path: root/packages/contracts/test/libraries
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/contracts/test/libraries')
2 files changed, 407 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/packages/contracts/test/libraries/lib_bytes.ts b/packages/contracts/test/libraries/lib_bytes.ts
index dea45049e..2fefb7aeb 100644
--- a/packages/contracts/test/libraries/lib_bytes.ts
+++ b/packages/contracts/test/libraries/lib_bytes.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0xproject/dev-utils';
+import { assetProxyUtils, generatePseudoRandomSalt } from '@0xproject/order-utils';
import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils';
import BN = require('bn.js');
import * as chai from 'chai';
import ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util');
-import { TestLibBytesContract } from '../../src/contract_wrappers/generated/test_lib_bytes';
+import { TestLibBytesContract } from '../../src/generated_contract_wrappers/test_lib_bytes';
import { artifacts } from '../../src/utils/artifacts';
-import { expectRevertOrAlwaysFailingTransactionAsync, expectRevertOrOtherErrorAsync } from '../../src/utils/assertions';
+import { expectRevertOrOtherErrorAsync } from '../../src/utils/assertions';
import { chaiSetup } from '../../src/utils/chai_setup';
import { constants } from '../../src/utils/constants';
import { provider, txDefaults, web3Wrapper } from '../../src/utils/web3_wrapper';
@@ -28,6 +29,15 @@ describe('LibBytes', () => {
let testAddress: string;
const testBytes32 = '0x102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f01020';
const testUint256 = new BigNumber(testBytes32, 16);
+ let shortData: string;
+ let shortTestBytes: string;
+ let shortTestBytesAsBuffer: Buffer;
+ let wordOfData: string;
+ let wordOfTestBytes: string;
+ let wordOfTestBytesAsBuffer: Buffer;
+ let longData: string;
+ let longTestBytes: string;
+ let longTestBytesAsBuffer: Buffer;
before(async () => {
await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync();
@@ -48,6 +58,26 @@ describe('LibBytes', () => {
const testBytes32Length = ethUtil.toBuffer(testBytes32).byteLength;
+ // Create short test bytes
+ shortData = '0xffffaa';
+ const encodedShortData = ethUtil.toBuffer(shortData);
+ const shortDataLength = new BigNumber(encodedShortData.byteLength);
+ const encodedShortDataLength = assetProxyUtils.encodeUint256(shortDataLength);
+ shortTestBytesAsBuffer = Buffer.concat([encodedShortDataLength, encodedShortData]);
+ shortTestBytes = ethUtil.bufferToHex(shortTestBytesAsBuffer);
+ // Create test bytes one word in length
+ wordOfData = ethUtil.bufferToHex(assetProxyUtils.encodeUint256(generatePseudoRandomSalt()));
+ const encodedWordOfData = ethUtil.toBuffer(wordOfData);
+ const wordOfDataLength = new BigNumber(encodedWordOfData.byteLength);
+ const encodedWordOfDataLength = assetProxyUtils.encodeUint256(wordOfDataLength);
+ wordOfTestBytesAsBuffer = Buffer.concat([encodedWordOfDataLength, encodedWordOfData]);
+ wordOfTestBytes = ethUtil.bufferToHex(wordOfTestBytesAsBuffer);
+ // Create long test bytes (combines short test bytes with word of test bytes)
+ longData = ethUtil.bufferToHex(Buffer.concat([encodedShortData, encodedWordOfData]));
+ const longDataLength = new BigNumber(encodedShortData.byteLength + encodedWordOfData.byteLength);
+ const encodedLongDataLength = assetProxyUtils.encodeUint256(longDataLength);
+ longTestBytesAsBuffer = Buffer.concat([encodedLongDataLength, encodedShortData, encodedWordOfData]);
+ longTestBytes = ethUtil.bufferToHex(longTestBytesAsBuffer);
beforeEach(async () => {
await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync();
@@ -60,7 +90,7 @@ describe('LibBytes', () => {
it('should revert if length is 0', async () => {
return expectRevertOrOtherErrorAsync(
@@ -77,7 +107,7 @@ describe('LibBytes', () => {
it('should revert if length is less than 20', async () => {
return expectRevertOrOtherErrorAsync(
@@ -163,7 +193,7 @@ describe('LibBytes', () => {
const offset = new BigNumber(0);
return expectRevertOrOtherErrorAsync(
libBytes.publicReadAddress.callAsync(shortByteArray, offset),
@@ -172,7 +202,7 @@ describe('LibBytes', () => {
const badOffset = new BigNumber(ethUtil.toBuffer(byteArray).byteLength);
