path: root/packages/order-utils/test/abi_encoder/data_type.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/order-utils/test/abi_encoder/data_type.ts')
1 files changed, 322 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/order-utils/test/abi_encoder/data_type.ts b/packages/order-utils/test/abi_encoder/data_type.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c4537a69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/order-utils/test/abi_encoder/data_type.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+import { RawCalldata, Calldata, CalldataBlock, PayloadCalldataBlock, DependentCalldataBlock, MemberCalldataBlock } from "./calldata";
+import { MethodAbi, DataItem } from 'ethereum-types';
+import { DecodingRules, EncodingRules } from './calldata';
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util');
+var _ = require('lodash');
+export interface DataTypeFactory {
+ create: (dataItem: DataItem, parentDataType: DataType) => DataType;
+ mapDataItemToDataType: (dataItem: DataItem) => DataType;
+export abstract class DataType {
+ private static DEFAULT_ENCODING_RULES = { optimize: false, annotate: false } as EncodingRules;
+ private static DEFAULT_DECODING_RULES = { structsAsObjects: false } as DecodingRules;
+ private dataItem: DataItem;
+ private factory: DataTypeFactory;
+ constructor(dataItem: DataItem, factory: DataTypeFactory) {
+ this.dataItem = dataItem;
+ this.factory = factory;
+ }
+ public getDataItem(): DataItem {
+ return this.dataItem;
+ }
+ public getFactory(): DataTypeFactory {
+ return this.factory;
+ }
+ public encode(value: any, rules?: EncodingRules, selector?: string): string {
+ const rules_ = rules ? rules : DataType.DEFAULT_ENCODING_RULES;
+ const calldata = new Calldata(rules_);
+ if (selector) calldata.setSelector(selector);
+ const block = this.generateCalldataBlock(value);
+ calldata.setRoot(block as MemberCalldataBlock); // @TODO CHANGE
+ const calldataHex = calldata.toHexString();
+ return calldataHex;
+ }
+ public decode(calldata: string, rules?: DecodingRules): any {
+ const rawCalldata = new RawCalldata(calldata);
+ const rules_ = rules ? rules : DataType.DEFAULT_DECODING_RULES;
+ const value = this.generateValue(rawCalldata, rules_);
+ return value;
+ }
+ public abstract generateCalldataBlock(value: any, parentBlock?: CalldataBlock): CalldataBlock;
+ public abstract generateValue(calldata: RawCalldata, rules: DecodingRules): any;
+ public abstract getSignature(): string;
+ public abstract isStatic(): boolean;
+export abstract class PayloadDataType extends DataType {
+ protected hasConstantSize: boolean;
+ public constructor(dataItem: DataItem, factory: DataTypeFactory, hasConstantSize: boolean) {
+ super(dataItem, factory);
+ this.hasConstantSize = hasConstantSize;
+ }
+ public generateCalldataBlock(value: any, parentBlock?: CalldataBlock): PayloadCalldataBlock {
+ const encodedValue = this.encodeValue(value);
+ const name = this.getDataItem().name;
+ const signature = this.getSignature();
+ const parentName = parentBlock === undefined ? '' : parentBlock.getName();
+ const relocatable = false;
+ const block = new PayloadCalldataBlock(name, signature, parentName, /*offsetInBytes,*/ relocatable, encodedValue);
+ return block;
+ }
+ public generateValue(calldata: RawCalldata, rules: DecodingRules): any {
+ const value = this.decodeValue(calldata);
+ return value;
+ }
+ public isStatic(): boolean {
+ // If a payload has a constant size then it's static
+ return this.hasConstantSize;
+ }
+ public abstract encodeValue(value: any): Buffer;
+ public abstract decodeValue(calldata: RawCalldata): any;
+export abstract class DependentDataType extends DataType {
+ protected dependency: DataType;
+ protected parent: DataType;
+ public constructor(dataItem: DataItem, factory: DataTypeFactory, dependency: DataType, parent: DataType) {
+ super(dataItem, factory);
+ this.dependency = dependency;
+ this.parent = parent;
+ }
