path: root/packages/contract-wrappers/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/contract-wrappers/test')
2 files changed, 496 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/contract-wrappers/test/erc721_proxy_wrapper_test.ts b/packages/contract-wrappers/test/erc721_proxy_wrapper_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d1a5b8bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/contract-wrappers/test/erc721_proxy_wrapper_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import 'make-promises-safe';
+import { ContractWrappers } from '../src';
+import { chaiSetup } from './utils/chai_setup';
+import { constants } from './utils/constants';
+import { provider } from './utils/web3_wrapper';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+describe('ERC721ProxyWrapper', () => {
+ let contractWrappers: ContractWrappers;
+ const config = {
+ networkId: constants.TESTRPC_NETWORK_ID,
+ };
+ before(async () => {
+ contractWrappers = new ContractWrappers(provider, config);
+ });
+ describe('#isAuthorizedAsync', () => {
+ it('should return false if the address is not authorized', async () => {
+ const isAuthorized = await contractWrappers.erc721Proxy.isAuthorizedAsync(constants.NULL_ADDRESS);
+ expect(isAuthorized).to.be.false();
+ });
+ });
+ describe('#getAuthorizedAddressesAsync', () => {
+ it('should return the list of authorized addresses', async () => {
+ const authorizedAddresses = await contractWrappers.erc721Proxy.getAuthorizedAddressesAsync();
+ for (const authorizedAddress of authorizedAddresses) {
+ const isAuthorized = await contractWrappers.erc721Proxy.isAuthorizedAsync(authorizedAddress);
+ expect(isAuthorized).to.be.true();
+ }
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/packages/contract-wrappers/test/erc721_wrapper_test.ts b/packages/contract-wrappers/test/erc721_wrapper_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..170442690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/contract-wrappers/test/erc721_wrapper_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+import { BlockchainLifecycle, callbackErrorReporter } from '@0xproject/dev-utils';
+import { EmptyWalletSubprovider } from '@0xproject/subproviders';
+import { DoneCallback } from '@0xproject/types';
+import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils';
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import { Provider } from 'ethereum-types';
+import 'make-promises-safe';
+import 'mocha';
+import Web3ProviderEngine = require('web3-provider-engine');
+import {
+ BlockParamLiteral,
+ BlockRange,
+ ContractWrappers,
+ ContractWrappersError,
+ DecodedLogEvent,
+ ERC721TokenApprovalEventArgs,
+ ERC721TokenApprovalForAllEventArgs,
+ ERC721TokenEvents,
+ ERC721TokenTransferEventArgs,
+} from '../src';
+import { chaiSetup } from './utils/chai_setup';
+import { constants } from './utils/constants';
+import { tokenUtils } from './utils/token_utils';
+import { provider, web3Wrapper } from './utils/web3_wrapper';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const blockchainLifecycle = new BlockchainLifecycle(web3Wrapper);
+describe('ERC721Wrapper', () => {
+ let contractWrappers: ContractWrappers;
+ let userAddresses: string[];
+ let tokens: string[];
+ let ownerAddress: string;
+ let tokenAddress: string;
+ let anotherOwnerAddress: string;
+ let operatorAddress: string;
+ let approvedAddress: string;
+ let receiverAddress: string;
+ const config = {
+ networkId: constants.TESTRPC_NETWORK_ID,
+ };
+ before(async () => {
+ contractWrappers = new ContractWrappers(provider, config);
+ userAddresses = await web3Wrapper.getAvailableAddressesAsync();
+ tokens = tokenUtils.getDummyERC721TokenAddresses();
+ tokenAddress = tokens[0];
+ [ownerAddress, operatorAddress, anotherOwnerAddress, approvedAddress, receiverAddress] = userAddresses;
+ });
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync();
+ });
+ afterEach(async () => {
+ await blockchainLifecycle.revertAsync();
+ });
+ describe('#transferFromAsync', () => {