return expectRevertOrOtherErrorAsync(
libBytes.publicReadAddress.callAsync(byteArray, badOffset),
@@ -209,7 +239,7 @@ describe('LibBytes', () => {
const offset = new BigNumber(0);
return expectRevertOrOtherErrorAsync(
libBytes.publicReadBytes32.callAsync(byteArrayShorterThan32Bytes, offset),
@@ -217,7 +247,7 @@ describe('LibBytes', () => {
const badOffset = new BigNumber(ethUtil.toBuffer(testBytes32).byteLength);
return expectRevertOrOtherErrorAsync(
libBytes.publicReadBytes32.callAsync(testBytes32, badOffset),
@@ -258,7 +288,7 @@ describe('LibBytes', () => {
const offset = new BigNumber(0);
return expectRevertOrOtherErrorAsync(
libBytes.publicReadUint256.callAsync(byteArrayShorterThan32Bytes, offset),
@@ -269,7 +299,7 @@ describe('LibBytes', () => {
const badOffset = new BigNumber(testUint256AsBuffer.byteLength);
return expectRevertOrOtherErrorAsync(
libBytes.publicReadUint256.callAsync(byteArray, badOffset),
@@ -291,7 +321,7 @@ describe('LibBytes', () => {
const byteArrayLessThan4Bytes = '0x010101';
return expectRevertOrOtherErrorAsync(
it('should return the first 4 bytes of a byte array of arbitrary length', async () => {
@@ -300,4 +330,180 @@ describe('LibBytes', () => {
+ describe('readBytes', () => {
+ it('should successfully read short, nested array of bytes when it takes up the whole array', async () => {
+ const testBytesOffset = new BigNumber(0);
+ const bytes = await libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(shortTestBytes, testBytesOffset);
+ return expect(bytes).to.be.equal(shortData);
+ });
+ it('should successfully read short, nested array of bytes when it is offset in the array', async () => {
+ const prefixByteArrayBuffer = ethUtil.toBuffer('0xabcdef');
+ const combinedByteArrayBuffer = Buffer.concat([prefixByteArrayBuffer, shortTestBytesAsBuffer]);
+ const combinedByteArray = ethUtil.bufferToHex(combinedByteArrayBuffer);
+ const testUint256Offset = new BigNumber(prefixByteArrayBuffer.byteLength);
+ const bytes = await libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(combinedByteArray, testUint256Offset);
+ return expect(bytes).to.be.equal(shortData);
+ });
+ it('should successfully read a nested array of bytes - one word in length - when it takes up the whole array', async () => {
+ const testBytesOffset = new BigNumber(0);
+ const bytes = await libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(wordOfTestBytes, testBytesOffset);
+ return expect(bytes).to.be.equal(wordOfData);
+ });
+ it('should successfully read a nested array of bytes - one word in length - when it is offset in the array', async () => {
+ const prefixByteArrayBuffer = ethUtil.toBuffer('0xabcdef');
+ const combinedByteArrayBuffer = Buffer.concat([prefixByteArrayBuffer, wordOfTestBytesAsBuffer]);
+ const combinedByteArray = ethUtil.bufferToHex(combinedByteArrayBuffer);
+ const testUint256Offset = new BigNumber(prefixByteArrayBuffer.byteLength);
+ const bytes = await libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(combinedByteArray, testUint256Offset);
+ return expect(bytes).to.be.equal(wordOfData);
+ });
+ it('should successfully read long, nested array of bytes when it takes up the whole array', async () => {
+ const testBytesOffset = new BigNumber(0);
+ const bytes = await libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(longTestBytes, testBytesOffset);
+ return expect(bytes).to.be.equal(longData);
+ });
+ it('should successfully read long, nested array of bytes when it is offset in the array', async () => {
+ const prefixByteArrayBuffer = ethUtil.toBuffer('0xabcdef');
+ const combinedByteArrayBuffer = Buffer.concat([prefixByteArrayBuffer, longTestBytesAsBuffer]);
+ const combinedByteArray = ethUtil.bufferToHex(combinedByteArrayBuffer);
+ const testUint256Offset = new BigNumber(prefixByteArrayBuffer.byteLength);
+ const bytes = await libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(combinedByteArray, testUint256Offset);
+ return expect(bytes).to.be.equal(longData);
+ });
+ it('should fail if the byte array is too short to hold the length of a nested byte array', async () => {
+ // The length of the nested array is 32 bytes. By storing less than 32 bytes, a length cannot be read.
