path: root/packages/0x.js/src/order_watcher
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/0x.js/src/order_watcher')
4 files changed, 558 insertions, 558 deletions
diff --git a/packages/0x.js/src/order_watcher/event_watcher.ts b/packages/0x.js/src/order_watcher/event_watcher.ts
index 5d05bfb60..3e3cd978d 100644
--- a/packages/0x.js/src/order_watcher/event_watcher.ts
+++ b/packages/0x.js/src/order_watcher/event_watcher.ts
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import { assert } from '../utils/assert';
enum LogEventState {
- Removed,
- Added,
+ Removed,
+ Added,
@@ -18,76 +18,76 @@ enum LogEventState {
* depth.
export class EventWatcher {
- private _web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper;
- private _pollingIntervalMs: number;
- private _intervalIdIfExists?: NodeJS.Timer;
- private _lastEvents: Web3.LogEntry[] = [];
- constructor(web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper, pollingIntervalIfExistsMs: undefined | number) {
- this._web3Wrapper = web3Wrapper;
- this._pollingIntervalMs = _.isUndefined(pollingIntervalIfExistsMs)
- : pollingIntervalIfExistsMs;
- }
- public subscribe(callback: EventWatcherCallback): void {
- assert.isFunction('callback', callback);
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._intervalIdIfExists)) {
- throw new Error(ZeroExError.SubscriptionAlreadyPresent);
- }
- this._intervalIdIfExists = intervalUtils.setAsyncExcludingInterval(
- this._pollForBlockchainEventsAsync.bind(this, callback),
- this._pollingIntervalMs,
- (err: Error) => {
- this.unsubscribe();
- callback(err);
- },
- );
- }
- public unsubscribe(): void {
- this._lastEvents = [];
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._intervalIdIfExists)) {
- intervalUtils.clearAsyncExcludingInterval(this._intervalIdIfExists);
- delete this._intervalIdIfExists;
- }
- }
- private async _pollForBlockchainEventsAsync(callback: EventWatcherCallback): Promise<void> {
- const pendingEvents = await this._getEventsAsync();
- if (_.isUndefined(pendingEvents)) {
- // HACK: This should never happen, but happens frequently on CI due to a ganache bug
- return;
- }
- if (pendingEvents.length === 0) {
- // HACK: Sometimes when node rebuilds the pending block we get back the empty result.
- // We don't want to emit a lot of removal events and bring them back after a couple of miliseconds,
- // that's why we just ignore those cases.
- return;
- }
- const removedEvents = _.differenceBy(this._lastEvents, pendingEvents, JSON.stringify);
- const newEvents = _.differenceBy(pendingEvents, this._lastEvents, JSON.stringify);
- await this._emitDifferencesAsync(removedEvents, LogEventState.Removed, callback);
- await this._emitDifferencesAsync(newEvents, LogEventState.Added, callback);
- this._lastEvents = pendingEvents;
- }
- private async _getEventsAsync(): Promise<Web3.LogEntry[]> {
- const eventFilter = {
- fromBlock: BlockParamLiteral.Pending,
- toBlock: BlockParamLiteral.Pending,
- };
- const events = await this._web3Wrapper.getLogsAsync(eventFilter);
- return events;
- }
- private async _emitDifferencesAsync(
- logs: Web3.LogEntry[],
- logEventState: LogEventState,
- callback: EventWatcherCallback,
- ): Promise<void> {
- for (const log of logs) {
- const logEvent = {
- removed: logEventState === LogEventState.Removed,
- ...log,
- };
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._intervalIdIfExists)) {
- callback(null, logEvent);
- }
- }
- }
+ private _web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper;
+ private _pollingIntervalMs: number;
+ private _intervalIdIfExists?: NodeJS.Timer;
