path: root/packages/website/ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/website/ts')
3 files changed, 310 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/packages/website/ts/components/portal/portal.tsx b/packages/website/ts/components/portal/portal.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a9e89a72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/website/ts/components/portal/portal.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+import { colors, Styles } from '@0xproject/react-shared';
+import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils';
+import * as _ from 'lodash';
+import * as React from 'react';
+import * as DocumentTitle from 'react-document-title';
+import { Blockchain } from 'ts/blockchain';
+import { BlockchainErrDialog } from 'ts/components/dialogs/blockchain_err_dialog';
+import { LedgerConfigDialog } from 'ts/components/dialogs/ledger_config_dialog';
+import { PortalDisclaimerDialog } from 'ts/components/dialogs/portal_disclaimer_dialog';
+import { RelayerIndex } from 'ts/components/relayer_index/relayer_index';
+import { TopBar } from 'ts/components/top_bar/top_bar';
+import { FlashMessage } from 'ts/components/ui/flash_message';
+import { Wallet } from 'ts/components/wallet/wallet';
+import { localStorage } from 'ts/local_storage/local_storage';
+import { Dispatcher } from 'ts/redux/dispatcher';
+import { BlockchainErrs, HashData, Order, ProviderType, ScreenWidths, TokenByAddress } from 'ts/types';
+import { constants } from 'ts/utils/constants';
+import { Translate } from 'ts/utils/translate';
+import { utils } from 'ts/utils/utils';
+export interface PortalProps {
+ blockchainErr: BlockchainErrs;
+ blockchainIsLoaded: boolean;
+ dispatcher: Dispatcher;
+ hashData: HashData;
+ injectedProviderName: string;
+ networkId: number;
+ nodeVersion: string;
+ orderFillAmount: BigNumber;
+ providerType: ProviderType;
+ screenWidth: ScreenWidths;
+ tokenByAddress: TokenByAddress;
+ userEtherBalanceInWei: BigNumber;
+ userAddress: string;
+ shouldBlockchainErrDialogBeOpen: boolean;
+ userSuppliedOrderCache: Order;
+ location: Location;
+ flashMessage?: string | React.ReactNode;
+ lastForceTokenStateRefetch: number;
+ translate: Translate;
+interface PortalState {
+ prevNetworkId: number;
+ prevNodeVersion: string;
+ prevUserAddress: string;
+ prevPathname: string;
+ isDisclaimerDialogOpen: boolean;
+ isLedgerDialogOpen: boolean;
+const THROTTLE_TIMEOUT = 100;
+const TOP_BAR_HEIGHT = 60;
+const styles: Styles = {
+ root: {
+ width: '100%',
+ height: '100%',
+ backgroundColor: colors.lightestGrey,
+ },
+ body: {
+ height: `calc(100vh - ${TOP_BAR_HEIGHT}px)`,
+ },
+export class Portal extends React.Component<PortalProps, PortalState> {
+ private _blockchain: Blockchain;
+ private _throttledScreenWidthUpdate: () => void;
+ constructor(props: PortalProps) {
+ super(props);
+ this._throttledScreenWidthUpdate = _.throttle(this._updateScreenWidth.bind(this), THROTTLE_TIMEOUT);
+ const didAcceptPortalDisclaimer = localStorage.getItemIfExists(constants.LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY_ACCEPT_DISCLAIMER);
+ const hasAcceptedDisclaimer =
+ !_.isUndefined(didAcceptPortalDisclaimer) && !_.isEmpty(didAcceptPortalDisclaimer);
+ this.state = {
+ prevNetworkId: this.props.networkId,
+ prevNodeVersion: this.props.nodeVersion,
+ prevUserAddress: this.props.userAddress,
+ prevPathname: this.props.location.pathname,
+ isDisclaimerDialogOpen: !hasAcceptedDisclaimer,
+ isLedgerDialogOpen: false,
+ };
+ }
+ public componentDidMount() {
+ window.addEventListener('resize', this._throttledScreenWidthUpdate);
+ window.scrollTo(0, 0);
+ }
+ public componentWillMount() {
+ this._blockchain = new Blockchain(this.props.dispatcher);
+ }
+ public componentWillUnmount() {
+ this._blockchain.destroy();
+ window.removeEventListener('resize', this._throttledScreenWidthUpdate);
+ // We re-set the entire redux state when the portal is unmounted so that when it is re-rendered
+ // the initialization process always occurs from the same base state. This helps avoid
+ // initialization inconsistencies (i.e While the portal was unrendered, the user might have
+ // become disconnected from their backing Ethereum node, changes user accounts, etc...)