+ const offset = new BigNumber(0);
+ return expectRevertOrOtherErrorAsync(
+ libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(byteArrayShorterThan32Bytes, offset),
+ );
+ });
+ it('should fail if we store a nested byte array length, without a nested byte array', async () => {
+ const offset = new BigNumber(0);
+ return expectRevertOrOtherErrorAsync(
+ libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(testBytes32, offset),
+ );
+ });
+ it('should fail if the length between the offset and end of the byte array is too short to hold the length of a nested byte array', async () => {
+ const badOffset = new BigNumber(ethUtil.toBuffer(byteArrayShorterThan32Bytes).byteLength);
+ return expectRevertOrOtherErrorAsync(
+ libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(byteArrayShorterThan32Bytes, badOffset),
+ );
+ });
+ it('should fail if the length between the offset and end of the byte array is too short to hold the nested byte array', async () => {
+ const badOffset = new BigNumber(ethUtil.toBuffer(testBytes32).byteLength);
+ return expectRevertOrOtherErrorAsync(
+ libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(testBytes32, badOffset),
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe('writeBytes', () => {
+ it('should successfully write short, nested array of bytes when it takes up the whole array)', async () => {
+ const testBytesOffset = new BigNumber(0);
+ const emptyByteArray = ethUtil.bufferToHex(new Buffer(shortTestBytesAsBuffer.byteLength));
+ const bytesWritten = await libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(emptyByteArray, testBytesOffset, shortData);
+ const bytesRead = await libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(bytesWritten, testBytesOffset);
+ return expect(bytesRead).to.be.equal(shortData);
+ });
+ it('should successfully write short, nested array of bytes when it is offset in the array', async () => {
+ // Write a prefix to the array
+ const prefixData = '0xabcdef';
+ const prefixDataAsBuffer = ethUtil.toBuffer(prefixData);
+ const prefixOffset = new BigNumber(0);
+ const emptyByteArray = ethUtil.bufferToHex(
+ new Buffer(prefixDataAsBuffer.byteLength + shortTestBytesAsBuffer.byteLength),
+ );
+ let bytesWritten = await libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(emptyByteArray, prefixOffset, prefixData);
+ // Write data after prefix
+ const testBytesOffset = new BigNumber(prefixDataAsBuffer.byteLength);
+ bytesWritten = await libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(bytesWritten, testBytesOffset, shortData);
+ // Read data after prefix and validate
+ const bytes = await libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(bytesWritten, testBytesOffset);
+ return expect(bytes).to.be.equal(shortData);
+ });
+ it('should successfully write a nested array of bytes - one word in length - when it takes up the whole array', async () => {
+ const testBytesOffset = new BigNumber(0);
+ const emptyByteArray = ethUtil.bufferToHex(new Buffer(wordOfTestBytesAsBuffer.byteLength));
+ const bytesWritten = await libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(emptyByteArray, testBytesOffset, wordOfData);
+ const bytesRead = await libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(bytesWritten, testBytesOffset);
+ return expect(bytesRead).to.be.equal(wordOfData);
+ });
+ it('should successfully write a nested array of bytes - one word in length - when it is offset in the array', async () => {
+ // Write a prefix to the array
+ const prefixData = '0xabcdef';
+ const prefixDataAsBuffer = ethUtil.toBuffer(prefixData);
+ const prefixOffset = new BigNumber(0);
+ const emptyByteArray = ethUtil.bufferToHex(
+ new Buffer(prefixDataAsBuffer.byteLength + wordOfTestBytesAsBuffer.byteLength),
+ );
+ let bytesWritten = await libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(emptyByteArray, prefixOffset, prefixData);
+ // Write data after prefix
+ const testBytesOffset = new BigNumber(prefixDataAsBuffer.byteLength);
+ bytesWritten = await libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(bytesWritten, testBytesOffset, wordOfData);
+ // Read data after prefix and validate
+ const bytes = await libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(bytesWritten, testBytesOffset);
