path: root/packages/order-utils/test/abi_encoder_test.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/order-utils/test/abi_encoder_test.ts')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/order-utils/test/abi_encoder_test.ts b/packages/order-utils/test/abi_encoder_test.ts
index fa0fa23c1..0db5f4281 100644
--- a/packages/order-utils/test/abi_encoder_test.ts
+++ b/packages/order-utils/test/abi_encoder_test.ts
@@ -387,6 +387,80 @@ describe.only('ABI Encoder', () => {
+ it.skip('Nested Tuples', async () => {
+ // Couldn't get nested tuples to work with Remix
+ // This is dynamic because it has dynamic members
+ const method = new AbiEncoder.Method(AbiSamples.nestedTuples);
+ const firstTuple = {
+ someUint32: new BigNumber(30472),
+ nestedTuple: {
+ someUint: new BigNumber('48384725243211555532'),
+ someAddress: '0xe41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498'
+ }
+ };
+ const secondTuple = {
+ someUint: new BigNumber(2984237422),
+ someStr: 'This string will exceed 256 bits, so it will spill into the next word of memory.',
+ nestedTuple: {
+ someUint32: new BigNumber(23),
+ secondNestedTuple: {
+ someUint: new BigNumber(234324),
+ someStr: 'Im also a short string -- oops I just got loooooooooooooooooonger!',
+ someBytes: '0x23847287fff3472984723498ff23487324987aaa237438911873429472ba',
+ someAddress: '0xe41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498'
+ }
+ },
+ someBytes: '0x2834y3947289423u489aaaff4783924739847489',
+ someAddress: '0xe41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699afaf',
+ };
+ const thirdTuple = {
+ 'someUint': new BigNumber(37422),
+ 'someStr': 'This into the next word of memory. string will exceed 256 bits, so it will spill.',
+ 'nestedTuple': {
+ someUint32: new BigNumber(23999222),
+ 'secondNestedTuple': {
+ 'someUint': new BigNumber(324),
+ 'someStr': 'Im also a short st',
+ 'someBytes': '0x723498ff2348732498723847287fff3472984aaa237438911873429472ba',
+ 'someAddress': '0x46dafa5ebde1f4699f498e41d2489571d3221892'
+ }
+ },
+ 'someBytes': '0x947289423u489aaaff472834y383924739847489',
+ 'someAddress': '0x46dafa5ebde1f46e41d2489571d322189299afaf',
+ };
+ const fourthTuple = {
+ 'someUint': new BigNumber(222283488822),
+ 'someStr': 'exceed 256 bits, so it will spill into the. This string will next word of memory.',
+ 'nestedTuple': {
+ someUint32: new BigNumber(2300),
+ 'secondNestedTuple': {
+ 'someUint': new BigNumber(343224),
+ 'someStr': 'The alphabet backwards is arguably easier to say if thats the way you learned the first time.',
+ 'someBytes': '0x87324987aaa23743891187323847287fff3472984723498ff234429472ba',
+ 'someAddress': '0x71d322189246dafa5ebe41d24895de1f4699f498'
+ }
+ },
+ 'someBytes': '0x2783924739847488343947289423u489aaaff490',
+ 'someAddress': '0xebde1d322189246dafa1f4699afafe41d2489575',
+ };
+ const args = [
+ [firstTuple],
+ [secondTuple, thirdTuple, fourthTuple]
+ ];
+ console.log('*'.repeat(250), method, '*'.repeat(250));
+ const calldata = method.encode(args);
+ console.log(method.getSignature());
+ console.log(method.selector);
+ console.log(JSON.stringify(args));
+ console.log(calldata);
+ const expectedCalldata = '0x';
+ expect(calldata).to.be.equal(expectedCalldata);
+ });
it.skip('Object ABI (Object input - Missing Key)', async () => {
const method = new AbiEncoder.Method(AbiSamples.dynamicTupleAbi);
const calldata = method.encode([{ someUint: new BigNumber(5) }]);