+ private _lastEvents: Web3.LogEntry[] = [];
+ constructor(web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper, pollingIntervalIfExistsMs: undefined | number) {
+ this._web3Wrapper = web3Wrapper;
+ this._pollingIntervalMs = _.isUndefined(pollingIntervalIfExistsMs)
+ : pollingIntervalIfExistsMs;
+ }
+ public subscribe(callback: EventWatcherCallback): void {
+ assert.isFunction('callback', callback);
+ if (!_.isUndefined(this._intervalIdIfExists)) {
+ throw new Error(ZeroExError.SubscriptionAlreadyPresent);
+ }
+ this._intervalIdIfExists = intervalUtils.setAsyncExcludingInterval(
+ this._pollForBlockchainEventsAsync.bind(this, callback),
+ this._pollingIntervalMs,
+ (err: Error) => {
+ this.unsubscribe();
+ callback(err);
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ public unsubscribe(): void {
+ this._lastEvents = [];
+ if (!_.isUndefined(this._intervalIdIfExists)) {
+ intervalUtils.clearAsyncExcludingInterval(this._intervalIdIfExists);
+ delete this._intervalIdIfExists;
+ }
+ }
+ private async _pollForBlockchainEventsAsync(callback: EventWatcherCallback): Promise<void> {
+ const pendingEvents = await this._getEventsAsync();
+ if (_.isUndefined(pendingEvents)) {
+ // HACK: This should never happen, but happens frequently on CI due to a ganache bug
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pendingEvents.length === 0) {
+ // HACK: Sometimes when node rebuilds the pending block we get back the empty result.
+ // We don't want to emit a lot of removal events and bring them back after a couple of miliseconds,
+ // that's why we just ignore those cases.
+ return;
+ }
+ const removedEvents = _.differenceBy(this._lastEvents, pendingEvents, JSON.stringify);
+ const newEvents = _.differenceBy(pendingEvents, this._lastEvents, JSON.stringify);
+ await this._emitDifferencesAsync(removedEvents, LogEventState.Removed, callback);
+ await this._emitDifferencesAsync(newEvents, LogEventState.Added, callback);
+ this._lastEvents = pendingEvents;
+ }
+ private async _getEventsAsync(): Promise<Web3.LogEntry[]> {
+ const eventFilter = {
+ fromBlock: BlockParamLiteral.Pending,
+ toBlock: BlockParamLiteral.Pending,
+ };
+ const events = await this._web3Wrapper.getLogsAsync(eventFilter);
+ return events;
+ }
+ private async _emitDifferencesAsync(
+ logs: Web3.LogEntry[],
+ logEventState: LogEventState,
+ callback: EventWatcherCallback,
+ ): Promise<void> {
+ for (const log of logs) {
+ const logEvent = {
+ removed: logEventState === LogEventState.Removed,
+ ...log,
+ };
+ if (!_.isUndefined(this._intervalIdIfExists)) {
+ callback(null, logEvent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/packages/0x.js/src/order_watcher/expiration_watcher.ts b/packages/0x.js/src/order_watcher/expiration_watcher.ts
index 00b62162d..a08de94c0 100644
--- a/packages/0x.js/src/order_watcher/expiration_watcher.ts
+++ b/packages/0x.js/src/order_watcher/expiration_watcher.ts
* It stores them in a min heap by expiration time and checks for expired ones every `orderExpirationCheckingIntervalMs`
export class ExpirationWatcher {
- private _orderHashByExpirationRBTree: RBTree<string>;
- private _expiration: { [orderHash: string]: BigNumber } = {};
- private _orderExpirationCheckingIntervalMs: number;
- private _expirationMarginMs: number;
- private _orderExpirationCheckingIntervalIdIfExists?: NodeJS.Timer;
- constructor(expirationMarginIfExistsMs?: number, orderExpirationCheckingIntervalIfExistsMs?: number) {
- this._expirationMarginMs = expirationMarginIfExistsMs || DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_MARGIN_MS;
- this._orderExpirationCheckingIntervalMs =
