path: root/packages/order-watcher/src/order_watcher/order_watcher.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/order-watcher/src/order_watcher/order_watcher.ts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 490 deletions
diff --git a/packages/order-watcher/src/order_watcher/order_watcher.ts b/packages/order-watcher/src/order_watcher/order_watcher.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index a06fd0cfe..000000000
--- a/packages/order-watcher/src/order_watcher/order_watcher.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,490 +0,0 @@
-// tslint:disable:no-unnecessary-type-assertion
-import { ContractAddresses } from '@0x/contract-addresses';
-import * as artifacts from '@0x/contract-artifacts';
-import {
- AssetBalanceAndProxyAllowanceFetcher,
- ContractWrappers,
- ERC20TokenApprovalEventArgs,
- ERC20TokenEventArgs,
- ERC20TokenEvents,
- ERC20TokenTransferEventArgs,
- ERC721TokenApprovalEventArgs,
- ERC721TokenApprovalForAllEventArgs,
- ERC721TokenEventArgs,
- ERC721TokenEvents,
- ERC721TokenTransferEventArgs,
- ExchangeCancelEventArgs,
- ExchangeCancelUpToEventArgs,
- ExchangeEventArgs,
- ExchangeEvents,
- ExchangeFillEventArgs,
- OrderFilledCancelledFetcher,
- WETH9DepositEventArgs,
- WETH9EventArgs,
- WETH9Events,
- WETH9WithdrawalEventArgs,
-} from '@0x/contract-wrappers';
-import { schemas } from '@0x/json-schemas';
-import {
- assetDataUtils,
- BalanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore,
- OrderFilledCancelledLazyStore,
- orderHashUtils,
- OrderStateUtils,
-} from '@0x/order-utils';
-import { AssetProxyId, ExchangeContractErrs, OrderState, SignedOrder, Stats } from '@0x/types';
-import { errorUtils, intervalUtils } from '@0x/utils';
-import { BlockParamLiteral, LogEntryEvent, LogWithDecodedArgs, Provider } from 'ethereum-types';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import { orderWatcherPartialConfigSchema } from '../schemas/order_watcher_partial_config_schema';
-import { OnOrderStateChangeCallback, OrderWatcherConfig, OrderWatcherError } from '../types';
-import { assert } from '../utils/assert';
-import { CollisionResistanceAbiDecoder } from './collision_resistant_abi_decoder';
-import { DependentOrderHashesTracker } from './dependent_order_hashes_tracker';
-import { EventWatcher } from './event_watcher';
-import { ExpirationWatcher } from './expiration_watcher';
-type ContractEventArgs = WETH9EventArgs | ExchangeEventArgs | ERC20TokenEventArgs | ERC721TokenEventArgs;
-interface OrderByOrderHash {
- [orderHash: string]: SignedOrder;
-interface OrderStateByOrderHash {
- [orderHash: string]: OrderState;
-const DEFAULT_ORDER_WATCHER_CONFIG: OrderWatcherConfig = {
- orderExpirationCheckingIntervalMs: 50,
- eventPollingIntervalMs: 200,
- expirationMarginMs: 0,
- // tslint:disable-next-line:custom-no-magic-numbers
- cleanupJobIntervalMs: 1000 * 60 * 60, // 1h
- isVerbose: true,
-const STATE_LAYER = BlockParamLiteral.Latest;
- * This class includes all the functionality related to watching a set of orders
- * for potential changes in order validity/fillability. The orderWatcher notifies
- * the subscriber of these changes so that a final decision can be made on whether
- * the order should be deemed invalid.
- */
-export class OrderWatcher {
- private readonly _dependentOrderHashesTracker: DependentOrderHashesTracker;
- private readonly _orderStateByOrderHashCache: OrderStateByOrderHash = {};
- private readonly _orderByOrderHash: OrderByOrderHash = {};
- private readonly _eventWatcher: EventWatcher;
- private readonly _provider: Provider;
- private readonly _collisionResistantAbiDecoder: CollisionResistanceAbiDecoder;
- private readonly _expirationWatcher: ExpirationWatcher;
- private readonly _orderStateUtils: OrderStateUtils;
- private readonly _orderFilledCancelledLazyStore: OrderFilledCancelledLazyStore;
- private readonly _balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore: BalanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore;
- private readonly _cleanupJobInterval: number;
- private _cleanupJobIntervalIdIfExists?: NodeJS.Timer;
- private _callbackIfExists?: OnOrderStateChangeCallback;
- /**
- * Instantiate a new OrderWatcher
- * @param provider Web3 provider to use for JSON RPC calls
- * @param networkId NetworkId to watch orders on
- * @param contractAddresses Optional contract addresses. Defaults to known
- * addresses based on networkId.
