path: root/packages/instant/src/components
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/instant/src/components')
7 files changed, 212 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/packages/instant/src/components/coinbase_wallet_logo.tsx b/packages/instant/src/components/coinbase_wallet_logo.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3c9ccdc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/instant/src/components/coinbase_wallet_logo.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+import * as React from 'react';
+export interface CoinbaseWalletLogoProps {
+ width?: number;
+export const CoinbaseWalletLogo: React.StatelessComponent<CoinbaseWalletLogoProps> = ({ width }) => (
+ <svg width={width} viewBox="0 0 164 28" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
+ <path
+ fillRule="evenodd"
+ clipRule="evenodd"
+ d="M49.576172.545441h-2.9453v19.595c1.3398.4742 3.0058.8594 4.9101.8594 4.8809 0 7.7071-2.8458 7.7071-7.0846 0-4.20983-2.8555-6.64028-6.666-6.64028-1.1602 0-2.3809.32621-3.0059.65241V.545441zm-21.0176 1.18585c-.9824 0-1.8457.80039-1.8457 1.80802 0 1.03784.8633 1.8684 1.8457 1.8684.9824 0 1.8457-.83056 1.8457-1.8684 0-1.00763-.8633-1.80802-1.8457-1.80802zm-18.2324 16.30675c-.64258.251-1.32031.3832-2.05273.3832-2.56055 0-4.34766-1.6602-4.34766-4.2689 0-2.7568 1.8457-4.26886 4.22656-4.26886.70117 0 1.38086.11985 2.04102.38318.31836-.77942.74023-1.48746 1.25001-2.11145-1.09376-.58255-2.1797-.88037-3.55665-.88037-3.8711 0-6.93555 2.6377-6.93555 6.8775 0 4.2099 2.91602 6.8476 6.93555 6.8476 1.35156 0 2.58984-.2827 3.77345-.9166-.5371-.6008-.98634-1.2863-1.334-2.0453zm8.084-10.76317c3.957 0 6.8144 2.78684 6.8144 6.87757 0 4.0616-2.8574 6.8475-6.8144 6.8475-3.9278 0-6.7852-2.7859-6.7852-6.8475 0-4.09073 2.8574-6.87757 6.7852-6.87757zm-3.8125 6.87757c0-2.6677 1.6074-4.35792 3.8086-4.35792 2.2637 0 3.8398 1.69022 3.8398 4.35792 0 2.6388-1.5761 4.3279-3.8398 4.3279-2.2012 0-3.8086-1.6891-3.8086-4.3279zm12.5 6.5512h2.9453V7.571011h-2.9453v13.13263zm5.5176-12.302c1.8457-.71139 4.1074-1.1268 6.041-1.1268 3.3633 0 5.5058 1.27481 5.5058 4.9803v8.4486h-2.916v-8.1814c0-1.8973-1.1894-2.57984-2.8281-2.57984-1.041 0-2.082.14823-2.8555.38544v10.3758h-2.9472v-12.3021zm16.9609 9.8125c.5664.1771 1.3105.2661 2.0527.2661 2.709 0 4.6446-1.4819 4.6446-4.5059 0-2.5498-1.8164-4.06165-4.0489-4.06165-1.1601 0-2.0527.29712-2.6484.62332v7.67813zm15.6523-8.38946c1.459 0 2.5293.65127 2.5293 2.07426v1.0978h-1.457c-3.8105 0-6.1016 1.3039-6.1016 3.9715 0 2.965 2.5 4.0026 5.9239 4.0026 1.4863 0 3.2715-.2081 4.5215-.5343v-8.6858c0-3.29008-2.0528-4.4759-4.9395-4.4759-1.6367 0-3.125.41541-4.2851 1.06665v2.54985c1.1015-.62242 2.291-1.06666 3.8085-1.06666zm2.5313 5.12836h-1.25c-2.0527 0-3.3926.5922-3.3926 1.9263 0 1.3638 1.25 1.8972 3.0352 1.8972.4472 0 1.0722-.059 1.6074-.1482v-3.6753zm9.0449 3.6754c-1.3379 0-2.7949-.5634-4.0156-1.482v2.7868c.9824.6524 2.5293 1.0667 4.0762 1.0667 2.8574 0 4.9707-1.2449 4.9707-4.0015 0-2.3717-1.3086-3.4985-4.3164-4.1509-1.5176-.4143-2.0821-.8596-2.0821-1.719 0-.85965.6836-1.48209 1.9649-1.48209 1.3965 0 2.5293.5044 3.6894 1.33379v-2.69759c-1.1015-.68142-2.2929-1.00763-3.7793-1.00763-2.6797 0-4.7031 1.30365-4.7031 3.97242 0 2.2827 1.1621 3.3793 3.8984 4.0017 1.6973.4443 2.4707.8295 2.4707 1.8973 0 1.0376-.8632 1.482-2.1738 1.482zm9.0625-3.8236v.0591c.1778 2.3414 2.2012 3.6163 4.2559 3.6163 1.8144 0 3.125-.4152 4.4336-1.2749v2.5798c-1.1914.8295-2.9473 1.2147-4.6426 1.2147-4.1074 0-6.9043-2.6086-6.9043-6.7584 0-4.17964 2.7383-6.96648 6.3691-6.96648 3.8379 0 5.6543 2.46064 5.6543 6.04698v1.4829h-9.166zm3.4238-5.06921c1.9043 0 2.9161 1.12571 2.9747 3.17201h-6.3086c.3867-1.9862 1.6367-3.17201 3.3339-3.17201z"