+ it('should fail to transfer NFT if fromAddress has no approvals set', async () => {
+ const tokenId = await tokenUtils.mintDummyERC721Async(tokenAddress, ownerAddress);
+ return expect(
+ contractWrappers.erc721Token.transferFromAsync(tokenAddress, receiverAddress, approvedAddress, tokenId),
+ ).to.be.rejectedWith(ContractWrappersError.ERC721NoApproval);
+ });
+ it('should successfully transfer tokens when sender is an approved address', async () => {
+ const tokenId = await tokenUtils.mintDummyERC721Async(tokenAddress, ownerAddress);
+ let txHash = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.setApprovalAsync(tokenAddress, approvedAddress, tokenId);
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(txHash);
+ const owner = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.getOwnerOfAsync(tokenAddress, tokenId);
+ expect(owner).to.be.equal(ownerAddress);
+ txHash = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.transferFromAsync(
+ tokenAddress,
+ receiverAddress,
+ approvedAddress,
+ tokenId,
+ );
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(txHash);
+ const newOwner = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.getOwnerOfAsync(tokenAddress, tokenId);
+ expect(newOwner).to.be.equal(receiverAddress);
+ });
+ it('should successfully transfer tokens when sender is an approved operator', async () => {
+ const tokenId = await tokenUtils.mintDummyERC721Async(tokenAddress, ownerAddress);
+ const isApprovedForAll = true;
+ let txHash = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.setApprovalForAllAsync(
+ tokenAddress,
+ ownerAddress,
+ operatorAddress,
+ isApprovedForAll,
+ );
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(txHash);
+ const owner = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.getOwnerOfAsync(tokenAddress, tokenId);
+ expect(owner).to.be.equal(ownerAddress);
+ txHash = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.transferFromAsync(
+ tokenAddress,
+ receiverAddress,
+ operatorAddress,
+ tokenId,
+ );
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(txHash);
+ const newOwner = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.getOwnerOfAsync(tokenAddress, tokenId);
+ expect(newOwner).to.be.equal(receiverAddress);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('#getTokenCountAsync', () => {
+ describe('With provider with accounts', () => {
+ it('should return the count for an existing ERC721 token', async () => {
+ let tokenCount = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.getTokenCountAsync(tokenAddress, ownerAddress);
+ expect(tokenCount).to.be.bignumber.equal(0);
+ await tokenUtils.mintDummyERC721Async(tokenAddress, ownerAddress);
+ tokenCount = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.getTokenCountAsync(tokenAddress, ownerAddress);
+ expect(tokenCount).to.be.bignumber.equal(1);
+ });
+ it('should throw a CONTRACT_DOES_NOT_EXIST error for a non-existent token contract', async () => {
+ const nonExistentTokenAddress = '0x9dd402f14d67e001d8efbe6583e51bf9706aa065';
+ return expect(
+ contractWrappers.erc721Token.getTokenCountAsync(nonExistentTokenAddress, ownerAddress),
+ ).to.be.rejectedWith(ContractWrappersError.ERC721TokenContractDoesNotExist);
+ });
+ it('should return a balance of 0 for a non-existent owner address', async () => {
+ const nonExistentOwner = '0x198c6ad858f213fb31b6fe809e25040e6b964593';
+ const balance = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.getTokenCountAsync(tokenAddress, nonExistentOwner);
+ const expectedBalance = new BigNumber(0);
+ return expect(balance).to.be.bignumber.equal(expectedBalance);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('With provider without accounts', () => {
+ let zeroExContractWithoutAccounts: ContractWrappers;
+ before(async () => {
+ const emptyWalletProvider = addEmptyWalletSubprovider(provider);
+ zeroExContractWithoutAccounts = new ContractWrappers(emptyWalletProvider, config);
+ });
+ it('should return balance even when called with provider instance without addresses', async () => {
+ const balance = await zeroExContractWithoutAccounts.erc721Token.getTokenCountAsync(