+ public generateCalldataBlock(value: any, parentBlock?: CalldataBlock): DependentCalldataBlock {
+ if (parentBlock === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(`DependentDataType requires a parent block to generate its block`);
+ }
+ const dependencyBlock = this.dependency.generateCalldataBlock(value, parentBlock);
+ const name = this.getDataItem().name;
+ const signature = this.getSignature();
+ const parentName = parentBlock === undefined ? '' : parentBlock.getName();
+ const relocatable = false;
+ const block = new DependentCalldataBlock(name, signature, parentName, relocatable, dependencyBlock, parentBlock);
+ return block;
+ }
+ public generateValue(calldata: RawCalldata, rules: DecodingRules): any {
+ const destinationOffsetBuf = calldata.popWord();
+ const currentOffset = calldata.getOffset();
+ const destinationOffsetRelative = parseInt(ethUtil.bufferToHex(destinationOffsetBuf), 16);
+ const destinationOffsetAbsolute = calldata.toAbsoluteOffset(destinationOffsetRelative);
+ calldata.setOffset(destinationOffsetAbsolute);
+ const value = this.dependency.generateValue(calldata, rules);
+ calldata.setOffset(currentOffset);
+ return value;
+ }
+ public isStatic(): boolean {
+ return true;
+ }
+export interface MemberMap {
+ [key: string]: number;
+export abstract class MemberDataType extends DataType {
+ private memberMap: MemberMap;
+ private members: DataType[];
+ private isArray: boolean;
+ protected arrayLength: number | undefined;
+ protected arrayElementType: string | undefined;
+ public constructor(dataItem: DataItem, factory: DataTypeFactory, isArray: boolean = false, arrayLength?: number, arrayElementType?: string) {
+ super(dataItem, factory);
+ this.memberMap = {};
+ this.members = [];
+ this.isArray = isArray;
+ this.arrayLength = arrayLength;
+ this.arrayElementType = arrayElementType;
+ if (isArray && arrayLength !== undefined) {
+ [this.members, this.memberMap] = this.createMembersWithLength(dataItem, arrayLength);
+ } else if (!isArray) {
+ [this.members, this.memberMap] = this.createMembersWithKeys(dataItem);
+ }
+ }
+ private createMembersWithKeys(dataItem: DataItem): [DataType[], MemberMap] {
+ // Sanity check
+ if (dataItem.components === undefined) {
+ throw new Error(`Expected components`);
+ }
+ let members: DataType[] = [];
+ let memberMap: MemberMap = {};
+ _.each(dataItem.components, (memberItem: DataItem) => {
+ const childDataItem = {
+ type: memberItem.type,
+ name: `${dataItem.name}.${memberItem.name}`,
+ } as DataItem;
+ const components = memberItem.components;
+ if (components !== undefined) {
+ childDataItem.components = components;
+ }
+ const child = this.getFactory().create(childDataItem, this);
+ memberMap[memberItem.name] = members.length;
+ members.push(child);
+ });
+ return [members, memberMap];
+ }
+ private createMembersWithLength(dataItem: DataItem, length: number): [DataType[], MemberMap] {
+ let members: DataType[] = [];
+ let memberMap: MemberMap = {};
+ const range = _.range(length);
+ _.each(range, (idx: number) => {
+ const childDataItem = {
+ type: this.arrayElementType,
+ name: `${dataItem.name}[${idx.toString(10)}]`,
+ } as DataItem;
+ const components = dataItem.components;
+ if (components !== undefined) {
+ childDataItem.components = components;
+ }
+ const child = this.getFactory().create(childDataItem, this);
+ memberMap[idx.toString(10)] = members.length;
+ members.push(child);
+ });
+ return [members, memberMap];
+ }
+ protected generateCalldataBlockFromArray(value: any[], parentBlock?: CalldataBlock): MemberCalldataBlock {
+ // Sanity check length
+ if (this.arrayLength !== undefined && value.length !== this.arrayLength) {
+ throw new Error(
+ `Expected array of ${JSON.stringify(
+ this.arrayLength,
+ )} elements, but got array of length ${JSON.stringify(value.length)}`,
+ );
+ }
+ const parentName = parentBlock === undefined ? '' : parentBlock.getName();
