path: root/packages/pipeline/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/pipeline/test')
41 files changed, 4253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/data_sources/contract-wrappers/utils_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/data_sources/contract-wrappers/utils_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06f1a5e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/data_sources/contract-wrappers/utils_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import { LogWithDecodedArgs } from 'ethereum-types';
+import 'mocha';
+import { _getEventsWithRetriesAsync } from '../../../src/data_sources/contract-wrappers/utils';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../../utils/chai_setup';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const retryableMessage = 'network timeout: (simulated network timeout error)';
+const retryableError = new Error(retryableMessage);
+describe('data_sources/contract-wrappers/utils', () => {
+ describe('_getEventsWithRetriesAsync', () => {
+ it('sends a single request if it was successful', async () => {
+ // Pre-declare values for the fromBlock and toBlock arguments.
+ const expectedFromBlock = 100;
+ const expectedToBlock = 200;
+ const expectedLogs: Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<any>> = [
+ {
+ logIndex: 123,
+ transactionIndex: 456,
+ transactionHash: '0x6dd106d002873746072fc5e496dd0fb2541b68c77bcf9184ae19a42fd33657fe',
+ blockHash: '0x6dd106d002873746072fc5e496dd0fb2541b68c77bcf9184ae19a42fd33657ff',
+ blockNumber: 789,
+ address: '0x6dd106d002873746072fc5e496dd0fb2541b68c77bcf9184ae19a42fd3365800',
+ data: 'fake raw data',
+ topics: [],
+ event: 'TEST_EVENT',
+ args: [1, 2, 3],
+ },
+ ];
+ // mockGetEventsAsync checks its arguments, increments `callCount`
+ // and returns `expectedLogs`.
+ let callCount = 0;
+ const mockGetEventsAsync = async (
+ fromBlock: number,
+ toBlock: number,
+ ): Promise<Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<any>>> => {
+ expect(fromBlock).equals(expectedFromBlock);
+ expect(toBlock).equals(expectedToBlock);
+ callCount += 1;
+ return expectedLogs;
+ };
+ // Make sure that we get what we expected and that the mock function
+ // was called exactly once.
+ const gotLogs = await _getEventsWithRetriesAsync(mockGetEventsAsync, 3, expectedFromBlock, expectedToBlock);
+ expect(gotLogs).deep.equals(expectedLogs);
+ expect(callCount).equals(
+ 1,
+ 'getEventsAsync function was called more than once even though it was successful',
+ );
+ });
+ it('retries and eventually succeeds', async () => {
+ const numRetries = 5;
+ let callCount = 0;
+ // mockGetEventsAsync throws unless callCount == numRetries + 1.
+ const mockGetEventsAsync = async (
+ _fromBlock: number,
+ _toBlock: number,
+ ): Promise<Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<any>>> => {
+ callCount += 1;
+ if (callCount === numRetries + 1) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ throw retryableError;
+ };
+ await _getEventsWithRetriesAsync(mockGetEventsAsync, numRetries, 100, 300);
+ expect(callCount).equals(numRetries + 1, 'getEventsAsync function was called the wrong number of times');
+ });
+ it('throws for non-retryable errors', async () => {
+ const numRetries = 5;
+ const expectedMessage = 'Non-retryable error';
+ // mockGetEventsAsync always throws a non-retryable error.
+ const mockGetEventsAsync = async (
+ _fromBlock: number,
+ _toBlock: number,
+ ): Promise<Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<any>>> => {
+ throw new Error(expectedMessage);
+ };
+ // Note(albrow): This does actually return a promise (or at least a
+ // "promise-like object" and is a false positive in TSLint.
+ // tslint:disable-next-line:await-promise
+ await expect(_getEventsWithRetriesAsync(mockGetEventsAsync, numRetries, 100, 300)).to.be.rejectedWith(
+ expectedMessage,
+ );
+ });
+ it('throws after too many retries', async () => {
+ const numRetries = 5;
+ // mockGetEventsAsync always throws a retryable error.
+ const mockGetEventsAsync = async (
+ _fromBlock: number,
+ _toBlock: number,
+ ): Promise<Array<LogWithDecodedArgs<any>>> => {
+ throw retryableError;
+ };
+ // Note(albrow): This does actually return a promise (or at least a
+ // "promise-like object" and is a false positive in TSLint.
+ // tslint:disable-next-line:await-promise
+ await expect(_getEventsWithRetriesAsync(mockGetEventsAsync, numRetries, 100, 300)).to.be.rejectedWith(
+ retryableMessage,
+ );
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/data_sources/ohlcv_external/crypto_compare_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/data_sources/ohlcv_external/crypto_compare_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2efe3f5ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/data_sources/ohlcv_external/crypto_compare_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import 'mocha';
+import * as R from 'ramda';
+import { CryptoCompareOHLCVSource } from '../../../src/data_sources/ohlcv_external/crypto_compare';
+import { TradingPair } from '../../../src/utils/get_ohlcv_trading_pairs';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../../utils/chai_setup';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('ohlcv_external data source (Crypto Compare)', () => {
+ describe('generateBackfillIntervals', () => {
+ it('generates pairs with intervals to query', () => {
+ const source = new CryptoCompareOHLCVSource(20);
+ const pair: TradingPair = {
+ fromSymbol: 'ETH',
+ toSymbol: 'ZRX',
+ latestSavedTime: new Date().getTime() - source.interval * 2,
+ };
+ const expected = [
+ pair,
+ R.merge(pair, { latestSavedTime: pair.latestSavedTime + source.interval }),
+ R.merge(pair, { latestSavedTime: pair.latestSavedTime + source.interval * 2 }),
+ ];
+ const actual = source.generateBackfillIntervals(pair);
+ expect(actual).deep.equal(expected);
+ });
+ it('returns single pair if no backfill is needed', () => {
+ const source = new CryptoCompareOHLCVSource(20);
+ const pair: TradingPair = {
+ fromSymbol: 'ETH',
+ toSymbol: 'ZRX',
+ latestSavedTime: new Date().getTime() - source.interval + 5000,
+ };
+ const expected = [pair];
+ const actual = source.generateBackfillIntervals(pair);
+ expect(actual).deep.equal(expected);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/db_global_hooks.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/db_global_hooks.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfee02c45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/db_global_hooks.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import { setUpDbAsync, tearDownDbAsync } from './db_setup';
+before('set up database', async () => {
+ await setUpDbAsync();
+after('tear down database', async () => {
+ await tearDownDbAsync();
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/db_setup.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/db_setup.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf31d15b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/db_setup.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+import * as Docker from 'dockerode';
+import * as fs from 'fs';
+import * as R from 'ramda';
+import { Connection, ConnectionOptions, createConnection } from 'typeorm';
+import * as ormConfig from '../src/ormconfig';
+// The name of the image to pull and use for the container. This also affects
+// which version of Postgres we use.
+const DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME = 'postgres:11-alpine';
+// The name to use for the Docker container which will run Postgres.
+const DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME = '0x_pipeline_postgres_test';
+// The port which will be exposed on the Docker container.
+const POSTGRES_HOST_PORT = '15432';
+// Number of milliseconds to wait for postgres to finish initializing after
+// starting the docker container.
+ * Sets up the database for testing purposes. If the
+ * ZEROEX_DATA_PIPELINE_TEST_DB_URL env var is specified, it will create a
+ * connection using that url. Otherwise it will spin up a new Docker container
+ * with a Postgres database and then create a connection to that database.
+ */
+export async function setUpDbAsync(): Promise<void> {
+ const connection = await createDbConnectionOnceAsync();
+ await connection.runMigrations({ transaction: true });
+ * Tears down the database used for testing. This completely destroys any data.
+ * If a docker container was created, it destroys that container too.
+ */
+export async function tearDownDbAsync(): Promise<void> {
+ const connection = await createDbConnectionOnceAsync();
+ for (const _ of connection.migrations) {
+ await connection.undoLastMigration({ transaction: true });
+ }
+ if (needsDocker()) {
+ const docker = initDockerOnce();
+ const postgresContainer = docker.getContainer(DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME);
+ await postgresContainer.kill();
+ await postgresContainer.remove();
+ }
+let savedConnection: Connection;
+ * The first time this is run, it creates and returns a new TypeORM connection.
+ * Each subsequent time, it returns the existing connection. This is helpful
+ * because only one TypeORM connection can be active at a time.
+ */
+export async function createDbConnectionOnceAsync(): Promise<Connection> {
+ if (savedConnection !== undefined) {
+ return savedConnection;
+ }
+ if (needsDocker()) {
+ await initContainerAsync();
+ }
+ const testDbUrl =
+ `postgresql://postgres@localhost:${POSTGRES_HOST_PORT}/postgres`;
+ const testOrmConfig = R.merge(ormConfig, { url: testDbUrl }) as ConnectionOptions;
+ savedConnection = await createConnection(testOrmConfig);
+ return savedConnection;
+async function sleepAsync(ms: number): Promise<{}> {
+ return new Promise<{}>(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
+let savedDocker: Docker;
+function initDockerOnce(): Docker {
+ if (savedDocker !== undefined) {
+ return savedDocker;
+ }
+ // Note(albrow): Code for determining the right socket path is partially
+ // based on https://github.com/apocas/dockerode/blob/8f3aa85311fab64d58eca08fef49aa1da5b5f60b/test/spec_helper.js
+ const isWin = require('os').type() === 'Windows_NT';
+ const socketPath = process.env.DOCKER_SOCKET || (isWin ? '//./pipe/docker_engine' : '/var/run/docker.sock');
+ const isSocket = fs.existsSync(socketPath) ? fs.statSync(socketPath).isSocket() : false;
+ if (!isSocket) {
+ throw new Error(`Failed to connect to Docker using socket path: "${socketPath}".
+The database integration tests need to be able to connect to a Postgres database. Make sure that Docker is running and accessible at the expected socket path. If Docker isn't working you have two options:
+ 1) Set the DOCKER_SOCKET environment variable to a socket path that can be used to connect to Docker or
+ 2) Set the ZEROEX_DATA_PIPELINE_TEST_DB_URL environment variable to connect directly to an existing Postgres database instead of trying to start Postgres via Docker
+ }
+ savedDocker = new Docker({
+ socketPath,
+ });
+ return savedDocker;
+// Creates the container, waits for it to initialize, and returns it.
+async function initContainerAsync(): Promise<Docker.Container> {
+ const docker = initDockerOnce();
+ // Tear down any existing containers with the same name.
+ await tearDownExistingContainerIfAnyAsync();
+ // Pull the image we need.
+ await pullImageAsync(docker, DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME);
+ // Create the container.
+ const postgresContainer = await docker.createContainer({
+ ExposedPorts: {
+ '5432': {},
+ },
+ HostConfig: {
+ PortBindings: {
+ '5432': [
+ {
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ await postgresContainer.start();
+ await sleepAsync(POSTGRES_SETUP_DELAY_MS);
+ return postgresContainer;
+async function tearDownExistingContainerIfAnyAsync(): Promise<void> {
+ const docker = initDockerOnce();
+ // Check if a container with the desired name already exists. If so, this
+ // probably means we didn't clean up properly on the last test run.
+ const existingContainer = docker.getContainer(DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME);
+ if (existingContainer != null) {
+ try {
+ await existingContainer.kill();
+ } catch {
+ // If this fails, it's fine. The container was probably already
+ // killed.
+ }
+ try {
+ await existingContainer.remove();
+ } catch {
+ // If this fails, it's fine. The container was probably already
+ // removed.