- * @param partialConfig Optional configurations
- */
- constructor(
- provider: Provider,
- networkId: number,
- contractAddresses?: ContractAddresses,
- partialConfig: Partial<OrderWatcherConfig> = DEFAULT_ORDER_WATCHER_CONFIG,
- ) {
- assert.isWeb3Provider('provider', provider);
- assert.isNumber('networkId', networkId);
- assert.doesConformToSchema('partialConfig', partialConfig, orderWatcherPartialConfigSchema);
- const config = {
- ...partialConfig,
- };
- this._provider = provider;
- this._collisionResistantAbiDecoder = new CollisionResistanceAbiDecoder(
- artifacts.ERC20Token.compilerOutput.abi,
- artifacts.ERC721Token.compilerOutput.abi,
- [artifacts.WETH9.compilerOutput.abi, artifacts.Exchange.compilerOutput.abi],
- );
- const contractWrappers = new ContractWrappers(provider, {
- networkId,
- // Note(albrow): We let the contract-wrappers package handle
- // default values for contractAddresses.
- contractAddresses,
- });
- this._eventWatcher = new EventWatcher(provider, config.eventPollingIntervalMs, STATE_LAYER, config.isVerbose);
- const balanceAndProxyAllowanceFetcher = new AssetBalanceAndProxyAllowanceFetcher(
- contractWrappers.erc20Token,
- contractWrappers.erc721Token,
- );
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore = new BalanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore(
- balanceAndProxyAllowanceFetcher,
- );
- const orderFilledCancelledFetcher = new OrderFilledCancelledFetcher(contractWrappers.exchange, STATE_LAYER);
- this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore = new OrderFilledCancelledLazyStore(orderFilledCancelledFetcher);
- this._orderStateUtils = new OrderStateUtils(balanceAndProxyAllowanceFetcher, orderFilledCancelledFetcher);
- const expirationMarginIfExistsMs = _.isUndefined(config) ? undefined : config.expirationMarginMs;
- this._expirationWatcher = new ExpirationWatcher(
- expirationMarginIfExistsMs,
- config.orderExpirationCheckingIntervalMs,
- );
- this._cleanupJobInterval = config.cleanupJobIntervalMs;
- const zrxTokenAddress = assetDataUtils.decodeERC20AssetData(orderFilledCancelledFetcher.getZRXAssetData())
- .tokenAddress;
- this._dependentOrderHashesTracker = new DependentOrderHashesTracker(zrxTokenAddress);
- }
- /**
- * Add an order to the orderWatcher. Before the order is added, it's
- * signature is verified.
- * @param signedOrder The order you wish to start watching.
- */
- public async addOrderAsync(signedOrder: SignedOrder): Promise<void> {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('signedOrder', signedOrder, schemas.signedOrderSchema);
- const orderHash = orderHashUtils.getOrderHashHex(signedOrder);
- await assert.isValidSignatureAsync(this._provider, orderHash, signedOrder.signature, signedOrder.makerAddress);
- const expirationUnixTimestampMs = signedOrder.expirationTimeSeconds.times(MILLISECONDS_IN_A_SECOND);
- this._expirationWatcher.addOrder(orderHash, expirationUnixTimestampMs);
- this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash] = signedOrder;
- this._dependentOrderHashesTracker.addToDependentOrderHashes(signedOrder);
- const orderAssetDatas = [signedOrder.makerAssetData, signedOrder.takerAssetData];
- _.each(orderAssetDatas, assetData => this._addAssetDataToAbiDecoder(assetData));
- }
- /**
- * Removes an order from the orderWatcher
- * @param orderHash The orderHash of the order you wish to stop watching.