+ fill="#1452F5"
+ />
+ <path
+ fillRule="evenodd"
+ clipRule="evenodd"
+ d="M105.543.479151c0-.264628.214523-.479151.479151-.479151s.479151.214523.479151.479151V27.0663c0 .2646-.214523.4792-.479151.4792s-.479151-.2146-.479151-.4792V.479151z"
+ fill="#AAB4C0"
+ />
+ <path
+ d="M123.76075 7.60523l-2.94965 11.86278-3.08272-11.86278H116.309l3.57063 13.12198h1.81859l2.83876-11.55353 2.83872 11.55353h1.8186l3.5707-13.12198h-1.3529l-3.1049 11.86278-2.92746-11.86278h-1.61899zM138.3712 15.16032h-1.0867c-2.9496 0-4.7017.99409-4.7017 2.89389 0 2.0324 1.7521 2.8497 4.3691 2.8497.8205 0 1.8629-.1104 2.75-.3534v-6.64937c0-2.16491-1.2641-3.02646-3.2158-3.02646-1.131 0-2.1734.30928-2.994.75109v1.25919c.8871-.46391 1.7299-.77319 2.8388-.77319 1.2419 0 2.0403.64064 2.0403 1.87773v1.17082zm0 4.50659c-.4657.0883-.9536.1325-1.3528.1325-1.7742 0-3.1049-.4639-3.1049-1.7452s1.4637-1.8114 3.4597-1.8114h.998v3.4241zM143.1294 5.70541h-1.3307v15.0218h1.3307V5.70541zM146.7177 5.70541h-1.3307v15.0218h1.3307V5.70541zM156.8928 15.97771v-.90575c0-2.73928-1.619-4.19728-4.0586-4.19728-2.5948 0-4.5908 2.14282-4.5908 5.03673 0 3.1369 2.1291 5.0367 4.9235 5.0367 1.1976 0 2.4396-.2872 3.3045-.9278v-1.3254c-.9758.729-1.9295 1.0824-3.3045 1.0824-1.8851 0-3.5928-1.3917-3.5928-3.7554v-.0442h7.3187zm-7.23-1.10457c.377-1.81146 1.5968-2.82764 3.1049-2.82764 1.619 0 2.7057.81737 2.7944 2.82764h-5.8993zM157.1456 12.22223h1.4859v6.00868c0 1.9882 1.0423 2.7172 2.4395 2.7172.8428 0 1.5081-.1988 2.0848-.486v-1.1708c-.6654.3314-1.1755.5302-1.7965.5302-.9092 0-1.3972-.486-1.3972-1.7231v-5.87618h2.7279v-1.12664h-2.7279V8.75395h-1.3306v2.34164h-1.4859v1.12664z"
+ fill="#202A36"
+ />
+ </svg>
+CoinbaseWalletLogo.displayName = 'CoinbaseWalletLogo';
+CoinbaseWalletLogo.defaultProps = {
+ width: 164,
+export interface CoinbaseWalletAppLogoProps {
+ width?: number;
+export const CoinbaseWalletAppLogo: React.StatelessComponent<CoinbaseWalletAppLogoProps> = ({ width }) => (
+ <svg width={width} viewBox="0 0 51 51" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
+ <circle cx="25.5" cy="25.5" r="25.5" fill="#3263E9" />
+ <path
+ fillRule="evenodd"
+ clipRule="evenodd"
+ d="M25.5 41C34.0604 41 41 34.0604 41 25.5C41 16.9396 34.0604 10 25.5 10C16.9396 10 10 16.9396 10 25.5C10 34.0604 16.9396 41 25.5 41ZM21.5108 20.5107C20.9586 20.5107 20.5108 20.9584 20.5108 21.5107V29.6223C20.5108 30.1746 20.9586 30.6223 21.5108 30.6223H29.6224C30.1747 30.6223 30.6224 30.1746 30.6224 29.6223V21.5107C30.6224 20.9584 30.1747 20.5107 29.6224 20.5107H21.5108Z"
+ fill="white"
+ />
+ </svg>
diff --git a/packages/instant/src/components/install_wallet_panel_content.tsx b/packages/instant/src/components/install_wallet_panel_content.tsx
index 546874212..5cba8d996 100644
--- a/packages/instant/src/components/install_wallet_panel_content.tsx
