path: root/packages/instant/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/instant/test')
4 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/instant/test/components/zero_ex_instant.test.tsx b/packages/instant/test/components/zero_ex_instant.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e373bb002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/instant/test/components/zero_ex_instant.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import { configure, shallow } from 'enzyme';
+import * as Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';
+import * as React from 'react';
+configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });
+// TODO: Write non-trivial tests.
+// At time of writing we cannot render ZeroExInstant
+// because we are looking for a provider on window.
+// But in the future it will be dependency injected.
+describe('<Test />', () => {
+ it('runs a test', () => {
+ shallow(<div />);
+ });
diff --git a/packages/instant/test/util/asset.test.ts b/packages/instant/test/util/asset.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4229b24ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/instant/test/util/asset.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+import { AssetProxyId, ObjectMap } from '@0x/types';
+import { Asset, AssetMetaData, ERC20AssetMetaData, Network, ZeroExInstantError } from '../../src/types';
+import { assetUtils } from '../../src/util/asset';
+const ZRX_ASSET_DATA = '0xf47261b0000000000000000000000000e41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498';
+const ZRX_ASSET_DATA_KOVAN = '0xf47261b00000000000000000000000002002d3812f58e35f0ea1ffbf80a75a38c32175fa';
+const ZRX_META_DATA: ERC20AssetMetaData = {
+ assetProxyId: AssetProxyId.ERC20,
+ symbol: 'zrx',
+ decimals: 18,
+ name: '0x',
+const ZRX_ASSET: Asset = {
+ assetData: ZRX_ASSET_DATA,
+ metaData: ZRX_META_DATA,
+const META_DATA_MAP: ObjectMap<AssetMetaData> = {
+describe('assetDataUtil', () => {
+ describe('bestNameForAsset', () => {
+ it('should return default string if assetData is undefined', () => {
+ expect(assetUtils.bestNameForAsset(undefined, 'xyz')).toEqual('xyz');
+ });
+ it('should return ZRX for ZRX assetData', () => {
+ expect(assetUtils.bestNameForAsset(ZRX_ASSET, 'mah default')).toEqual('ZRX');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('getMetaDataOrThrow', () => {
+ it('should return the metaData for the supplied mainnet asset data', () => {
+ expect(assetUtils.getMetaDataOrThrow(ZRX_ASSET_DATA, META_DATA_MAP, Network.Mainnet)).toEqual(
+ );
+ });
+ it('should return the metaData for the supplied non-mainnet asset data', () => {
+ expect(assetUtils.getMetaDataOrThrow(ZRX_ASSET_DATA_KOVAN, META_DATA_MAP, Network.Kovan)).toEqual(
+ );
+ });
+ it('should throw if the metaData for the asset is not available', () => {
+ expect(() =>
+ assetUtils.getMetaDataOrThrow('asset data we dont have', META_DATA_MAP, Network.Mainnet),
+ ).toThrowError(ZeroExInstantError.AssetMetaDataNotAvailable);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/packages/instant/test/util/format.test.ts b/packages/instant/test/util/format.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c346b7604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/instant/test/util/format.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper';
+import { ETH_DECIMALS } from '../../src/constants';
+import { format } from '../../src/util/format';
+const BIG_NUMBER_ONE = new BigNumber(1);
+const BIG_NUMBER_DECIMAL = new BigNumber(0.432414);
+const BIG_NUMBER_IRRATIONAL = new BigNumber(5.3014059295032);
+const ONE_ETH_IN_BASE_UNITS = Web3Wrapper.toBaseUnitAmount(BIG_NUMBER_ONE, ETH_DECIMALS);
+const BIG_NUMBER_FAKE_ETH_USD_PRICE = new BigNumber(2.534);
+describe('format', () => {
+ describe('ethBaseAmount', () => {
+ it('converts 1 ETH in base units to the string `1 ETH`', () => {
+ expect(format.ethBaseAmount(ONE_ETH_IN_BASE_UNITS)).toBe('1 ETH');
+ });
+ it('converts .432414 ETH in base units to the string `.4324 ETH`', () => {
+ expect(format.ethBaseAmount(DECIMAL_ETH_IN_BASE_UNITS)).toBe('0.4324 ETH');
+ });
+ it('converts 5.3014059295032 ETH in base units to the string `5.301 ETH`', () => {
+ expect(format.ethBaseAmount(IRRATIONAL_ETH_IN_BASE_UNITS)).toBe('5.301 ETH');
+ });
+ it('returns defaultText param when ethBaseAmount is not defined', () => {
+ const defaultText = 'defaultText';
+ expect(format.ethBaseAmount(undefined, 4, defaultText)).toBe(defaultText);
+ });
+ it('it allows for configurable decimal places', () => {
+ expect(format.ethBaseAmount(DECIMAL_ETH_IN_BASE_UNITS, 2)).toBe('0.43 ETH');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('ethUnitAmount', () => {