- const scoreFunction = (orderHash: string) => this._expiration[orderHash].toNumber();
- const comparator = (lhs: string, rhs: string) => scoreFunction(lhs) - scoreFunction(rhs);
- this._orderHashByExpirationRBTree = new RBTree(comparator);
- }
- public subscribe(callback: (orderHash: string) => void): void {
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._orderExpirationCheckingIntervalIdIfExists)) {
- throw new Error(ZeroExError.SubscriptionAlreadyPresent);
- }
- this._orderExpirationCheckingIntervalIdIfExists = intervalUtils.setInterval(
- this._pruneExpiredOrders.bind(this, callback),
- this._orderExpirationCheckingIntervalMs,
- _.noop, // _pruneExpiredOrders never throws
- );
- }
- public unsubscribe(): void {
- if (_.isUndefined(this._orderExpirationCheckingIntervalIdIfExists)) {
- throw new Error(ZeroExError.SubscriptionNotFound);
- }
- intervalUtils.clearInterval(this._orderExpirationCheckingIntervalIdIfExists);
- delete this._orderExpirationCheckingIntervalIdIfExists;
- }
- public addOrder(orderHash: string, expirationUnixTimestampMs: BigNumber): void {
- this._expiration[orderHash] = expirationUnixTimestampMs;
- this._orderHashByExpirationRBTree.insert(orderHash);
- }
- public removeOrder(orderHash: string): void {
- this._orderHashByExpirationRBTree.remove(orderHash);
- delete this._expiration[orderHash];
- }
- private _pruneExpiredOrders(callback: (orderHash: string) => void): void {
- const currentUnixTimestampMs = utils.getCurrentUnixTimestampMs();
- while (true) {
- const hasTrakedOrders = this._orderHashByExpirationRBTree.size === 0;
- if (hasTrakedOrders) {
- break;
- }
- const nextOrderHashToExpire = this._orderHashByExpirationRBTree.min();
- const hasNoExpiredOrders = this._expiration[nextOrderHashToExpire].greaterThan(
- currentUnixTimestampMs.plus(this._expirationMarginMs),
- );
- const isSubscriptionActive = _.isUndefined(this._orderExpirationCheckingIntervalIdIfExists);
- if (hasNoExpiredOrders || isSubscriptionActive) {
- break;
- }
- const orderHash = this._orderHashByExpirationRBTree.min();
- this._orderHashByExpirationRBTree.remove(orderHash);
- delete this._expiration[orderHash];
- callback(orderHash);
- }
- }
+ private _orderHashByExpirationRBTree: RBTree<string>;
+ private _expiration: { [orderHash: string]: BigNumber } = {};
+ private _orderExpirationCheckingIntervalMs: number;
+ private _expirationMarginMs: number;
+ private _orderExpirationCheckingIntervalIdIfExists?: NodeJS.Timer;
+ constructor(expirationMarginIfExistsMs?: number, orderExpirationCheckingIntervalIfExistsMs?: number) {
+ this._expirationMarginMs = expirationMarginIfExistsMs || DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_MARGIN_MS;
+ this._orderExpirationCheckingIntervalMs =
+ const scoreFunction = (orderHash: string) => this._expiration[orderHash].toNumber();
+ const comparator = (lhs: string, rhs: string) => scoreFunction(lhs) - scoreFunction(rhs);
+ this._orderHashByExpirationRBTree = new RBTree(comparator);
+ }
+ public subscribe(callback: (orderHash: string) => void): void {
+ if (!_.isUndefined(this._orderExpirationCheckingIntervalIdIfExists)) {
+ throw new Error(ZeroExError.SubscriptionAlreadyPresent);
+ }
+ this._orderExpirationCheckingIntervalIdIfExists = intervalUtils.setInterval(
+ this._pruneExpiredOrders.bind(this, callback),
+ this._orderExpirationCheckingIntervalMs,
+ _.noop, // _pruneExpiredOrders never throws
+ );
+ }
+ public unsubscribe(): void {
+ if (_.isUndefined(this._orderExpirationCheckingIntervalIdIfExists)) {
+ throw new Error(ZeroExError.SubscriptionNotFound);
+ }