+ tokenAddress,
+ ownerAddress,
+ );
+ return expect(balance).to.be.bignumber.equal(0);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe('#getOwnerOfAsync', () => {
+ it('should return the owner for an existing ERC721 token', async () => {
+ const tokenId = await tokenUtils.mintDummyERC721Async(tokenAddress, ownerAddress);
+ const tokenOwner = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.getOwnerOfAsync(tokenAddress, tokenId);
+ expect(tokenOwner).to.be.bignumber.equal(ownerAddress);
+ });
+ it('should throw a CONTRACT_DOES_NOT_EXIST error for a non-existent token contract', async () => {
+ const nonExistentTokenAddress = '0x9dd402f14d67e001d8efbe6583e51bf9706aa065';
+ const fakeTokenId = new BigNumber(42);
+ return expect(
+ contractWrappers.erc721Token.getOwnerOfAsync(nonExistentTokenAddress, fakeTokenId),
+ ).to.be.rejectedWith(ContractWrappersError.ERC721TokenContractDoesNotExist);
+ });
+ it('should return undefined not 0 for a non-existent ERC721', async () => {
+ const fakeTokenId = new BigNumber(42);
+ return expect(contractWrappers.erc721Token.getOwnerOfAsync(tokenAddress, fakeTokenId)).to.be.rejectedWith(
+ ContractWrappersError.ERC721OwnerNotFound,
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe('#setApprovalForAllAsync/isApprovedForAllAsync', () => {
+ it('should check if operator address is approved', async () => {
+ let isApprovedForAll = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.isApprovedForAllAsync(
+ tokenAddress,
+ ownerAddress,
+ operatorAddress,
+ );
+ expect(isApprovedForAll).to.be.false();
+ // set
+ let txHash = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.setApprovalForAllAsync(
+ tokenAddress,
+ ownerAddress,
+ operatorAddress,
+ true,
+ );
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(txHash);
+ isApprovedForAll = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.isApprovedForAllAsync(
+ tokenAddress,
+ ownerAddress,
+ operatorAddress,
+ );
+ expect(isApprovedForAll).to.be.true();
+ // usnset
+ txHash = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.setApprovalForAllAsync(
+ tokenAddress,
+ ownerAddress,
+ operatorAddress,
+ false,
+ );
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(txHash);
+ isApprovedForAll = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.isApprovedForAllAsync(
+ tokenAddress,
+ ownerAddress,
+ operatorAddress,
+ );
+ expect(isApprovedForAll).to.be.false();
+ });
+ });
+ describe('#setProxyApprovalForAllAsync/isProxyApprovedForAllAsync', () => {
+ it('should check if proxy address is approved', async () => {
+ const txHash = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.setProxyApprovalForAllAsync(
+ tokenAddress,
+ ownerAddress,
+ true,
+ );
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(txHash);
+ const isApprovedForAll = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.isProxyApprovedForAllAsync(
+ tokenAddress,
+ ownerAddress,
+ );
+ expect(isApprovedForAll).to.be.true();
+ });
+ });
+ describe('#setApprovalAsync/getApprovedAsync', () => {
+ it("should set the spender's approval", async () => {
+ const tokenId = await tokenUtils.mintDummyERC721Async(tokenAddress, ownerAddress);
+ const approvalBeforeSet = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.getApprovedAsync(tokenAddress, tokenId);
+ expect(approvalBeforeSet).to.be.undefined();
+ await contractWrappers.erc721Token.setApprovalAsync(tokenAddress, approvedAddress, tokenId);
+ const approvalAfterSet = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.getApprovedAsync(tokenAddress, tokenId);
+ expect(approvalAfterSet).to.be.equal(approvedAddress);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('#setProxyApprovalAsync/isProxyApprovedAsync', () => {
+ it('should set the proxy approval', async () => {
+ const tokenId = await tokenUtils.mintDummyERC721Async(tokenAddress, ownerAddress);
+ const approvalBeforeSet = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.isProxyApprovedAsync(tokenAddress, tokenId);
+ expect(approvalBeforeSet).to.be.false();