+ this.props.dispatcher.resetState();
+ }
+ public componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: PortalProps) {
+ if (nextProps.networkId !== this.state.prevNetworkId) {
+ // tslint:disable-next-line:no-floating-promises
+ this._blockchain.networkIdUpdatedFireAndForgetAsync(nextProps.networkId);
+ this.setState({
+ prevNetworkId: nextProps.networkId,
+ });
+ }
+ if (nextProps.userAddress !== this.state.prevUserAddress) {
+ const newUserAddress = _.isEmpty(nextProps.userAddress) ? undefined : nextProps.userAddress;
+ // tslint:disable-next-line:no-floating-promises
+ this._blockchain.userAddressUpdatedFireAndForgetAsync(newUserAddress);
+ this.setState({
+ prevUserAddress: nextProps.userAddress,
+ });
+ }
+ if (nextProps.nodeVersion !== this.state.prevNodeVersion) {
+ // tslint:disable-next-line:no-floating-promises
+ this._blockchain.nodeVersionUpdatedFireAndForgetAsync(nextProps.nodeVersion);
+ }
+ if (nextProps.location.pathname !== this.state.prevPathname) {
+ this.setState({
+ prevPathname: nextProps.location.pathname,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ public render() {
+ const updateShouldBlockchainErrDialogBeOpen = this.props.dispatcher.updateShouldBlockchainErrDialogBeOpen.bind(
+ this.props.dispatcher,
+ );
+ const allTokens = _.values(this.props.tokenByAddress);
+ const trackedTokens = _.filter(allTokens, t => t.isTracked);
+ return (
+ <div style={styles.root}>
+ <DocumentTitle title="0x Portal DApp" />
+ <TopBar
+ userAddress={this.props.userAddress}
+ networkId={this.props.networkId}
+ injectedProviderName={this.props.injectedProviderName}
+ onToggleLedgerDialog={this._onToggleLedgerDialog.bind(this)}
+ dispatcher={this.props.dispatcher}
+ providerType={this.props.providerType}
+ blockchainIsLoaded={this.props.blockchainIsLoaded}
+ location={this.props.location}
+ blockchain={this._blockchain}
+ translate={this.props.translate}
+ style={{ backgroundColor: colors.lightestGrey }}
+ />
+ <div id="portal" style={styles.body}>
+ <div className="sm-flex flex-center">
+ <div className="flex-last p3">
+ <Wallet
+ userAddress={this.props.userAddress}
+ networkId={this.props.networkId}
+ blockchain={this._blockchain}
+ blockchainIsLoaded={this.props.blockchainIsLoaded}
+ blockchainErr={this.props.blockchainErr}
+ dispatcher={this.props.dispatcher}
+ tokenByAddress={this.props.tokenByAddress}
+ trackedTokens={trackedTokens}
+ userEtherBalanceInWei={this.props.userEtherBalanceInWei}
+ lastForceTokenStateRefetch={this.props.lastForceTokenStateRefetch}
+ injectedProviderName={this.props.injectedProviderName}
+ providerType={this.props.providerType}
+ onToggleLedgerDialog={this._onToggleLedgerDialog.bind(this)}
+ />
+ </div>
+ <div className="flex-auto p3">
+ <RelayerIndex networkId={this.props.networkId} />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <BlockchainErrDialog
+ blockchain={this._blockchain}
+ blockchainErr={this.props.blockchainErr}
+ isOpen={this.props.shouldBlockchainErrDialogBeOpen}
+ userAddress={this.props.userAddress}
+ toggleDialogFn={updateShouldBlockchainErrDialogBeOpen}
+ networkId={this.props.networkId}
+ />
+ <PortalDisclaimerDialog
+ isOpen={this.state.isDisclaimerDialogOpen}
+ onToggleDialog={this._onPortalDisclaimerAccepted.bind(this)}
+ />
+ <FlashMessage dispatcher={this.props.dispatcher} flashMessage={this.props.flashMessage} />
+ {this.props.blockchainIsLoaded && (
+ <LedgerConfigDialog
+ providerType={this.props.providerType}
+ networkId={this.props.networkId}
+ blockchain={this._blockchain}
+ dispatcher={this.props.dispatcher}
+ toggleDialogFn={this._onToggleLedgerDialog.bind(this)}
+ isOpen={this.state.isLedgerDialogOpen}
+ />
+ )}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ );
+ }
+ private _onToggleLedgerDialog() {
+ this.setState({
+ isLedgerDialogOpen: !this.state.isLedgerDialogOpen,
+ });
+ }
+ private _onPortalDisclaimerAccepted() {
+ localStorage.setItem(constants.LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY_ACCEPT_DISCLAIMER, 'set');
+ this.setState({
+ isDisclaimerDialogOpen: false,
+ });
+ }
+ private _updateScreenWidth() {
+ const newScreenWidth = utils.getScreenWidth();
+ this.props.dispatcher.updateScreenWidth(newScreenWidth);
+ }
diff --git a/packages/website/ts/containers/portal.ts b/packages/website/ts/containers/portal.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f0feb6e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/website/ts/containers/portal.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils';
