatcherConfig,
- ApprovalContractEventArgs,
- TransferContractEventArgs,
- LogFillContractEventArgs,
- LogCancelContractEventArgs,
- ExchangeEvents,
- TokenEvents,
- ZeroExError,
-} from '../types';
-import {Web3Wrapper} from '../web3_wrapper';
-import {TokenWrapper} from '../contract_wrappers/token_wrapper';
-import {ExchangeWrapper} from '../contract_wrappers/exchange_wrapper';
-import {OrderFilledCancelledLazyStore} from '../stores/order_filled_cancelled_lazy_store';
-import {BalanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore} from '../stores/balance_proxy_allowance_lazy_store';
-interface DependentOrderHashes {
- [makerAddress: string]: {
- [makerToken: string]: Set<string>,
- };
-interface OrderByOrderHash {
- [orderHash: string]: SignedOrder;
- * This class includes all the functionality related to watching a set of orders
- * for potential changes in order validity/fillability. The orderWatcher notifies
- * the subscriber of these changes so that a final decison can be made on whether
- * the order should be deemed invalid.
- */
-export class OrderStateWatcher {
- private _orderByOrderHash: OrderByOrderHash = {};
- private _dependentOrderHashes: DependentOrderHashes = {};
- private _callbackIfExistsAsync?: OnOrderStateChangeCallback;
- private _eventWatcher: EventWatcher;
- private _web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper;
- private _abiDecoder: AbiDecoder;
- private _orderStateUtils: OrderStateUtils;
- private _orderFilledCancelledLazyStore: OrderFilledCancelledLazyStore;
- private _balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore: BalanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore;
- constructor(
- web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper, abiDecoder: AbiDecoder, token: TokenWrapper, exchange: ExchangeWrapper,
- config?: OrderStateWatcherConfig,
- ) {
- this._abiDecoder = abiDecoder;
- this._web3Wrapper = web3Wrapper;
- const eventPollingIntervalMs = _.isUndefined(config) ? undefined : config.eventPollingIntervalMs;
- this._eventWatcher = new EventWatcher(web3Wrapper, eventPollingIntervalMs);
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore = new BalanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore(token);
- this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore = new OrderFilledCancelledLazyStore(exchange);
- this._orderStateUtils = new OrderStateUtils(
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore, this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore,
- );
- }
- /**
- * Add an order to the orderStateWatcher. Before the order is added, it's
- * signature is verified.
- * @param signedOrder The order you wish to start watching.
- */
- public addOrder(signedOrder: SignedOrder): void {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('signedOrder', signedOrder, schemas.signedOrderSchema);
- const orderHash = ZeroEx.getOrderHashHex(signedOrder);
- assert.isValidSignature(orderHash, signedOrder.ecSignature, signedOrder.maker);
- this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash] = signedOrder;
- this.addToDependentOrderHashes(signedOrder, orderHash);
- }
- /**
- * Removes an order from the orderStateWatcher
- * @param orderHash The orderHash of the order you wish to stop watching.
- */
- public removeOrder(orderHash: string): void {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('orderHash', orderHash, schemas.orderHashSchema);
- const signedOrder = this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash];
- if (_.isUndefined(signedOrder)) {
- return; // noop
- }
- delete this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash];
- this.removeFromDependentOrderHashes(signedOrder.maker, signedOrder.makerTokenAddress, orderHash);
- }
- /**
- * Starts an orderStateWatcher subscription. The callback will be called every time a watched order's
- * backing blockchain state has changed. This is a call-to-action for the caller to re-validate the order.
- * @param callback Receives the orderHash of the order that should be re-validated, together
- * with all the order-relevant blockchain state needed to re-validate the order.
- */
- public subscribe(callback: OnOrderStateChangeCallback): void {
- assert.isFunction('callback', callback);
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._callbackIfExistsAsync)) {
- throw new Error(ZeroExError.SubscriptionAlreadyPresent);
- }
- this._callbackIfExistsAsync = callback;
- this._eventWatcher.subscribe(this._onEventWatcherCallbackAsync.bind(this));
- }
- /**
- * Ends an orderStateWatcher subscription.
- */
- public unsubscribe(): void {
- if (_.isUndefined(this._callbackIfExistsAsync)) {
- throw new Error(ZeroExError.SubscriptionNotFound);
- }
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteAll();
- this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.deleteAll();
- delete this._callbackIfExistsAsync;
- this._eventWatcher.unsubscribe();
- }
- private async _onEventWatcherCallbackAsync(log: LogEvent): Promise<void> {
- const maybeDecodedLog = this._abiDecoder.tryToDecodeLogOrNoop(log);
- const isLogDecoded = !_.isUndefined((maybeDecodedLog as LogWithDecodedArgs<any>).event);
- if (!isLogDecoded) {
- return; // noop
- }
- const decodedLog = maybeDecodedLog as LogWithDecodedArgs<ContractEventArgs>;
- let makerToken: string;
- let makerAddress: string;
- let orderHashesSet: Set<string>;
- switch (decodedLog.event) {
- case TokenEvents.Approval:
- {
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as ApprovalContractEventArgs;
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteProxyAllowance(decodedLog.address, args._owner);
- // Revalidate orders
- makerToken = decodedLog.address;
- makerAddress = args._owner;
- orderHashesSet = _.get(this._dependentOrderHashes, [makerAddress, makerToken]);
- if (!_.isUndefined(orderHashesSet)) {
- const orderHashes = Array.from(orderHashesSet);
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes);
- }
- break;
- }
- case TokenEvents.Transfer:
- {
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as TransferContractEventArgs;
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteBalance(decodedLog.address, args._from);
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteBalance(decodedLog.address, args._to);
- // Revalidate orders
- makerToken = decodedLog.address;
- makerAddress = args._from;
- orderHashesSet = _.get(this._dependentOrderHashes, [makerAddress, makerToken]);
- if (!_.isUndefined(orderHashesSet)) {
- const orderHashes = Array.from(orderHashesSet);
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes);
- }
- break;
- }
- case ExchangeEvents.LogFill:
- {
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as LogFillContractEventArgs;
- this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.deleteFilledTakerAmount(args.orderHash);
- // Revalidate orders
- const orderHash = args.orderHash;
- const isOrderWatched = !_.isUndefined(this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash]);
- if (isOrderWatched) {
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync([orderHash]);
- }
- break;
- }
- case ExchangeEvents.LogCancel:
- {
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as LogCancelContractEventArgs;
- this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.deleteCancelledTakerAmount(args.orderHash);
- // Revalidate orders
- const orderHash = args.orderHash;
- const isOrderWatched = !_.isUndefined(this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash]);
- if (isOrderWatched) {
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync([orderHash]);
- }
- break;
- }
- case ExchangeEvents.LogError:
- return; // noop
- default:
- throw utils.spawnSwitchErr('decodedLog.event', decodedLog.event);
- }
- }
- private async _emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes: string[]): Promise<void> {
- for (const orderHash of orderHashes) {
- const signedOrder = this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash] as SignedOrder;
- // Most of these calls will never reach the network because the data is fetched from stores
- // and only updated when cache is invalidated
- const orderState = await this._orderStateUtils.getOrderStateAsync(signedOrder);
- if (_.isUndefined(this._callbackIfExistsAsync)) {
- break; // Unsubscribe was called
- }
- await this._callbackIfExistsAsync(orderState);
- }
- }
- private addToDependentOrderHashes(signedOrder: SignedOrder, orderHash: string) {
- if (_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker])) {
- this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker] = {};
- }
- if (_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker][signedOrder.makerTokenAddress])) {
- this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker][signedOrder.makerTokenAddress] = new Set();
- }
- this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker][signedOrder.makerTokenAddress].add(orderHash);
- }
- private removeFromDependentOrderHashes(makerAddress: string, makerTokenAddress: string, orderHash: string) {
- this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][makerTokenAddress].delete(orderHash);
- if (this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][makerTokenAddress].size === 0) {
- delete this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][makerTokenAddress];
- }
- if (_.isEmpty(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress])) {
- delete this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress];
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/schemas/zero_ex_config_schema.ts b/src/schemas/zero_ex_config_schema.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d4b3ed27..000000000
--- a/src/schemas/zero_ex_config_schema.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-export const zeroExConfigSchema = {
- id: '/ZeroExConfig',
- properties: {
- gasPrice: {$ref: '/Number'},
- exchangeContractAddress: {$ref: '/Address'},
- tokenRegistryContractAddress: {$ref: '/Address'},
- etherTokenContractAddress: {$ref: '/Address'},
- orderWatcherConfig: {
- type: 'object',
- properties: {
- pollingIntervalMs: {
- type: 'number',
- minimum: 0,
- },
- numConfirmations: {
- type: 'number',
- minimum: 0,
- },
- },
- },
- },
- type: 'object',
diff --git a/src/stores/balance_proxy_allowance_lazy_store.ts b/src/stores/balance_proxy_allowance_lazy_store.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index c83e61606..000000000