+ await contractWrappers.erc721Token.setProxyApprovalAsync(tokenAddress, tokenId);
+ const approvalAfterSet = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.isProxyApprovedAsync(tokenAddress, tokenId);
+ expect(approvalAfterSet).to.be.true();
+ });
+ });
+ describe('#subscribe', () => {
+ const indexFilterValues = {};
+ afterEach(() => {
+ contractWrappers.erc721Token.unsubscribeAll();
+ });
+ // Hack: Mocha does not allow a test to be both async and have a `done` callback
+ // Since we need to await the receipt of the event in the `subscribe` callback,
+ // we do need both. A hack is to make the top-level a sync fn w/ a done callback and then
+ // wrap the rest of the test in an async block
+ // Source: https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/issues/2407
+ it('Should receive the Transfer event when tokens are transfered', (done: DoneCallback) => {
+ (async () => {
+ const callback = callbackErrorReporter.reportNodeCallbackErrors(done)(
+ (logEvent: DecodedLogEvent<ERC721TokenTransferEventArgs>) => {
+ expect(logEvent.isRemoved).to.be.false();
+ expect(logEvent.log.logIndex).to.be.equal(0);
+ expect(logEvent.log.transactionIndex).to.be.equal(0);
+ expect(logEvent.log.blockNumber).to.be.a('number');
+ const args = logEvent.log.args;
+ expect(args._from).to.be.equal(ownerAddress);
+ expect(args._to).to.be.equal(receiverAddress);
+ expect(args._tokenId).to.be.bignumber.equal(tokenId);
+ },
+ );
+ const tokenId = await tokenUtils.mintDummyERC721Async(tokenAddress, ownerAddress);
+ const isApprovedForAll = true;
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
+ await contractWrappers.erc721Token.setApprovalForAllAsync(
+ tokenAddress,
+ ownerAddress,
+ operatorAddress,
+ isApprovedForAll,
+ ),
+ );
+ contractWrappers.erc721Token.subscribe(
+ tokenAddress,
+ ERC721TokenEvents.Transfer,
+ indexFilterValues,
+ callback,
+ );
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
+ await contractWrappers.erc721Token.transferFromAsync(
+ tokenAddress,
+ receiverAddress,
+ operatorAddress,
+ tokenId,
+ ),
+ );
+ })().catch(done);
+ });
+ it('Should receive the Approval event when allowance is being set', (done: DoneCallback) => {
+ (async () => {
+ const callback = callbackErrorReporter.reportNodeCallbackErrors(done)(
+ (logEvent: DecodedLogEvent<ERC721TokenApprovalEventArgs>) => {
+ expect(logEvent).to.not.be.undefined();
+ expect(logEvent.isRemoved).to.be.false();
+ const args = logEvent.log.args;
+ expect(args._owner).to.be.equal(ownerAddress);
+ expect(args._approved).to.be.equal(approvedAddress);
+ expect(args._tokenId).to.be.bignumber.equal(tokenId);
+ },
+ );
+ contractWrappers.erc721Token.subscribe(
+ tokenAddress,
+ ERC721TokenEvents.Approval,
+ indexFilterValues,
+ callback,
+ );
+ const tokenId = await tokenUtils.mintDummyERC721Async(tokenAddress, ownerAddress);
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
+ await contractWrappers.erc721Token.setApprovalAsync(tokenAddress, approvedAddress, tokenId),
+ );
+ })().catch(done);
+ });
+ it('Outstanding subscriptions are cancelled when contractWrappers.setProvider called', (done: DoneCallback) => {
+ (async () => {
+ const callbackNeverToBeCalled = callbackErrorReporter.reportNodeCallbackErrors(done)(
+ (logEvent: DecodedLogEvent<ERC721TokenApprovalEventArgs>) => {
+ done(new Error('Expected this subscription to have been cancelled'));
+ },
+ );
+ contractWrappers.erc721Token.subscribe(
+ tokenAddress,
+ ERC721TokenEvents.Transfer,
+ indexFilterValues,
+ callbackNeverToBeCalled,
+ );
+ const callbackToBeCalled = callbackErrorReporter.reportNodeCallbackErrors(done)();
+ contractWrappers.setProvider(provider, constants.TESTRPC_NETWORK_ID);
+ contractWrappers.erc721Token.subscribe(
+ tokenAddress,
+ ERC721TokenEvents.Approval,
+ indexFilterValues,
+ callbackToBeCalled,
+ );
+ const tokenId = await tokenUtils.mintDummyERC721Async(tokenAddress, ownerAddress);
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
+ await contractWrappers.erc721Token.setApprovalAsync(tokenAddress, approvedAddress, tokenId),