+ }
+ }
+function needsDocker(): boolean {
+ return process.env.ZEROEX_DATA_PIPELINE_TEST_DB_URL === undefined;
+// Note(albrow): This is partially based on
+// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38258263/how-do-i-wait-for-a-pull
+async function pullImageAsync(docker: Docker, imageName: string): Promise<void> {
+ return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
+ docker.pull(imageName, {}, (err, stream) => {
+ if (err != null) {
+ reject(err);
+ return;
+ }
+ docker.modem.followProgress(stream, () => {
+ resolve();
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/entities/block_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/block_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..503f284f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/block_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import 'mocha';
+import 'reflect-metadata';
+import { Block } from '../../src/entities';
+import { createDbConnectionOnceAsync } from '../db_setup';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
+import { testSaveAndFindEntityAsync } from './util';
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('Block entity', () => {
+ it('save/find', async () => {
+ const connection = await createDbConnectionOnceAsync();
+ const block = new Block();
+ block.hash = '0x12345';
+ block.number = 1234567;
+ block.timestamp = 5432154321;
+ const blocksRepository = connection.getRepository(Block);
+ await testSaveAndFindEntityAsync(blocksRepository, block);
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/entities/copper_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/copper_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2543364e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/copper_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import 'mocha';
+import 'reflect-metadata';
+import {
+ CopperActivity,
+ CopperActivityType,
+ CopperCustomField,
+ CopperLead,
+ CopperOpportunity,
+} from '../../src/entities';
+import { createDbConnectionOnceAsync } from '../db_setup';
+import {
+ ParsedActivities,
+ ParsedActivityTypes,
+ ParsedCustomFields,
+ ParsedLeads,
+ ParsedOpportunities,
+} from '../fixtures/copper/parsed_entities';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
+import { testSaveAndFindEntityAsync } from './util';
+describe('Copper entities', () => {
+ describe('save and find', async () => {
+ it('Copper lead', async () => {
+ const connection = await createDbConnectionOnceAsync();
+ const repository = connection.getRepository(CopperLead);
+ ParsedLeads.forEach(async entity => testSaveAndFindEntityAsync(repository, entity));
+ });
+ it('Copper activity', async () => {
+ const connection = await createDbConnectionOnceAsync();
+ const repository = connection.getRepository(CopperActivity);
+ ParsedActivities.forEach(async entity => testSaveAndFindEntityAsync(repository, entity));
+ });
+ // searching on jsonb fields is broken in typeorm
+ it.skip('Copper opportunity', async () => {
+ const connection = await createDbConnectionOnceAsync();
+ const repository = connection.getRepository(CopperOpportunity);
+ ParsedOpportunities.forEach(async entity => testSaveAndFindEntityAsync(repository, entity));
+ });
+ it('Copper activity type', async () => {
+ const connection = await createDbConnectionOnceAsync();
+ const repository = connection.getRepository(CopperActivityType);
+ ParsedActivityTypes.forEach(async entity => testSaveAndFindEntityAsync(repository, entity));
+ });
+ it('Copper custom field', async () => {
+ const connection = await createDbConnectionOnceAsync();
+ const repository = connection.getRepository(CopperCustomField);
+ ParsedCustomFields.forEach(async entity => testSaveAndFindEntityAsync(repository, entity));
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/entities/dex_trades_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/dex_trades_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..83aaeec8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/dex_trades_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import 'mocha';
+import * as R from 'ramda';
+import 'reflect-metadata';
+import { DexTrade } from '../../src/entities';
+import { createDbConnectionOnceAsync } from '../db_setup';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
+import { testSaveAndFindEntityAsync } from './util';
+const baseTrade = {
+ sourceUrl: 'https://bloxy.info/api/dex/trades',
+ txTimestamp: 1543447585938,
+ txDate: '2018-11-21',
+ txSender: '0x00923b9a074762b93650716333b3e1473a15048e',
+ smartContractId: 7091917,
+ smartContractAddress: '0x818e6fecd516ecc3849daf6845e3ec868087b755',
+ contractType: 'DEX/Kyber Network Proxy',
+ maker: '0xbf2179859fc6d5bee9bf9158632dc51678a4100c',
+ taker: '0xbf2179859fc6d5bee9bf9158632dc51678a4100d',
+ amountBuy: new BigNumber('1.011943163078103'),
+ makerFeeAmount: new BigNumber(0),
+ buyCurrencyId: 1,
+ buySymbol: 'ETH',
+ amountSell: new BigNumber('941.4997928436911'),
+ takerFeeAmount: new BigNumber(0),
+ sellCurrencyId: 16610,
+ sellSymbol: 'ELF',
+ makerAnnotation: '',
+ takerAnnotation: '',
+ protocol: 'Kyber Network Proxy',
+ sellAddress: '0xbf2179859fc6d5bee9bf9158632dc51678a4100e',
+const tradeWithNullAddresses: DexTrade = R.merge(baseTrade, {
+ txHash: '0xb93a7faf92efbbb5405c9a73cd4efd99702fe27c03ff22baee1f1b1e37b3a0bf',
+ buyAddress: '0xbf2179859fc6d5bee9bf9158632dc51678a4100e',
+ sellAddress: '0xbf2179859fc6d5bee9bf9158632dc51678a4100f',
+const tradeWithNonNullAddresses: DexTrade = R.merge(baseTrade, {
+ txHash: '0xb93a7faf92efbbb5405c9a73cd4efd99702fe27c03ff22baee1f1b1e37b3a0be',
+ buyAddress: null,
+ sellAddress: null,
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('DexTrade entity', () => {
+ it('save/find', async () => {
+ const connection = await createDbConnectionOnceAsync();
+ const trades = [tradeWithNullAddresses, tradeWithNonNullAddresses];
+ const tradesRepository = connection.getRepository(DexTrade);
+ for (const trade of trades) {
+ await testSaveAndFindEntityAsync(tradesRepository, trade);
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/entities/erc20_approval_events_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/erc20_approval_events_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ecf41ee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/erc20_approval_events_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import 'mocha';
+import 'reflect-metadata';
+import { ERC20ApprovalEvent } from '../../src/entities';
+import { createDbConnectionOnceAsync } from '../db_setup';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
+import { testSaveAndFindEntityAsync } from './util';
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('ERC20ApprovalEvent entity', () => {
+ it('save/find', async () => {
+ const connection = await createDbConnectionOnceAsync();
+ const event = new ERC20ApprovalEvent();
+ event.tokenAddress = '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2';
+ event.blockNumber = 6281577;
+ event.rawData = '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002b9cba5ee21ad3df9';
+ event.logIndex = 43;
+ event.transactionHash = '0xcb46b19c786376a0a0140d51e3e606a4c4f926d8ca5434e96d2f69d04d8d9c7f';
+ event.ownerAddress = '0x0b65c5f6f3a05d6be5588a72b603360773b3fe04';
+ event.spenderAddress = '0x448a5065aebb8e423f0896e6c5d525c040f59af3';
+ event.amount = new BigNumber('50281464906893835769');
+ const blocksRepository = connection.getRepository(ERC20ApprovalEvent);
+ await testSaveAndFindEntityAsync(blocksRepository, event);
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/entities/exchange_cancel_event_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/exchange_cancel_event_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3b306d69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/exchange_cancel_event_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+import 'mocha';
+import * as R from 'ramda';
+import 'reflect-metadata';
+import { ExchangeCancelEvent } from '../../src/entities';
+import { AssetType } from '../../src/types';
+import { createDbConnectionOnceAsync } from '../db_setup';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
+import { testSaveAndFindEntityAsync } from './util';
+const baseCancelEvent = {
+ contractAddress: '0x4f833a24e1f95d70f028921e27040ca56e09ab0b',
+ logIndex: 1234,
+ blockNumber: 6276262,
+ rawData: '0x000000000000000000000000f6da68519f78b0d0bc93c701e86affcb75c92428',
+ transactionHash: '0x6dd106d002873746072fc5e496dd0fb2541b68c77bcf9184ae19a42fd33657fe',
+ makerAddress: '0xf6da68519f78b0d0bc93c701e86affcb75c92428',
+ takerAddress: '0xf6da68519f78b0d0bc93c701e86affcb75c92428',
+ feeRecipientAddress: '0xc370d2a5920344aa6b7d8d11250e3e861434cbdd',
+ senderAddress: '0xf6da68519f78b0d0bc93c701e86affcb75c92428',
+ orderHash: '0xab12ed2cbaa5615ab690b9da75a46e53ddfcf3f1a68655b5fe0d94c75a1aac4a',
+ rawMakerAssetData: '0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000c02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2',
+ makerAssetProxyId: '0xf47261b0',
+ makerTokenAddress: '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2',
+ rawTakerAssetData: '0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000e41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498',
+ takerAssetProxyId: '0xf47261b0',
+ takerTokenAddress: '0xe41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498',
+const erc20CancelEvent = R.merge(baseCancelEvent, {
+ makerAssetType: 'erc20' as AssetType,
+ makerTokenId: null,
+ takerAssetType: 'erc20' as AssetType,
+ takerTokenId: null,
+const erc721CancelEvent = R.merge(baseCancelEvent, {
+ makerAssetType: 'erc721' as AssetType,
+ makerTokenId: '19378573',
+ takerAssetType: 'erc721' as AssetType,
+ takerTokenId: '63885673888',
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('ExchangeCancelEvent entity', () => {
+ it('save/find', async () => {
+ const connection = await createDbConnectionOnceAsync();
+ const events = [erc20CancelEvent, erc721CancelEvent];
+ const cancelEventRepository = connection.getRepository(ExchangeCancelEvent);
+ for (const event of events) {
+ await testSaveAndFindEntityAsync(cancelEventRepository, event);
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/entities/exchange_cancel_up_to_event_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/exchange_cancel_up_to_event_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa34f8c1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/exchange_cancel_up_to_event_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import 'mocha';
+import 'reflect-metadata';
+import { ExchangeCancelUpToEvent } from '../../src/entities';
+import { createDbConnectionOnceAsync } from '../db_setup';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
+import { testSaveAndFindEntityAsync } from './util';
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('ExchangeCancelUpToEvent entity', () => {
+ it('save/find', async () => {
+ const connection = await createDbConnectionOnceAsync();
+ const cancelUpToEventRepository = connection.getRepository(ExchangeCancelUpToEvent);
+ const cancelUpToEvent = new ExchangeCancelUpToEvent();
+ cancelUpToEvent.blockNumber = 6276262;
+ cancelUpToEvent.contractAddress = '0x4f833a24e1f95d70f028921e27040ca56e09ab0b';
+ cancelUpToEvent.logIndex = 42;
+ cancelUpToEvent.makerAddress = '0xf6da68519f78b0d0bc93c701e86affcb75c92428';
+ cancelUpToEvent.orderEpoch = new BigNumber('123456789123456789');
+ cancelUpToEvent.rawData = '0x000000000000000000000000f6da68519f78b0d0bc93c701e86affcb75c92428';
+ cancelUpToEvent.senderAddress = '0xf6da68519f78b0d0bc93c701e86affcb75c92428';
+ cancelUpToEvent.transactionHash = '0x6dd106d002873746072fc5e496dd0fb2541b68c77bcf9184ae19a42fd33657fe';
+ await testSaveAndFindEntityAsync(cancelUpToEventRepository, cancelUpToEvent);
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/entities/exchange_fill_event_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/exchange_fill_event_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b2cb8c5e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/exchange_fill_event_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import 'mocha';
+import * as R from 'ramda';
+import 'reflect-metadata';
+import { ExchangeFillEvent } from '../../src/entities';
+import { AssetType } from '../../src/types';
+import { createDbConnectionOnceAsync } from '../db_setup';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
+import { testSaveAndFindEntityAsync } from './util';
+const baseFillEvent = {
+ contractAddress: '0x4f833a24e1f95d70f028921e27040ca56e09ab0b',
+ blockNumber: 6276262,
+ logIndex: 102,
+ rawData: '0x000000000000000000000000f6da68519f78b0d0bc93c701e86affcb75c92428',
+ transactionHash: '0x6dd106d002873746072fc5e496dd0fb2541b68c77bcf9184ae19a42fd33657fe',
+ makerAddress: '0xf6da68519f78b0d0bc93c701e86affcb75c92428',
+ takerAddress: '0xf6da68519f78b0d0bc93c701e86affcb75c92428',
+ feeRecipientAddress: '0xc370d2a5920344aa6b7d8d11250e3e861434cbdd',
+ senderAddress: '0xf6da68519f78b0d0bc93c701e86affcb75c92428',
+ makerAssetFilledAmount: new BigNumber('10000000000000000'),
+ takerAssetFilledAmount: new BigNumber('100000000000000000'),
+ makerFeePaid: new BigNumber('0'),