+ return expect(bytes).to.be.equal(wordOfData);
+ });
+ it('should successfully write a long, nested bytes when it takes up the whole array', async () => {
+ const testBytesOffset = new BigNumber(0);
+ const emptyByteArray = ethUtil.bufferToHex(new Buffer(longTestBytesAsBuffer.byteLength));
+ const bytesWritten = await libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(emptyByteArray, testBytesOffset, longData);
+ const bytesRead = await libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(bytesWritten, testBytesOffset);
+ return expect(bytesRead).to.be.equal(longData);
+ });
+ it('should successfully write long, nested array of bytes when it is offset in the array', async () => {
+ // Write a prefix to the array
+ const prefixData = '0xabcdef';
+ const prefixDataAsBuffer = ethUtil.toBuffer(prefixData);
+ const prefixOffset = new BigNumber(0);
+ const emptyByteArray = ethUtil.bufferToHex(
+ new Buffer(prefixDataAsBuffer.byteLength + longTestBytesAsBuffer.byteLength),
+ );
+ let bytesWritten = await libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(emptyByteArray, prefixOffset, prefixData);
+ // Write data after prefix
+ const testBytesOffset = new BigNumber(prefixDataAsBuffer.byteLength);
+ bytesWritten = await libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(bytesWritten, testBytesOffset, longData);
+ // Read data after prefix and validate
+ const bytes = await libBytes.publicReadBytes.callAsync(bytesWritten, testBytesOffset);
+ return expect(bytes).to.be.equal(longData);
+ });
+ it('should fail if the byte array is too short to hold the length of a nested byte array', async () => {
+ const offset = new BigNumber(0);
+ const emptyByteArray = ethUtil.bufferToHex(new Buffer(1));
+ return expectRevertOrOtherErrorAsync(
+ libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(emptyByteArray, offset, longData),
+ );
+ });
+ it('should fail if the length between the offset and end of the byte array is too short to hold the length of a nested byte array)', async () => {
+ const emptyByteArray = ethUtil.bufferToHex(new Buffer(shortTestBytesAsBuffer.byteLength));
+ const badOffset = new BigNumber(ethUtil.toBuffer(shortTestBytesAsBuffer).byteLength);
+ return expectRevertOrOtherErrorAsync(
+ libBytes.publicWriteBytes.callAsync(emptyByteArray, badOffset, shortData),
+ );
+ });
+ });
+// tslint:disable:max-file-line-count
diff --git a/packages/contracts/test/libraries/lib_mem.ts b/packages/contracts/test/libraries/lib_mem.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00f7c4d8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/contracts/test/libraries/lib_mem.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils';
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import { TestLibMemContract } from '../../src/generated_contract_wrappers/test_lib_mem';
+import { artifacts } from '../../src/utils/artifacts';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../../src/utils/chai_setup';
+import { provider, txDefaults } from '../../src/utils/web3_wrapper';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+// BUG: Ideally we would use Buffer.from(memory).toString('hex')
+// https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/23155
+const toHex = (buf: Uint8Array): string => buf.reduce((a, v) => a + ('00' + v.toString(16)).slice(-2), '0x');
+const fromHex = (str: string): Uint8Array => Uint8Array.from(Buffer.from(str.slice(2), 'hex'));
+describe('LibMem', () => {
+ let testLibMem: TestLibMemContract;
+ before(async () => {
+ // Deploy TestLibMem
+ testLibMem = await TestLibMemContract.deployFrom0xArtifactAsync(artifacts.TestLibMem, provider, txDefaults);
+ });
+ describe('memCopy', () => {
+ // Create memory 0x000102...FF
+ const memSize = 256;
+ const memory = new Uint8Array(memSize).map((_, i) => i);
+ const memHex = toHex(memory);
+ // Reference implementation to test against
+ const refMemcpy = (_mem: Uint8Array, dest: number, source: number, length: number): Uint8Array =>
+ Uint8Array.from(memory).copyWithin(dest, source, source + length);
+ // Test vectors: destination, source, length, job description
+ type Tests = Array<[number, number, number, string]>;
+ const test = (tests: Tests) =>
+ tests.forEach(([dest, source, length, job]) =>
+ it(job, async () => {
