path: root/packages/contracts/src/2.0.0/protocol/Exchange/MixinSignatureValidator.sol
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diff --git a/packages/contracts/src/2.0.0/protocol/Exchange/MixinSignatureValidator.sol b/packages/contracts/src/2.0.0/protocol/Exchange/MixinSignatureValidator.sol
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index 44de54817..000000000
--- a/packages/contracts/src/2.0.0/protocol/Exchange/MixinSignatureValidator.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2018 ZeroEx Intl.
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-pragma solidity 0.4.24;
-import "../../utils/LibBytes/LibBytes.sol";
-import "./mixins/MSignatureValidator.sol";
-import "./mixins/MTransactions.sol";
-import "./interfaces/IWallet.sol";
-import "./interfaces/IValidator.sol";
-contract MixinSignatureValidator is
- MSignatureValidator,
- MTransactions
- using LibBytes for bytes;
- // Mapping of hash => signer => signed
- mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => bool)) public preSigned;
- // Mapping of signer => validator => approved
- mapping (address => mapping (address => bool)) public allowedValidators;
- /// @dev Approves a hash on-chain using any valid signature type.
- /// After presigning a hash, the preSign signature type will become valid for that hash and signer.
- /// @param signerAddress Address that should have signed the given hash.
- /// @param signature Proof that the hash has been signed by signer.
- function preSign(
- bytes32 hash,
- address signerAddress,
- bytes signature
- )
- external
- {
- require(
- isValidSignature(
- hash,
- signerAddress,
- signature
- ),
- );
- preSigned[hash][signerAddress] = true;
- }
- /// @dev Approves/unnapproves a Validator contract to verify signatures on signer's behalf.
- /// @param validatorAddress Address of Validator contract.
- /// @param approval Approval or disapproval of Validator contract.
- function setSignatureValidatorApproval(
- address validatorAddress,
- bool approval
- )
- external
- {
- address signerAddress = getCurrentContextAddress();
- allowedValidators[signerAddress][validatorAddress] = approval;
- emit SignatureValidatorApproval(
- signerAddress,
- validatorAddress,
- approval
- );
- }
- /// @dev Verifies that a hash has been signed by the given signer.
- /// @param hash Any 32 byte hash.
- /// @param signerAddress Address that should have signed the given hash.
- /// @param signature Proof that the hash has been signed by signer.
- /// @return True if the address recovered from the provided signature matches the input signer address.
- function isValidSignature(
- bytes32 hash,
- address signerAddress,
- bytes memory signature
- )
- public
- view
- returns (bool isValid)
- {
- require(
- signature.length > 0,
- );
- // Pop last byte off of signature byte array.
- uint8 signatureTypeRaw = uint8(signature.popLastByte());
- // Ensure signature is supported
- require(
- signatureTypeRaw < uint8(SignatureType.NSignatureTypes),
- );
- SignatureType signatureType = SignatureType(signatureTypeRaw);
- // Variables are not scoped in Solidity.
- uint8 v;
- bytes32 r;
- bytes32 s;
- address recovered;
- // Always illegal signature.
- // This is always an implicit option since a signer can create a
- // signature array with invalid type or length. We may as well make
- // it an explicit option. This aids testing and analysis. It is
- // also the initialization value for the enum type.
- if (signatureType == SignatureType.Illegal) {
- // Always invalid signature.
- // Like Illegal, this is always implicitly available and therefore
- // offered explicitly. It can be implicitly created by providing
- // a correctly formatted but incorrect signature.
- } else if (signatureType == SignatureType.Invalid) {
- require(
- signature.length == 0,
- );
- isValid = false;
- return isValid;
- // Signature using EIP712
- } else if (signatureType == SignatureType.EIP712) {
- require(
- signature.length == 65,
- );
- v = uint8(signature[0]);
- r = signature.readBytes32(1);
- s = signature.readBytes32(33);
- recovered = ecrecover(
- hash,
- v,
- r,
- s
- );
- isValid = signerAddress == recovered;
- return isValid;
- // Signed using web3.eth_sign
- } else if (signatureType == SignatureType.EthSign) {
- require(
- signature.length == 65,
- );
- v = uint8(signature[0]);
- r = signature.readBytes32(1);
- s = signature.readBytes32(33);
- recovered = ecrecover(
- keccak256(abi.encodePacked(
- "\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32",
- hash
- )),
- v,
- r,
- s
- );
- isValid = signerAddress == recovered;
- return isValid;
- // Implicitly signed by caller.
- // The signer has initiated the call. In the case of non-contract
- // accounts it means the transaction itself was signed.
- // Example: let's say for a particular operation three signatures
- // A, B and C are required. To submit the transaction, A and B can
- // give a signature to C, who can then submit the transaction using
- // `Caller` for his own signature. Or A and C can sign and B can
- // submit using `Caller`. Having `Caller` allows this flexibility.
- } else if (signatureType == SignatureType.Caller) {
- require(
- signature.length == 0,
- );
- isValid = signerAddress == msg.sender;
- return isValid;
- // Signature verified by wallet contract.
- // If used with an order, the maker of the order is the wallet contract.
- } else if (signatureType == SignatureType.Wallet) {
- isValid = IWallet(signerAddress).isValidSignature(hash, signature);
- return isValid;
- // Signature verified by validator contract.
- // If used with an order, the maker of the order can still be an EOA.
- // A signature using this type should be encoded as:
- // | Offset | Length | Contents |
- // | 0x00 | x | Signature to validate |
- // | 0x00 + x | 20 | Address of validator contract |
- // | 0x14 + x | 1 | Signature type is always "\x06" |
- } else if (signatureType == SignatureType.Validator) {
- // Pop last 20 bytes off of signature byte array.
- address validatorAddress = signature.popLast20Bytes();
- // Ensure signer has approved validator.
- if (!allowedValidators[signerAddress][validatorAddress]) {
- return false;
- }
- isValid = IValidator(validatorAddress).isValidSignature(
- hash,
- signerAddress,
- signature
- );
- return isValid;
- // Signer signed hash previously using the preSign function.
- } else if (signatureType == SignatureType.PreSigned) {
- isValid = preSigned[hash][signerAddress];
- return isValid;
- // Signature from Trezor hardware wallet.
- // It differs from web3.eth_sign in the encoding of message length
- // (Bitcoin varint encoding vs ascii-decimal, the latter is not
- // self-terminating which leads to ambiguities).
- // See also:
- // https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#Variable_length_integer
- // https://github.com/trezor/trezor-mcu/blob/master/firmware/ethereum.c#L602
- // https://github.com/trezor/trezor-mcu/blob/master/firmware/crypto.c#L36
- } else if (signatureType == SignatureType.Trezor) {
- require(
- signature.length == 65,
- );
- v = uint8(signature[0]);
- r = signature.readBytes32(1);
- s = signature.readBytes32(33);
- recovered = ecrecover(
- keccak256(abi.encodePacked(
- "\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n\x20",
- hash
- )),
- v,
- r,
- s
- );
- isValid = signerAddress == recovered;
- return isValid;
- }
- // Anything else is illegal (We do not return false because
- // the signature may actually be valid, just not in a format
- // that we currently support. In this case returning false
- // may lead the caller to incorrectly believe that the
- // signature was invalid.)
- }