+ takerFeePaid: new BigNumber('12345'),
+ orderHash: '0xab12ed2cbaa5615ab690b9da75a46e53ddfcf3f1a68655b5fe0d94c75a1aac4a',
+ rawMakerAssetData: '0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000c02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2',
+ makerAssetProxyId: '0xf47261b0',
+ makerTokenAddress: '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2',
+ rawTakerAssetData: '0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000e41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498',
+ takerAssetProxyId: '0xf47261b0',
+ takerTokenAddress: '0xe41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498',
+const erc20FillEvent = R.merge(baseFillEvent, {
+ makerAssetType: 'erc20' as AssetType,
+ makerTokenId: null,
+ takerAssetType: 'erc20' as AssetType,
+ takerTokenId: null,
+const erc721FillEvent = R.merge(baseFillEvent, {
+ makerAssetType: 'erc721' as AssetType,
+ makerTokenId: '19378573',
+ takerAssetType: 'erc721' as AssetType,
+ takerTokenId: '63885673888',
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('ExchangeFillEvent entity', () => {
+ it('save/find', async () => {
+ const connection = await createDbConnectionOnceAsync();
+ const events = [erc20FillEvent, erc721FillEvent];
+ const fillEventsRepository = connection.getRepository(ExchangeFillEvent);
+ for (const event of events) {
+ await testSaveAndFindEntityAsync(fillEventsRepository, event);
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/entities/ohlcv_external_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/ohlcv_external_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b995db50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/ohlcv_external_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import 'mocha';
+import 'reflect-metadata';
+import { OHLCVExternal } from '../../src/entities';
+import { createDbConnectionOnceAsync } from '../db_setup';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
+import { testSaveAndFindEntityAsync } from './util';
+const ohlcvExternal: OHLCVExternal = {
+ exchange: 'CCCAGG',
+ fromSymbol: 'ETH',
+ toSymbol: 'ZRX',
+ startTime: 1543352400000,
+ endTime: 1543356000000,
+ open: 307.41,
+ close: 310.08,
+ low: 304.6,
+ high: 310.27,
+ volumeFrom: 904.6,
+ volumeTo: 278238.5,
+ source: 'Crypto Compare',
+ observedTimestamp: 1543442338074,
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('OHLCVExternal entity', () => {
+ it('save/find', async () => {
+ const connection = await createDbConnectionOnceAsync();
+ const repository = connection.getRepository(OHLCVExternal);
+ await testSaveAndFindEntityAsync(repository, ohlcvExternal);
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/entities/relayer_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/relayer_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..760ffb6f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/relayer_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+import 'mocha';
+import * as R from 'ramda';
+import 'reflect-metadata';
+import { Relayer } from '../../src/entities';
+import { createDbConnectionOnceAsync } from '../db_setup';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
+import { testSaveAndFindEntityAsync } from './util';
+const baseRelayer = {
+ uuid: 'e8d27d8d-ddf6-48b1-9663-60b0a3ddc716',
+ name: 'Radar Relay',
+ homepageUrl: 'https://radarrelay.com',
+ appUrl: null,
+ sraHttpEndpoint: null,
+ sraWsEndpoint: null,
+ feeRecipientAddresses: [],
+ takerAddresses: [],
+const relayerWithUrls = R.merge(baseRelayer, {
+ uuid: 'e8d27d8d-ddf6-48b1-9663-60b0a3ddc717',
+ appUrl: 'https://app.radarrelay.com',
+ sraHttpEndpoint: 'https://api.radarrelay.com/0x/v2/',
+ sraWsEndpoint: 'wss://ws.radarrelay.com/0x/v2',
+const relayerWithAddresses = R.merge(baseRelayer, {
+ uuid: 'e8d27d8d-ddf6-48b1-9663-60b0a3ddc718',
+ feeRecipientAddresses: [
+ '0xa258b39954cef5cb142fd567a46cddb31a670124',
+ '0xa258b39954cef5cb142fd567a46cddb31a670125',
+ '0xa258b39954cef5cb142fd567a46cddb31a670126',
+ ],
+ takerAddresses: [
+ '0xa258b39954cef5cb142fd567a46cddb31a670127',
+ '0xa258b39954cef5cb142fd567a46cddb31a670128',
+ '0xa258b39954cef5cb142fd567a46cddb31a670129',
+ ],
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('Relayer entity', () => {
+ it('save/find', async () => {
+ const connection = await createDbConnectionOnceAsync();
+ const relayers = [baseRelayer, relayerWithUrls, relayerWithAddresses];
+ const relayerRepository = connection.getRepository(Relayer);
+ for (const relayer of relayers) {
+ await testSaveAndFindEntityAsync(relayerRepository, relayer);
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/entities/sra_order_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/sra_order_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c43de8ce8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/sra_order_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import 'mocha';
+import * as R from 'ramda';
+import 'reflect-metadata';
+import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
+import { SraOrder, SraOrdersObservedTimeStamp } from '../../src/entities';
+import { AssetType } from '../../src/types';
+import { createDbConnectionOnceAsync } from '../db_setup';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
+import { testSaveAndFindEntityAsync } from './util';
+const baseOrder = {
+ sourceUrl: 'https://api.radarrelay.com/0x/v2',
+ exchangeAddress: '0x4f833a24e1f95d70f028921e27040ca56e09ab0b',
+ makerAddress: '0xb45df06e38540a675fdb5b598abf2c0dbe9d6b81',
+ takerAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
+ feeRecipientAddress: '0xa258b39954cef5cb142fd567a46cddb31a670124',
+ senderAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
+ makerAssetAmount: new BigNumber('1619310371000000000'),
+ takerAssetAmount: new BigNumber('8178335207070707070707'),
+ makerFee: new BigNumber('100'),
+ takerFee: new BigNumber('200'),
+ expirationTimeSeconds: new BigNumber('1538529488'),
+ salt: new BigNumber('1537924688891'),
+ signature: '0x1b5a5d672b0d647b5797387ccbb89d8',
+ rawMakerAssetData: '0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000c02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2',
+ makerAssetProxyId: '0xf47261b0',
+ makerTokenAddress: '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2',
+ rawTakerAssetData: '0xf47261b000000000000000000000000042d6622dece394b54999fbd73d108123806f6a18',
+ takerAssetProxyId: '0xf47261b0',
+ takerTokenAddress: '0x42d6622dece394b54999fbd73d108123806f6a18',
+ metadataJson: '{"isThisArbitraryData":true,"powerLevel":9001}',
+const erc20Order = R.merge(baseOrder, {
+ orderHashHex: '0x1bdbeb0d088a33da28b9ee6d94e8771452f90f4a69107da2fa75195d61b9a1c9',
+ makerAssetType: 'erc20' as AssetType,
+ makerTokenId: null,
+ takerAssetType: 'erc20' as AssetType,
+ takerTokenId: null,
+const erc721Order = R.merge(baseOrder, {
+ orderHashHex: '0x1bdbeb0d088a33da28b9ee6d94e8771452f90f4a69107da2fa75195d61b9a1d0',
+ makerAssetType: 'erc721' as AssetType,
+ makerTokenId: '19378573',
+ takerAssetType: 'erc721' as AssetType,
+ takerTokenId: '63885673888',
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('SraOrder and SraOrdersObservedTimeStamp entities', () => {
+ // Note(albrow): SraOrder and SraOrdersObservedTimeStamp are tightly coupled
+ // and timestamps have a foreign key constraint such that they have to point
+ // to an existing SraOrder. For these reasons, we are testing them together
+ // in the same test.
+ it('save/find', async () => {
+ const connection = await createDbConnectionOnceAsync();
+ const orderRepository = connection.getRepository(SraOrder);
+ const timestampRepository = connection.getRepository(SraOrdersObservedTimeStamp);
+ const orders = [erc20Order, erc721Order];
+ for (const order of orders) {
+ await testOrderWithTimestampAsync(orderRepository, timestampRepository, order);
+ }
+ });
+async function testOrderWithTimestampAsync(
+ orderRepository: Repository<SraOrder>,
+ timestampRepository: Repository<SraOrdersObservedTimeStamp>,
+ order: SraOrder,
+): Promise<void> {
+ await testSaveAndFindEntityAsync(orderRepository, order);
+ const timestamp = new SraOrdersObservedTimeStamp();
+ timestamp.exchangeAddress = order.exchangeAddress;
+ timestamp.orderHashHex = order.orderHashHex;
+ timestamp.sourceUrl = order.sourceUrl;
+ timestamp.observedTimestamp = 1543377376153;
+ await testSaveAndFindEntityAsync(timestampRepository, timestamp);
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/entities/token_metadata_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/token_metadata_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48e656644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/token_metadata_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import 'mocha';
+import 'reflect-metadata';
+import { TokenMetadata } from '../../src/entities';
+import { createDbConnectionOnceAsync } from '../db_setup';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
+import { testSaveAndFindEntityAsync } from './util';
+const metadataWithoutNullFields: TokenMetadata = {
+ address: '0xe41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498',
+ authority: 'https://website-api.0xproject.com/tokens',
+ decimals: new BigNumber(18),
+ symbol: 'ZRX',
+ name: '0x',
+const metadataWithNullFields: TokenMetadata = {
+ address: '0xe41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f499',
+ authority: 'https://website-api.0xproject.com/tokens',
+ decimals: null,
+ symbol: null,
+ name: null,
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('TokenMetadata entity', () => {
+ it('save/find', async () => {
+ const connection = await createDbConnectionOnceAsync();
+ const tokenMetadata = [metadataWithoutNullFields, metadataWithNullFields];
+ const tokenMetadataRepository = connection.getRepository(TokenMetadata);
+ for (const tokenMetadatum of tokenMetadata) {
+ await testSaveAndFindEntityAsync(tokenMetadataRepository, tokenMetadatum);
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/entities/token_order_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/token_order_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6057f5aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/token_order_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import 'mocha';
+import { TokenOrderbookSnapshot } from '../../src/entities';
+import { createDbConnectionOnceAsync } from '../db_setup';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
+import { testSaveAndFindEntityAsync } from './util';
+const tokenOrderbookSnapshot: TokenOrderbookSnapshot = {
+ source: 'ddextest',
+ observedTimestamp: Date.now(),
+ orderType: 'bid',
+ price: new BigNumber(10.1),
+ baseAssetSymbol: 'ETH',
+ baseAssetAddress: '0x818e6fecd516ecc3849daf6845e3ec868087b755',
+ baseVolume: new BigNumber(143),
+ quoteAssetSymbol: 'ABC',
+ quoteAssetAddress: '0x00923b9a074762b93650716333b3e1473a15048e',
+ quoteVolume: new BigNumber(12.3234234),
+describe('TokenOrderbookSnapshot entity', () => {
+ it('save/find', async () => {
+ const connection = await createDbConnectionOnceAsync();
+ const tokenOrderbookSnapshotRepository = connection.getRepository(TokenOrderbookSnapshot);
+ await testSaveAndFindEntityAsync(tokenOrderbookSnapshotRepository, tokenOrderbookSnapshot);
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/entities/transaction_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/transaction_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..634844544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/transaction_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import 'mocha';
+import 'reflect-metadata';
+import { Transaction } from '../../src/entities';
+import { createDbConnectionOnceAsync } from '../db_setup';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../utils/chai_setup';
+import { testSaveAndFindEntityAsync } from './util';
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('Transaction entity', () => {
+ it('save/find', async () => {
+ const connection = await createDbConnectionOnceAsync();
+ const transactionRepository = connection.getRepository(Transaction);
+ const transaction = new Transaction();
+ transaction.blockHash = '0x6ff106d00b6c3746072fc06bae140fb2549036ba7bcf9184ae19a42fd33657fd';
+ transaction.blockNumber = 6276262;
+ transaction.gasPrice = new BigNumber(3000000);
+ transaction.gasUsed = new BigNumber(125000);
+ transaction.transactionHash = '0x6dd106d002873746072fc5e496dd0fb2541b68c77bcf9184ae19a42fd33657fe';
+ await testSaveAndFindEntityAsync(transactionRepository, transaction);
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/entities/util.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/util.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42df23a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/entities/util.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import 'mocha';
+import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+ * First saves the given entity to the database, then finds it and makes sure
+ * that the found entity is exactly equal to the original one. This is a bare
+ * minimum basic test to make sure that the entity type definition and our
+ * database schema are aligned and that it is possible to save and find the
+ * entity.