--- a/src/stores/balance_proxy_allowance_lazy_store.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import * as Web3 from 'web3';
-import {BigNumber} from 'bignumber.js';
-import {TokenWrapper} from '../contract_wrappers/token_wrapper';
-import {BlockParamLiteral} from '../types';
- * Copy on read store for balances/proxyAllowances of tokens/accounts
- */
-export class BalanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore {
- private token: TokenWrapper;
- private balance: {
- [tokenAddress: string]: {
- [userAddress: string]: BigNumber,
- },
- };
- private proxyAllowance: {
- [tokenAddress: string]: {
- [userAddress: string]: BigNumber,
- },
- };
- constructor(token: TokenWrapper) {
- this.token = token;
- this.balance = {};
- this.proxyAllowance = {};
- }
- public async getBalanceAsync(tokenAddress: string, userAddress: string): Promise<BigNumber> {
- if (_.isUndefined(this.balance[tokenAddress]) || _.isUndefined(this.balance[tokenAddress][userAddress])) {
- const methodOpts = {
- defaultBlock: BlockParamLiteral.Pending,
- };
- const balance = await this.token.getBalanceAsync(tokenAddress, userAddress, methodOpts);
- this.setBalance(tokenAddress, userAddress, balance);
- }
- const cachedBalance = this.balance[tokenAddress][userAddress];
- return cachedBalance;
- }
- public setBalance(tokenAddress: string, userAddress: string, balance: BigNumber): void {
- if (_.isUndefined(this.balance[tokenAddress])) {
- this.balance[tokenAddress] = {};
- }
- this.balance[tokenAddress][userAddress] = balance;
- }
- public deleteBalance(tokenAddress: string, userAddress: string): void {
- if (!_.isUndefined(this.balance[tokenAddress])) {
- delete this.balance[tokenAddress][userAddress];
- if (_.isEmpty(this.balance[tokenAddress])) {
- delete this.balance[tokenAddress];
- }
- }
- }
- public async getProxyAllowanceAsync(tokenAddress: string, userAddress: string): Promise<BigNumber> {
- if (_.isUndefined(this.proxyAllowance[tokenAddress]) ||
- _.isUndefined(this.proxyAllowance[tokenAddress][userAddress])) {
- const methodOpts = {
- defaultBlock: BlockParamLiteral.Pending,
- };
- const proxyAllowance = await this.token.getProxyAllowanceAsync(tokenAddress, userAddress, methodOpts);
- this.setProxyAllowance(tokenAddress, userAddress, proxyAllowance);
- }
- const cachedProxyAllowance = this.proxyAllowance[tokenAddress][userAddress];
- return cachedProxyAllowance;
- }
- public setProxyAllowance(tokenAddress: string, userAddress: string, proxyAllowance: BigNumber): void {
- if (_.isUndefined(this.proxyAllowance[tokenAddress])) {
- this.proxyAllowance[tokenAddress] = {};
- }
- this.proxyAllowance[tokenAddress][userAddress] = proxyAllowance;
- }
- public deleteProxyAllowance(tokenAddress: string, userAddress: string): void {
- if (!_.isUndefined(this.proxyAllowance[tokenAddress])) {
- delete this.proxyAllowance[tokenAddress][userAddress];
- if (_.isEmpty(this.proxyAllowance[tokenAddress])) {
- delete this.proxyAllowance[tokenAddress];
- }
- }
- }
- public deleteAll(): void {
- this.balance = {};
- this.proxyAllowance = {};
- }
diff --git a/src/stores/order_filled_cancelled_lazy_store.ts b/src/stores/order_filled_cancelled_lazy_store.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d74da096..000000000
--- a/src/stores/order_filled_cancelled_lazy_store.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import * as Web3 from 'web3';
-import {BigNumber} from 'bignumber.js';
-import {ExchangeWrapper} from '../contract_wrappers/exchange_wrapper';
-import {BlockParamLiteral} from '../types';
- * Copy on read store for filled/cancelled taker amounts
- */
-export class OrderFilledCancelledLazyStore {
- private exchange: ExchangeWrapper;
- private filledTakerAmount: {
- [orderHash: string]: BigNumber,
- };
- private cancelledTakerAmount: {
- [orderHash: string]: BigNumber,
- };
- constructor(exchange: ExchangeWrapper) {
- this.exchange = exchange;
- this.filledTakerAmount = {};
- this.cancelledTakerAmount = {};
- }
- public async getFilledTakerAmountAsync(orderHash: string): Promise<BigNumber> {
- if (_.isUndefined(this.filledTakerAmount[orderHash])) {
- const methodOpts = {
- defaultBlock: BlockParamLiteral.Pending,
- };
- const filledTakerAmount = await this.exchange.getFilledTakerAmountAsync(orderHash, methodOpts);
- this.setFilledTakerAmount(orderHash, filledTakerAmount);
- }
- const cachedFilled = this.filledTakerAmount[orderHash];
- return cachedFilled;
- }
- public setFilledTakerAmount(orderHash: string, filledTakerAmount: BigNumber): void {
- this.filledTakerAmount[orderHash] = filledTakerAmount;
- }
- public deleteFilledTakerAmount(orderHash: string): void {
- delete this.filledTakerAmount[orderHash];
- }
- public async getCancelledTakerAmountAsync(orderHash: string): Promise<BigNumber> {
- if (_.isUndefined(this.cancelledTakerAmount[orderHash])) {
- const methodOpts = {
- defaultBlock: BlockParamLiteral.Pending,
- };
- const cancelledTakerAmount = await this.exchange.getCanceledTakerAmountAsync(orderHash, methodOpts);
- this.setCancelledTakerAmount(orderHash, cancelledTakerAmount);
- }
- const cachedCancelled = this.cancelledTakerAmount[orderHash];
- return cachedCancelled;
- }
- public setCancelledTakerAmount(orderHash: string, cancelledTakerAmount: BigNumber): void {
- this.cancelledTakerAmount[orderHash] = cancelledTakerAmount;
- }
- public deleteCancelledTakerAmount(orderHash: string): void {
- delete this.cancelledTakerAmount[orderHash];
- }
- public deleteAll(): void {
- this.filledTakerAmount = {};
- this.cancelledTakerAmount = {};
- }
diff --git a/src/subproviders/empty_wallet_subprovider.ts b/src/subproviders/empty_wallet_subprovider.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f260217c..000000000
--- a/src/subproviders/empty_wallet_subprovider.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-import {JSONRPCPayload} from '../types';
- * This class implements the web3-provider-engine subprovider interface and returns
- * that the provider has no addresses when queried.
- * Source: https://github.com/MetaMask/provider-engine/blob/master/subproviders/subprovider.js
- */
-export class EmptyWalletSubProvider {
- public handleRequest(payload: JSONRPCPayload, next: () => void, end: (err: Error|null, result: any) => void) {
- switch (payload.method) {
- case 'eth_accounts':
- end(null, []);
- return;
- default:
- next();
- return;
- }
- }
- // Required to implement this method despite not needing it for this subprovider
- public setEngine(engine: any) {
- // noop
- }
diff --git a/src/types.ts b/src/types.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 11683378f..000000000
--- a/src/types.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,525 +0,0 @@
-import * as Web3 from 'web3';
-import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
-export enum ZeroExError {
- ContractDoesNotExist = 'CONTRACT_DOES_NOT_EXIST',
- ExchangeContractDoesNotExist = 'EXCHANGE_CONTRACT_DOES_NOT_EXIST',
- UnhandledError = 'UNHANDLED_ERROR',
- UserHasNoAssociatedAddress = 'USER_HAS_NO_ASSOCIATED_ADDRESSES',
- InvalidSignature = 'INVALID_SIGNATURE',
- ContractNotDeployedOnNetwork = 'CONTRACT_NOT_DEPLOYED_ON_NETWORK',
- InsufficientAllowanceForTransfer = 'INSUFFICIENT_ALLOWANCE_FOR_TRANSFER',
- InsufficientBalanceForTransfer = 'INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE_FOR_TRANSFER',
- InsufficientEthBalanceForDeposit = 'INSUFFICIENT_ETH_BALANCE_FOR_DEPOSIT',
- InsufficientWEthBalanceForWithdrawal = 'INSUFFICIENT_WETH_BALANCE_FOR_WITHDRAWAL',
- InvalidJump = 'INVALID_JUMP',
- OutOfGas = 'OUT_OF_GAS',
- NoNetworkId = 'NO_NETWORK_ID',
- SubscriptionNotFound = 'SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_FOUND',
- SubscriptionAlreadyPresent = 'SUBSCRIPTION_ALREADY_PRESENT',
- TransactionMiningTimeout = 'TRANSACTION_MINING_TIMEOUT',
-export enum InternalZeroExError {
- NoAbiDecoder = 'NO_ABI_DECODER',
- ZrxNotInTokenRegistry = 'ZRX_NOT_IN_TOKEN_REGISTRY',
- * Elliptic Curve signature
- */
-export interface ECSignature {
- v: number;
- r: string;
- s: string;
-export type OrderAddresses = [string, string, string, string, string];
-export type OrderValues = [BigNumber, BigNumber, BigNumber,
- BigNumber, BigNumber, BigNumber];
-export type LogEvent = Web3.LogEntryEvent;
-export type DecodedLogEvent<ArgsType> = Web3.DecodedLogEntryEvent<ArgsType>;
-export type EventCallbackAsync<ArgsType> = (err: null|Error, log?: DecodedLogEvent<ArgsType>) => Promise<void>;
-export type EventCallbackSync<ArgsType> = (err: null|Error, log?: DecodedLogEvent<ArgsType>) => void;
-export type EventCallback<ArgsType> = EventCallbackSync<ArgsType>|EventCallbackAsync<ArgsType>;
-export type EventWatcherCallbackSync = (log: LogEvent) => void;
-export type EventWatcherCallbackAsync = (log: LogEvent) => Promise<void>;
-export type EventWatcherCallback = EventWatcherCallbackSync|EventWatcherCallbackAsync;
-export interface ExchangeContract extends Web3.ContractInstance {
- isValidSignature: {
- callAsync: (signerAddressHex: string, dataHex: string, v: number, r: string, s: string,
- txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<boolean>;
- };
- callAsync: () => Promise<string>;
- };
- callAsync: () => Promise<string>;
- };
- getUnavailableTakerTokenAmount: {
- callAsync: (orderHash: string, defaultBlock?: Web3.BlockParam) => Promise<BigNumber>;
- };
- isRoundingError: {
- callAsync: (takerTokenFillAmount: BigNumber, takerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- makerTokenAmount: BigNumber, txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<boolean>;
- };
- fillOrder: {
- sendTransactionAsync: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses, orderValues: OrderValues,
- fillTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance: boolean,
- v: number, r: string, s: string, txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<string>;
- estimateGasAsync: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses, orderValues: OrderValues,
- fillTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance: boolean,
- v: number, r: string, s: string, txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<number>;
- };
- batchFillOrders: {
- sendTransactionAsync: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses[], orderValues: OrderValues[],
- fillTakerTokenAmounts: BigNumber[],
- shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance: boolean,
- v: number[], r: string[], s: string[], txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<string>;