+ intervalUtils.clearInterval(this._orderExpirationCheckingIntervalIdIfExists);
+ delete this._orderExpirationCheckingIntervalIdIfExists;
+ }
+ public addOrder(orderHash: string, expirationUnixTimestampMs: BigNumber): void {
+ this._expiration[orderHash] = expirationUnixTimestampMs;
+ this._orderHashByExpirationRBTree.insert(orderHash);
+ }
+ public removeOrder(orderHash: string): void {
+ this._orderHashByExpirationRBTree.remove(orderHash);
+ delete this._expiration[orderHash];
+ }
+ private _pruneExpiredOrders(callback: (orderHash: string) => void): void {
+ const currentUnixTimestampMs = utils.getCurrentUnixTimestampMs();
+ while (true) {
+ const hasTrakedOrders = this._orderHashByExpirationRBTree.size === 0;
+ if (hasTrakedOrders) {
+ break;
+ }
+ const nextOrderHashToExpire = this._orderHashByExpirationRBTree.min();
+ const hasNoExpiredOrders = this._expiration[nextOrderHashToExpire].greaterThan(
+ currentUnixTimestampMs.plus(this._expirationMarginMs),
+ );
+ const isSubscriptionActive = _.isUndefined(this._orderExpirationCheckingIntervalIdIfExists);
+ if (hasNoExpiredOrders || isSubscriptionActive) {
+ break;
+ }
+ const orderHash = this._orderHashByExpirationRBTree.min();
+ this._orderHashByExpirationRBTree.remove(orderHash);
+ delete this._expiration[orderHash];
+ callback(orderHash);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/packages/0x.js/src/order_watcher/order_state_watcher.ts b/packages/0x.js/src/order_watcher/order_state_watcher.ts
index 12ac60960..2c5da6b57 100644
--- a/packages/0x.js/src/order_watcher/order_state_watcher.ts
+++ b/packages/0x.js/src/order_watcher/order_state_watcher.ts
@@ -9,25 +9,25 @@ import { TokenWrapper } from '../contract_wrappers/token_wrapper';
import { BalanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore } from '../stores/balance_proxy_allowance_lazy_store';
import { OrderFilledCancelledLazyStore } from '../stores/order_filled_cancelled_lazy_store';
import {
- ApprovalContractEventArgs,
- BlockParamLiteral,
- ContractEventArgs,
- DepositContractEventArgs,
- EtherTokenEvents,
- ExchangeContractErrs,
- ExchangeEvents,
- LogCancelContractEventArgs,
- LogEvent,
- LogFillContractEventArgs,
- LogWithDecodedArgs,
- OnOrderStateChangeCallback,
- OrderState,
- OrderStateWatcherConfig,
- SignedOrder,
- TokenEvents,
- TransferContractEventArgs,
- WithdrawalContractEventArgs,
- ZeroExError,
+ ApprovalContractEventArgs,
+ BlockParamLiteral,
+ ContractEventArgs,
+ DepositContractEventArgs,
+ EtherTokenEvents,
+ ExchangeContractErrs,
+ ExchangeEvents,
+ LogCancelContractEventArgs,
+ LogEvent,
+ LogFillContractEventArgs,
+ LogWithDecodedArgs,
+ OnOrderStateChangeCallback,
+ OrderState,
+ OrderStateWatcherConfig,
+ SignedOrder,
+ TokenEvents,
+ TransferContractEventArgs,
+ WithdrawalContractEventArgs,
+ ZeroExError,
} from '../types';
import { AbiDecoder } from '../utils/abi_decoder';
import { assert } from '../utils/assert';
@@ -38,17 +38,17 @@ import { EventWatcher } from './event_watcher';
import { ExpirationWatcher } from './expiration_watcher';
interface DependentOrderHashes {
- [makerAddress: string]: {
- [makerToken: string]: Set<string>;
- };
+ [makerAddress: string]: {
+ [makerToken: string]: Set<string>;
+ };
interface OrderByOrderHash {
- [orderHash: string]: SignedOrder;
+ [orderHash: string]: SignedOrder;
interface OrderStateByOrderHash {
- [orderHash: string]: OrderState;
+ [orderHash: string]: OrderState;
const DEFAULT_CLEANUP_JOB_INTERVAL_MS = 1000 * 60 * 60; // 1h
@@ -60,319 +60,319 @@ const DEFAULT_CLEANUP_JOB_INTERVAL_MS = 1000 * 60 * 60; // 1h
* the order should be deemed invalid.