+ * @param repository A TypeORM repository corresponding with the type of the entity.
+ * @param entity An instance of a TypeORM entity which will be saved/retrieved from the database.
+ */
+export async function testSaveAndFindEntityAsync<T>(repository: Repository<T>, entity: T): Promise<void> {
+ // Note(albrow): We are forced to use an 'any' hack here because
+ // TypeScript complains about stack depth when checking the types.
+ await repository.save<any>(entity);
+ const gotEntity = await repository.findOneOrFail({
+ where: entity,
+ });
+ expect(gotEntity).deep.equal(entity);
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_activity_types.json b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_activity_types.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dbd39c31b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_activity_types.json
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ "user": [
+ { "id": 0, "category": "user", "name": "Note", "is_disabled": false, "count_as_interaction": false },
+ { "id": 660496, "category": "user", "name": "To Do", "is_disabled": false, "count_as_interaction": false },
+ { "id": 660495, "category": "user", "name": "Meeting", "is_disabled": false, "count_as_interaction": true },
+ { "id": 660494, "category": "user", "name": "Phone Call", "is_disabled": false, "count_as_interaction": true }
+ ],
+ "system": [
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "category": "system",
+ "name": "Property Changed",
+ "is_disabled": false,
+ "count_as_interaction": false
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 3,
+ "category": "system",
+ "name": "Pipeline Stage Changed",
+ "is_disabled": false,
+ "count_as_interaction": false
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_activity_types.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_activity_types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fd2d62a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_activity_types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import { CopperActivityType } from '../../../src/entities';
+const ParsedActivityTypes: CopperActivityType[] = [
+ { id: 0, name: 'Note', category: 'user', isDisabled: false, countAsInteraction: false },
+ { id: 660496, name: 'To Do', category: 'user', isDisabled: false, countAsInteraction: false },
+ { id: 660495, name: 'Meeting', category: 'user', isDisabled: false, countAsInteraction: true },
+ { id: 660494, name: 'Phone Call', category: 'user', isDisabled: false, countAsInteraction: true },
+ { id: 1, name: 'Property Changed', category: 'system', isDisabled: false, countAsInteraction: false },
+ {
+ id: 3,
+ name: 'Pipeline Stage Changed',
+ category: 'system',
+ isDisabled: false,
+ countAsInteraction: false,
+ },
+export { ParsedActivityTypes };
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_custom_field_definitions.json b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_custom_field_definitions.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6665cb0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_custom_field_definitions.json
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ {
+ "id": 261066,
+ "name": "Integration Type",
+ "canonical_name": null,
+ "data_type": "MultiSelect",
+ "available_on": ["opportunity", "company", "person"],
+ "options": [
+ { "id": 394020, "name": "Strategic Relationship", "rank": 7 },
+ { "id": 394013, "name": "ERC-20 Exchange", "rank": 0 },
+ { "id": 394014, "name": "ERC-721 Marketplace", "rank": 1 },
+ { "id": 394015, "name": "Trade Widget", "rank": 2 },
+ { "id": 394016, "name": "Prediction Market Exchange", "rank": 3 },
+ { "id": 394017, "name": "Security Token Exchange", "rank": 4 },
+ { "id": 394018, "name": "Complementary Company", "rank": 5 },
+ { "id": 394019, "name": "Service Provider", "rank": 6 }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 261067,
+ "name": "Company Type",
+ "canonical_name": null,
+ "data_type": "Dropdown",
+ "available_on": ["company", "opportunity", "person"],
+ "options": [
+ { "id": 394129, "name": "Market Maker", "rank": 6 },
+ { "id": 394130, "name": "Events", "rank": 2 },
+ { "id": 394023, "name": "Exchange", "rank": 3 },
+ { "id": 394024, "name": "Investor", "rank": 5 },
+ { "id": 394026, "name": "Service Provider", "rank": 8 },
+ { "id": 394027, "name": "Wallet", "rank": 9 },
+ { "id": 394134, "name": "Game", "rank": 4 },
+ { "id": 394025, "name": "OTC", "rank": 7 },
+ { "id": 394021, "name": "Blockchain/Protocol", "rank": 0 },
+ { "id": 394022, "name": "dApp", "rank": 1 }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_custom_field_definitions.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_custom_field_definitions.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a44bbd2c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_custom_field_definitions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import { CopperCustomField } from '../../../src/entities';
+const ParsedCustomFields: CopperCustomField[] = [
+ {
+ id: 394020,
+ name: 'Strategic Relationship',
+ dataType: 'Integration Type',
+ fieldType: 'option',
+ },
+ { id: 394013, name: 'ERC-20 Exchange', dataType: 'Integration Type', fieldType: 'option' },
+ { id: 394014, name: 'ERC-721 Marketplace', dataType: 'Integration Type', fieldType: 'option' },
+ { id: 394015, name: 'Trade Widget', dataType: 'Integration Type', fieldType: 'option' },
+ {
+ id: 394016,
+ name: 'Prediction Market Exchange',
+ dataType: 'Integration Type',
+ fieldType: 'option',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 394017,
+ name: 'Security Token Exchange',
+ dataType: 'Integration Type',
+ fieldType: 'option',
+ },
+ { id: 394018, name: 'Complementary Company', dataType: 'Integration Type', fieldType: 'option' },
+ { id: 394019, name: 'Service Provider', dataType: 'Integration Type', fieldType: 'option' },
+ { id: 261066, name: 'Integration Type', dataType: 'MultiSelect' },
+ { id: 394129, name: 'Market Maker', dataType: 'Company Type', fieldType: 'option' },
+ { id: 394130, name: 'Events', dataType: 'Company Type', fieldType: 'option' },
+ { id: 394023, name: 'Exchange', dataType: 'Company Type', fieldType: 'option' },
+ { id: 394024, name: 'Investor', dataType: 'Company Type', fieldType: 'option' },
+ { id: 394026, name: 'Service Provider', dataType: 'Company Type', fieldType: 'option' },
+ { id: 394027, name: 'Wallet', dataType: 'Company Type', fieldType: 'option' },
+ { id: 394134, name: 'Game', dataType: 'Company Type', fieldType: 'option' },
+ { id: 394025, name: 'OTC', dataType: 'Company Type', fieldType: 'option' },
+ { id: 394021, name: 'Blockchain/Protocol', dataType: 'Company Type', fieldType: 'option' },
+ { id: 394022, name: 'dApp', dataType: 'Company Type', fieldType: 'option' },
+ { id: 261067, name: 'Company Type', dataType: 'Dropdown' },
+export { ParsedCustomFields };
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_activities.json b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_activities.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a726111ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_activities.json
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diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_activities.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_activities.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51ee9ced3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_activities.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+import { CopperActivity } from '../../../src/entities';
+const ParsedActivities: CopperActivity[] = [
+ {
+ id: 5015299552,
+ parentId: 14667512,
+ parentType: 'opportunity',
+ typeId: 3,
+ typeCategory: 'system',
+ typeName: 'Stage Change',
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1545329595000,
+ dateModified: 1545329595000,
+ oldValueId: 2392929,
+ oldValueName: 'Evaluation',
+ newValueId: 2392931,
+ newValueName: 'Integration Started',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 5010214065,
+ parentId: 14978865,
+ parentType: 'opportunity',
+ typeId: 3,
+ typeCategory: 'system',
+ typeName: 'Stage Change',
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1545245706000,
+ dateModified: 1545245706000,
+ oldValueId: 2392928,
+ oldValueName: 'Intro',
+ newValueId: 2392929,
+ newValueName: 'Evaluation',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 5006149111,
+ parentId: 70430977,
+ parentType: 'person',
+ typeId: 660495,
+ typeCategory: 'user',
+ typeName: undefined,
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1545168280000,
+ dateModified: 1545166908000,
+ oldValueId: undefined,
+ oldValueName: undefined,
+ newValueId: undefined,
+ newValueName: undefined,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 5005314622,
+ parentId: 27778968,
+ parentType: 'company',
+ typeId: 660495,
+ typeCategory: 'user',
+ typeName: undefined,
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1545160479000,
+ dateModified: 1545080504000,
+ oldValueId: undefined,
+ oldValueName: undefined,
+ newValueId: undefined,
+ newValueName: undefined,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 5000006802,
+ parentId: 14956518,
+ parentType: 'opportunity',
+ typeId: 660495,
+ typeCategory: 'user',
+ typeName: undefined,
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1545071500000,
+ dateModified: 1545071374000,
+ oldValueId: undefined,
+ oldValueName: undefined,
+ newValueId: undefined,
+ newValueName: undefined,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 4985504199,
+ parentId: 14912790,
+ parentType: 'opportunity',
+ typeId: 660495,
+ typeCategory: 'user',
+ typeName: undefined,
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1544644661000,
+ dateModified: 1544644058000,
+ oldValueId: undefined,
+ oldValueName: undefined,
+ newValueId: undefined,
+ newValueName: undefined,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 4985456147,
+ parentId: 14912790,
+ parentType: 'opportunity',
+ typeId: 660495,
+ typeCategory: 'user',
+ typeName: undefined,
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1544644053000,
+ dateModified: 1544644048000,
+ oldValueId: undefined,
+ oldValueName: undefined,
+ newValueId: undefined,
+ newValueName: undefined,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 4980975996,
+ parentId: 14902828,
+ parentType: 'opportunity',
+ typeId: 660495,
+ typeCategory: 'user',
+ typeName: undefined,
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1544563224000,
+ dateModified: 1544563171000,
+ oldValueId: undefined,
+ oldValueName: undefined,
+ newValueId: undefined,
+ newValueName: undefined,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 4980910331,
+ parentId: 14902828,
+ parentType: 'opportunity',
+ typeId: 3,
+ typeCategory: 'system',
+ typeName: 'Stage Change',
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1544562495000,
+ dateModified: 1544562495000,
+ oldValueId: 2392928,
+ oldValueName: 'Intro',
+ newValueId: 2392931,
+ newValueName: 'Integration Started',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 4980872220,
+ parentId: 14888910,
+ parentType: 'opportunity',
+ typeId: 660495,
+ typeCategory: 'user',
+ typeName: undefined,
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1544562118000,
+ dateModified: 1544559279000,
+ oldValueId: undefined,
+ oldValueName: undefined,
+ newValueId: undefined,
+ newValueName: undefined,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 4980508097,
+ parentId: 14050167,
+ parentType: 'opportunity',
+ typeId: 1,
+ typeCategory: 'system',
+ typeName: 'Status Change',
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1544558077000,
+ dateModified: 1544558077000,
+ oldValueId: undefined,
+ oldValueName: undefined,
+ newValueId: undefined,
+ newValueName: undefined,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 4980508095,
+ parentId: 66538237,
+ parentType: 'person',
+ typeId: 1,
+ typeCategory: 'system',
+ typeName: undefined,
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1544558077000,
+ dateModified: 1544558077000,
+ oldValueId: undefined,
+ oldValueName: undefined,
+ newValueId: undefined,
+ newValueName: undefined,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 4980508092,
+ parentId: 27779020,
+ parentType: 'company',
+ typeId: 1,
+ typeCategory: 'system',
+ typeName: undefined,
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1544558077000,
+ dateModified: 1544558077000,
+ oldValueId: undefined,
+ oldValueName: undefined,
+ newValueId: undefined,
+ newValueName: undefined,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 4980507507,
+ parentId: 14050167,
+ parentType: 'opportunity',
+ typeId: 3,
+ typeCategory: 'system',
+ typeName: 'Stage Change',
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1544558071000,
+ dateModified: 1544558071000,
+ oldValueId: 2392931,
+ oldValueName: 'Integration Started',
+ newValueId: 2405442,
+ newValueName: 'Integration Complete',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 4980479684,
+ parentId: 14901232,
+ parentType: 'opportunity',
+ typeId: 3,
+ typeCategory: 'system',
+ typeName: 'Stage Change',
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1544557777000,
+ dateModified: 1544557777000,
+ oldValueId: 2392928,
+ oldValueName: 'Intro',
+ newValueId: 2392929,
+ newValueName: 'Evaluation',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 4980327164,
+ parentId: 14901232,
+ parentType: 'opportunity',
+ typeId: 660495,
+ typeCategory: 'user',
+ typeName: undefined,
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1544556132000,
+ dateModified: 1544554864000,
+ oldValueId: undefined,
+ oldValueName: undefined,
+ newValueId: undefined,