- estimateGasAsync: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses[], orderValues: OrderValues[],
- fillTakerTokenAmounts: BigNumber[],
- shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance: boolean,
- v: number[], r: string[], s: string[], txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<number>;
- };
- fillOrdersUpTo: {
- sendTransactionAsync: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses[], orderValues: OrderValues[],
- fillTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance: boolean,
- v: number[], r: string[], s: string[], txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<string>;
- estimateGasAsync: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses[], orderValues: OrderValues[],
- fillTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- shouldThrowOnInsufficientBalanceOrAllowance: boolean,
- v: number[], r: string[], s: string[], txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<number>;
- };
- cancelOrder: {
- sendTransactionAsync: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses, orderValues: OrderValues,
- cancelTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber, txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<string>;
- estimateGasAsync: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses, orderValues: OrderValues,
- cancelTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<number>;
- };
- batchCancelOrders: {
- sendTransactionAsync: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses[], orderValues: OrderValues[],
- cancelTakerTokenAmounts: BigNumber[], txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<string>;
- estimateGasAsync: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses[], orderValues: OrderValues[],
- cancelTakerTokenAmounts: BigNumber[],
- txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<number>;
- };
- fillOrKillOrder: {
- sendTransactionAsync: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses, orderValues: OrderValues,
- fillTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- v: number, r: string, s: string, txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<string>;
- estimateGasAsync: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses, orderValues: OrderValues,
- fillTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- v: number, r: string, s: string, txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<number>;
- };
- batchFillOrKillOrders: {
- sendTransactionAsync: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses[], orderValues: OrderValues[],
- fillTakerTokenAmounts: BigNumber[],
- v: number[], r: string[], s: string[], txOpts: TxOpts) => Promise<string>;
- estimateGasAsync: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses[], orderValues: OrderValues[],
- fillTakerTokenAmounts: BigNumber[],
- v: number[], r: string[], s: string[], txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<number>;
- };
- filled: {
- callAsync: (orderHash: string, defaultBlock?: Web3.BlockParam) => Promise<BigNumber>;
- };
- cancelled: {
- callAsync: (orderHash: string, defaultBlock?: Web3.BlockParam) => Promise<BigNumber>;
- };
- getOrderHash: {
- callAsync: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses, orderValues: OrderValues) => Promise<string>;
- };
-export interface TokenContract extends Web3.ContractInstance {
- balanceOf: {
- callAsync: (address: string, defaultBlock?: Web3.BlockParam) => Promise<BigNumber>;
- };
- allowance: {
- callAsync: (ownerAddress: string, allowedAddress: string,
- defaultBlock?: Web3.BlockParam) => Promise<BigNumber>;
- };
- transfer: {
- sendTransactionAsync: (toAddress: string, amountInBaseUnits: BigNumber,
- txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<string>;
- };
- transferFrom: {
- sendTransactionAsync: (fromAddress: string, toAddress: string, amountInBaseUnits: BigNumber,
- txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<string>;
- };
- approve: {
- sendTransactionAsync: (proxyAddress: string, amountInBaseUnits: BigNumber,
- txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<string>;
- };
-export interface TokenRegistryContract extends Web3.ContractInstance {
- getTokenMetaData: {
- callAsync: (address: string) => Promise<TokenMetadata>;
- };
- getTokenAddresses: {
- callAsync: () => Promise<string[]>;
- };
- getTokenAddressBySymbol: {
- callAsync: (symbol: string) => Promise<string>;
- };
- getTokenAddressByName: {
- callAsync: (name: string) => Promise<string>;
- };
- getTokenBySymbol: {
- callAsync: (symbol: string) => Promise<TokenMetadata>;
- };
- getTokenByName: {
- callAsync: (name: string) => Promise<TokenMetadata>;
- };
-export interface EtherTokenContract extends Web3.ContractInstance {
- deposit: {
- sendTransactionAsync: (txOpts: TxOpts) => Promise<string>;
- };
- withdraw: {
- sendTransactionAsync: (amount: BigNumber, txOpts: TxOpts) => Promise<string>;
- };
-export interface TokenTransferProxyContract extends Web3.ContractInstance {
- getAuthorizedAddresses: {
- callAsync: () => Promise<string[]>;
- };
- authorized: {
- callAsync: (address: string) => Promise<boolean>;
- };
-export enum SolidityTypes {
- Address = 'address',
- Uint256 = 'uint256',
- Uint8 = 'uint8',
- Uint = 'uint',
-export enum ExchangeContractErrCodes {
- ERROR_FILL_EXPIRED, // Order has already expired
- ERROR_FILL_NO_VALUE, // Order has already been fully filled or cancelled
- ERROR_FILL_TRUNCATION, // Rounding error too large
- ERROR_FILL_BALANCE_ALLOWANCE, // Insufficient balance or allowance for token transfer
- ERROR_CANCEL_EXPIRED, // Order has already expired
- ERROR_CANCEL_NO_VALUE, // Order has already been fully filled or cancelled
-export enum ExchangeContractErrs {
- OrderFillExpired = 'ORDER_FILL_EXPIRED',
- OrderCancelExpired = 'ORDER_CANCEL_EXPIRED',
- OrderCancelAmountZero = 'ORDER_CANCEL_AMOUNT_ZERO',
- OrderAlreadyCancelledOrFilled = 'ORDER_ALREADY_CANCELLED_OR_FILLED',
- OrderFillAmountZero = 'ORDER_FILL_AMOUNT_ZERO',
- OrderRemainingFillAmountZero = 'ORDER_REMAINING_FILL_AMOUNT_ZERO',
- OrderFillRoundingError = 'ORDER_FILL_ROUNDING_ERROR',
- FillBalanceAllowanceError = 'FILL_BALANCE_ALLOWANCE_ERROR',
- InsufficientTakerBalance = 'INSUFFICIENT_TAKER_BALANCE',
- InsufficientTakerAllowance = 'INSUFFICIENT_TAKER_ALLOWANCE',
- InsufficientMakerBalance = 'INSUFFICIENT_MAKER_BALANCE',
- InsufficientMakerAllowance = 'INSUFFICIENT_MAKER_ALLOWANCE',
- InsufficientTakerFeeBalance = 'INSUFFICIENT_TAKER_FEE_BALANCE',
- InsufficientTakerFeeAllowance = 'INSUFFICIENT_TAKER_FEE_ALLOWANCE',
- InsufficientMakerFeeBalance = 'INSUFFICIENT_MAKER_FEE_BALANCE',
- InsufficientMakerFeeAllowance = 'INSUFFICIENT_MAKER_FEE_ALLOWANCE',
- TransactionSenderIsNotFillOrderTaker = 'TRANSACTION_SENDER_IS_NOT_FILL_ORDER_TAKER',
- MultipleMakersInSingleCancelBatchDisallowed = 'MULTIPLE_MAKERS_IN_SINGLE_CANCEL_BATCH_DISALLOWED',
- InsufficientRemainingFillAmount = 'INSUFFICIENT_REMAINING_FILL_AMOUNT',
- BatchOrdersMustHaveSameExchangeAddress = 'BATCH_ORDERS_MUST_HAVE_SAME_EXCHANGE_ADDRESS',
-export type RawLog = Web3.LogEntry;
-export interface ContractEvent {
- logIndex: number;
- transactionIndex: number;
- transactionHash: string;
- blockHash: string;
- blockNumber: number;
- address: string;
- type: string;
- event: string;
- args: ContractEventArgs;
-export interface LogFillContractEventArgs {
- maker: string;
- taker: string;
- feeRecipient: string;
- makerToken: string;
- takerToken: string;
- filledMakerTokenAmount: BigNumber;
- filledTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber;
- paidMakerFee: BigNumber;
- paidTakerFee: BigNumber;
- tokens: string;
- orderHash: string;
-export interface LogCancelContractEventArgs {
- maker: string;
- feeRecipient: string;
- makerToken: string;
- takerToken: string;
- cancelledMakerTokenAmount: BigNumber;
- cancelledTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber;
- tokens: string;
- orderHash: string;
-export interface LogErrorContractEventArgs {
- errorId: BigNumber;
- orderHash: string;
-export type ExchangeContractEventArgs = LogFillContractEventArgs|LogCancelContractEventArgs|LogErrorContractEventArgs;
-export interface TransferContractEventArgs {
- _from: string;
- _to: string;
- _value: BigNumber;
-export interface ApprovalContractEventArgs {
- _owner: string;
- _spender: string;
- _value: BigNumber;
-export type TokenContractEventArgs = TransferContractEventArgs|ApprovalContractEventArgs;
-export type ContractEventArgs = ExchangeContractEventArgs|TokenContractEventArgs;
-export type ContractEventArg = string|BigNumber;
-export interface Order {
- maker: string;
- taker: string;
- makerFee: BigNumber;
- takerFee: BigNumber;
- makerTokenAmount: BigNumber;
- takerTokenAmount: BigNumber;
- makerTokenAddress: string;
- takerTokenAddress: string;
- salt: BigNumber;
- exchangeContractAddress: string;
- feeRecipient: string;
- expirationUnixTimestampSec: BigNumber;
-export interface SignedOrder extends Order {
- ecSignature: ECSignature;
-// [address, name, symbol, decimals, ipfsHash, swarmHash]
-export type TokenMetadata = [string, string, string, BigNumber, string, string];
-export interface Token {
- name: string;
- address: string;
- symbol: string;
- decimals: number;
-export interface TxOpts {
- from: string;
- gas?: number;
- value?: BigNumber;
-export interface TokenAddressBySymbol {
- [symbol: string]: string;
-export enum ExchangeEvents {
- LogFill = 'LogFill',
- LogCancel = 'LogCancel',
- LogError = 'LogError',
-export enum TokenEvents {
- Transfer = 'Transfer',
- Approval = 'Approval',
-export type ContractEvents = TokenEvents|ExchangeEvents;
-export interface IndexedFilterValues {
- [index: string]: ContractEventArg;
-export enum BlockParamLiteral {
- Latest = 'latest',
- Earliest = 'earliest',
- Pending = 'pending',
-export type BlockParam = BlockParamLiteral|number;
-export interface SubscriptionOpts {
- fromBlock: BlockParam;
- toBlock: BlockParam;
-export type DoneCallback = (err?: Error) => void;
-export interface OrderCancellationRequest {
- order: Order|SignedOrder;
- takerTokenCancelAmount: BigNumber;
-export interface OrderFillRequest {
- signedOrder: SignedOrder;
- takerTokenFillAmount: BigNumber;
-export type AsyncMethod = (...args: any[]) => Promise<any>;
- * We re-export the `Web3.Provider` type specified in the Web3 Typescript typings
- * since it is the type of the `provider` argument to the `ZeroEx` constructor.
