path: root/packages/website/ts/pages/documentation/type.tsx
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/website/ts/pages/documentation/type.tsx')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/website/ts/pages/documentation/type.tsx b/packages/website/ts/pages/documentation/type.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af18f97c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/website/ts/pages/documentation/type.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+import * as _ from 'lodash';
+import * as React from 'react';
+import {Link as ScrollLink} from 'react-scroll';
+import * as ReactTooltip from 'react-tooltip';
+import {colors} from 'material-ui/styles';
+import {typeDocUtils} from 'ts/utils/typedoc_utils';
+import {constants} from 'ts/utils/constants';
+import {Type as TypeDef, TypeDocTypes, TypeDefinitionByName} from 'ts/types';
+import {utils} from 'ts/utils/utils';
+import {TypeDefinition} from 'ts/pages/documentation/type_definition';
+const BUILT_IN_TYPE_COLOR = '#e69d00';
+const STRING_LITERAL_COLOR = '#4da24b';
+// Some types reference other libraries. For these types, we want to link the user to the relevant documentation.
+const typeToUrl: {[typeName: string]: string} = {
+ Web3: constants.WEB3_DOCS_URL,
+ Provider: constants.WEB3_PROVIDER_DOCS_URL,
+ BigNumber: constants.BIGNUMBERJS_GITHUB_URL,
+const typeToSection: {[typeName: string]: string} = {
+ ExchangeWrapper: 'exchange',
+ TokenWrapper: 'token',
+ TokenRegistryWrapper: 'tokenRegistry',
+ EtherTokenWrapper: 'etherToken',
+ ProxyWrapper: 'proxy',
+ TokenTransferProxyWrapper: 'proxy',
+interface TypeProps {
+ type: TypeDef;
+ typeDefinitionByName?: TypeDefinitionByName;
+// The return type needs to be `any` here so that we can recursively define <Type /> components within
+// <Type /> components (e.g when rendering the union type).
+export function Type(props: TypeProps): any {
+ const type = props.type;
+ const isIntrinsic = type.typeDocType === TypeDocTypes.Intrinsic;
+ const isReference = type.typeDocType === TypeDocTypes.Reference;
+ const isArray = type.typeDocType === TypeDocTypes.Array;
+ const isStringLiteral = type.typeDocType === TypeDocTypes.StringLiteral;
+ let typeNameColor = 'inherit';
+ let typeName: string|React.ReactNode;
+ let typeArgs: React.ReactNode[] = [];
+ switch (type.typeDocType) {
+ case TypeDocTypes.Intrinsic:
+ case TypeDocTypes.Unknown:
+ typeName = type.name;
+ typeNameColor = BUILT_IN_TYPE_COLOR;
+ break;
+ case TypeDocTypes.Reference:
+ typeName = type.name;
+ typeArgs = _.map(type.typeArguments, (arg: TypeDef) => {
+ if (arg.typeDocType === TypeDocTypes.Array) {
+ const key = `type-${arg.elementType.name}-${arg.elementType.typeDocType}`;
+ return (
+ <span>
+ <Type
+ key={key}
+ type={arg.elementType}
+ typeDefinitionByName={props.typeDefinitionByName}
+ />[]
+ </span>
+ );
+ } else {
+ const subType = (
+ <Type
+ key={`type-${arg.name}-${arg.value}-${arg.typeDocType}`}
+ type={arg}
+ typeDefinitionByName={props.typeDefinitionByName}
+ />
+ );
+ return subType;
+ }
+ });
+ break;
+ case TypeDocTypes.StringLiteral:
+ typeName = `'${type.value}'`;
+ break;
+ case TypeDocTypes.Array:
+ typeName = type.elementType.name;
+ break;
+ case TypeDocTypes.Union:
+ const unionTypes = _.map(type.types, t => {
+ return (
+ <Type
+ key={`type-${t.name}-${t.value}-${t.typeDocType}`}
+ type={t}
+ typeDefinitionByName={props.typeDefinitionByName}
+ />
+ );
+ });
+ typeName = _.reduce(unionTypes, (prev: React.ReactNode, curr: React.ReactNode) => {
+ return [prev, '|', curr];
+ });
+ break;
+ case TypeDocTypes.TypeParameter:
+ typeName = type.name;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw utils.spawnSwitchErr('type.typeDocType', type.typeDocType);
+ }
+ // HACK: Normalize BigNumber to simply BigNumber. For some reason the type
+ // name is unpredictably one or the other.
+ if (typeName === 'BigNumber') {
+ typeName = 'BigNumber';
+ }
+ const commaSeparatedTypeArgs = _.reduce(typeArgs, (prev: React.ReactNode, curr: React.ReactNode) => {
+ return [prev, ', ', curr];
+ });
+ const typeNameUrlIfExists = typeToUrl[(typeName as string)];
+ const sectionNameIfExists = typeToSection[(typeName as string)];
+ if (!_.isUndefined(typeNameUrlIfExists)) {
+ typeName = (
+ <a
+ href={typeNameUrlIfExists}
+ target="_blank"
+ className="text-decoration-none"
+ style={{color: colors.lightBlueA700}}
+ >
+ {typeName}
+ </a>
+ );
+ } else if ((isReference || isArray) &&
+ (typeDocUtils.isPublicType(typeName as string) ||
+ !_.isUndefined(sectionNameIfExists))) {
+ const id = Math.random().toString();
+ const typeDefinitionAnchorId = _.isUndefined(sectionNameIfExists) ? typeName : sectionNameIfExists;
+ let typeDefinition;
+ if (props.typeDefinitionByName) {
+ typeDefinition = props.typeDefinitionByName[typeName as string];
+ }
+ typeName = (
+ <ScrollLink
+ to={typeDefinitionAnchorId}
+ offset={0}
+ duration={constants.DOCS_SCROLL_DURATION_MS}
+ containerId={constants.DOCS_CONTAINER_ID}
+ >
+ {_.isUndefined(typeDefinition) || utils.isUserOnMobile() ?
+ <span
+ onClick={utils.setUrlHash.bind(null, typeDefinitionAnchorId)}
+ style={{color: colors.lightBlueA700, cursor: 'pointer'}}
+ >
+ {typeName}
+ </span> :
+ <span
+ data-tip={true}
+ data-for={id}
+ onClick={utils.setUrlHash.bind(null, typeDefinitionAnchorId)}
+ style={{color: colors.lightBlueA700, cursor: 'pointer', display: 'inline-block'}}
+ >
+ {typeName}
+ <ReactTooltip
+ type="light"
+ effect="solid"
+ id={id}
+ className="typeTooltip"
+ >
+ <TypeDefinition customType={typeDefinition} shouldAddId={false} />
+ </ReactTooltip>
+ </span>
+ }
+ </ScrollLink>
+ );
+ }
+ return (
+ <span>
+ <span style={{color: typeNameColor}}>{typeName}</span>
+ {isArray && '[]'}{!_.isEmpty(typeArgs) &&
+ <span>
+ {'<'}{commaSeparatedTypeArgs}{'>'}
+ </span>
+ }
+ </span>
+ );