+ newValueName: undefined,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 4975270470,
+ parentId: 14888744,
+ parentType: 'opportunity',
+ typeId: 3,
+ typeCategory: 'system',
+ typeName: 'Stage Change',
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1544469501000,
+ dateModified: 1544469501000,
+ oldValueId: 2392928,
+ oldValueName: 'Intro',
+ newValueId: 2392931,
+ newValueName: 'Integration Started',
+ },
+ {
+ id: 4975255523,
+ parentId: 64713448,
+ parentType: 'person',
+ typeId: 1,
+ typeCategory: 'system',
+ typeName: undefined,
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1544469389000,
+ dateModified: 1544469389000,
+ oldValueId: undefined,
+ oldValueName: undefined,
+ newValueId: undefined,
+ newValueName: undefined,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 4975255519,
+ parentId: 13735617,
+ parentType: 'opportunity',
+ typeId: 1,
+ typeCategory: 'system',
+ typeName: 'Status Change',
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1544469388000,
+ dateModified: 1544469388000,
+ oldValueId: undefined,
+ oldValueName: undefined,
+ newValueId: undefined,
+ newValueName: undefined,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 4975255514,
+ parentId: 27778968,
+ parentType: 'company',
+ typeId: 1,
+ typeCategory: 'system',
+ typeName: undefined,
+ userId: 680302,
+ dateCreated: 1544469388000,
+ dateModified: 1544469388000,
+ oldValueId: undefined,
+ oldValueName: undefined,
+ newValueId: undefined,
+ newValueName: undefined,
+ },
+export { ParsedActivities };
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_leads.json b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_leads.json
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+ }
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diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_leads.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_leads.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1f00cba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_leads.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+import { CopperLead } from '../../../src/entities';
+const ParsedLeads: CopperLead[] = [
+ {
+ id: 9150547,
+ name: 'My Contact',
+ firstName: 'My',
+ lastName: 'Contact',
+ middleName: undefined,
+ assigneeId: undefined,
+ companyName: undefined,
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ status: 'New',
+ statusId: 208231,
+ title: undefined,
+ dateCreated: 1490045162000,
+ dateModified: 1490045162000,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 9150552,
+ name: 'My Contact',
+ firstName: 'My',
+ lastName: 'Contact',
+ middleName: undefined,
+ assigneeId: undefined,
+ companyName: undefined,
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ status: 'New',
+ statusId: 208231,
+ title: undefined,
+ dateCreated: 1490045237000,
+ dateModified: 1490045237000,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 9150578,
+ name: 'My Contact',
+ firstName: 'My',
+ lastName: 'Contact',
+ middleName: undefined,
+ assigneeId: undefined,
+ companyName: undefined,
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ status: 'New',
+ statusId: 208231,
+ title: undefined,
+ dateCreated: 1490045279000,
+ dateModified: 1490045279000,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 8982554,
+ name: 'My Lead',
+ firstName: 'My',
+ lastName: 'Lead',
+ middleName: undefined,
+ assigneeId: undefined,
+ companyName: undefined,
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ status: 'New',
+ statusId: 208231,
+ title: undefined,
+ dateCreated: 1489528899000,
+ dateModified: 1489528899000,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 8982702,
+ name: 'My Lead',
+ firstName: 'My',
+ lastName: 'Lead',
+ middleName: undefined,
+ assigneeId: undefined,
+ companyName: undefined,
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ status: 'New',
+ statusId: 208231,
+ title: undefined,
+ dateCreated: 1489531171000,
+ dateModified: 1489531171000,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 9094361,
+ name: 'My Lead',
+ firstName: 'My',
+ lastName: 'Lead',
+ middleName: undefined,
+ assigneeId: undefined,
+ companyName: undefined,
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ status: 'New',
+ statusId: 208231,
+ title: undefined,
+ dateCreated: 1489791225000,
+ dateModified: 1489791225000,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 9094364,
+ name: 'My Lead',
+ firstName: 'My',
+ lastName: 'Lead',
+ middleName: undefined,
+ assigneeId: undefined,
+ companyName: undefined,
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ status: 'New',
+ statusId: 208231,
+ title: undefined,
+ dateCreated: 1489791283000,
+ dateModified: 1489791283000,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 9094371,
+ name: 'My Lead',
+ firstName: 'My',
+ lastName: 'Lead',
+ middleName: undefined,
+ assigneeId: undefined,
+ companyName: undefined,
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ status: 'New',
+ statusId: 208231,
+ title: undefined,
+ dateCreated: 1489791417000,
+ dateModified: 1489791417000,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 9094372,
+ name: 'My Lead',
+ firstName: 'My',
+ lastName: 'Lead',
+ middleName: undefined,
+ assigneeId: undefined,
+ companyName: undefined,
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ status: 'New',
+ statusId: 208231,
+ title: undefined,
+ dateCreated: 1489791453000,
+ dateModified: 1489791453000,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 9094373,
+ name: 'My Lead',
+ firstName: 'My',
+ lastName: 'Lead',
+ middleName: undefined,
+ assigneeId: undefined,
+ companyName: undefined,
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ status: 'New',
+ statusId: 208231,
+ title: undefined,
+ dateCreated: 1489791470000,
+ dateModified: 1489791470000,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 9094383,
+ name: 'My Lead',
+ firstName: 'My',
+ lastName: 'Lead',
+ middleName: undefined,
+ assigneeId: undefined,
+ companyName: undefined,
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ status: 'New',
+ statusId: 208231,
+ title: undefined,
+ dateCreated: 1489791672000,
+ dateModified: 1489791672000,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 9174441,
+ name: 'My Lead',
+ firstName: 'My',
+ lastName: 'Lead',
+ middleName: undefined,
+ assigneeId: undefined,
+ companyName: undefined,
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ status: 'New',
+ statusId: 208231,
+ title: undefined,
+ dateCreated: 1490112942000,
+ dateModified: 1490112942000,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 9174443,
+ name: 'My Lead',
+ firstName: 'My',
+ lastName: 'Lead',
+ middleName: undefined,
+ assigneeId: undefined,
+ companyName: undefined,
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ status: 'New',
+ statusId: 208231,
+ title: undefined,
+ dateCreated: 1490112953000,
+ dateModified: 1490112953000,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 8894157,
+ name: 'Test Lead',
+ firstName: 'Test',
+ lastName: 'Lead',
+ middleName: undefined,
+ assigneeId: 137658,
+ companyName: "Lead's Company",
+ customerSourceId: 331241,
+ monetaryValue: 100,
+ status: 'New',
+ statusId: 208231,
+ title: 'Title',
+ dateCreated: 1489018784000,
+ dateModified: 1496692911000,
+ },
+export { ParsedLeads };
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_opportunities.json b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_opportunities.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34ac58c30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_opportunities.json
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
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+ ]
+ },
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 14633220,
+ "name": "BlockSwap 721 / 1155 Conversational Marketplace",
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+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_opportunities.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_opportunities.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c2d4ae5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_opportunities.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+import { CopperOpportunity } from '../../../src/entities';
+const ParsedOpportunities: CopperOpportunity[] = [
+ {
+ id: 14050269,
+ name: '8Base RaaS',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '11/19/2018',
+ companyId: 27778962,
+ companyName: '8base',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2405442,
+ primaryContactId: 66088850,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Won',
+ interactionCount: 81,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1538414159000,
+ dateModified: 1544769562000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394018, '261067': 394026 },
+ },
+ {
+ id: 14631430,
+ name: 'Alice.si TW + ERC 20 Marketplace',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '12/15/2018',
+ companyId: 30238847,
+ companyName: 'Alice SI',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2392929,
+ primaryContactId: 69354024,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Open',
+ interactionCount: 4,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1542304481000,
+ dateModified: 1542304943000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394015, '261067': 394023 },
+ },
+ {
+ id: 14632057,
+ name: 'Altcoin.io Relayer',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '12/15/2018',
+ companyId: 29936486,
+ companyName: 'Altcoin.io',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2392929,
+ primaryContactId: 68724646,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Open',
+ interactionCount: 22,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1542306827000,
+ dateModified: 1543864667000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394017, '261067': 394023 },
+ },
+ {
+ id: 14667523,
+ name: 'Altcoin.io Relayer',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '12/19/2018',
+ companyId: 29936486,
+ companyName: 'Altcoin.io',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2392929,
+ primaryContactId: 68724646,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Open',
+ interactionCount: 21,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1542657437000,
+ dateModified: 1543864667000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394017, '261067': 394023 },
+ },
+ {
+ id: 14666706,
+ name: 'Amadeus Relayer',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '11/19/2018',
+ companyId: 29243209,
+ companyName: 'Amadeus',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2405442,
+ primaryContactId: 66912020,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Won',
+ interactionCount: 11,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1542654284000,
+ dateModified: 1543277520000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394013, '261067': 394023 },
+ },
+ {
+ id: 14666718,
+ name: 'Ambo Relayer',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '11/19/2018',
+ companyId: 29249190,
+ companyName: 'Ambo',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2405442,
+ primaryContactId: 66927869,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Won',
+ interactionCount: 126,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1542654352000,
+ dateModified: 1545253761000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394013, '261067': 394023 },
+ },
+ {
+ id: 14164318,
+ name: 'Augur TW',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '12/10/2018',
+ companyId: 27778967,
+ companyName: 'Augur',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2405442,
+ primaryContactId: 67248692,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Won',
+ interactionCount: 22,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1539204858000,
+ dateModified: 1544653867000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394015, '261067': 394021 },
+ },
+ {
+ id: 14666626,
+ name: 'Autonio',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '12/19/2018',
+ companyId: 27920701,
+ companyName: 'Auton',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2392931,
+ primaryContactId: 64742640,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Open',
+ interactionCount: 54,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1542653834000,
+ dateModified: 1542658808000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394019, '261067': 394023 },
+ },
+ {
+ id: 14050921,
+ name: 'Axie Infinity 721 Marketplace',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '11/1/2018',
+ companyId: 27779033,
+ companyName: 'Axie Infinity',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2392931,
+ primaryContactId: 66499254,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Open',
+ interactionCount: 4,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1538416687000,
+ dateModified: 1543861025000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394014, '261067': 394134 },
+ },
+ {
+ id: 13735617,
+ name: 'Balance TW',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '12/10/2018',
+ companyId: 27778968,
+ companyName: 'Balance',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2405442,
+ primaryContactId: 64713448,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Won',
+ interactionCount: 34,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1535668009000,
+ dateModified: 1545082454000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394015, '261067': 394027 },
+ },
+ {
+ id: 14667112,
+ name: 'Bamboo Relayer',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '11/19/2018',
+ companyId: 29243795,
+ companyName: 'Bamboo Relay',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2405442,
+ primaryContactId: 66914687,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Won',