- */
- public removeOrder(orderHash: string): void {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('orderHash', orderHash, schemas.orderHashSchema);
- const signedOrder = this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash];
- if (_.isUndefined(signedOrder)) {
- return; // noop
- }
- this._dependentOrderHashesTracker.removeFromDependentOrderHashes(signedOrder);
- delete this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash];
- this._expirationWatcher.removeOrder(orderHash);
- delete this._orderStateByOrderHashCache[orderHash];
- }
- /**
- * Starts an orderWatcher subscription. The callback will be called every time a watched order's
- * backing blockchain state has changed. This is a call-to-action for the caller to re-validate the order.
- * @param callback Receives the orderHash of the order that should be re-validated, together
- * with all the order-relevant blockchain state needed to re-validate the order.
- */
- public subscribe(callback: OnOrderStateChangeCallback): void {
- assert.isFunction('callback', callback);
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._callbackIfExists)) {
- throw new Error(OrderWatcherError.SubscriptionAlreadyPresent);
- }
- this._callbackIfExists = callback;
- this._eventWatcher.subscribe(this._onEventWatcherCallbackAsync.bind(this));
- this._expirationWatcher.subscribe(this._onOrderExpired.bind(this));
- this._cleanupJobIntervalIdIfExists = intervalUtils.setAsyncExcludingInterval(
- this._cleanupAsync.bind(this),
- this._cleanupJobInterval,
- (err: Error) => {
- this.unsubscribe();
- callback(err);
- },
- );
- }
- /**
- * Ends an orderWatcher subscription.
- */
- public unsubscribe(): void {
- if (_.isUndefined(this._callbackIfExists) || _.isUndefined(this._cleanupJobIntervalIdIfExists)) {
- throw new Error(OrderWatcherError.SubscriptionNotFound);
- }
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteAll();
- this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.deleteAll();
- delete this._callbackIfExists;
- this._eventWatcher.unsubscribe();
- this._expirationWatcher.unsubscribe();
- intervalUtils.clearAsyncExcludingInterval(this._cleanupJobIntervalIdIfExists);
- }
- /**
- * Gets statistics of the OrderWatcher Instance.
- */
- public getStats(): Stats {
- return {
- orderCount: _.size(this._orderByOrderHash),
- };
- }
- private async _cleanupAsync(): Promise<void> {
- for (const orderHash of _.keys(this._orderByOrderHash)) {
- this._cleanupOrderRelatedState(orderHash);
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync([orderHash]);
- }
- }
- private _addAssetDataToAbiDecoder(assetData: string): void {
- const decodedAssetData = assetDataUtils.decodeAssetDataOrThrow(assetData);
- if (assetDataUtils.isERC20AssetData(decodedAssetData)) {
- this._collisionResistantAbiDecoder.addERC20Token(decodedAssetData.tokenAddress);
- } else if (assetDataUtils.isERC721AssetData(decodedAssetData)) {
- this._collisionResistantAbiDecoder.addERC721Token(decodedAssetData.tokenAddress);
- } else if (assetDataUtils.isMultiAssetData(decodedAssetData)) {
- _.each(decodedAssetData.nestedAssetData, nestedAssetDataElement =>
- this._addAssetDataToAbiDecoder(nestedAssetDataElement),
- );
- }
- }
- private _deleteLazyStoreBalance(assetData: string, userAddress: string): void {
- const assetProxyId = assetDataUtils.decodeAssetProxyId(assetData);
- switch (assetProxyId) {
- case AssetProxyId.ERC20:
- case AssetProxyId.ERC721:
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteBalance(assetData, userAddress);
- break;
- case AssetProxyId.MultiAsset:
- const decodedAssetData = assetDataUtils.decodeMultiAssetData(assetData);
- _.each(decodedAssetData.nestedAssetData, nestedAssetDataElement =>
- this._deleteLazyStoreBalance(nestedAssetDataElement, userAddress),
- );
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- private _deleteLazyStoreProxyAllowance(assetData: string, userAddress: string): void {
- const assetProxyId = assetDataUtils.decodeAssetProxyId(assetData);
- switch (assetProxyId) {
- case AssetProxyId.ERC20:
- case AssetProxyId.ERC721:
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteProxyAllowance(assetData, userAddress);
- break;
- case AssetProxyId.MultiAsset:
- const decodedAssetData = assetDataUtils.decodeMultiAssetData(assetData);
- _.each(decodedAssetData.nestedAssetData, nestedAssetDataElement =>
- this._deleteLazyStoreProxyAllowance(nestedAssetDataElement, userAddress),
- );