+++ b/packages/instant/src/components/install_wallet_panel_content.tsx
@@ -1,32 +1,113 @@
import * as React from 'react';
-import { META_MASK_CHROME_STORE_URL, META_MASK_SITE_URL } from '../constants';
+import {
+} from '../constants';
import { ColorOption } from '../style/theme';
+import { Browser, OperatingSystem } from '../types';
+import { envUtil } from '../util/env';
+import { CoinbaseWalletLogo } from './coinbase_wallet_logo';
import { MetaMaskLogo } from './meta_mask_logo';
-import { StandardPanelContent } from './standard_panel_content';
+import { StandardPanelContent, StandardPanelContentProps } from './standard_panel_content';
import { Button } from './ui/button';
export interface InstallWalletPanelContentProps {}
-export const InstallWalletPanelContent: React.StatelessComponent<InstallWalletPanelContentProps> = () => (
- <StandardPanelContent
- image={<MetaMaskLogo width={85} height={80} />}
- title="Install MetaMask"
- description="Please install the MetaMask wallet extension from the Chrome Store."
- moreInfoSettings={{
- text: 'What is MetaMask?',
- }}
- action={
- <Button
- width="100%"
- fontColor={ColorOption.white}
- backgroundColor={ColorOption.darkOrange}
- >
- Get Chrome Extension
- </Button>
+export class InstallWalletPanelContent extends React.Component<InstallWalletPanelContentProps> {
+ public render(): React.ReactNode {
+ const panelProps = this._getStandardPanelContentProps();
+ return <StandardPanelContent {...panelProps} />;
+ }
+ private readonly _getStandardPanelContentProps = (): StandardPanelContentProps => {
+ const isMobileOS = envUtil.isMobileOperatingSystem();
+ if (isMobileOS) {
+ return this._getMobilePanelContentProps();
+ } else {
+ return this._getDesktopPanelContentProps();
- />
+ };
+ private readonly _getDesktopPanelContentProps = (): StandardPanelContentProps => {
+ const browser = envUtil.getBrowser();
+ let description = 'Please install the MetaMask wallet browser extension.';
+ let actionText = 'Learn More';
+ let actionUrl = META_MASK_SITE_URL;
+ switch (browser) {
+ case Browser.Chrome:
+ description = 'Please install the MetaMask wallet browser extension from the Chrome Store.';
+ actionText = 'Get Chrome Extension';
+ break;
+ case Browser.Firefox:
+ description = 'Please install the MetaMask wallet browser extension from the Firefox Store.';
+ actionText = 'Get Firefox Extension';
+ break;
+ case Browser.Opera:
+ description = 'Please install the MetaMask wallet browser extension from the Opera Store.';
+ actionText = 'Get Opera Add-on';
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return {
+ image: <MetaMaskLogo width={85} height={80} />,
+ title: 'Install MetaMask',
+ description,
+ moreInfoSettings: {
+ text: 'What is MetaMask?',
+ },
+ action: (
+ <Button
+ href={actionUrl}
+ width="100%"
+ fontColor={ColorOption.white}
+ backgroundColor={ColorOption.darkOrange}
+ >
+ {actionText}
+ </Button>
+ ),
+ };
+ };
+ private readonly _getMobilePanelContentProps = (): StandardPanelContentProps => {
+ const operatingSystem = envUtil.getOperatingSystem();
+ let description = 'Please install the Coinbase Wallet app.';
+ let actionText = 'Learn More';
+ switch (operatingSystem) {
+ case OperatingSystem.Android:
+ description = 'Please install the Coinbase Wallet app from the Google Play Store.';