+import * as _ from 'lodash';
+import * as React from 'react';
+import { connect } from 'react-redux';
+import { Dispatch } from 'redux';
+import { Portal as PortalComponent, PortalProps as PortalComponentProps } from 'ts/components/portal/portal';
+import { Dispatcher } from 'ts/redux/dispatcher';
+import { State } from 'ts/redux/reducer';
+import { BlockchainErrs, HashData, Order, ProviderType, ScreenWidths, Side, TokenByAddress } from 'ts/types';
+import { constants } from 'ts/utils/constants';
+import { Translate } from 'ts/utils/translate';
+interface ConnectedState {
+ blockchainErr: BlockchainErrs;
+ blockchainIsLoaded: boolean;
+ hashData: HashData;
+ injectedProviderName: string;
+ networkId: number;
+ nodeVersion: string;
+ orderFillAmount: BigNumber;
+ providerType: ProviderType;
+ tokenByAddress: TokenByAddress;
+ lastForceTokenStateRefetch: number;
+ userEtherBalanceInWei: BigNumber;
+ screenWidth: ScreenWidths;
+ shouldBlockchainErrDialogBeOpen: boolean;
+ userAddress: string;
+ userSuppliedOrderCache: Order;
+ flashMessage?: string | React.ReactNode;
+ translate: Translate;
+interface ConnectedDispatch {
+ dispatcher: Dispatcher;
+const mapStateToProps = (state: State, ownProps: PortalComponentProps): ConnectedState => {
+ const receiveAssetToken = state.sideToAssetToken[Side.Receive];
+ const depositAssetToken = state.sideToAssetToken[Side.Deposit];
+ const receiveAddress = !_.isUndefined(receiveAssetToken.address)
+ ? receiveAssetToken.address
+ : constants.NULL_ADDRESS;
+ const depositAddress = !_.isUndefined(depositAssetToken.address)
+ ? depositAssetToken.address
+ : constants.NULL_ADDRESS;
+ const receiveAmount = !_.isUndefined(receiveAssetToken.amount) ? receiveAssetToken.amount : new BigNumber(0);
+ const depositAmount = !_.isUndefined(depositAssetToken.amount) ? depositAssetToken.amount : new BigNumber(0);
+ const hashData = {
+ depositAmount,
+ depositTokenContractAddr: depositAddress,
+ feeRecipientAddress: constants.NULL_ADDRESS,
+ makerFee: constants.MAKER_FEE,
+ orderExpiryTimestamp: state.orderExpiryTimestamp,
+ orderMakerAddress: state.userAddress,
+ orderTakerAddress: state.orderTakerAddress !== '' ? state.orderTakerAddress : constants.NULL_ADDRESS,
+ receiveAmount,
+ receiveTokenContractAddr: receiveAddress,
+ takerFee: constants.TAKER_FEE,
+ orderSalt: state.orderSalt,
+ };
+ return {
+ blockchainErr: state.blockchainErr,
+ blockchainIsLoaded: state.blockchainIsLoaded,
+ hashData,
+ injectedProviderName: state.injectedProviderName,
+ networkId: state.networkId,
+ nodeVersion: state.nodeVersion,
+ orderFillAmount: state.orderFillAmount,
+ providerType: state.providerType,
+ screenWidth: state.screenWidth,
+ shouldBlockchainErrDialogBeOpen: state.shouldBlockchainErrDialogBeOpen,
+ tokenByAddress: state.tokenByAddress,
+ lastForceTokenStateRefetch: state.lastForceTokenStateRefetch,
+ userAddress: state.userAddress,
+ userEtherBalanceInWei: state.userEtherBalanceInWei,
+ userSuppliedOrderCache: state.userSuppliedOrderCache,
+ flashMessage: state.flashMessage,
+ translate: state.translate,
+ };
+const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch: Dispatch<State>): ConnectedDispatch => ({
+ dispatcher: new Dispatcher(dispatch),
+export const Portal: React.ComponentClass<PortalComponentProps> = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(
+ PortalComponent,
diff --git a/packages/website/ts/index.tsx b/packages/website/ts/index.tsx
index 9535dd222..1b1255214 100644
--- a/packages/website/ts/index.tsx
+++ b/packages/website/ts/index.tsx
@@ -34,9 +34,14 @@ import 'less/all.less';
// cause we only want to import the module when the user navigates to the page.
// At the same time webpack statically parses for System.import() to determine bundle chunk split points
// so each lazy import needs it's own `System.import()` declaration.
-const LazyPortal = createLazyComponent('LegacyPortal', async () =>
- System.import<any>(/* webpackChunkName: "legacyPortal" */ 'ts/containers/legacy_portal'),
+const LazyPortal =
+ utils.isDevelopment() || utils.isStaging()
+ ? createLazyComponent('Portal', async () =>
+ System.import<any>(/* webpackChunkName: "portal" */ 'ts/containers/portal'),
+ )
+ : createLazyComponent('LegacyPortal', async () =>
+ System.import<any>(/* webpackChunkName: "legacyPortal" */ 'ts/containers/legacy_portal'),
+ );
const LazyZeroExJSDocumentation = createLazyComponent('Documentation', async () =>
System.import<any>(/* webpackChunkName: "zeroExDocs" */ 'ts/containers/zero_ex_js_documentation'),