+ interactionCount: 46,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1542655143000,
+ dateModified: 1545253761000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394013, '261067': 394023 },
+ },
+ {
+ id: 13627309,
+ name: 'Ben TW',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '1/1/2019',
+ companyId: 27702348,
+ companyName: 'Ben',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2392929,
+ primaryContactId: 64262622,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Open',
+ interactionCount: 64,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1534887789000,
+ dateModified: 1541651395000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394015, '261067': 394027 },
+ },
+ {
+ id: 14808512,
+ name: 'Bit2Me Relayer',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '12/3/2018',
+ companyId: 30793050,
+ companyName: 'Bit2Me',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2405442,
+ primaryContactId: 70267217,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Won',
+ interactionCount: 0,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1543861167000,
+ dateModified: 1543861189000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394013, '261067': 394023 },
+ },
+ {
+ id: 14050312,
+ name: 'Bitcoin.tax Reporting Integration',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '11/1/2018',
+ companyId: 27957614,
+ companyName: 'Bitcoin',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2392928,
+ primaryContactId: 66539479,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Open',
+ interactionCount: 5,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1538414308000,
+ dateModified: 1538414314000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394019, '261067': 394026 },
+ },
+ {
+ id: 14331463,
+ name: 'Bitpie TW',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '11/19/2018',
+ companyId: 27779026,
+ companyName: 'Bitpie',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2392929,
+ primaryContactId: 67700943,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Open',
+ interactionCount: 9,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1539984566000,
+ dateModified: 1541530233000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394015, '261067': 394027 },
+ },
+ {
+ id: 14331481,
+ name: 'Bitski Wallet SDK TW',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '11/19/2018',
+ companyId: 29489300,
+ companyName: 'Bitski',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2392929,
+ primaryContactId: 67697528,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Open',
+ interactionCount: 23,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1539984735000,
+ dateModified: 1544818605000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394015, '261067': 394026 },
+ },
+ {
+ id: 14531554,
+ name: 'BitUniverse TW',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '12/6/2018',
+ companyId: 29901805,
+ companyName: 'BitUniverse Co., Ltd (Cryptocurrency Portfolio)',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2392929,
+ primaryContactId: 68692107,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Open',
+ interactionCount: 15,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1541527110000,
+ dateModified: 1544812979000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394015, '261067': 394026 },
+ },
+ {
+ id: 14050895,
+ name: 'BlitzPredict PMR',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '11/1/2018',
+ companyId: 28758258,
+ companyName: 'BlitzPredict',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2392929,
+ primaryContactId: 66378659,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Open',
+ interactionCount: 32,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1538416597000,
+ dateModified: 1544830709000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394016, '261067': 394023 },
+ },
+ {
+ id: 14209841,
+ name: 'Blockfolio TW',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '11/15/2018',
+ companyId: 29332516,
+ companyName: 'Blockfolio',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2405443,
+ primaryContactId: 67247027,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Open',
+ interactionCount: 20,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1539624801000,
+ dateModified: 1539984098000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394015, '261067': 394026 },
+ },
+ {
+ id: 14633220,
+ name: 'BlockSwap 721 / 1155 Conversational Marketplace',
+ assigneeId: 680302,
+ closeDate: '12/15/2018',
+ companyId: 30210921,
+ companyName: 'BlockSwap',
+ customerSourceId: undefined,
+ lossReasonId: undefined,
+ pipelineId: 512676,
+ pipelineStageId: 2392929,
+ primaryContactId: 69296220,
+ priority: 'None',
+ status: 'Open',
+ interactionCount: 82,
+ monetaryValue: undefined,
+ winProbability: 0,
+ dateCreated: 1542311056000,
+ dateModified: 1543557877000,
+ customFields: { '261066': 394014, '261067': 394023 },
+ },
+export { ParsedOpportunities };
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/parsed_entities.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/parsed_entities.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f49d38ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/fixtures/copper/parsed_entities.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export { ParsedActivityTypes } from './api_v1_activity_types';
+export { ParsedCustomFields } from './api_v1_custom_field_definitions';
+export { ParsedActivities } from './api_v1_list_activities';
+export { ParsedLeads } from './api_v1_list_leads';
+export { ParsedOpportunities } from './api_v1_list_opportunities';
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/bloxy/index_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/bloxy/index_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6aabb091d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/bloxy/index_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import 'mocha';
+import * as R from 'ramda';
+import { BLOXY_DEX_TRADES_URL, BloxyTrade } from '../../../src/data_sources/bloxy';
+import { DexTrade } from '../../../src/entities';
+import { _parseBloxyTrade } from '../../../src/parsers/bloxy';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../../utils/chai_setup';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const baseInput: BloxyTrade = {
+ tx_hash: '0xb93a7faf92efbbb5405c9a73cd4efd99702fe27c03ff22baee1f1b1e37b3a0bf',
+ tx_time: '2018-11-21T09:06:28.000+00:00',
+ tx_date: '2018-11-21',
+ tx_sender: '0x00923b9a074762b93650716333b3e1473a15048e',
+ smart_contract_id: 7091917,
+ smart_contract_address: '0x818e6fecd516ecc3849daf6845e3ec868087b755',
+ contract_type: 'DEX/Kyber Network Proxy',
+ maker: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001',
+ taker: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002',
+ amountBuy: 1.011943163078103,
+ makerFee: 38.912083,
+ buyCurrencyId: 1,
+ buySymbol: 'ETH',
+ amountSell: 941.4997928436911,
+ takerFee: 100.39,
+ sellCurrencyId: 16610,
+ sellSymbol: 'ELF',
+ maker_annotation: 'random annotation',
+ taker_annotation: 'random other annotation',
+ protocol: 'Kyber Network Proxy',
+ buyAddress: '0xbf2179859fc6d5bee9bf9158632dc51678a4100d',
+ sellAddress: '0xbf2179859fc6d5bee9bf9158632dc51678a4100e',
+const baseExpected: DexTrade = {
+ txHash: '0xb93a7faf92efbbb5405c9a73cd4efd99702fe27c03ff22baee1f1b1e37b3a0bf',
+ txTimestamp: 1542791188000,
+ txDate: '2018-11-21',
+ txSender: '0x00923b9a074762b93650716333b3e1473a15048e',
+ smartContractId: 7091917,
+ smartContractAddress: '0x818e6fecd516ecc3849daf6845e3ec868087b755',
+ contractType: 'DEX/Kyber Network Proxy',
+ maker: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001',
+ taker: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002',
+ amountBuy: new BigNumber('1.011943163078103'),
+ makerFeeAmount: new BigNumber('38.912083'),
+ buyCurrencyId: 1,
+ buySymbol: 'ETH',
+ amountSell: new BigNumber('941.4997928436911'),
+ takerFeeAmount: new BigNumber('100.39'),
+ sellCurrencyId: 16610,
+ sellSymbol: 'ELF',
+ makerAnnotation: 'random annotation',
+ takerAnnotation: 'random other annotation',
+ protocol: 'Kyber Network Proxy',
+ buyAddress: '0xbf2179859fc6d5bee9bf9158632dc51678a4100d',
+ sellAddress: '0xbf2179859fc6d5bee9bf9158632dc51678a4100e',
+interface TestCase {
+ input: BloxyTrade;
+ expected: DexTrade;
+const testCases: TestCase[] = [
+ {
+ input: baseInput,
+ expected: baseExpected,
+ },
+ {
+ input: R.merge(baseInput, { buyAddress: null, sellAddress: null }),
+ expected: R.merge(baseExpected, { buyAddress: null, sellAddress: null }),
+ },
+ {
+ input: R.merge(baseInput, {
+ buySymbol:
+ 'RING\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000',
+ }),
+ expected: R.merge(baseExpected, { buySymbol: 'RING' }),
+ },
+describe('bloxy', () => {
+ describe('_parseBloxyTrade', () => {
+ for (const [i, testCase] of testCases.entries()) {
+ it(`converts BloxyTrade to DexTrade entity (${i + 1}/${testCases.length})`, () => {
+ const actual = _parseBloxyTrade(testCase.input);
+ expect(actual).deep.equal(testCase.expected);
+ });
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/copper/index_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/copper/index_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb8e70da1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/copper/index_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import 'mocha';
+import {
+ CopperActivity,
+ CopperActivityType,
+ CopperCustomField,
+ CopperLead,
+ CopperOpportunity,
+} from '../../../src/entities';
+import {
+ CopperActivityResponse,
+ CopperActivityTypeCategory,
+ CopperActivityTypeResponse,
+ CopperCustomFieldResponse,
+ CopperSearchResponse,
+ parseActivities,
+ parseActivityTypes,
+ parseCustomFields,
+ parseLeads,
+ parseOpportunities,
+} from '../../../src/parsers/copper';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../../utils/chai_setup';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+type CopperResponse = CopperSearchResponse | CopperCustomFieldResponse;
+type CopperEntity = CopperLead | CopperActivity | CopperOpportunity | CopperActivityType | CopperCustomField;
+import * as activityTypesApiResponse from '../../fixtures/copper/api_v1_activity_types.json';
+import * as customFieldsApiResponse from '../../fixtures/copper/api_v1_custom_field_definitions.json';
+import * as listActivitiesApiResponse from '../../fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_activities.json';
+import * as listLeadsApiResponse from '../../fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_leads.json';
+import * as listOpportunitiesApiResponse from '../../fixtures/copper/api_v1_list_opportunities.json';
+import {
+ ParsedActivities,
+ ParsedActivityTypes,
+ ParsedCustomFields,
+ ParsedLeads,
+ ParsedOpportunities,
+} from '../../fixtures/copper/parsed_entities';
+interface TestCase {
+ input: CopperResponse[];
+ expected: CopperEntity[];
+ parseFn(input: CopperResponse[]): CopperEntity[];
+const testCases: TestCase[] = [
+ {
+ input: listLeadsApiResponse,
+ expected: ParsedLeads,
+ parseFn: parseLeads,
+ },
+ {
+ input: (listActivitiesApiResponse as unknown) as CopperActivityResponse[],
+ expected: ParsedActivities,
+ parseFn: parseActivities,
+ },
+ {
+ input: listOpportunitiesApiResponse,
+ expected: ParsedOpportunities,
+ parseFn: parseOpportunities,
+ },
+ {
+ input: customFieldsApiResponse,
+ expected: ParsedCustomFields,
+ parseFn: parseCustomFields,
+ },
+describe('Copper parser', () => {
+ it('parses API responses', () => {
+ testCases.forEach(testCase => {
+ const actual: CopperEntity[] = testCase.parseFn(testCase.input);
+ expect(actual).deep.equal(testCase.expected);
+ });
+ });
+ // special case because the API response is not an array
+ it('parses activity types API response', () => {
+ const actual: CopperActivityType[] = parseActivityTypes((activityTypesApiResponse as unknown) as Map<
+ CopperActivityTypeCategory,
+ CopperActivityTypeResponse[]
+ >);
+ expect(actual).deep.equal(ParsedActivityTypes);
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/ddex_orders/index_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/ddex_orders/index_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f30e86b02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/ddex_orders/index_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import 'mocha';
+import { DdexMarket } from '../../../src/data_sources/ddex';
+import { TokenOrderbookSnapshot as TokenOrder } from '../../../src/entities';
+import { parseDdexOrder } from '../../../src/parsers/ddex_orders';
+import { OrderType } from '../../../src/types';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../../utils/chai_setup';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('ddex_orders', () => {
+ describe('parseDdexOrder', () => {
+ it('converts ddexOrder to TokenOrder entity', () => {
+ const ddexOrder: [string, BigNumber] = ['0.5', new BigNumber(10)];
+ const ddexMarket: DdexMarket = {
+ id: 'ABC-DEF',
+ quoteToken: 'ABC',
+ quoteTokenDecimals: 5,
+ quoteTokenAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
+ baseToken: 'DEF',
+ baseTokenDecimals: 2,
+ baseTokenAddress: '0xb45df06e38540a675fdb5b598abf2c0dbe9d6b81',
+ minOrderSize: '0.1',
+ maxOrderSize: '1000',
+ pricePrecision: 1,
+ priceDecimals: 1,
+ amountDecimals: 0,
+ };
+ const observedTimestamp: number = Date.now();
+ const orderType: OrderType = OrderType.Bid;
+ const source: string = 'ddex';
+ const expected = new TokenOrder();
+ expected.source = 'ddex';
+ expected.observedTimestamp = observedTimestamp;
+ expected.orderType = OrderType.Bid;
+ expected.price = new BigNumber(0.5);
+ // ddex currently confuses base and quote assets.
