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1 files changed, 91 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/packages/contracts/test/libraries/lib_bytes.ts b/packages/contracts/test/libraries/lib_bytes.ts
index a6e3c7d37..cd5fdcf17 100644
--- a/packages/contracts/test/libraries/lib_bytes.ts
+++ b/packages/contracts/test/libraries/lib_bytes.ts
@@ -409,14 +409,96 @@ describe('LibBytes', () => {
- /// @TODO Implement test cases for writeUint256. Test template below.
- /// Currently, the generated contract wrappers do not support this library's write methods.
- /*
- describe('writeBytes', () => {
- it('should successfully write bytes when it takes up the whole array)', async () => {});
- it('should successfully write bytes when it is offset in the array)', async () => {});
- it('should fail if the byte array is too short to hold the nested bytes)', async () => {});
- it('should fail if the length between the offset and end of the byte array is too short to hold the nested bytes)', async () => {});
+ describe.only('writeBytes', () => {
+ it('should successfully write short, nested array of bytes when it takes up the whole array)', async () => {
+ const testBytesOffset = new BigNumber(0);
+ const emptyByteArray = ethUtil.bufferToHex(new Buffer(shortTestBytesAsBuffer.byteLength));
+ const bytesWritten = await libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(emptyByteArray, testBytesOffset, shortData);
+ const bytesRead = await libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(bytesWritten, testBytesOffset);
+ return expect(bytesRead).to.be.equal(shortData);
+ });
+ it('should successfully write short, nested array of bytes when it is offset in the array', async () => {
+ // Write a prefix to the array
+ const prefixData = '0xabcdef';
+ const prefixDataAsBuffer = ethUtil.toBuffer(prefixData);
+ const prefixOffset = new BigNumber(0);
+ const emptyByteArray = ethUtil.bufferToHex(
+ new Buffer(prefixDataAsBuffer.byteLength + shortTestBytesAsBuffer.byteLength),
+ );
+ let bytesWritten = await libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(emptyByteArray, prefixOffset, prefixData);
+ // Write data after prefix
+ const testBytesOffset = new BigNumber(prefixDataAsBuffer.byteLength);
+ bytesWritten = await libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(bytesWritten, testBytesOffset, shortData);
+ // Read data after prefix and validate
+ const bytes = await libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(bytesWritten, testBytesOffset);
+ return expect(bytes).to.be.equal(shortData);
+ });
+ it('should successfully write a nested array of bytes - one word in length - when it takes up the whole array)', async () => {
+ const testBytesOffset = new BigNumber(0);
+ const emptyByteArray = ethUtil.bufferToHex(new Buffer(wordOfTestBytesAsBuffer.byteLength));
+ const bytesWritten = await libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(emptyByteArray, testBytesOffset, wordOfData);
+ const bytesRead = await libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(bytesWritten, testBytesOffset);
+ return expect(bytesRead).to.be.equal(wordOfData);
+ });
+ it('should successfully write a nested array of bytes - one word in length - when it is offset in the array', async () => {
+ // Write a prefix to the array
+ const prefixData = '0xabcdef';
+ const prefixDataAsBuffer = ethUtil.toBuffer(prefixData);
+ const prefixOffset = new BigNumber(0);
+ const emptyByteArray = ethUtil.bufferToHex(
+ new Buffer(prefixDataAsBuffer.byteLength + wordOfTestBytesAsBuffer.byteLength),
+ );
+ let bytesWritten = await libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(emptyByteArray, prefixOffset, prefixData);
+ // Write data after prefix
+ const testBytesOffset = new BigNumber(prefixDataAsBuffer.byteLength);
+ bytesWritten = await libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(bytesWritten, testBytesOffset, wordOfData);
+ // Read data after prefix and validate
+ const bytes = await libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(bytesWritten, testBytesOffset);
+ return expect(bytes).to.be.equal(wordOfData);
+ });
+ it('should successfully write a long, nested bytes when it takes up the whole array)', async () => {
+ const testBytesOffset = new BigNumber(0);
+ const emptyByteArray = ethUtil.bufferToHex(new Buffer(longTestBytesAsBuffer.byteLength));
+ const bytesWritten = await libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(emptyByteArray, testBytesOffset, longData);
+ const bytesRead = await libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(bytesWritten, testBytesOffset);
+ return expect(bytesRead).to.be.equal(longData);
+ });
+ it('should successfully write long, nested array of bytes when it is offset in the array', async () => {
+ // Write a prefix to the array
+ const prefixData = '0xabcdef';
+ const prefixDataAsBuffer = ethUtil.toBuffer(prefixData);
+ const prefixOffset = new BigNumber(0);
+ const emptyByteArray = ethUtil.bufferToHex(
+ new Buffer(prefixDataAsBuffer.byteLength + longTestBytesAsBuffer.byteLength),
+ );
+ let bytesWritten = await libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(emptyByteArray, prefixOffset, prefixData);
+ // Write data after prefix
+ const testBytesOffset = new BigNumber(prefixDataAsBuffer.byteLength);
+ bytesWritten = await libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(bytesWritten, testBytesOffset, longData);
+ // Read data after prefix and validate
+ const bytes = await libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(bytesWritten, testBytesOffset);
+ return expect(bytes).to.be.equal(longData);
+ });
+ it('should fail if the byte array is too short to hold the length of a nested byte array)', async () => {
+ const offset = new BigNumber(0);
+ const emptyByteArray = ethUtil.bufferToHex(new Buffer(1));
+ return expect(libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(emptyByteArray, offset, longData)).to.be.rejectedWith(
+ constants.REVERT,
+ );
+ });
+ it('should fail if the length between the offset and end of the byte array is too short to hold the length of a nested byte array)', async () => {
+ const emptyByteArray = ethUtil.bufferToHex(new Buffer(shortTestBytesAsBuffer.byteLength));
+ const badOffset = new BigNumber(ethUtil.toBuffer(shortTestBytesAsBuffer).byteLength);
+ return expect(libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(emptyByteArray, badOffset, shortData)).to.be.rejectedWith(
+ constants.REVERT,
+ );
+ });
- */