+ actionText = 'Get Coinbase Wallet';
+ break;
+ case OperatingSystem.iOS:
+ description = 'Please install the Coinbase Wallet app from the iOS App Store.';
+ actionText = 'Get Coinbase Wallet';
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return {
+ image: <CoinbaseWalletLogo width={246} />,
+ description,
+ moreInfoSettings: {
+ text: 'What is Coinbase Wallet?',
+ },
+ action: (
+ <Button href={actionUrl} width="100%" fontColor={ColorOption.white} backgroundColor={ColorOption.blue}>
+ {actionText}
+ </Button>
+ ),
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/packages/instant/src/components/meta_mask_logo.tsx b/packages/instant/src/components/meta_mask_logo.tsx
index d1ad10c23..bfbc67270 100644
--- a/packages/instant/src/components/meta_mask_logo.tsx
+++ b/packages/instant/src/components/meta_mask_logo.tsx
@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ export const MetaMaskLogo: React.StatelessComponent<MetaMaskLogoProps> = ({ widt
+MetaMaskLogo.displayName = 'MetaMaskLogo';
MetaMaskLogo.defaultProps = {
width: 85,
height: 80,
diff --git a/packages/instant/src/components/payment_method.tsx b/packages/instant/src/components/payment_method.tsx
index 49ec22164..f9d02ec5b 100644
--- a/packages/instant/src/components/payment_method.tsx
+++ b/packages/instant/src/components/payment_method.tsx
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ import * as React from 'react';
import { ColorOption } from '../style/theme';
import { Account, AccountState, Network } from '../types';
+import { envUtil } from '../util/env';
+import { CoinbaseWalletAppLogo } from './coinbase_wallet_logo';
import { MetaMaskLogo } from './meta_mask_logo';
import { PaymentMethodDropdown } from './payment_method_dropdown';
import { Circle } from './ui/circle';
@@ -11,10 +13,12 @@ import { Container } from './ui/container';
import { Flex } from './ui/flex';
import { Icon } from './ui/icon';
import { Text } from './ui/text';
+import { WalletPrompt } from './wallet_prompt';
export interface PaymentMethodProps {
account: Account;
network: Network;
+ walletName: string;
onInstallWalletClick: () => void;
onUnlockWalletClick: () => void;
@@ -34,7 +38,7 @@ export class PaymentMethod extends React.Component<PaymentMethodProps> {
- <Flex>{this._renderTitleLabel()}</Flex>
+ {this._renderTitleLabel()}
@@ -58,20 +62,22 @@ export class PaymentMethod extends React.Component<PaymentMethodProps> {
if (account.state === AccountState.Ready || account.state === AccountState.Locked) {
const circleColor: ColorOption = account.state === AccountState.Ready ? ColorOption.green : ColorOption.red;
return (
- <React.Fragment>
+ <Flex>
<Circle diameter={8} color={circleColor} />
<Container marginLeft="3px">
<Text fontColor={ColorOption.darkGrey} fontSize="12px">
- MetaMask
+ {this.props.walletName}
- </React.Fragment>
+ </Flex>
return null;
private readonly _renderMainContent = (): React.ReactNode => {
const { account, network } = this.props;
+ const isMobile = envUtil.isMobileOperatingSystem();
+ const logo = isMobile ? <CoinbaseWalletAppLogo width={22} /> : <MetaMaskLogo width={19} height={18} />;
switch (account.state) {
case AccountState.Loading:
// Just take up the same amount of space as the other states.