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- private _cleanupOrderRelatedState(orderHash: string): void {
- const signedOrder = this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash];
- this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.deleteFilledTakerAmount(orderHash);
- this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.deleteIsCancelled(orderHash);
- this._deleteLazyStoreBalance(signedOrder.makerAssetData, signedOrder.makerAddress);
- this._deleteLazyStoreProxyAllowance(signedOrder.makerAssetData, signedOrder.makerAddress);
- this._deleteLazyStoreBalance(signedOrder.takerAssetData, signedOrder.takerAddress);
- this._deleteLazyStoreProxyAllowance(signedOrder.takerAssetData, signedOrder.takerAddress);
- const zrxAssetData = this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.getZRXAssetData();
- if (!signedOrder.makerFee.isZero()) {
- this._deleteLazyStoreBalance(zrxAssetData, signedOrder.makerAddress);
- this._deleteLazyStoreProxyAllowance(zrxAssetData, signedOrder.makerAddress);
- }
- if (!signedOrder.takerFee.isZero()) {
- this._deleteLazyStoreBalance(zrxAssetData, signedOrder.takerAddress);
- this._deleteLazyStoreProxyAllowance(zrxAssetData, signedOrder.takerAddress);
- }
- }
- private _onOrderExpired(orderHash: string): void {
- const orderState: OrderState = {
- isValid: false,
- orderHash,
- error: ExchangeContractErrs.OrderFillExpired,
- };
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash])) {
- this.removeOrder(orderHash);
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._callbackIfExists)) {
- this._callbackIfExists(null, orderState);
- }
- }
- }
- private async _onEventWatcherCallbackAsync(err: Error | null, logIfExists?: LogEntryEvent): Promise<void> {
- if (!_.isNull(err)) {
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._callbackIfExists)) {
- this._callbackIfExists(err);
- }
- return;
- }
- const maybeDecodedLog = this._collisionResistantAbiDecoder.tryToDecodeLogOrNoop<ContractEventArgs>(
- // At this moment we are sure that no error occured and log is defined.
- logIfExists as LogEntryEvent,
- );
- const isLogDecoded = !_.isUndefined(((maybeDecodedLog as any) as LogWithDecodedArgs<ContractEventArgs>).event);
- if (!isLogDecoded) {
- return; // noop
- }
- const decodedLog = (maybeDecodedLog as any) as LogWithDecodedArgs<ContractEventArgs>;
- const transactionHash = decodedLog.transactionHash;
- switch (decodedLog.event) {
- case ERC20TokenEvents.Approval:
- case ERC721TokenEvents.Approval: {
- // ERC20 and ERC721 Transfer events have the same name so we need to distinguish them by args
- if (!_.isUndefined(decodedLog.args._value)) {
- // ERC20
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as ERC20TokenApprovalEventArgs;
- const tokenAssetData = assetDataUtils.encodeERC20AssetData(decodedLog.address);
- this._deleteLazyStoreProxyAllowance(tokenAssetData, args._owner);
- // Revalidate orders
- const orderHashes = this._dependentOrderHashesTracker.getDependentOrderHashesByAssetDataByMaker(
- args._owner,
- tokenAssetData,
- );
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes, transactionHash);
- break;
- } else {
- // ERC721
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as ERC721TokenApprovalEventArgs;
- const tokenAssetData = assetDataUtils.encodeERC721AssetData(decodedLog.address, args._tokenId);
- this._deleteLazyStoreProxyAllowance(tokenAssetData, args._owner);
- // Revalidate orders
- const orderHashes = this._dependentOrderHashesTracker.getDependentOrderHashesByAssetDataByMaker(
- args._owner,
- tokenAssetData,
- );
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes, transactionHash);
- break;
- }
- }
- case ERC20TokenEvents.Transfer:
- case ERC721TokenEvents.Transfer: {
- // ERC20 and ERC721 Transfer events have the same name so we need to distinguish them by args
- if (!_.isUndefined(decodedLog.args._value)) {
- // ERC20
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as ERC20TokenTransferEventArgs;
- const tokenAssetData = assetDataUtils.encodeERC20AssetData(decodedLog.address);
- this._deleteLazyStoreBalance(tokenAssetData, args._from);
- this._deleteLazyStoreBalance(tokenAssetData, args._to);
- // Revalidate orders
- const orderHashes = this._dependentOrderHashesTracker.getDependentOrderHashesByAssetDataByMaker(
- args._from,
- tokenAssetData,
- );
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes, transactionHash);
- break;
- } else {
- // ERC721
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as ERC721TokenTransferEventArgs;