+ const methodBlock: MemberCalldataBlock = new MemberCalldataBlock(this.getDataItem().name, this.getSignature(), parentName, this.isStatic(), false);
+ let members = this.members;
+ if (this.isArray && this.arrayLength === undefined) {
+ [members,] = this.createMembersWithLength(this.getDataItem(), value.length);
+ const lenBuf = ethUtil.setLengthLeft(ethUtil.toBuffer(`0x${value.length.toString(16)}`), 32);
+ methodBlock.setHeader(lenBuf);
+ }
+ const memberBlocks: CalldataBlock[] = [];
+ _.each(members, (member: DataType, idx: number) => {
+ const block = member.generateCalldataBlock(value[idx], methodBlock);
+ memberBlocks.push(block);
+ });
+ methodBlock.setMembers(memberBlocks);
+ return methodBlock;
+ }
+ protected generateCalldataBlockFromObject(obj: object, parentBlock?: CalldataBlock): MemberCalldataBlock {
+ const parentName = parentBlock === undefined ? '' : parentBlock.getName();
+ const methodBlock: MemberCalldataBlock = new MemberCalldataBlock(this.getDataItem().name, this.getSignature(), parentName, this.isStatic(), false);
+ const memberBlocks: CalldataBlock[] = [];
+ let childMap = _.cloneDeep(this.memberMap);
+ _.forOwn(obj, (value: any, key: string) => {
+ if (key in childMap === false) {
+ throw new Error(`Could not assign tuple to object: unrecognized key '${key}' in object ${this.getDataItem().name}`);
+ }
+ const block = this.members[this.memberMap[key]].generateCalldataBlock(value, methodBlock);
+ memberBlocks.push(block);
+ delete childMap[key];
+ });
+ if (Object.keys(childMap).length !== 0) {
+ throw new Error(`Could not assign tuple to object: missing keys ${Object.keys(childMap)}`);
+ }
+ methodBlock.setMembers(memberBlocks);
+ return methodBlock;
+ }
+ public generateCalldataBlock(value: any[] | object, parentBlock?: CalldataBlock): MemberCalldataBlock {
+ const block = (value instanceof Array) ? this.generateCalldataBlockFromArray(value, parentBlock) : this.generateCalldataBlockFromObject(value, parentBlock);
+ return block;
+ }
+ public generateValue(calldata: RawCalldata, rules: DecodingRules): any[] | object {
+ let members = this.members;
+ if (this.isArray && this.arrayLength === undefined) {
+ const arrayLengthBuf = calldata.popWord();
+ const arrayLengthHex = ethUtil.bufferToHex(arrayLengthBuf);
+ const hexBase = 16;
+ const arrayLength = new BigNumber(arrayLengthHex, hexBase);
+ [members,] = this.createMembersWithLength(this.getDataItem(), arrayLength.toNumber());
+ }
+ calldata.startScope();
+ let value: any[] | object;
+ if (rules.structsAsObjects && !this.isArray) {
+ value = {};
+ _.each(this.memberMap, (idx: number, key: string) => {
+ const member = this.members[idx];
+ let memberValue = member.generateValue(calldata, rules);
+ (value as { [key: string]: any })[key] = memberValue;
+ });
+ } else {
+ value = [];
+ _.each(members, (member: DataType, idx: number) => {
+ let memberValue = member.generateValue(calldata, rules);
+ (value as any[]).push(memberValue);
+ });
+ }
+ calldata.endScope();
+ return value;
+ }
+ protected computeSignatureOfMembers(): string {
+ // Compute signature of members
+ let signature = `(`;
+ _.each(this.members, (member: DataType, i: number) => {
+ signature += member.getSignature();
+ if (i < this.members.length - 1) {
+ signature += ',';
+ }
+ });
+ signature += ')';
+ return signature;
+ }
+ public isStatic(): boolean {
+ /* For Tuple:
+ const isStaticTuple = this.children.length === 0;
+ return isStaticTuple; // @TODO: True in every case or only when dynamic data?
+ For Array:
+ if isLengthDefined = false then this is false
+ Otherwise if the first element is a Pointer then false
+ */
+ if (this.isArray && this.arrayLength === undefined) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Search for dependent members
+ const dependentMember = _.find(this.members, (member: DataType) => {
+ return (member instanceof DependentDataType);
+ });
+ const isStatic = (dependentMember === undefined); // static if we couldn't find a dependent member
+ return isStatic;
+ }