@@ -82,16 +88,13 @@ export class PaymentMethod extends React.Component<PaymentMethodProps> {
image={<Icon width={13} icon="lock" color={ColorOption.black} />}
- Please Unlock MetaMask
+ Please Unlock {this.props.walletName}
case AccountState.None:
return (
- <WalletPrompt
- onClick={this.props.onInstallWalletClick}
- image={<MetaMaskLogo width={19} height={18} />}
- >
- Install MetaMask
+ <WalletPrompt onClick={this.props.onInstallWalletClick} image={logo}>
+ {isMobile ? 'Install Coinbase Wallet' : 'Install MetaMask'}
case AccountState.Ready:
@@ -105,28 +108,3 @@ export class PaymentMethod extends React.Component<PaymentMethodProps> {
-interface WalletPromptProps {
- image: React.ReactNode;
- onClick?: () => void;
-const WalletPrompt: React.StatelessComponent<WalletPromptProps> = ({ onClick, image, children }) => (
- <Container
- padding="14.5px"
- border={`1px solid ${ColorOption.darkOrange}`}
- backgroundColor={ColorOption.lightOrange}
- width="100%"
- borderRadius="4px"
- onClick={onClick}
- cursor={onClick ? 'pointer' : undefined}
- boxShadowOnHover={!!onClick}
- >
- <Flex>
- <Container marginRight="10px">{image}</Container>
- <Text fontSize="16px" fontColor={ColorOption.darkOrange}>
- {children}
- </Text>
- </Flex>
- </Container>
diff --git a/packages/instant/src/components/payment_method_dropdown.tsx b/packages/instant/src/components/payment_method_dropdown.tsx
index 58f1cc044..b330dbcd6 100644
--- a/packages/instant/src/components/payment_method_dropdown.tsx
+++ b/packages/instant/src/components/payment_method_dropdown.tsx
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import copy from 'copy-to-clipboard';
import * as React from 'react';
import { Network } from '../types';
+import { envUtil } from '../util/env';
import { etherscanUtil } from '../util/etherscan';
import { format } from '../util/format';
@@ -22,6 +23,9 @@ export class PaymentMethodDropdown extends React.Component<PaymentMethodDropdown
return <Dropdown value={value} label={label} items={this._getDropdownItemConfigs()} />;
private readonly _getDropdownItemConfigs = (): DropdownItemConfig[] => {
+ if (envUtil.isMobileOperatingSystem()) {
+ return [];
+ }
const viewOnEtherscan = {
text: 'View on Etherscan',
onClick: this._handleEtherscanClick,
diff --git a/packages/instant/src/components/standard_panel_content.tsx b/packages/instant/src/components/standard_panel_content.tsx
index 89e4da70c..582b3318e 100644
--- a/packages/instant/src/components/standard_panel_content.tsx
+++ b/packages/instant/src/components/standard_panel_content.tsx
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export interface MoreInfoSettings {
export interface StandardPanelContentProps {
image: React.ReactNode;
- title: string;
+ title?: string;
description: string;
moreInfoSettings?: MoreInfoSettings;
action: React.ReactNode;
@@ -31,11 +31,13 @@ export const StandardPanelContent: React.StatelessComponent<StandardPanelContent
<Container height="100%">
<Flex direction="column" height="calc(100% - 58px)">
<Container marginBottom={SPACING_BETWEEN_PX}>{image}</Container>
- <Container marginBottom={SPACING_BETWEEN_PX}>
- <Text fontSize="20px" fontWeight={700} fontColor={ColorOption.black}>
- {title}
- </Text>
- </Container>
+ {title && (
+ <Container marginBottom={SPACING_BETWEEN_PX}>
+ <Text fontSize="20px" fontWeight={700} fontColor={ColorOption.black}>
+ {title}
+ </Text>
+ </Container>
+ )}
<Container marginBottom={SPACING_BETWEEN_PX}>
<Text fontSize="14px" fontColor={ColorOption.grey} center={true}>
diff --git a/packages/instant/src/components/wallet_prompt.tsx b/packages/instant/src/components/wallet_prompt.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bcf66ee81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/instant/src/components/wallet_prompt.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import * as React from 'react';
+import { ColorOption } from '../style/theme';
+import { Container } from './ui/container';
+import { Flex } from './ui/flex';
+import { Text } from './ui/text';
+export interface WalletPromptProps {
+ image: React.ReactNode;
+ onClick?: () => void;
+export const WalletPrompt: React.StatelessComponent<WalletPromptProps> = ({ onClick, image, children }) => (
+ <Container
+ padding="14.5px"
+ border={`1px solid ${ColorOption.darkOrange}`}
+ backgroundColor={ColorOption.lightOrange}
+ width="100%"
+ borderRadius="4px"
+ onClick={onClick}
+ cursor={onClick ? 'pointer' : undefined}
+ boxShadowOnHover={!!onClick}
+ >
+ <Flex>
+ {image}
+ <Container marginLeft="10px">
+ <Text fontSize="16px" fontColor={ColorOption.darkOrange}>
+ {children}
+ </Text>
+ </Container>
+ </Flex>
+ </Container>