+ // Switch them to maintain our internal consistency.
+ expected.baseAssetSymbol = 'ABC';
+ expected.baseAssetAddress = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
+ expected.baseVolume = new BigNumber(10);
+ expected.quoteAssetSymbol = 'DEF';
+ expected.quoteAssetAddress = '0xb45df06e38540a675fdb5b598abf2c0dbe9d6b81';
+ expected.quoteVolume = new BigNumber(5);
+ const actual = parseDdexOrder(ddexMarket, observedTimestamp, orderType, source, ddexOrder);
+ expect(actual).deep.equal(expected);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/events/erc20_events_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/events/erc20_events_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..962c50f98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/events/erc20_events_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import { ERC20TokenApprovalEventArgs } from '@0x/contract-wrappers';
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import { LogWithDecodedArgs } from 'ethereum-types';
+import 'mocha';
+import { ERC20ApprovalEvent } from '../../../src/entities';
+import { _convertToERC20ApprovalEvent } from '../../../src/parsers/events/erc20_events';
+import { _convertToExchangeFillEvent } from '../../../src/parsers/events/exchange_events';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../../utils/chai_setup';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('erc20_events', () => {
+ describe('_convertToERC20ApprovalEvent', () => {
+ it('converts LogWithDecodedArgs to ERC20ApprovalEvent entity', () => {
+ const input: LogWithDecodedArgs<ERC20TokenApprovalEventArgs> = {
+ address: '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2',
+ blockHash: '0xd2d7aafaa7102aec0bca8ef026d5a85133e87892334c46ee1e92e42912991c9b',
+ blockNumber: 6281577,
+ data: '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002b9cba5ee21ad3df9',
+ logIndex: 43,
+ topics: [
+ '0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925',
+ '0x0000000000000000000000000b65c5f6f3a05d6be5588a72b603360773b3fe04',
+ '0x000000000000000000000000448a5065aebb8e423f0896e6c5d525c040f59af3',
+ ],
+ transactionHash: '0xcb46b19c786376a0a0140d51e3e606a4c4f926d8ca5434e96d2f69d04d8d9c7f',
+ transactionIndex: 103,
+ event: 'Approval',
+ args: {
+ _owner: '0x0b65c5f6f3a05d6be5588a72b603360773b3fe04',
+ _spender: '0x448a5065aebb8e423f0896e6c5d525c040f59af3',
+ _value: new BigNumber('50281464906893835769'),
+ },
+ };
+ const expected = new ERC20ApprovalEvent();
+ expected.tokenAddress = '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2';
+ expected.blockNumber = 6281577;
+ expected.rawData = '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002b9cba5ee21ad3df9';
+ expected.logIndex = 43;
+ expected.transactionHash = '0xcb46b19c786376a0a0140d51e3e606a4c4f926d8ca5434e96d2f69d04d8d9c7f';
+ expected.ownerAddress = '0x0b65c5f6f3a05d6be5588a72b603360773b3fe04';
+ expected.spenderAddress = '0x448a5065aebb8e423f0896e6c5d525c040f59af3';
+ expected.amount = new BigNumber('50281464906893835769');
+ const actual = _convertToERC20ApprovalEvent(input);
+ expect(actual).deep.equal(expected);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/events/exchange_events_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/events/exchange_events_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..956ad9ef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/events/exchange_events_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import { ExchangeFillEventArgs } from '@0x/contract-wrappers';
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import { LogWithDecodedArgs } from 'ethereum-types';
+import 'mocha';
+import { ExchangeFillEvent } from '../../../src/entities';
+import { _convertToExchangeFillEvent } from '../../../src/parsers/events/exchange_events';
+import { AssetType } from '../../../src/types';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../../utils/chai_setup';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('exchange_events', () => {
+ describe('_convertToExchangeFillEvent', () => {
+ it('converts LogWithDecodedArgs to ExchangeFillEvent entity', () => {
+ const input: LogWithDecodedArgs<ExchangeFillEventArgs> = {
+ logIndex: 102,
+ transactionIndex: 38,
+ transactionHash: '0x6dd106d002873746072fc5e496dd0fb2541b68c77bcf9184ae19a42fd33657fe',
+ blockHash: '',
+ blockNumber: 6276262,
+ address: '0x4f833a24e1f95d70f028921e27040ca56e09ab0b',
+ data:
+ '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',
+ topics: [
+ '0x0bcc4c97732e47d9946f229edb95f5b6323f601300e4690de719993f3c371129',
+ '0x000000000000000000000000f6da68519f78b0d0bc93c701e86affcb75c92428',
+ '0x000000000000000000000000c370d2a5920344aa6b7d8d11250e3e861434cbdd',
+ '0xab12ed2cbaa5615ab690b9da75a46e53ddfcf3f1a68655b5fe0d94c75a1aac4a',
+ ],
+ event: 'Fill',
+ args: {
+ makerAddress: '0xf6da68519f78b0d0bc93c701e86affcb75c92428',
+ feeRecipientAddress: '0xc370d2a5920344aa6b7d8d11250e3e861434cbdd',
+ takerAddress: '0xf6da68519f78b0d0bc93c701e86affcb75c92428',
+ senderAddress: '0xf6da68519f78b0d0bc93c701e86affcb75c92428',
+ makerAssetFilledAmount: new BigNumber('10000000000000000'),
+ takerAssetFilledAmount: new BigNumber('100000000000000000'),
+ makerFeePaid: new BigNumber('0'),
+ takerFeePaid: new BigNumber('12345'),
+ orderHash: '0xab12ed2cbaa5615ab690b9da75a46e53ddfcf3f1a68655b5fe0d94c75a1aac4a',
+ makerAssetData: '0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000c02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2',
+ takerAssetData: '0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000e41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498',
+ },
+ };
+ const expected = new ExchangeFillEvent();
+ expected.contractAddress = '0x4f833a24e1f95d70f028921e27040ca56e09ab0b';
+ expected.blockNumber = 6276262;
+ expected.logIndex = 102;
+ expected.rawData =
+ '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';
+ expected.transactionHash = '0x6dd106d002873746072fc5e496dd0fb2541b68c77bcf9184ae19a42fd33657fe';
+ expected.makerAddress = '0xf6da68519f78b0d0bc93c701e86affcb75c92428';
+ expected.takerAddress = '0xf6da68519f78b0d0bc93c701e86affcb75c92428';
+ expected.feeRecipientAddress = '0xc370d2a5920344aa6b7d8d11250e3e861434cbdd';
+ expected.senderAddress = '0xf6da68519f78b0d0bc93c701e86affcb75c92428';
+ expected.makerAssetFilledAmount = new BigNumber('10000000000000000');
+ expected.takerAssetFilledAmount = new BigNumber('100000000000000000');
+ expected.makerFeePaid = new BigNumber('0');
+ expected.takerFeePaid = new BigNumber('12345');
+ expected.orderHash = '0xab12ed2cbaa5615ab690b9da75a46e53ddfcf3f1a68655b5fe0d94c75a1aac4a';
+ expected.rawMakerAssetData = '0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000c02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2';
+ expected.makerAssetType = AssetType.ERC20;
+ expected.makerAssetProxyId = '0xf47261b0';
+ expected.makerTokenAddress = '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2';
+ expected.makerTokenId = null;
+ expected.rawTakerAssetData = '0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000e41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498';
+ expected.takerAssetType = AssetType.ERC20;
+ expected.takerAssetProxyId = '0xf47261b0';
+ expected.takerTokenAddress = '0xe41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498';
+ expected.takerTokenId = null;
+ const actual = _convertToExchangeFillEvent(input);
+ expect(actual).deep.equal(expected);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/idex_orders/index_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/idex_orders/index_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48b019732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/idex_orders/index_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import 'mocha';
+import { IdexOrderParam } from '../../../src/data_sources/idex';
+import { TokenOrderbookSnapshot as TokenOrder } from '../../../src/entities';
+import { parseIdexOrder } from '../../../src/parsers/idex_orders';
+import { OrderType } from '../../../src/types';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../../utils/chai_setup';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('idex_orders', () => {
+ describe('parseIdexOrder', () => {
+ // for market listed as 'DEF_ABC'.