- * It is however a `Web3` library type, not a native `0x.js` type.
- */
-export type Web3Provider = Web3.Provider;
-export interface ExchangeContractByAddress {
- [address: string]: ExchangeContract;
-export interface JSONRPCPayload {
- params: any[];
- method: string;
- * eventPollingIntervalMs: How often to poll the Ethereum node for new events
- */
-export interface OrderStateWatcherConfig {
- eventPollingIntervalMs?: number;
- * gasPrice: Gas price to use with every transaction
- * exchangeContractAddress: The address of an exchange contract to use
- * tokenRegistryContractAddress: The address of a token registry contract to use
- * etherTokenContractAddress: The address of an ether token contract to use
- * orderWatcherConfig: All the configs related to the orderWatcher
- */
-export interface ZeroExConfig {
- gasPrice?: BigNumber; // Gas price to use with every transaction
- exchangeContractAddress?: string;
- tokenRegistryContractAddress?: string;
- etherTokenContractAddress?: string;
- orderWatcherConfig?: OrderStateWatcherConfig;
-export enum AbiType {
- Function = 'function',
- Constructor = 'constructor',
- Event = 'event',
- Fallback = 'fallback',
-export interface DecodedLogArgs {
- [argName: string]: ContractEventArg;
-export interface LogWithDecodedArgs<ArgsType> extends Web3.DecodedLogEntry<ArgsType> {}
-export interface TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs extends TransactionReceipt {
- logs: Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<DecodedLogArgs>|Web3.LogEntry>;
-export interface Artifact {
- abi: any;
- networks: {[networkId: number]: {
- address: string;
- }};
- * expectedFillTakerTokenAmount: If specified, the validation method will ensure that the
- * supplied order maker has a sufficient allowance/balance to fill this amount of the order's
- * takerTokenAmount. If not specified, the validation method ensures that the maker has a sufficient
- * allowance/balance to fill the entire remaining order amount.
- */
-export interface ValidateOrderFillableOpts {
- expectedFillTakerTokenAmount?: BigNumber;
- * defaultBlock: The block up to which to query the blockchain state. Setting this to a historical block number
- * let's the user query the blockchain's state at an arbitrary point in time. In order for this to work, the
- * backing Ethereum node must keep the entire historical state of the chain (e.g setting `--pruning=archive`
- * flag when running Parity).
- */
-export interface MethodOpts {
- defaultBlock?: Web3.BlockParam;
- * shouldValidate: Flag indicating whether the library should make attempts to validate a transaction before
- * broadcasting it. For example, order has a valid signature, maker has sufficient funds, etc.
- */
-export interface OrderTransactionOpts {
- shouldValidate: boolean;
-export type FilterObject = Web3.FilterObject;
-export enum TradeSide {
- Maker = 'maker',
- Taker = 'taker',
-export enum TransferType {
- Trade = 'trade',
- Fee = 'fee',
-export interface OrderRelevantState {
- makerBalance: BigNumber;
- makerProxyAllowance: BigNumber;
- makerFeeBalance: BigNumber;
- makerFeeProxyAllowance: BigNumber;
- filledTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber;
- canceledTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber;
- remainingFillableMakerTokenAmount: BigNumber;
-export interface OrderStateValid {
- isValid: true;
- orderHash: string;
- orderRelevantState: OrderRelevantState;
-export interface OrderStateInvalid {
- isValid: false;
- orderHash: string;
- error: ExchangeContractErrs;
-export type OrderState = OrderStateValid|OrderStateInvalid;
-export type OnOrderStateChangeCallbackSync = (orderState: OrderState) => void;
-export type OnOrderStateChangeCallbackAsync = (orderState: OrderState) => Promise<void>;
-export type OnOrderStateChangeCallback = OnOrderStateChangeCallbackAsync|OnOrderStateChangeCallbackSync;
-export interface TransactionReceipt {
- blockHash: string;
- blockNumber: number;
- transactionHash: string;
- transactionIndex: number;
- from: string;
- to: string;
- status: null|0|1;
- cumulativeGasUsed: number;
- gasUsed: number;
- contractAddress: string|null;
- logs: Web3.LogEntry[];
diff --git a/src/utils/abi_decoder.ts b/src/utils/abi_decoder.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 840ad9be0..000000000
--- a/src/utils/abi_decoder.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-import * as Web3 from 'web3';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
-import {AbiType, DecodedLogArgs, LogWithDecodedArgs, RawLog, SolidityTypes, ContractEventArgs} from '../types';
-import * as SolidityCoder from 'web3/lib/solidity/coder';
-export class AbiDecoder {
- private savedABIs: Web3.AbiDefinition[] = [];
- private methodIds: {[signatureHash: string]: Web3.EventAbi} = {};
- constructor(abiArrays: Web3.AbiDefinition[][]) {
- _.map(abiArrays, this.addABI.bind(this));
- }
- // This method can only decode logs from the 0x & ERC20 smart contracts
- public tryToDecodeLogOrNoop<ArgsType extends ContractEventArgs>(
- log: Web3.LogEntry): LogWithDecodedArgs<ArgsType>|RawLog {
- const methodId = log.topics[0];
- const event = this.methodIds[methodId];
- if (_.isUndefined(event)) {
- return log;
- }
- const logData = log.data;
- const decodedParams: DecodedLogArgs = {};
- let dataIndex = 0;
- let topicsIndex = 1;
- const nonIndexedInputs = _.filter(event.inputs, input => !input.indexed);
- const dataTypes = _.map(nonIndexedInputs, input => input.type);
- const decodedData = SolidityCoder.decodeParams(dataTypes, logData.slice('0x'.length));
- _.map(event.inputs, (param: Web3.EventParameter) => {
- // Indexed parameters are stored in topics. Non-indexed ones in decodedData
- let value = param.indexed ? log.topics[topicsIndex++] : decodedData[dataIndex++];
- if (param.type === SolidityTypes.Address) {
- value = this.padZeros(new BigNumber(value).toString(16));
- } else if (param.type === SolidityTypes.Uint256 ||
- param.type === SolidityTypes.Uint8 ||
- param.type === SolidityTypes.Uint ) {
- value = new BigNumber(value);
- }
- decodedParams[param.name] = value;
- });
- return {
- ...log,
- event: event.name,
- args: decodedParams,
- };
- }
- private addABI(abiArray: Web3.AbiDefinition[]): void {
- _.map(abiArray, (abi: Web3.AbiDefinition) => {
- if (abi.type === AbiType.Event) {
- const signature = `${abi.name}(${_.map(abi.inputs, input => input.type).join(',')})`;
- const signatureHash = new Web3().sha3(signature);
- this.methodIds[signatureHash] = abi;
- }
- });
- this.savedABIs = this.savedABIs.concat(abiArray);
- }
- private padZeros(address: string) {
- let formatted = address;
- if (_.startsWith(formatted, '0x')) {
- formatted = formatted.slice(2);
- }
- formatted = _.padStart(formatted, 40, '0');
- return `0x${formatted}`;
- }
diff --git a/src/utils/assert.ts b/src/utils/assert.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index e5c9439f3..000000000
--- a/src/utils/assert.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import * as Web3 from 'web3';
-import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
-import {SchemaValidator, Schema} from '0x-json-schemas';
-import {Web3Wrapper} from '../web3_wrapper';
-import {signatureUtils} from '../utils/signature_utils';
-import {ECSignature} from '../types';
-const HEX_REGEX = /^0x[0-9A-F]*$/i;
-export const assert = {
- isBigNumber(variableName: string, value: BigNumber): void {
- const isBigNumber = _.isObject(value) && (value as any).isBigNumber;
- this.assert(isBigNumber, this.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'BigNumber', value));
- },
- isValidBaseUnitAmount(variableName: string, value: BigNumber) {
- assert.isBigNumber(variableName, value);
- const hasDecimals = value.decimalPlaces() !== 0;
- this.assert(
- !hasDecimals, `${variableName} should be in baseUnits (no decimals), found value: ${value.toNumber()}`,
- );
- },
- isValidSignature(orderHash: string, ecSignature: ECSignature, signerAddress: string) {
- const isValidSignature = signatureUtils.isValidSignature(orderHash, ecSignature, signerAddress);
- this.assert(isValidSignature, `Expected order with hash '${orderHash}' to have a valid signature`);
- },
- isUndefined(value: any, variableName?: string): void {
- this.assert(_.isUndefined(value), this.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'undefined', value));
- },
- isString(variableName: string, value: string): void {
- this.assert(_.isString(value), this.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'string', value));
- },
- isFunction(variableName: string, value: any): void {
- this.assert(_.isFunction(value), this.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'function', value));
- },
- isHexString(variableName: string, value: string): void {
- this.assert(_.isString(value) && HEX_REGEX.test(value),
- this.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'HexString', value));
- },
- isETHAddressHex(variableName: string, value: string): void {
- const web3 = new Web3();
- this.assert(web3.isAddress(value), this.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'ETHAddressHex', value));
- this.assert(
- web3.isAddress(value) && value.toLowerCase() === value,
- `Checksummed addresses are not supported. Convert ${variableName} to lower case before passing`,
- );
- },
- doesBelongToStringEnum(variableName: string, value: string,
- stringEnum: any /* There is no base type for every string enum */): void {