export class OrderStateWatcher {
- private _orderStateByOrderHashCache: OrderStateByOrderHash = {};
- private _orderByOrderHash: OrderByOrderHash = {};
- private _dependentOrderHashes: DependentOrderHashes = {};
- private _callbackIfExists?: OnOrderStateChangeCallback;
- private _eventWatcher: EventWatcher;
- private _web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper;
- private _abiDecoder: AbiDecoder;
- private _expirationWatcher: ExpirationWatcher;
- private _orderStateUtils: OrderStateUtils;
- private _orderFilledCancelledLazyStore: OrderFilledCancelledLazyStore;
- private _balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore: BalanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore;
- private _cleanupJobInterval: number;
- private _cleanupJobIntervalIdIfExists?: NodeJS.Timer;
- constructor(
- web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper,
- abiDecoder: AbiDecoder,
- token: TokenWrapper,
- exchange: ExchangeWrapper,
- config?: OrderStateWatcherConfig,
- ) {
- this._abiDecoder = abiDecoder;
- this._web3Wrapper = web3Wrapper;
- const pollingIntervalIfExistsMs = _.isUndefined(config) ? undefined : config.eventPollingIntervalMs;
- this._eventWatcher = new EventWatcher(web3Wrapper, pollingIntervalIfExistsMs);
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore = new BalanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore(
- token,
- BlockParamLiteral.Pending,
- );
- this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore = new OrderFilledCancelledLazyStore(exchange);
- this._orderStateUtils = new OrderStateUtils(
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore,
- this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore,
- );
- const orderExpirationCheckingIntervalMsIfExists = _.isUndefined(config)
- ? undefined
- : config.orderExpirationCheckingIntervalMs;
- const expirationMarginIfExistsMs = _.isUndefined(config) ? undefined : config.expirationMarginMs;
- this._expirationWatcher = new ExpirationWatcher(
- expirationMarginIfExistsMs,
- orderExpirationCheckingIntervalMsIfExists,
- );
- this._cleanupJobInterval =
- _.isUndefined(config) || _.isUndefined(config.cleanupJobIntervalMs)
- : config.cleanupJobIntervalMs;
- }
- /**
- * Add an order to the orderStateWatcher. Before the order is added, it's
- * signature is verified.
- * @param signedOrder The order you wish to start watching.
- */
- public addOrder(signedOrder: SignedOrder): void {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('signedOrder', signedOrder, schemas.signedOrderSchema);
- const orderHash = ZeroEx.getOrderHashHex(signedOrder);
- assert.isValidSignature(orderHash, signedOrder.ecSignature, signedOrder.maker);
- this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash] = signedOrder;
- this._addToDependentOrderHashes(signedOrder, orderHash);
- const expirationUnixTimestampMs = signedOrder.expirationUnixTimestampSec.times(1000);
- this._expirationWatcher.addOrder(orderHash, expirationUnixTimestampMs);
- }
- /**
- * Removes an order from the orderStateWatcher
- * @param orderHash The orderHash of the order you wish to stop watching.