+ const expected = refMemcpy(memory, dest, source, length);
+ const resultStr = await testLibMem.testMemcpy.callAsync(
+ memHex,
+ new BigNumber(dest),
+ new BigNumber(source),
+ new BigNumber(length),
+ );
+ const result = fromHex(resultStr);
+ expect(result).to.deep.equal(expected);
+ }),
+ );
+ test([[0, 0, 0, 'copies zero bytes with overlap']]);
+ describe('copies forward', () =>
+ test([
+ [128, 0, 0, 'zero bytes'],
+ [128, 0, 1, 'one byte'],
+ [128, 0, 11, 'eleven bytes'],
+ [128, 0, 31, 'thirty-one bytes'],
+ [128, 0, 32, 'one word'],
+ [128, 0, 64, 'two words'],
+ [128, 0, 96, 'three words'],
+ [128, 0, 33, 'one word and one byte'],
+ [128, 0, 72, 'two words and eight bytes'],
+ [128, 0, 100, 'three words and four bytes'],
+ ]));
+ describe('copies forward within one word', () =>
+ test([
+ [16, 0, 0, 'zero bytes'],
+ [16, 0, 1, 'one byte'],
+ [16, 0, 11, 'eleven bytes'],
+ [16, 0, 16, 'sixteen bytes'],
+ ]));
+ describe('copies forward with one byte overlap', () =>
+ test([
+ [0, 0, 1, 'one byte'],
+ [10, 0, 11, 'eleven bytes'],
+ [30, 0, 31, 'thirty-one bytes'],
+ [31, 0, 32, 'one word'],
+ [32, 0, 33, 'one word and one byte'],
+ [71, 0, 72, 'two words and eight bytes'],
+ [99, 0, 100, 'three words and four bytes'],
+ ]));
+ describe('copies forward with thirty-one bytes overlap', () =>
+ test([
+ [0, 0, 31, 'thirty-one bytes'],
+ [1, 0, 32, 'one word'],
+ [2, 0, 33, 'one word and one byte'],
+ [41, 0, 72, 'two words and eight bytes'],
+ [69, 0, 100, 'three words and four bytes'],
+ ]));
+ describe('copies forward with one word overlap', () =>
+ test([
+ [0, 0, 32, 'one word'],
+ [1, 0, 33, 'one word and one byte'],
+ [41, 0, 72, 'two words and eight bytes'],
+ [69, 0, 100, 'three words and four bytes'],
+ ]));
+ describe('copies forward with one word and one byte overlap', () =>
+ test([
+ [0, 0, 33, 'one word and one byte'],
+ [40, 0, 72, 'two words and eight bytes'],
+ [68, 0, 100, 'three words and four bytes'],
+ ]));
+ describe('copies forward with two words overlap', () =>
+ test([
+ [0, 0, 64, 'two words'],
+ [8, 0, 72, 'two words and eight bytes'],
+ [36, 0, 100, 'three words and four bytes'],
+ ]));
+ describe('copies forward within one word and one byte overlap', () =>
+ test([[0, 0, 1, 'one byte'], [10, 0, 11, 'eleven bytes'], [15, 0, 16, 'sixteen bytes']]));
+ describe('copies backward', () =>
+ test([
+ [0, 128, 0, 'zero bytes'],
+ [0, 128, 1, 'one byte'],
+ [0, 128, 11, 'eleven bytes'],
+ [0, 128, 31, 'thirty-one bytes'],
+ [0, 128, 32, 'one word'],
+ [0, 128, 64, 'two words'],
+ [0, 128, 96, 'three words'],
+ [0, 128, 33, 'one word and one byte'],
+ [0, 128, 72, 'two words and eight bytes'],
+ [0, 128, 100, 'three words and four bytes'],
+ ]));
+ describe('copies backward within one word', () =>
+ test([
+ [0, 16, 0, 'zero bytes'],
+ [0, 16, 1, 'one byte'],
+ [0, 16, 11, 'eleven bytes'],
+ [0, 16, 16, 'sixteen bytes'],
+ ]));
+ describe('copies backward with one byte overlap', () =>
+ test([
+ [0, 0, 1, 'one byte'],
+ [0, 10, 11, 'eleven bytes'],
+ [0, 30, 31, 'thirty-one bytes'],
+ [0, 31, 32, 'one word'],
+ [0, 32, 33, 'one word and one byte'],
+ [0, 71, 72, 'two words and eight bytes'],
+ [0, 99, 100, 'three words and four bytes'],
+ ]));
+ describe('copies backward with thirty-one bytes overlap', () =>
+ test([
+ [0, 0, 31, 'thirty-one bytes'],
+ [0, 1, 32, 'one word'],
+ [0, 2, 33, 'one word and one byte'],
+ [0, 41, 72, 'two words and eight bytes'],
+ [0, 69, 100, 'three words and four bytes'],
+ ]));
+ describe('copies backward with one word overlap', () =>
+ test([
+ [0, 0, 32, 'one word'],
+ [0, 1, 33, 'one word and one byte'],
+ [0, 41, 72, 'two words and eight bytes'],
+ [0, 69, 100, 'three words and four bytes'],
+ ]));
+ describe('copies backward with one word and one byte overlap', () =>
+ test([
+ [0, 0, 33, 'one word and one byte'],
+ [0, 40, 72, 'two words and eight bytes'],
+ [0, 68, 100, 'three words and four bytes'],
+ ]));
+ describe('copies backward with two words overlap', () =>
+ test([
+ [0, 0, 64, 'two words'],
+ [0, 8, 72, 'two words and eight bytes'],
+ [0, 36, 100, 'three words and four bytes'],
+ ]));
+ describe('copies forward within one word and one byte overlap', () =>
+ test([[0, 0, 1, 'one byte'], [0, 10, 11, 'eleven bytes'], [0, 15, 16, 'sixteen bytes']]));
+ });