- const doesBelongToStringEnum = !_.isUndefined(stringEnum[value]);
- const enumValues = _.keys(stringEnum);
- const enumValuesAsStrings = _.map(enumValues, enumValue => `'${enumValue}'`);
- const enumValuesAsString = enumValuesAsStrings.join(', ');
- assert.assert(
- doesBelongToStringEnum,
- `Expected ${variableName} to be one of: ${enumValuesAsString}, encountered: ${value}`,
- );
- },
- async isSenderAddressAsync(variableName: string, senderAddressHex: string,
- web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper): Promise<void> {
- assert.isETHAddressHex(variableName, senderAddressHex);
- const isSenderAddressAvailable = await web3Wrapper.isSenderAddressAvailableAsync(senderAddressHex);
- assert.assert(isSenderAddressAvailable,
- `Specified ${variableName} ${senderAddressHex} isn't available through the supplied web3 provider`,
- );
- },
- async isUserAddressAvailableAsync(web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper): Promise<void> {
- const availableAddresses = await web3Wrapper.getAvailableAddressesAsync();
- this.assert(!_.isEmpty(availableAddresses), 'No addresses were available on the provided web3 provider');
- },
- hasAtMostOneUniqueValue(value: any[], errMsg: string): void {
- this.assert(_.uniq(value).length <= 1, errMsg);
- },
- isNumber(variableName: string, value: number): void {
- this.assert(_.isFinite(value), this.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'number', value));
- },
- isBoolean(variableName: string, value: boolean): void {
- this.assert(_.isBoolean(value), this.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'boolean', value));
- },
- isWeb3Provider(variableName: string, value: Web3.Provider): void {
- const isWeb3Provider = _.isFunction((value as any).send) || _.isFunction((value as any).sendAsync);
- this.assert(isWeb3Provider, this.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'Web3.Provider', value));
- },
- doesConformToSchema(variableName: string, value: any, schema: Schema): void {
- const schemaValidator = new SchemaValidator();
- const validationResult = schemaValidator.validate(value, schema);
- const hasValidationErrors = validationResult.errors.length > 0;
- const msg = `Expected ${variableName} to conform to schema ${schema.id}
-Encountered: ${JSON.stringify(value, null, '\t')}
-Validation errors: ${validationResult.errors.join(', ')}`;
- this.assert(!hasValidationErrors, msg);
- },
- assert(condition: boolean, message: string): void {
- if (!condition) {
- throw new Error(message);
- }
- },
- typeAssertionMessage(variableName: string, type: string, value: any): string {
- return `Expected ${variableName} to be of type ${type}, encountered: ${value}`;
- },
diff --git a/src/utils/constants.ts b/src/utils/constants.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 3de3f5bc1..000000000
--- a/src/utils/constants.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
-export const constants = {
- NULL_ADDRESS: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
- OUT_OF_GAS_PATTERN: 'out of gas',
- UNLIMITED_ALLOWANCE_IN_BASE_UNITS: new BigNumber(2).pow(256).minus(1),
diff --git a/src/utils/decorators.ts b/src/utils/decorators.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index ec750b891..000000000
--- a/src/utils/decorators.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import {constants} from './constants';
-import {AsyncMethod, ZeroExError} from '../types';
-export const decorators = {
- /**
- * Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/29837695/3546986
- */
- contractCallErrorHandler(target: object,
- key: string|symbol,
- descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<AsyncMethod>,
- ): TypedPropertyDescriptor<AsyncMethod> {
- const originalMethod = (descriptor.value as AsyncMethod);
- // Do not use arrow syntax here. Use a function expression in
- // order to use the correct value of `this` in this method
- // tslint:disable-next-line:only-arrow-functions
- descriptor.value = async function(...args: any[]) {
- try {
- const result = await originalMethod.apply(this, args);
- return result;
- } catch (error) {
- if (_.includes(error.message, constants.INVALID_JUMP_PATTERN)) {
- throw new Error(ZeroExError.InvalidJump);
- }
- if (_.includes(error.message, constants.OUT_OF_GAS_PATTERN)) {
- throw new Error(ZeroExError.OutOfGas);
- }
- throw error;
- }
- };
- return descriptor;
- },
diff --git a/src/utils/exchange_transfer_simulator.ts b/src/utils/exchange_transfer_simulator.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 308ef06db..000000000
--- a/src/utils/exchange_transfer_simulator.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
-import {ExchangeContractErrs, TradeSide, TransferType, BlockParamLiteral} from '../types';
-import {TokenWrapper} from '../contract_wrappers/token_wrapper';
-import {BalanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore} from '../stores/balance_proxy_allowance_lazy_store';
-enum FailureReason {
- Balance = 'balance',
- ProxyAllowance = 'proxyAllowance',
-const ERR_MSG_MAPPING = {
- [FailureReason.Balance]: {
- [TradeSide.Maker]: {
- [TransferType.Trade]: ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientMakerBalance,
- [TransferType.Fee]: ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientMakerFeeBalance,
- },
- [TradeSide.Taker]: {
- [TransferType.Trade]: ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientTakerBalance,
- [TransferType.Fee]: ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientTakerFeeBalance,
- },
- },
- [FailureReason.ProxyAllowance]: {
- [TradeSide.Maker]: {
- [TransferType.Trade]: ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientMakerAllowance,
- [TransferType.Fee]: ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientMakerFeeAllowance,
- },
- [TradeSide.Taker]: {
- [TransferType.Trade]: ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientTakerAllowance,
- [TransferType.Fee]: ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientTakerFeeAllowance,
- },
- },
-export class ExchangeTransferSimulator {
- private store: BalanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore;
- constructor(token: TokenWrapper) {
- this.store = new BalanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore(token);
- }
- /**
- * Simulates transferFrom call performed by a proxy
- * @param tokenAddress Address of the token to be transferred
- * @param from Owner of the transferred tokens
- * @param to Recipient of the transferred tokens
- * @param amountInBaseUnits The amount of tokens being transferred
- * @param tradeSide Is Maker/Taker transferring
- * @param transferType Is it a fee payment or a value transfer
- */
- public async transferFromAsync(tokenAddress: string, from: string, to: string,
- amountInBaseUnits: BigNumber, tradeSide: TradeSide,
- transferType: TransferType): Promise<void> {
- const balance = await this.store.getBalanceAsync(tokenAddress, from);
- const proxyAllowance = await this.store.getProxyAllowanceAsync(tokenAddress, from);
- if (proxyAllowance.lessThan(amountInBaseUnits)) {
- this.throwValidationError(FailureReason.ProxyAllowance, tradeSide, transferType);
- }
- if (balance.lessThan(amountInBaseUnits)) {
- this.throwValidationError(FailureReason.Balance, tradeSide, transferType);
- }
- await this.decreaseProxyAllowanceAsync(tokenAddress, from, amountInBaseUnits);
- await this.decreaseBalanceAsync(tokenAddress, from, amountInBaseUnits);
- await this.increaseBalanceAsync(tokenAddress, to, amountInBaseUnits);
- }
- private async decreaseProxyAllowanceAsync(tokenAddress: string, userAddress: string,
- amountInBaseUnits: BigNumber): Promise<void> {
- const proxyAllowance = await this.store.getProxyAllowanceAsync(tokenAddress, userAddress);
- if (!proxyAllowance.eq(this.UNLIMITED_ALLOWANCE_IN_BASE_UNITS)) {
- this.store.setProxyAllowance(tokenAddress, userAddress, proxyAllowance.minus(amountInBaseUnits));
- }
- }
- private async increaseBalanceAsync(tokenAddress: string, userAddress: string,
- amountInBaseUnits: BigNumber): Promise<void> {
- const balance = await this.store.getBalanceAsync(tokenAddress, userAddress);
- this.store.setBalance(tokenAddress, userAddress, balance.plus(amountInBaseUnits));
- }
- private async decreaseBalanceAsync(tokenAddress: string, userAddress: string,
- amountInBaseUnits: BigNumber): Promise<void> {
- const balance = await this.store.getBalanceAsync(tokenAddress, userAddress);
- this.store.setBalance(tokenAddress, userAddress, balance.minus(amountInBaseUnits));
- }
- private throwValidationError(failureReason: FailureReason, tradeSide: TradeSide,
- transferType: TransferType): Promise<never> {
- const errMsg = ERR_MSG_MAPPING[failureReason][tradeSide][transferType];
- throw new Error(errMsg);
- }
diff --git a/src/utils/filter_utils.ts b/src/utils/filter_utils.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index e09a95a6e..000000000
--- a/src/utils/filter_utils.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import * as Web3 from 'web3';
-import * as uuid from 'uuid/v4';
-import * as ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util';
-import * as jsSHA3 from 'js-sha3';
-import {ContractEvents, IndexedFilterValues, SubscriptionOpts} from '../types';
-const TOPIC_LENGTH = 32;
-export const filterUtils = {
- generateUUID(): string {
- return uuid();
- },
- getFilter(address: string, eventName: ContractEvents,
- indexFilterValues: IndexedFilterValues, abi: Web3.ContractAbi,