- */
- public removeOrder(orderHash: string): void {
- assert.doesConformToSchema('orderHash', orderHash, schemas.orderHashSchema);
- const signedOrder = this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash];
- if (_.isUndefined(signedOrder)) {
- return; // noop
- }
- delete this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash];
- delete this._orderStateByOrderHashCache[orderHash];
- const exchange = (this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore as any)._exchange as ExchangeWrapper;
- const zrxTokenAddress = exchange.getZRXTokenAddress();
- this._removeFromDependentOrderHashes(signedOrder.maker, zrxTokenAddress, orderHash);
- this._removeFromDependentOrderHashes(signedOrder.maker, signedOrder.makerTokenAddress, orderHash);
- this._expirationWatcher.removeOrder(orderHash);
- }
- /**
- * Starts an orderStateWatcher subscription. The callback will be called every time a watched order's
- * backing blockchain state has changed. This is a call-to-action for the caller to re-validate the order.
- * @param callback Receives the orderHash of the order that should be re-validated, together
- * with all the order-relevant blockchain state needed to re-validate the order.
- */
- public subscribe(callback: OnOrderStateChangeCallback): void {
- assert.isFunction('callback', callback);
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._callbackIfExists)) {
- throw new Error(ZeroExError.SubscriptionAlreadyPresent);
- }
- this._callbackIfExists = callback;
- this._eventWatcher.subscribe(this._onEventWatcherCallbackAsync.bind(this));
- this._expirationWatcher.subscribe(this._onOrderExpired.bind(this));
- this._cleanupJobIntervalIdIfExists = intervalUtils.setAsyncExcludingInterval(
- this._cleanupAsync.bind(this),
- this._cleanupJobInterval,
- (err: Error) => {
- this.unsubscribe();
- callback(err);
- },
- );
- }
- /**
- * Ends an orderStateWatcher subscription.
- */
- public unsubscribe(): void {
- if (_.isUndefined(this._callbackIfExists) || _.isUndefined(this._cleanupJobIntervalIdIfExists)) {
- throw new Error(ZeroExError.SubscriptionNotFound);
- }
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteAll();
- this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.deleteAll();
- delete this._callbackIfExists;
- this._eventWatcher.unsubscribe();
- this._expirationWatcher.unsubscribe();
- intervalUtils.clearAsyncExcludingInterval(this._cleanupJobIntervalIdIfExists);
- }
- private async _cleanupAsync(): Promise<void> {
- for (const orderHash of _.keys(this._orderByOrderHash)) {
- this._cleanupOrderRelatedState(orderHash);
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync([orderHash]);
- }
- }
- private _cleanupOrderRelatedState(orderHash: string): void {
- const signedOrder = this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash];
+ private _orderStateByOrderHashCache: OrderStateByOrderHash = {};
+ private _orderByOrderHash: OrderByOrderHash = {};
+ private _dependentOrderHashes: DependentOrderHashes = {};
+ private _callbackIfExists?: OnOrderStateChangeCallback;
+ private _eventWatcher: EventWatcher;
+ private _web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper;
+ private _abiDecoder: AbiDecoder;
+ private _expirationWatcher: ExpirationWatcher;
+ private _orderStateUtils: OrderStateUtils;
+ private _orderFilledCancelledLazyStore: OrderFilledCancelledLazyStore;
+ private _balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore: BalanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore;
+ private _cleanupJobInterval: number;
+ private _cleanupJobIntervalIdIfExists?: NodeJS.Timer;
+ constructor(
+ web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper,
+ abiDecoder: AbiDecoder,
+ token: TokenWrapper,
+ exchange: ExchangeWrapper,
+ config?: OrderStateWatcherConfig,
+ ) {
+ this._abiDecoder = abiDecoder;
+ this._web3Wrapper = web3Wrapper;
+ const pollingIntervalIfExistsMs = _.isUndefined(config) ? undefined : config.eventPollingIntervalMs;
+ this._eventWatcher = new EventWatcher(web3Wrapper, pollingIntervalIfExistsMs);
+ this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore = new BalanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore(
+ token,
+ BlockParamLiteral.Pending,
+ );
+ this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore = new OrderFilledCancelledLazyStore(exchange);
+ this._orderStateUtils = new OrderStateUtils(
+ this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore,
+ this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore,
+ );
+ const orderExpirationCheckingIntervalMsIfExists = _.isUndefined(config)
+ ? undefined
+ : config.orderExpirationCheckingIntervalMs;
+ const expirationMarginIfExistsMs = _.isUndefined(config) ? undefined : config.expirationMarginMs;
+ this._expirationWatcher = new ExpirationWatcher(
+ expirationMarginIfExistsMs,
+ orderExpirationCheckingIntervalMsIfExists,
+ );
+ this._cleanupJobInterval =
+ _.isUndefined(config) || _.isUndefined(config.cleanupJobIntervalMs)
+ : config.cleanupJobIntervalMs;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add an order to the orderStateWatcher. Before the order is added, it's
+ * signature is verified.