+ );
+ done();
+ })().catch(done);
+ });
+ it('Should cancel subscription when unsubscribe called', (done: DoneCallback) => {
+ (async () => {
+ const callbackNeverToBeCalled = callbackErrorReporter.reportNodeCallbackErrors(done)(
+ (logEvent: DecodedLogEvent<ERC721TokenApprovalForAllEventArgs>) => {
+ done(new Error('Expected this subscription to have been cancelled'));
+ },
+ );
+ const subscriptionToken = contractWrappers.erc721Token.subscribe(
+ tokenAddress,
+ ERC721TokenEvents.ApprovalForAll,
+ indexFilterValues,
+ callbackNeverToBeCalled,
+ );
+ contractWrappers.erc721Token.unsubscribe(subscriptionToken);
+ const tokenId = await tokenUtils.mintDummyERC721Async(tokenAddress, ownerAddress);
+ const isApproved = true;
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
+ await contractWrappers.erc721Token.setApprovalForAllAsync(
+ tokenAddress,
+ ownerAddress,
+ operatorAddress,
+ isApproved,
+ ),
+ );
+ done();
+ })().catch(done);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('#getLogsAsync', () => {
+ let tokenTransferProxyAddress: string;
+ const blockRange: BlockRange = {
+ fromBlock: 0,
+ toBlock: BlockParamLiteral.Latest,
+ };
+ let txHash: string;
+ before(() => {
+ tokenTransferProxyAddress = contractWrappers.erc721Proxy.getContractAddress();
+ });
+ it('should get logs with decoded args emitted by ApprovalForAll', async () => {
+ txHash = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.setApprovalForAllAsync(
+ tokenAddress,
+ ownerAddress,
+ operatorAddress,
+ true,
+ );
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(txHash);
+ const eventName = ERC721TokenEvents.ApprovalForAll;
+ const indexFilterValues = {};
+ const logs = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.getLogsAsync<ERC721TokenApprovalForAllEventArgs>(
+ tokenAddress,
+ eventName,
+ blockRange,
+ indexFilterValues,
+ );
+ expect(logs).to.have.length(1);
+ const args = logs[0].args;
+ expect(logs[0].event).to.be.equal(eventName);
+ expect(args._owner).to.be.equal(ownerAddress);
+ expect(args._operator).to.be.equal(operatorAddress);
+ expect(args._approved).to.be.equal(true);
+ });
+ it('should only get the logs with the correct event name', async () => {
+ txHash = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.setApprovalForAllAsync(
+ tokenAddress,
+ ownerAddress,
+ operatorAddress,
+ true,
+ );
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(txHash);
+ const differentEventName = ERC721TokenEvents.Transfer;
+ const indexFilterValues = {};
+ const logs = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.getLogsAsync(
+ tokenAddress,
+ differentEventName,
+ blockRange,
+ indexFilterValues,
+ );
+ expect(logs).to.have.length(0);
+ });
+ it('should only get the logs with the correct indexed fields', async () => {
+ txHash = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.setApprovalForAllAsync(
+ tokenAddress,
+ ownerAddress,
+ operatorAddress,
+ true,
+ );
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(txHash);
+ txHash = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.setApprovalForAllAsync(
+ tokenAddress,
+ anotherOwnerAddress,
+ operatorAddress,
+ true,
+ );
+ await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(txHash);
+ const eventName = ERC721TokenEvents.ApprovalForAll;
+ const indexFilterValues = {
+ _owner: anotherOwnerAddress,
+ };
+ const logs = await contractWrappers.erc721Token.getLogsAsync<ERC721TokenApprovalForAllEventArgs>(
+ tokenAddress,
+ eventName,
+ blockRange,
+ indexFilterValues,
+ );
+ expect(logs).to.have.length(1);
+ const args = logs[0].args;
+ expect(args._owner).to.be.equal(anotherOwnerAddress);
+ });
+ });
+// tslint:disable:max-file-line-count
+function addEmptyWalletSubprovider(p: Provider): Provider {
+ const providerEngine = new Web3ProviderEngine();
+ providerEngine.addProvider(new EmptyWalletSubprovider());
+ const currentSubproviders = (p as any)._providers;
+ for (const subprovider of currentSubproviders) {
+ providerEngine.addProvider(subprovider);
+ }
+ providerEngine.start();
+ return providerEngine;