- subscriptionOpts?: SubscriptionOpts): Web3.FilterObject {
- const eventAbi = _.find(abi, {name: eventName}) as Web3.EventAbi;
- const eventSignature = filterUtils.getEventSignatureFromAbiByName(eventAbi, eventName);
- const topicForEventSignature = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(jsSHA3.keccak256(eventSignature));
- const topicsForIndexedArgs = filterUtils.getTopicsForIndexedArgs(eventAbi, indexFilterValues);
- const topics = [topicForEventSignature, ...topicsForIndexedArgs];
- let filter: Web3.FilterObject = {
- address,
- topics,
- };
- if (!_.isUndefined(subscriptionOpts)) {
- filter = {
- ...subscriptionOpts,
- ...filter,
- };
- }
- return filter;
- },
- getEventSignatureFromAbiByName(eventAbi: Web3.EventAbi, eventName: ContractEvents): string {
- const types = _.map(eventAbi.inputs, 'type');
- const signature = `${eventAbi.name}(${types.join(',')})`;
- return signature;
- },
- getTopicsForIndexedArgs(abi: Web3.EventAbi, indexFilterValues: IndexedFilterValues): Array<string|null> {
- const topics: Array<string|null> = [];
- for (const eventInput of abi.inputs) {
- if (!eventInput.indexed) {
- continue;
- }
- if (_.isUndefined(indexFilterValues[eventInput.name])) {
- // Null is a wildcard topic in a JSON-RPC call
- topics.push(null);
- } else {
- const value = indexFilterValues[eventInput.name] as string;
- const buffer = ethUtil.toBuffer(value);
- const paddedBuffer = ethUtil.setLengthLeft(buffer, TOPIC_LENGTH);
- const topic = ethUtil.bufferToHex(paddedBuffer);
- topics.push(topic);
- }
- }
- return topics;
- },
- matchesFilter(log: Web3.LogEntry, filter: Web3.FilterObject): boolean {
- if (!_.isUndefined(filter.address) && log.address !== filter.address) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!_.isUndefined(filter.topics)) {
- return filterUtils.matchesTopics(log.topics, filter.topics);
- }
- return true;
- },
- matchesTopics(logTopics: string[], filterTopics: Array<string[]|string|null>): boolean {
- const matchesTopic = _.zipWith(logTopics, filterTopics, filterUtils.matchesTopic.bind(filterUtils));
- const matchesTopics = _.every(matchesTopic);
- return matchesTopics;
- },
- matchesTopic(logTopic: string, filterTopic: string[]|string|null): boolean {
- if (_.isArray(filterTopic)) {
- return _.includes(filterTopic, logTopic);
- }
- if (_.isString(filterTopic)) {
- return filterTopic === logTopic;
- }
- // null topic is a wildcard
- return true;
- },
diff --git a/src/utils/interval_utils.ts b/src/utils/interval_utils.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 62b79f2f5..000000000
--- a/src/utils/interval_utils.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-export const intervalUtils = {
- setAsyncExcludingInterval(fn: () => Promise<void>, intervalMs: number) {
- let locked = false;
- const intervalId = setInterval(async () => {
- if (locked) {
- return;
- } else {
- locked = true;
- await fn();
- locked = false;
- }
- }, intervalMs);
- return intervalId;
- },
- clearAsyncExcludingInterval(intervalId: NodeJS.Timer): void {
- clearInterval(intervalId);
- },
diff --git a/src/utils/order_state_utils.ts b/src/utils/order_state_utils.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index f82601cae..000000000
--- a/src/utils/order_state_utils.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import * as Web3 from 'web3';
-import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
-import {
- ExchangeContractErrs,
- SignedOrder,
- OrderRelevantState,
- MethodOpts,
- OrderState,
- OrderStateValid,
- OrderStateInvalid,
-} from '../types';
-import {ZeroEx} from '../0x';
-import {TokenWrapper} from '../contract_wrappers/token_wrapper';
-import {ExchangeWrapper} from '../contract_wrappers/exchange_wrapper';
-import {utils} from '../utils/utils';
-import {constants} from '../utils/constants';
-import {OrderFilledCancelledLazyStore} from '../stores/order_filled_cancelled_lazy_store';
-import {BalanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore} from '../stores/balance_proxy_allowance_lazy_store';
-export class OrderStateUtils {
- private balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore: BalanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore;
- private orderFilledCancelledLazyStore: OrderFilledCancelledLazyStore;
- constructor(balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore: BalanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore,
- orderFilledCancelledLazyStore: OrderFilledCancelledLazyStore) {
- this.balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore = balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore;
- this.orderFilledCancelledLazyStore = orderFilledCancelledLazyStore;
- }
- public async getOrderStateAsync(signedOrder: SignedOrder): Promise<OrderState> {
- const orderRelevantState = await this.getOrderRelevantStateAsync(signedOrder);
- const orderHash = ZeroEx.getOrderHashHex(signedOrder);
- try {
- this.validateIfOrderIsValid(signedOrder, orderRelevantState);
- const orderState: OrderStateValid = {
- isValid: true,
- orderHash,
- orderRelevantState,
- };
- return orderState;
- } catch (err) {
- const orderState: OrderStateInvalid = {
- isValid: false,
- orderHash,
- error: err.message,
- };
- return orderState;
- }
- }
- public async getOrderRelevantStateAsync(signedOrder: SignedOrder): Promise<OrderRelevantState> {
- // HACK: We access the private property here but otherwise the interface will be less nice.
- // If we pass it from the instantiator - there is no opportunity to get it there
- // because JS doesn't support async constructors.
- // Moreover - it's cached under the hood so it's equivalent to an async constructor.
- const exchange = (this.orderFilledCancelledLazyStore as any).exchange as ExchangeWrapper;
- const zrxTokenAddress = await exchange.getZRXTokenAddressAsync();
- const orderHash = ZeroEx.getOrderHashHex(signedOrder);
- const makerBalance = await this.balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.getBalanceAsync(
- signedOrder.makerTokenAddress, signedOrder.maker,
- );
- const makerProxyAllowance = await this.balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.getProxyAllowanceAsync(
- signedOrder.makerTokenAddress, signedOrder.maker,
- );
- const makerFeeBalance = await this.balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.getBalanceAsync(
- zrxTokenAddress, signedOrder.maker,
- );
- const makerFeeProxyAllowance = await this.balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.getProxyAllowanceAsync(
- zrxTokenAddress, signedOrder.maker,
- );
- const filledTakerTokenAmount = await this.orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.getFilledTakerAmountAsync(orderHash);
- const canceledTakerTokenAmount = await this.orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.getCancelledTakerAmountAsync(
- orderHash,
- );
- const unavailableTakerTokenAmount = await exchange.getUnavailableTakerAmountAsync(orderHash);
- const totalMakerTokenAmount = signedOrder.makerTokenAmount;
- const totalTakerTokenAmount = signedOrder.takerTokenAmount;
- const remainingTakerTokenAmount = totalTakerTokenAmount.minus(unavailableTakerTokenAmount);
- const remainingMakerTokenAmount = remainingTakerTokenAmount.times(totalMakerTokenAmount)
- .dividedToIntegerBy(totalTakerTokenAmount);
- const fillableMakerTokenAmount = BigNumber.min([makerProxyAllowance, makerBalance]);
- const remainingFillableMakerTokenAmount = BigNumber.min(fillableMakerTokenAmount, remainingMakerTokenAmount);
- // TODO: Handle edge case where maker token is ZRX with fee
- const orderRelevantState = {
- makerBalance,
- makerProxyAllowance,
- makerFeeBalance,
- makerFeeProxyAllowance,
- filledTakerTokenAmount,
- canceledTakerTokenAmount,
- remainingFillableMakerTokenAmount,
- };
- return orderRelevantState;
- }
- private validateIfOrderIsValid(signedOrder: SignedOrder, orderRelevantState: OrderRelevantState): void {
- const unavailableTakerTokenAmount = orderRelevantState.canceledTakerTokenAmount.add(
- orderRelevantState.filledTakerTokenAmount,
- );
- const availableTakerTokenAmount = signedOrder.takerTokenAmount.minus(unavailableTakerTokenAmount);
- if (availableTakerTokenAmount.eq(0)) {
- throw new Error(ExchangeContractErrs.OrderRemainingFillAmountZero);
- }
- if (orderRelevantState.makerBalance.eq(0)) {
- throw new Error(ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientMakerBalance);
- }
- if (orderRelevantState.makerProxyAllowance.eq(0)) {
- throw new Error(ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientMakerAllowance);
- }
- if (!signedOrder.makerFee.eq(0)) {
- if (orderRelevantState.makerFeeBalance.eq(0)) {
- throw new Error(ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientMakerFeeBalance);
- }
- if (orderRelevantState.makerFeeProxyAllowance.eq(0)) {
- throw new Error(ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientMakerFeeAllowance);
- }
- }
- // TODO Add linear function solver when maker token is ZRX #badass
- // Return the max amount that's fillable
- }
diff --git a/src/utils/order_validation_utils.ts b/src/utils/order_validation_utils.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index f03703c4e..000000000
--- a/src/utils/order_validation_utils.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
-import {ExchangeContractErrs, SignedOrder, Order, ZeroExError, TradeSide, TransferType} from '../types';
-import {ZeroEx} from '../0x';
-import {TokenWrapper} from '../contract_wrappers/token_wrapper';