- const tokenAssetData = assetDataUtils.encodeERC721AssetData(decodedLog.address, args._tokenId);
- this._deleteLazyStoreBalance(tokenAssetData, args._from);
- this._deleteLazyStoreBalance(tokenAssetData, args._to);
- // Revalidate orders
- const orderHashes = this._dependentOrderHashesTracker.getDependentOrderHashesByAssetDataByMaker(
- args._from,
- tokenAssetData,
- );
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes, transactionHash);
- break;
- }
- }
- case ERC721TokenEvents.ApprovalForAll: {
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as ERC721TokenApprovalForAllEventArgs;
- const tokenAddress = decodedLog.address;
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteAllERC721ProxyAllowance(tokenAddress, args._owner);
- // Revalidate orders
- const orderHashes = this._dependentOrderHashesTracker.getDependentOrderHashesByERC721ByMaker(
- args._owner,
- tokenAddress,
- );
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes, transactionHash);
- break;
- }
- case WETH9Events.Deposit: {
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as WETH9DepositEventArgs;
- const tokenAssetData = assetDataUtils.encodeERC20AssetData(decodedLog.address);
- this._deleteLazyStoreBalance(tokenAssetData, args._owner);
- // Revalidate orders
- const orderHashes = this._dependentOrderHashesTracker.getDependentOrderHashesByAssetDataByMaker(
- args._owner,
- tokenAssetData,
- );
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes, transactionHash);
- break;
- }
- case WETH9Events.Withdrawal: {
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as WETH9WithdrawalEventArgs;
- const tokenAssetData = assetDataUtils.encodeERC20AssetData(decodedLog.address);
- this._deleteLazyStoreBalance(tokenAssetData, args._owner);
- // Revalidate orders
- const orderHashes = this._dependentOrderHashesTracker.getDependentOrderHashesByAssetDataByMaker(
- args._owner,
- tokenAssetData,
- );
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes, transactionHash);
- break;
- }
- case ExchangeEvents.Fill: {
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as ExchangeFillEventArgs;
- this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.deleteFilledTakerAmount(args.orderHash);
- // Revalidate orders
- const orderHash = args.orderHash;
- const isOrderWatched = !_.isUndefined(this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash]);
- if (isOrderWatched) {
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync([orderHash], transactionHash);
- }
- break;
- }
- case ExchangeEvents.Cancel: {
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as ExchangeCancelEventArgs;
- this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.deleteIsCancelled(args.orderHash);
- // Revalidate orders
- const orderHash = args.orderHash;
- const isOrderWatched = !_.isUndefined(this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash]);
- if (isOrderWatched) {
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync([orderHash], transactionHash);
- }
- break;
- }
- case ExchangeEvents.CancelUpTo: {
- // TODO(logvinov): Do it smarter and actually look at the salt and order epoch
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as ExchangeCancelUpToEventArgs;
- this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.deleteAllIsCancelled();
- // Revalidate orders
- const orderHashes = this._dependentOrderHashesTracker.getDependentOrderHashesByMaker(args.makerAddress);
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes, transactionHash);
- break;
- }
- default:
- throw errorUtils.spawnSwitchErr('decodedLog.event', decodedLog.event);
- }
- }
- private async _emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes: string[], transactionHash?: string): Promise<void> {
- for (const orderHash of orderHashes) {
- const signedOrder = this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash];
- // Most of these calls will never reach the network because the data is fetched from stores
- // and only updated when cache is invalidated
- const orderState = await this._orderStateUtils.getOpenOrderStateAsync(signedOrder, transactionHash);
- if (_.isUndefined(this._callbackIfExists)) {
- break; // Unsubscribe was called
- }
- if (_.isEqual(orderState, this._orderStateByOrderHashCache[orderHash])) {
- // Actual order state didn't change
- continue;
- } else {
- this._orderStateByOrderHashCache[orderHash] = orderState;
- }
- this._callbackIfExists(null, orderState);
- }
- }