path: root/packages/instant/src/index.umd.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/instant/src/index.umd.ts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 169 deletions
diff --git a/packages/instant/src/index.umd.ts b/packages/instant/src/index.umd.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 0acf3f2ad..000000000
--- a/packages/instant/src/index.umd.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-import { AssetBuyer, BigNumber } from '@0x/asset-buyer';
-import { assetDataUtils } from '@0x/order-utils';
-import { Provider } from 'ethereum-types';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import * as React from 'react';
-import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
-import {
-} from './constants';
-import { assetMetaDataMap } from './data/asset_meta_data_map';
-import { ZeroExInstantOverlay, ZeroExInstantOverlayProps } from './index';
-import { Network, OrderSource } from './types';
-import { analytics } from './util/analytics';
-import { assert } from './util/assert';
-import { providerFactory } from './util/provider_factory';
-import { util } from './util/util';
-const isInstantRendered = (): boolean => !!document.getElementById(INJECTED_DIV_ID);
-const validateInstantRenderConfig = (config: ZeroExInstantConfig, selector: string) => {
- assert.isValidOrderSource('orderSource', config.orderSource);
- if (!_.isUndefined(config.defaultSelectedAssetData)) {
- assert.isHexString('defaultSelectedAssetData', config.defaultSelectedAssetData);
- }
- if (!_.isUndefined(config.additionalAssetMetaDataMap)) {
- assert.isValidAssetMetaDataMap('additionalAssetMetaDataMap', config.additionalAssetMetaDataMap);
- }
- if (!_.isUndefined(config.defaultAssetBuyAmount)) {
- assert.isNumber('defaultAssetBuyAmount', config.defaultAssetBuyAmount);
- }
- if (!_.isUndefined(config.networkId)) {
- assert.isNumber('networkId', config.networkId);
- }
- if (!_.isUndefined(config.availableAssetDatas)) {
- assert.areValidAssetDatas('availableAssetDatas', config.availableAssetDatas);
- }
- if (!_.isUndefined(config.onClose)) {
- assert.isFunction('onClose', config.onClose);
- }
- if (!_.isUndefined(config.zIndex)) {
- assert.isNumber('zIndex', config.zIndex);
- }
- if (!_.isUndefined(config.affiliateInfo)) {
- assert.isValidAffiliateInfo('affiliateInfo', config.affiliateInfo);
- }
- if (!_.isUndefined(config.provider)) {
- assert.isWeb3Provider('provider', config.provider);
- }
- if (!_.isUndefined(config.walletDisplayName)) {
- assert.isString('walletDisplayName', config.walletDisplayName);
- }
- if (!_.isUndefined(config.shouldDisablePushToHistory)) {
- assert.isBoolean('shouldDisablePushToHistory', config.shouldDisablePushToHistory);
- }
- if (!_.isUndefined(config.shouldDisableAnalyticsTracking)) {
- assert.isBoolean('shouldDisableAnalyticsTracking', config.shouldDisableAnalyticsTracking);
- }
- assert.isString('selector', selector);
-// Render instant and return a callback that allows you to remove it from the DOM.
-const renderInstant = (config: ZeroExInstantConfig, selector: string) => {
- const appendToIfExists = document.querySelector(selector);
- assert.assert(!_.isNull(appendToIfExists), `Could not find div with selector: ${selector}`);
- const appendTo = appendToIfExists as Element;
- const injectedDiv = document.createElement('div');
- injectedDiv.setAttribute('id', INJECTED_DIV_ID);
- injectedDiv.setAttribute('class', INJECTED_DIV_CLASS);
- appendTo.appendChild(injectedDiv);
- const closeInstant = () => {
- analytics.trackInstantClosed();
- if (!_.isUndefined(config.onClose)) {
- config.onClose();
- }
- appendTo.removeChild(injectedDiv);
- };
- const instantOverlayProps = {
- ...config,
- // If we are using the history API, just go back to close
- onClose: () => (config.shouldDisablePushToHistory ? closeInstant() : window.history.back()),
- };
- ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(ZeroExInstantOverlay, instantOverlayProps), injectedDiv);
- return closeInstant;
-export interface ZeroExInstantConfig extends ZeroExInstantOverlayProps {
- shouldDisablePushToHistory?: boolean;
-export const render = (config: ZeroExInstantConfig, selector: string = DEFAULT_ZERO_EX_CONTAINER_SELECTOR) => {
- validateInstantRenderConfig(config, selector);
- if (config.shouldDisablePushToHistory) {
- if (!isInstantRendered()) {
- renderInstant(config, selector);
- }
- return;
- }
- // Before we render, push to history saying that instant is showing for this part of the history.
- window.history.pushState({ zeroExInstantShowing: true }, '0x Instant');
- let removeInstant = renderInstant(config, selector);
- // If the integrator defined a popstate handler, save it to __zeroExInstantIntegratorsPopStateHandler
- // unless we have already done so on a previous render.
- const anyWindow = window as any;
- const popStateExistsAndNotSetPreviously = window.onpopstate && !anyWindow.__zeroExInstantIntegratorsPopStateHandler;
- anyWindow.__zeroExInstantIntegratorsPopStateHandler = popStateExistsAndNotSetPreviously
- ? anyWindow.onpopstate.bind(window)
- : util.boundNoop;
- const onPopStateHandler = (e: PopStateEvent) => {
- anyWindow.__zeroExInstantIntegratorsPopStateHandler(e);
- const newState = e.state;
- if (newState && newState.zeroExInstantShowing) {
- // We have returned to a history state that expects instant to be rendered.
- if (!isInstantRendered()) {
- removeInstant = renderInstant(config, selector);
- }
- } else {
- // History has changed to a different state.
- if (isInstantRendered()) {
- removeInstant();
- }
- }
- };
- window.onpopstate = onPopStateHandler;
-export const assetDataForERC20TokenAddress = (tokenAddress: string): string => {
- assert.isETHAddressHex('tokenAddress', tokenAddress);
- return assetDataUtils.encodeERC20AssetData(tokenAddress);
-export const hasMetaDataForAssetData = (assetData: string): boolean => {
- assert.isHexString('assetData', assetData);
- return assetMetaDataMap[assetData] !== undefined;
-export const hasLiquidityForAssetDataAsync = async (
- assetData: string,
- orderSource: OrderSource,
- networkId: Network = Network.Mainnet,
- provider?: Provider,
-): Promise<boolean> => {
- assert.isHexString('assetData', assetData);
- assert.isValidOrderSource('orderSource', orderSource);
- assert.isNumber('networkId', networkId);
- if (provider !== undefined) {
- assert.isWeb3Provider('provider', provider);
- }
- const bestProvider: Provider = provider || providerFactory.getFallbackNoSigningProvider(networkId);
- const assetBuyerOptions = { networkId };
- const assetBuyer = _.isString(orderSource)
- ? AssetBuyer.getAssetBuyerForStandardRelayerAPIUrl(bestProvider, orderSource, assetBuyerOptions)
- : AssetBuyer.getAssetBuyerForProvidedOrders(bestProvider, orderSource, assetBuyerOptions);
- const liquidity = await assetBuyer.getLiquidityForAssetDataAsync(assetData);
- return liquidity.ethValueAvailableInWei.gt(new BigNumber(0));
-// Write version info to the exported object for debugging