-import {ExchangeWrapper} from '../contract_wrappers/exchange_wrapper';
-import {utils} from '../utils/utils';
-import {constants} from '../utils/constants';
-import {ExchangeTransferSimulator} from './exchange_transfer_simulator';
-export class OrderValidationUtils {
- private tokenWrapper: TokenWrapper;
- private exchangeWrapper: ExchangeWrapper;
- constructor(tokenWrapper: TokenWrapper, exchangeWrapper: ExchangeWrapper) {
- this.tokenWrapper = tokenWrapper;
- this.exchangeWrapper = exchangeWrapper;
- }
- public async validateOrderFillableOrThrowAsync(
- exchangeTradeEmulator: ExchangeTransferSimulator, signedOrder: SignedOrder, zrxTokenAddress: string,
- expectedFillTakerTokenAmount?: BigNumber): Promise<void> {
- const orderHash = utils.getOrderHashHex(signedOrder);
- const unavailableTakerTokenAmount = await this.exchangeWrapper.getUnavailableTakerAmountAsync(orderHash);
- this.validateRemainingFillAmountNotZeroOrThrow(
- signedOrder.takerTokenAmount, unavailableTakerTokenAmount,
- );
- this.validateOrderNotExpiredOrThrow(signedOrder.expirationUnixTimestampSec);
- let fillTakerTokenAmount = signedOrder.takerTokenAmount.minus(unavailableTakerTokenAmount);
- if (!_.isUndefined(expectedFillTakerTokenAmount)) {
- fillTakerTokenAmount = expectedFillTakerTokenAmount;
- }
- const fillMakerTokenAmount = this.getPartialAmount(
- fillTakerTokenAmount,
- signedOrder.takerTokenAmount,
- signedOrder.makerTokenAmount,
- );
- await exchangeTradeEmulator.transferFromAsync(
- signedOrder.makerTokenAddress, signedOrder.maker, signedOrder.taker, fillMakerTokenAmount,
- TradeSide.Maker, TransferType.Trade,
- );
- const makerFeeAmount = this.getPartialAmount(
- fillTakerTokenAmount,
- signedOrder.takerTokenAmount,
- signedOrder.makerFee,
- );
- await exchangeTradeEmulator.transferFromAsync(
- zrxTokenAddress, signedOrder.maker, signedOrder.feeRecipient, makerFeeAmount,
- TradeSide.Maker, TransferType.Fee,
- );
- }
- public async validateFillOrderThrowIfInvalidAsync(
- exchangeTradeEmulator: ExchangeTransferSimulator, signedOrder: SignedOrder,
- fillTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber, takerAddress: string,
- zrxTokenAddress: string): Promise<BigNumber> {
- if (fillTakerTokenAmount.eq(0)) {
- throw new Error(ExchangeContractErrs.OrderFillAmountZero);
- }
- const orderHash = utils.getOrderHashHex(signedOrder);
- if (!ZeroEx.isValidSignature(orderHash, signedOrder.ecSignature, signedOrder.maker)) {
- throw new Error(ZeroExError.InvalidSignature);
- }
- const unavailableTakerTokenAmount = await this.exchangeWrapper.getUnavailableTakerAmountAsync(orderHash);
- this.validateRemainingFillAmountNotZeroOrThrow(
- signedOrder.takerTokenAmount, unavailableTakerTokenAmount,
- );
- if (signedOrder.taker !== constants.NULL_ADDRESS && signedOrder.taker !== takerAddress) {
- throw new Error(ExchangeContractErrs.TransactionSenderIsNotFillOrderTaker);
- }
- this.validateOrderNotExpiredOrThrow(signedOrder.expirationUnixTimestampSec);
- const remainingTakerTokenAmount = signedOrder.takerTokenAmount.minus(unavailableTakerTokenAmount);
- const filledTakerTokenAmount = remainingTakerTokenAmount.lessThan(fillTakerTokenAmount) ?
- remainingTakerTokenAmount :
- fillTakerTokenAmount;
- await this.validateFillOrderBalancesAllowancesThrowIfInvalidAsync(
- exchangeTradeEmulator, signedOrder, filledTakerTokenAmount, takerAddress, zrxTokenAddress,
- );
- const wouldRoundingErrorOccur = await this.exchangeWrapper.isRoundingErrorAsync(
- filledTakerTokenAmount, signedOrder.takerTokenAmount, signedOrder.makerTokenAmount,
- );
- if (wouldRoundingErrorOccur) {
- throw new Error(ExchangeContractErrs.OrderFillRoundingError);
- }
- return filledTakerTokenAmount;
- }
- public async validateFillOrKillOrderThrowIfInvalidAsync(
- exchangeTradeEmulator: ExchangeTransferSimulator, signedOrder: SignedOrder,
- fillTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber, takerAddress: string, zrxTokenAddress: string): Promise<void> {
- const filledTakerTokenAmount = await this.validateFillOrderThrowIfInvalidAsync(
- exchangeTradeEmulator, signedOrder, fillTakerTokenAmount, takerAddress, zrxTokenAddress,
- );
- if (filledTakerTokenAmount !== fillTakerTokenAmount) {
- throw new Error(ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientRemainingFillAmount);
- }
- }
- public async validateCancelOrderThrowIfInvalidAsync(order: Order,
- cancelTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- unavailableTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- ): Promise<void> {
- if (cancelTakerTokenAmount.eq(0)) {
- throw new Error(ExchangeContractErrs.OrderCancelAmountZero);
- }
- if (order.takerTokenAmount.eq(unavailableTakerTokenAmount)) {
- throw new Error(ExchangeContractErrs.OrderAlreadyCancelledOrFilled);
- }
- const currentUnixTimestampSec = utils.getCurrentUnixTimestamp();
- if (order.expirationUnixTimestampSec.lessThan(currentUnixTimestampSec)) {
- throw new Error(ExchangeContractErrs.OrderCancelExpired);
- }
- }
- public async validateFillOrderBalancesAllowancesThrowIfInvalidAsync(
- exchangeTradeEmulator: ExchangeTransferSimulator, signedOrder: SignedOrder,
- fillTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber, senderAddress: string, zrxTokenAddress: string): Promise<void> {
- const fillMakerTokenAmount = this.getPartialAmount(
- fillTakerTokenAmount,
- signedOrder.takerTokenAmount,
- signedOrder.makerTokenAmount,
- );
- await exchangeTradeEmulator.transferFromAsync(
- signedOrder.makerTokenAddress, signedOrder.maker, senderAddress, fillMakerTokenAmount,
- TradeSide.Maker, TransferType.Trade,
- );
- await exchangeTradeEmulator.transferFromAsync(
- signedOrder.takerTokenAddress, senderAddress, signedOrder.maker, fillTakerTokenAmount,
- TradeSide.Taker, TransferType.Trade,
- );
- const makerFeeAmount = this.getPartialAmount(
- fillTakerTokenAmount,
- signedOrder.takerTokenAmount,
- signedOrder.makerFee,
- );
- await exchangeTradeEmulator.transferFromAsync(
- zrxTokenAddress, signedOrder.maker, signedOrder.feeRecipient, makerFeeAmount, TradeSide.Maker,
- TransferType.Fee,
- );
- const takerFeeAmount = this.getPartialAmount(
- fillTakerTokenAmount,
- signedOrder.takerTokenAmount,
- signedOrder.takerFee,
- );
- await exchangeTradeEmulator.transferFromAsync(
- zrxTokenAddress, senderAddress, signedOrder.feeRecipient, takerFeeAmount, TradeSide.Taker,
- TransferType.Fee,
- );
- }
- private validateRemainingFillAmountNotZeroOrThrow(
- takerTokenAmount: BigNumber, unavailableTakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- ) {
- if (takerTokenAmount.eq(unavailableTakerTokenAmount)) {
- throw new Error(ExchangeContractErrs.OrderRemainingFillAmountZero);
- }
- }
- private validateOrderNotExpiredOrThrow(expirationUnixTimestampSec: BigNumber) {
- const currentUnixTimestampSec = utils.getCurrentUnixTimestamp();
- if (expirationUnixTimestampSec.lessThan(currentUnixTimestampSec)) {
- throw new Error(ExchangeContractErrs.OrderFillExpired);
- }
- }
- private getPartialAmount(numerator: BigNumber, denominator: BigNumber,
- target: BigNumber): BigNumber {
- const fillMakerTokenAmount = numerator
- .mul(target)
- .div(denominator)
- .round(0);
- return fillMakerTokenAmount;
- }
diff --git a/src/utils/signature_utils.ts b/src/utils/signature_utils.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index d066f8bf0..000000000
--- a/src/utils/signature_utils.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-import * as ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util';
-import {ECSignature} from '../types';
-export const signatureUtils = {
- isValidSignature(data: string, signature: ECSignature, signerAddress: string): boolean {
- const dataBuff = ethUtil.toBuffer(data);
- const msgHashBuff = ethUtil.hashPersonalMessage(dataBuff);
- try {
- const pubKey = ethUtil.ecrecover(
- msgHashBuff,
- signature.v,
- ethUtil.toBuffer(signature.r),
- ethUtil.toBuffer(signature.s));
- const retrievedAddress = ethUtil.bufferToHex(ethUtil.pubToAddress(pubKey));
- return retrievedAddress === signerAddress;
- } catch (err) {
- return false;
- }
- },
- parseSignatureHexAsVRS(signatureHex: string): ECSignature {
- const signatureBuffer = ethUtil.toBuffer(signatureHex);
- let v = signatureBuffer[0];
- if (v < 27) {
- v += 27;
- }
- const r = signatureBuffer.slice(1, 33);
- const s = signatureBuffer.slice(33, 65);
- const ecSignature: ECSignature = {
- v,
- r: ethUtil.bufferToHex(r),
- s: ethUtil.bufferToHex(s),
- };
- return ecSignature;
- },
- parseSignatureHexAsRSV(signatureHex: string): ECSignature {
- const {v, r, s} = ethUtil.fromRpcSig(signatureHex);
- const ecSignature: ECSignature = {
- v,
- r: ethUtil.bufferToHex(r),
- s: ethUtil.bufferToHex(s),
- };
- return ecSignature;
- },
diff --git a/src/utils/utils.ts b/src/utils/utils.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 280f3e979..000000000
--- a/src/utils/utils.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import * as ethABI from 'ethereumjs-abi';
-import * as ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util';
-import {Order, SignedOrder, SolidityTypes} from '../types';
-import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
-import BN = require('bn.js');
-export const utils = {
- /**
- * Converts BigNumber instance to BN
- * The only reason we convert to BN is to remain compatible with `ethABI. soliditySHA3` that
- * expects values of Solidity type `uint` to be passed as type `BN`.
