path: root/packages/abi-gen/src/index.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/abi-gen/src/index.ts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/packages/abi-gen/src/index.ts b/packages/abi-gen/src/index.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e0ca2c87..000000000
--- a/packages/abi-gen/src/index.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-import { AbiEncoder, abiUtils, logUtils } from '@0x/utils';
-import chalk from 'chalk';
-import { AbiDefinition, ConstructorAbi, EventAbi, MethodAbi } from 'ethereum-types';
-import { sync as globSync } from 'glob';
-import * as Handlebars from 'handlebars';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import * as mkdirp from 'mkdirp';
-import * as yargs from 'yargs';
-import { ContextData, ContractsBackend, ParamKind } from './types';
-import { utils } from './utils';
-const ABI_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR = 'constructor';
-const ABI_TYPE_METHOD = 'function';
-const ABI_TYPE_EVENT = 'event';
-const DEFAULT_BACKEND = 'web3';
-const args = yargs
- .option('abis', {
- describe: 'Glob pattern to search for ABI JSON files',
- type: 'string',
- demandOption: true,
- })
- .option('output', {
- alias: ['o', 'out'],
- describe: 'Folder where to put the output files',
- type: 'string',
- normalize: true,
- demandOption: true,
- })
- .option('partials', {
- describe: 'Glob pattern for the partial template files',
- type: 'string',
- implies: 'template',
- })
- .option('template', {
- describe: 'Path for the main template file that will be used to generate each contract',
- type: 'string',
- demandOption: true,
- normalize: true,
- })
- .option('backend', {
- describe: `The backing Ethereum library your app uses. Either 'web3' or 'ethers'. Ethers auto-converts small ints to numbers whereas Web3 doesn't.`,
- type: 'string',
- choices: [ContractsBackend.Web3, ContractsBackend.Ethers],
- })
- .option('network-id', {
- describe: 'ID of the network where contract ABIs are nested in artifacts',
- type: 'number',
- })
- .example(
- "$0 --abis 'src/artifacts/**/*.json' --out 'src/contracts/generated/' --partials 'src/templates/partials/**/*.handlebars' --template 'src/templates/contract.handlebars'",
- 'Full usage example',
- ).argv;
-function registerPartials(partialsGlob: string): void {
- const partialTemplateFileNames = globSync(partialsGlob);
- logUtils.log(`Found ${chalk.green(`${partialTemplateFileNames.length}`)} ${chalk.bold('partial')} templates`);
- for (const partialTemplateFileName of partialTemplateFileNames) {
- const namedContent = utils.getNamedContent(partialTemplateFileName);
- Handlebars.registerPartial(namedContent.name, namedContent.content);
- }
-Handlebars.registerHelper('parameterType', utils.solTypeToTsType.bind(utils, ParamKind.Input, args.backend));
-Handlebars.registerHelper('returnType', utils.solTypeToTsType.bind(utils, ParamKind.Output, args.backend));
-if (args.partials) {
- registerPartials(args.partials);
-const mainTemplate = utils.getNamedContent(args.template);
-const template = Handlebars.compile<ContextData>(mainTemplate.content);
-const abiFileNames = globSync(args.abis);
-if (_.isEmpty(abiFileNames)) {
- logUtils.log(`${chalk.red(`No ABI files found.`)}`);
- logUtils.log(`Please make sure you've passed the correct folder name and that the files have
- ${chalk.bold('*.json')} extensions`);
- process.exit(1);
-} else {
- logUtils.log(`Found ${chalk.green(`${abiFileNames.length}`)} ${chalk.bold('ABI')} files`);
- mkdirp.sync(args.output);
-for (const abiFileName of abiFileNames) {
- const namedContent = utils.getNamedContent(abiFileName);
- logUtils.log(`Processing: ${chalk.bold(namedContent.name)}...`);
- const parsedContent = JSON.parse(namedContent.content);
- let ABI;
- if (_.isArray(parsedContent)) {
- ABI = parsedContent; // ABI file
- } else if (!_.isUndefined(parsedContent.abi)) {
- ABI = parsedContent.abi; // Truffle artifact
- } else if (!_.isUndefined(parsedContent.compilerOutput.abi)) {
- ABI = parsedContent.compilerOutput.abi; // 0x artifact
- }
- if (_.isUndefined(ABI)) {
- logUtils.log(`${chalk.red(`ABI not found in ${abiFileName}.`)}`);
- logUtils.log(
- `Please make sure your ABI file is either an array with ABI entries or a truffle artifact or 0x sol-compiler artifact`,
- );
- process.exit(1);
- }
- const outFileName = utils.makeOutputFileName(namedContent.name);
- const outFilePath = `${args.output}/${outFileName}.ts`;
- if (utils.isOutputFileUpToDate(abiFileName, outFilePath)) {
- logUtils.log(`Already up to date: ${chalk.bold(outFilePath)}`);
- continue;
- }
- let ctor = ABI.find((abi: AbiDefinition) => abi.type === ABI_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR) as ConstructorAbi;
- if (_.isUndefined(ctor)) {
- ctor = utils.getEmptyConstructor(); // The constructor exists, but it's implicit in JSON's ABI definition
- }
- const methodAbis = ABI.filter((abi: AbiDefinition) => abi.type === ABI_TYPE_METHOD) as MethodAbi[];
- const sanitizedMethodAbis = abiUtils.renameOverloadedMethods(methodAbis) as MethodAbi[];
- const methodsData = _.map(methodAbis, (methodAbi, methodAbiIndex: number) => {
- _.forEach(methodAbi.inputs, (input, inputIndex: number) => {
- if (_.isEmpty(input.name)) {
- // Auto-generated getters don't have parameter names
- input.name = `index_${inputIndex}`;
- }
- });
- // This will make templates simpler
- const methodData = {
- ...methodAbi,
- singleReturnValue: methodAbi.outputs.length === 1,
- hasReturnValue: methodAbi.outputs.length !== 0,
- tsName: sanitizedMethodAbis[methodAbiIndex].name,
- functionSignature: new AbiEncoder.Method(methodAbi).getSignature(),
- };
- return methodData;
- });
- const eventAbis = ABI.filter((abi: AbiDefinition) => abi.type === ABI_TYPE_EVENT) as EventAbi[];
- const contextData = {
- contractName: namedContent.name,
- ctor,
- methods: methodsData,
- events: eventAbis,
- };
- const renderedTsCode = template(contextData);
- utils.writeOutputFile(outFilePath, renderedTsCode);
- logUtils.log(`Created: ${chalk.bold(outFilePath)}`);