+ it('correctly converts bid type idexOrder to TokenOrder entity', () => {
+ const idexOrder: [string, BigNumber] = ['0.5', new BigNumber(10)];
+ const idexOrderParam: IdexOrderParam = {
+ tokenBuy: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
+ buySymbol: 'ABC',
+ buyPrecision: 2,
+ amountBuy: '10',
+ tokenSell: '0xb45df06e38540a675fdb5b598abf2c0dbe9d6b81',
+ sellSymbol: 'DEF',
+ sellPrecision: 2,
+ amountSell: '5',
+ expires: Date.now() + 100000,
+ nonce: 1,
+ user: '0x212345667543456435324564345643453453333',
+ };
+ const observedTimestamp: number = Date.now();
+ const orderType: OrderType = OrderType.Bid;
+ const source: string = 'idex';
+ const expected = new TokenOrder();
+ expected.source = 'idex';
+ expected.observedTimestamp = observedTimestamp;
+ expected.orderType = OrderType.Bid;
+ expected.price = new BigNumber(0.5);
+ expected.baseAssetSymbol = 'ABC';
+ expected.baseAssetAddress = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
+ expected.baseVolume = new BigNumber(10);
+ expected.quoteAssetSymbol = 'DEF';
+ expected.quoteAssetAddress = '0xb45df06e38540a675fdb5b598abf2c0dbe9d6b81';
+ expected.quoteVolume = new BigNumber(5);
+ const actual = parseIdexOrder(idexOrderParam, observedTimestamp, orderType, source, idexOrder);
+ expect(actual).deep.equal(expected);
+ });
+ it('correctly converts ask type idexOrder to TokenOrder entity', () => {
+ const idexOrder: [string, BigNumber] = ['0.5', new BigNumber(10)];
+ const idexOrderParam: IdexOrderParam = {
+ tokenBuy: '0xb45df06e38540a675fdb5b598abf2c0dbe9d6b81',
+ buySymbol: 'DEF',
+ buyPrecision: 2,
+ amountBuy: '5',
+ tokenSell: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
+ sellSymbol: 'ABC',
+ sellPrecision: 2,
+ amountSell: '10',
+ expires: Date.now() + 100000,
+ nonce: 1,
+ user: '0x212345667543456435324564345643453453333',
+ };
+ const observedTimestamp: number = Date.now();
+ const orderType: OrderType = OrderType.Ask;
+ const source: string = 'idex';
+ const expected = new TokenOrder();
+ expected.source = 'idex';
+ expected.observedTimestamp = observedTimestamp;
+ expected.orderType = OrderType.Ask;
+ expected.price = new BigNumber(0.5);
+ expected.baseAssetSymbol = 'ABC';
+ expected.baseAssetAddress = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
+ expected.baseVolume = new BigNumber(10);
+ expected.quoteAssetSymbol = 'DEF';
+ expected.quoteAssetAddress = '0xb45df06e38540a675fdb5b598abf2c0dbe9d6b81';
+ expected.quoteVolume = new BigNumber(5);
+ const actual = parseIdexOrder(idexOrderParam, observedTimestamp, orderType, source, idexOrder);
+ expect(actual).deep.equal(expected);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/oasis_orders/index_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/oasis_orders/index_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..401fedff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/oasis_orders/index_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import 'mocha';
+import { OasisMarket } from '../../../src/data_sources/oasis';
+import { TokenOrderbookSnapshot as TokenOrder } from '../../../src/entities';
+import { parseOasisOrder } from '../../../src/parsers/oasis_orders';
+import { OrderType } from '../../../src/types';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../../utils/chai_setup';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('oasis_orders', () => {
+ describe('parseOasisOrder', () => {
+ it('converts oasisOrder to TokenOrder entity', () => {
+ const oasisOrder: [string, BigNumber] = ['0.5', new BigNumber(10)];
+ const oasisMarket: OasisMarket = {
+ id: 'ABCDEF',
+ base: 'DEF',
+ quote: 'ABC',
+ buyVol: 100,
+ sellVol: 200,
+ price: 1,
+ high: 1,
+ low: 0,
+ };
+ const observedTimestamp: number = Date.now();
+ const orderType: OrderType = OrderType.Bid;
+ const source: string = 'oasis';
+ const expected = new TokenOrder();
+ expected.source = 'oasis';
+ expected.observedTimestamp = observedTimestamp;
+ expected.orderType = OrderType.Bid;
+ expected.price = new BigNumber(0.5);
+ expected.baseAssetSymbol = 'DEF';
+ expected.baseAssetAddress = null;
+ expected.baseVolume = new BigNumber(10);
+ expected.quoteAssetSymbol = 'ABC';
+ expected.quoteAssetAddress = null;
+ expected.quoteVolume = new BigNumber(5);
+ const actual = parseOasisOrder(oasisMarket, observedTimestamp, orderType, source, oasisOrder);
+ expect(actual).deep.equal(expected);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/ohlcv_external/crypto_compare_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/ohlcv_external/crypto_compare_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..118cafc5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/ohlcv_external/crypto_compare_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import 'mocha';
+import * as R from 'ramda';
+import { CryptoCompareOHLCVRecord } from '../../../src/data_sources/ohlcv_external/crypto_compare';
+import { OHLCVExternal } from '../../../src/entities';
+import { OHLCVMetadata, parseRecords } from '../../../src/parsers/ohlcv_external/crypto_compare';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../../utils/chai_setup';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('ohlcv_external parser (Crypto Compare)', () => {
+ describe('parseRecords', () => {
+ const record: CryptoCompareOHLCVRecord = {
+ time: 200,
+ close: 100,
+ high: 101,
+ low: 99,
+ open: 98,
+ volumefrom: 1234,
+ volumeto: 4321,
+ };
+ const metadata: OHLCVMetadata = {
+ fromSymbol: 'ETH',
+ toSymbol: 'ZRX',
+ exchange: 'CCCAGG',
+ source: 'CryptoCompare',
+ observedTimestamp: new Date().getTime(),
+ interval: 100000,
+ };
+ const entity = new OHLCVExternal();
+ entity.exchange = metadata.exchange;
+ entity.fromSymbol = metadata.fromSymbol;
+ entity.toSymbol = metadata.toSymbol;
+ entity.startTime = 100000;
+ entity.endTime = 200000;
+ entity.open = record.open;
+ entity.close = record.close;
+ entity.low = record.low;
+ entity.high = record.high;
+ entity.volumeFrom = record.volumefrom;
+ entity.volumeTo = record.volumeto;
+ entity.source = metadata.source;
+ entity.observedTimestamp = metadata.observedTimestamp;
+ it('converts Crypto Compare OHLCV records to OHLCVExternal entity', () => {
+ const input = [record, R.merge(record, { time: 300 }), R.merge(record, { time: 400 })];
+ const expected = [
+ entity,
+ R.merge(entity, { startTime: 200000, endTime: 300000 }),
+ R.merge(entity, { startTime: 300000, endTime: 400000 }),
+ ];
+ const actual = parseRecords(input, metadata);
+ expect(actual).deep.equal(expected);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/paradex_orders/index_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/paradex_orders/index_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5dd8751b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/paradex_orders/index_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import 'mocha';
+import { ParadexMarket, ParadexOrder } from '../../../src/data_sources/paradex';
+import { TokenOrderbookSnapshot as TokenOrder } from '../../../src/entities';
+import { parseParadexOrder } from '../../../src/parsers/paradex_orders';
+import { OrderType } from '../../../src/types';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../../utils/chai_setup';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('paradex_orders', () => {
+ describe('parseParadexOrder', () => {
+ it('converts ParadexOrder to TokenOrder entity', () => {
+ const paradexOrder: ParadexOrder = {
+ amount: '412',
+ price: '0.1245',
+ };
+ const paradexMarket: ParadexMarket = {
+ id: '2',
+ symbol: 'ABC/DEF',
+ baseToken: 'DEF',
+ quoteToken: 'ABC',
+ minOrderSize: '0.1',
+ maxOrderSize: '1000',
+ priceMaxDecimals: 5,
+ amountMaxDecimals: 5,
+ baseTokenAddress: '0xb45df06e38540a675fdb5b598abf2c0dbe9d6b81',
+ quoteTokenAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
+ };
+ const observedTimestamp: number = Date.now();
+ const orderType: OrderType = OrderType.Bid;
+ const source: string = 'paradex';
+ const expected = new TokenOrder();
+ expected.source = 'paradex';
+ expected.observedTimestamp = observedTimestamp;
+ expected.orderType = OrderType.Bid;
+ expected.price = new BigNumber(0.1245);
+ expected.baseAssetSymbol = 'DEF';
+ expected.baseAssetAddress = '0xb45df06e38540a675fdb5b598abf2c0dbe9d6b81';
+ expected.baseVolume = new BigNumber(412);
+ expected.quoteAssetSymbol = 'ABC';
+ expected.quoteAssetAddress = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
+ expected.quoteVolume = new BigNumber(412 * 0.1245);
+ const actual = parseParadexOrder(paradexMarket, observedTimestamp, orderType, source, paradexOrder);
+ expect(actual).deep.equal(expected);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/sra_orders/index_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/sra_orders/index_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..838171a72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/sra_orders/index_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+import { APIOrder } from '@0x/types';
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import 'mocha';
+import { SraOrder } from '../../../src/entities';
+import { _convertToEntity } from '../../../src/parsers/sra_orders';
+import { AssetType } from '../../../src/types';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../../utils/chai_setup';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('sra_orders', () => {
+ describe('_convertToEntity', () => {
+ it('converts ApiOrder to SraOrder entity', () => {
+ const input: APIOrder = {
+ order: {
+ makerAddress: '0xb45df06e38540a675fdb5b598abf2c0dbe9d6b81',
+ takerAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
+ feeRecipientAddress: '0xa258b39954cef5cb142fd567a46cddb31a670124',
+ senderAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
+ makerAssetAmount: new BigNumber('1619310371000000000'),
+ takerAssetAmount: new BigNumber('8178335207070707070707'),
+ makerFee: new BigNumber('0'),
+ takerFee: new BigNumber('0'),
+ exchangeAddress: '0x4f833a24e1f95d70f028921e27040ca56e09ab0b',
+ expirationTimeSeconds: new BigNumber('1538529488'),
+ signature:
+ '0x1b5a5d672b0d647b5797387ccbb89d822d5d2e873346b014f4ff816ff0783f2a7a0d2824d2d7042ec8ea375bc7f870963e1cb8248f1db03ddf125e27b5963aa11f03',
+ salt: new BigNumber('1537924688891'),
+ makerAssetData: '0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000c02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2',
+ takerAssetData: '0xf47261b000000000000000000000000042d6622dece394b54999fbd73d108123806f6a18',
+ },
+ metaData: { isThisArbitraryData: true, powerLevel: 9001 },
+ };
+ const expected = new SraOrder();
+ expected.exchangeAddress = '0x4f833a24e1f95d70f028921e27040ca56e09ab0b';
+ expected.orderHashHex = '0x1bdbeb0d088a33da28b9ee6d94e8771452f90f4a69107da2fa75195d61b9a1c9';
+ expected.makerAddress = '0xb45df06e38540a675fdb5b598abf2c0dbe9d6b81';
+ expected.takerAddress = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
+ expected.feeRecipientAddress = '0xa258b39954cef5cb142fd567a46cddb31a670124';
+ expected.senderAddress = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
+ expected.makerAssetAmount = new BigNumber('1619310371000000000');
+ expected.takerAssetAmount = new BigNumber('8178335207070707070707');
+ expected.makerFee = new BigNumber('0');
+ expected.takerFee = new BigNumber('0');
+ expected.expirationTimeSeconds = new BigNumber('1538529488');
+ expected.salt = new BigNumber('1537924688891');
+ expected.signature =
+ '0x1b5a5d672b0d647b5797387ccbb89d822d5d2e873346b014f4ff816ff0783f2a7a0d2824d2d7042ec8ea375bc7f870963e1cb8248f1db03ddf125e27b5963aa11f03';
+ expected.rawMakerAssetData = '0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000c02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2';
+ expected.makerAssetType = AssetType.ERC20;
+ expected.makerAssetProxyId = '0xf47261b0';
+ expected.makerTokenAddress = '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2';
+ expected.makerTokenId = null;
+ expected.rawTakerAssetData = '0xf47261b000000000000000000000000042d6622dece394b54999fbd73d108123806f6a18';
+ expected.takerAssetType = AssetType.ERC20;
+ expected.takerAssetProxyId = '0xf47261b0';
+ expected.takerTokenAddress = '0x42d6622dece394b54999fbd73d108123806f6a18';
+ expected.takerTokenId = null;
+ expected.metadataJson = '{"isThisArbitraryData":true,"powerLevel":9001}';
+ const actual = _convertToEntity(input);
+ expect(actual).deep.equal(expected);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/utils/index_test.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/utils/index_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a0d0f182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/parsers/utils/index_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import 'mocha';
+import { aggregateOrders, GenericRawOrder } from '../../../src/parsers/utils';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../../utils/chai_setup';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+// tslint:disable:custom-no-magic-numbers
+describe('aggregateOrders', () => {
+ it('aggregates order by price point', () => {
+ const input = [
+ { price: '1', amount: '20', orderHash: 'testtest', total: '20' },
+ { price: '1', amount: '30', orderHash: 'testone', total: '30' },
+ { price: '2', amount: '100', orderHash: 'testtwo', total: '200' },
+ ];
+ const expected = [['1', new BigNumber(50)], ['2', new BigNumber(100)]];
+ const actual = aggregateOrders(input);
+ expect(actual).deep.equal(expected);
+ });
+ it('handles empty orders gracefully', () => {
+ const input: GenericRawOrder[] = [];
+ const expected: Array<[string, BigNumber]> = [];
+ const actual = aggregateOrders(input);
+ expect(actual).deep.equal(expected);
+ });
diff --git a/packages/pipeline/test/utils/chai_setup.ts b/packages/pipeline/test/utils/chai_setup.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a8733093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pipeline/test/utils/chai_setup.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');
+import ChaiBigNumber = require('chai-bignumber');
+import * as dirtyChai from 'dirty-chai';
+export const chaiSetup = {
+ configure(): void {
+ chai.config.includeStack = true;
+ chai.use(ChaiBigNumber());
+ chai.use(dirtyChai);
+ chai.use(chaiAsPromised);
+ },