- * We do not use BN anywhere else in the codebase.
- */
- bigNumberToBN(value: BigNumber) {
- return new BN(value.toString(), 10);
- },
- consoleLog(message: string): void {
- // tslint:disable-next-line: no-console
- console.log(message);
- },
- isParityNode(nodeVersion: string): boolean {
- return _.includes(nodeVersion, 'Parity');
- },
- isTestRpc(nodeVersion: string): boolean {
- return _.includes(nodeVersion, 'TestRPC');
- },
- spawnSwitchErr(name: string, value: any): Error {
- return new Error(`Unexpected switch value: ${value} encountered for ${name}`);
- },
- getOrderHashHex(order: Order|SignedOrder): string {
- const orderParts = [
- {value: order.exchangeContractAddress, type: SolidityTypes.Address},
- {value: order.maker, type: SolidityTypes.Address},
- {value: order.taker, type: SolidityTypes.Address},
- {value: order.makerTokenAddress, type: SolidityTypes.Address},
- {value: order.takerTokenAddress, type: SolidityTypes.Address},
- {value: order.feeRecipient, type: SolidityTypes.Address},
- {value: utils.bigNumberToBN(order.makerTokenAmount), type: SolidityTypes.Uint256},
- {value: utils.bigNumberToBN(order.takerTokenAmount), type: SolidityTypes.Uint256},
- {value: utils.bigNumberToBN(order.makerFee), type: SolidityTypes.Uint256},
- {value: utils.bigNumberToBN(order.takerFee), type: SolidityTypes.Uint256},
- {value: utils.bigNumberToBN(order.expirationUnixTimestampSec), type: SolidityTypes.Uint256},
- {value: utils.bigNumberToBN(order.salt), type: SolidityTypes.Uint256},
- ];
- const types = _.map(orderParts, o => o.type);
- const values = _.map(orderParts, o => o.value);
- const hashBuff = ethABI.soliditySHA3(types, values);
- const hashHex = ethUtil.bufferToHex(hashBuff);
- return hashHex;
- },
- getCurrentUnixTimestamp(): BigNumber {
- return new BigNumber(Date.now() / 1000);
- },
diff --git a/src/web3_wrapper.ts b/src/web3_wrapper.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index c937f9288..000000000
--- a/src/web3_wrapper.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import * as Web3 from 'web3';
-import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
-import promisify = require('es6-promisify');
-import {ZeroExError, Artifact, TransactionReceipt} from './types';
-import {Contract} from './contract';
-export class Web3Wrapper {
- private web3: Web3;
- private defaults: Partial<Web3.TxData>;
- private networkIdIfExists?: number;
- private jsonRpcRequestId: number;
- constructor(provider: Web3.Provider, defaults?: Partial<Web3.TxData>) {
- if (_.isUndefined((provider as any).sendAsync)) {
- // Web3@1.0 provider doesn't support synchronous http requests,
- // so it only has an async `send` method, instead of a `send` and `sendAsync` in web3@0.x.x`
- // We re-assign the send method so that Web3@1.0 providers work with 0x.js
- (provider as any).sendAsync = (provider as any).send;
- }
- this.web3 = new Web3();
- this.web3.setProvider(provider);
- this.defaults = defaults || {};
- this.jsonRpcRequestId = 0;
- }
- public setProvider(provider: Web3.Provider) {
- delete this.networkIdIfExists;
- this.web3.setProvider(provider);
- }
- public isAddress(address: string): boolean {
- return this.web3.isAddress(address);
- }
- public async isSenderAddressAvailableAsync(senderAddress: string): Promise<boolean> {
- const addresses = await this.getAvailableAddressesAsync();
- return _.includes(addresses, senderAddress);
- }
- public async getNodeVersionAsync(): Promise<string> {
- const nodeVersion = await promisify(this.web3.version.getNode)();
- return nodeVersion;
- }
- public async getTransactionReceiptAsync(txHash: string): Promise<TransactionReceipt> {
- const transactionReceipt = await promisify(this.web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt)(txHash);
- transactionReceipt.status = this.normalizeTxReceiptStatus(transactionReceipt.status);
- return transactionReceipt;
- }
- public getCurrentProvider(): Web3.Provider {
- return this.web3.currentProvider;
- }
- public async getNetworkIdIfExistsAsync(): Promise<number|undefined> {
- if (!_.isUndefined(this.networkIdIfExists)) {
- return this.networkIdIfExists;
- }
- try {
- const networkId = await this.getNetworkAsync();
- this.networkIdIfExists = Number(networkId);
- return this.networkIdIfExists;
- } catch (err) {
- return undefined;
- }
- }
- public async getContractInstanceFromArtifactAsync<A extends Web3.ContractInstance>(artifact: Artifact,
- address?: string): Promise<A> {
- let contractAddress: string;
- if (_.isUndefined(address)) {
- const networkIdIfExists = await this.getNetworkIdIfExistsAsync();
- if (_.isUndefined(networkIdIfExists)) {
- throw new Error(ZeroExError.NoNetworkId);
- }
- if (_.isUndefined(artifact.networks[networkIdIfExists])) {
- throw new Error(ZeroExError.ContractNotDeployedOnNetwork);
- }
- contractAddress = artifact.networks[networkIdIfExists].address.toLowerCase();
- } else {
- contractAddress = address;
- }
- const doesContractExist = await this.doesContractExistAtAddressAsync(contractAddress);
- if (!doesContractExist) {
- throw new Error(ZeroExError.ContractDoesNotExist);
- }
- const contractInstance = this.getContractInstance<A>(
- artifact.abi, contractAddress,
- );
- return contractInstance;
- }
- public toWei(ethAmount: BigNumber): BigNumber {
- const balanceWei = this.web3.toWei(ethAmount, 'ether');
- return balanceWei;
- }
- public async getBalanceInWeiAsync(owner: string): Promise<BigNumber> {
- let balanceInWei = await promisify(this.web3.eth.getBalance)(owner);
- balanceInWei = new BigNumber(balanceInWei);
- return balanceInWei;
- }
- public async doesContractExistAtAddressAsync(address: string): Promise<boolean> {
- const code = await promisify(this.web3.eth.getCode)(address);
- // Regex matches 0x0, 0x00, 0x in order to accommodate poorly implemented clients
- const codeIsEmpty = /^0x0{0,40}$/i.test(code);
- return !codeIsEmpty;
- }
- public async signTransactionAsync(address: string, message: string): Promise<string> {
- const signData = await promisify(this.web3.eth.sign)(address, message);
- return signData;
- }
- public async getBlockNumberAsync(): Promise<number> {
- const blockNumber = await promisify(this.web3.eth.getBlockNumber)();
- return blockNumber;
- }
- public async getBlockAsync(blockParam: string|Web3.BlockParam): Promise<Web3.BlockWithoutTransactionData> {
- const block = await promisify(this.web3.eth.getBlock)(blockParam);
- return block;
- }
- public async getBlockTimestampAsync(blockParam: string|Web3.BlockParam): Promise<number> {
- const {timestamp} = await this.getBlockAsync(blockParam);
- return timestamp;
- }
- public async getAvailableAddressesAsync(): Promise<string[]> {
- const addresses: string[] = await promisify(this.web3.eth.getAccounts)();
- return addresses;
- }
- public async getLogsAsync(filter: Web3.FilterObject): Promise<Web3.LogEntry[]> {
- let fromBlock = filter.fromBlock;
- if (_.isNumber(fromBlock)) {
- fromBlock = this.web3.toHex(fromBlock);
- }
- let toBlock = filter.toBlock;
- if (_.isNumber(toBlock)) {
- toBlock = this.web3.toHex(toBlock);
- }
- const serializedFilter = {
- ...filter,
- fromBlock,
- toBlock,
- };
- const payload = {
- jsonrpc: '2.0',
- id: this.jsonRpcRequestId++,
- method: 'eth_getLogs',
- params: [serializedFilter],
- };
- const logs = await this.sendRawPayloadAsync(payload);
- return logs;
- }
- private getContractInstance<A extends Web3.ContractInstance>(abi: Web3.ContractAbi, address: string): A {
- const web3ContractInstance = this.web3.eth.contract(abi).at(address);
- const contractInstance = new Contract(web3ContractInstance, this.defaults) as any as A;
- return contractInstance;
- }
- private async getNetworkAsync(): Promise<number> {
- const networkId = await promisify(this.web3.version.getNetwork)();
- return networkId;
- }
- private async sendRawPayloadAsync(payload: Web3.JSONRPCRequestPayload): Promise<any> {
- const sendAsync = this.web3.currentProvider.sendAsync.bind(this.web3.currentProvider);
- const response = await promisify(sendAsync)(payload);
- const result = response.result;
- return result;
- }
- private normalizeTxReceiptStatus(status: undefined|null|string|0|1): null|0|1 {
- // Transaction status might have four values
- // undefined - Testrpc and other old clients
- // null - New clients on old transactions
- // number - Parity
- // hex - Geth
- if (_.isString(status)) {
- return this.web3.toDecimal(status) as 0|1;
- } else if (_.isUndefined(status)) {
- return null;
- } else {
- return status;
- }
- }