+ it('converts BigNumber(1) to the string `1 ETH`', () => {
+ expect(format.ethUnitAmount(BIG_NUMBER_ONE)).toBe('1 ETH');
+ });
+ it('converts BigNumer(.432414) to the string `.4324 ETH`', () => {
+ expect(format.ethUnitAmount(BIG_NUMBER_DECIMAL)).toBe('0.4324 ETH');
+ });
+ it('converts BigNumber(5.3014059295032) to the string `5.301 ETH`', () => {
+ expect(format.ethUnitAmount(BIG_NUMBER_IRRATIONAL)).toBe('5.301 ETH');
+ });
+ it('returns defaultText param when ethUnitAmount is not defined', () => {
+ const defaultText = 'defaultText';
+ expect(format.ethUnitAmount(undefined, 4, defaultText)).toBe(defaultText);
+ expect(format.ethUnitAmount(BIG_NUMBER_ONE, 4, defaultText)).toBe('1 ETH');
+ });
+ it('it allows for configurable decimal places', () => {
+ expect(format.ethUnitAmount(BIG_NUMBER_DECIMAL, 2)).toBe('0.43 ETH');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('ethBaseAmountInUsd', () => {
+ it('correctly formats 1 ETH to usd according to some price', () => {
+ expect(format.ethBaseAmountInUsd(ONE_ETH_IN_BASE_UNITS, BIG_NUMBER_FAKE_ETH_USD_PRICE)).toBe('$2.53');
+ });
+ it('correctly formats .432414 ETH to usd according to some price', () => {
+ expect(format.ethBaseAmountInUsd(DECIMAL_ETH_IN_BASE_UNITS, BIG_NUMBER_FAKE_ETH_USD_PRICE)).toBe('$1.10');
+ });
+ it('correctly formats 5.3014059295032 ETH to usd according to some price', () => {
+ '$13.43',
+ );
+ });
+ it('returns defaultText param when ethBaseAmountInUsd or ethUsdPrice is not defined', () => {
+ const defaultText = 'defaultText';
+ expect(format.ethBaseAmountInUsd(undefined, undefined, 2, defaultText)).toBe(defaultText);
+ expect(format.ethBaseAmountInUsd(BIG_NUMBER_ONE, undefined, 2, defaultText)).toBe(defaultText);
+ expect(format.ethBaseAmountInUsd(undefined, BIG_NUMBER_ONE, 2, defaultText)).toBe(defaultText);
+ });
+ it('it allows for configurable decimal places', () => {
+ expect(format.ethBaseAmountInUsd(DECIMAL_ETH_IN_BASE_UNITS, BIG_NUMBER_FAKE_ETH_USD_PRICE, 4)).toBe(
+ '$1.0957',
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe('ethUnitAmountInUsd', () => {
+ it('correctly formats 1 ETH to usd according to some price', () => {
+ expect(format.ethUnitAmountInUsd(BIG_NUMBER_ONE, BIG_NUMBER_FAKE_ETH_USD_PRICE)).toBe('$2.53');
+ });
+ it('correctly formats .432414 ETH to usd according to some price', () => {
+ expect(format.ethUnitAmountInUsd(BIG_NUMBER_DECIMAL, BIG_NUMBER_FAKE_ETH_USD_PRICE)).toBe('$1.10');
+ });
+ it('correctly formats 5.3014059295032 ETH to usd according to some price', () => {
+ expect(format.ethUnitAmountInUsd(BIG_NUMBER_IRRATIONAL, BIG_NUMBER_FAKE_ETH_USD_PRICE)).toBe('$13.43');
+ });
+ it('returns defaultText param when ethUnitAmountInUsd or ethUsdPrice is not defined', () => {
+ const defaultText = 'defaultText';
+ expect(format.ethUnitAmountInUsd(undefined, undefined, 2, defaultText)).toBe(defaultText);
+ expect(format.ethUnitAmountInUsd(BIG_NUMBER_ONE, undefined, 2, defaultText)).toBe(defaultText);
+ expect(format.ethUnitAmountInUsd(undefined, BIG_NUMBER_ONE, 2, defaultText)).toBe(defaultText);
+ });
+ it('it allows for configurable decimal places', () => {
+ expect(format.ethUnitAmountInUsd(BIG_NUMBER_DECIMAL, BIG_NUMBER_FAKE_ETH_USD_PRICE, 4)).toBe('$1.0957');
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/packages/instant/test/util/time.test.ts b/packages/instant/test/util/time.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fcb4e1875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/instant/test/util/time.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+import { timeUtil } from '../../src/util/time';
+describe('timeUtil', () => {
+ describe('secondsToHumanDescription', () => {
+ const numsToResults: {
+ [aNumber: number]: string;
+ } = {
+ 1: '1 second',
+ 59: '59 seconds',
+ 60: '1 minute',
+ 119: '1 minute 59 seconds',
+ 120: '2 minutes',
+ 121: '2 minutes 1 second',
+ 122: '2 minutes 2 seconds',
+ };
+ const nums = Object.keys(numsToResults);
+ nums.forEach(aNum => {
+ const numInt = parseInt(aNum, 10);
+ it(`should work for ${aNum} seconds`, () => {
+ const expectedResult = numsToResults[numInt];
+ expect(timeUtil.secondsToHumanDescription(numInt)).toEqual(expectedResult);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe('secondsToStopwatchTime', () => {
+ const numsToResults: {
+ [aNumber: number]: string;
+ } = {
+ 1: '00:01',
+ 59: '00:59',
+ 60: '01:00',
+ 119: '01:59',
+ 120: '02:00',
+ 121: '02:01',
+ 2701: '45:01',
+ };
+ const nums = Object.keys(numsToResults);
+ nums.forEach(aNum => {
+ const numInt = parseInt(aNum, 10);
+ it(`should work for ${aNum} seconds`, () => {
+ const expectedResult = numsToResults[numInt];
+ expect(timeUtil.secondsToStopwatchTime(numInt)).toEqual(expectedResult);
+ });
+ });
+ });