+ * @param signedOrder The order you wish to start watching.
+ */
+ public addOrder(signedOrder: SignedOrder): void {
+ assert.doesConformToSchema('signedOrder', signedOrder, schemas.signedOrderSchema);
+ const orderHash = ZeroEx.getOrderHashHex(signedOrder);
+ assert.isValidSignature(orderHash, signedOrder.ecSignature, signedOrder.maker);
+ this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash] = signedOrder;
+ this._addToDependentOrderHashes(signedOrder, orderHash);
+ const expirationUnixTimestampMs = signedOrder.expirationUnixTimestampSec.times(1000);
+ this._expirationWatcher.addOrder(orderHash, expirationUnixTimestampMs);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes an order from the orderStateWatcher
+ * @param orderHash The orderHash of the order you wish to stop watching.
+ */
+ public removeOrder(orderHash: string): void {
+ assert.doesConformToSchema('orderHash', orderHash, schemas.orderHashSchema);
+ const signedOrder = this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash];
+ if (_.isUndefined(signedOrder)) {
+ return; // noop
+ }
+ delete this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash];
+ delete this._orderStateByOrderHashCache[orderHash];
+ const exchange = (this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore as any)._exchange as ExchangeWrapper;
+ const zrxTokenAddress = exchange.getZRXTokenAddress();
+ this._removeFromDependentOrderHashes(signedOrder.maker, zrxTokenAddress, orderHash);
+ this._removeFromDependentOrderHashes(signedOrder.maker, signedOrder.makerTokenAddress, orderHash);
+ this._expirationWatcher.removeOrder(orderHash);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Starts an orderStateWatcher subscription. The callback will be called every time a watched order's
+ * backing blockchain state has changed. This is a call-to-action for the caller to re-validate the order.
+ * @param callback Receives the orderHash of the order that should be re-validated, together
+ * with all the order-relevant blockchain state needed to re-validate the order.
+ */
+ public subscribe(callback: OnOrderStateChangeCallback): void {
+ assert.isFunction('callback', callback);
+ if (!_.isUndefined(this._callbackIfExists)) {
+ throw new Error(ZeroExError.SubscriptionAlreadyPresent);
+ }
+ this._callbackIfExists = callback;
+ this._eventWatcher.subscribe(this._onEventWatcherCallbackAsync.bind(this));
+ this._expirationWatcher.subscribe(this._onOrderExpired.bind(this));
+ this._cleanupJobIntervalIdIfExists = intervalUtils.setAsyncExcludingInterval(
+ this._cleanupAsync.bind(this),
+ this._cleanupJobInterval,
+ (err: Error) => {
+ this.unsubscribe();
+ callback(err);
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Ends an orderStateWatcher subscription.
+ */
+ public unsubscribe(): void {
+ if (_.isUndefined(this._callbackIfExists) || _.isUndefined(this._cleanupJobIntervalIdIfExists)) {
+ throw new Error(ZeroExError.SubscriptionNotFound);
+ }
+ this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteAll();
+ this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.deleteAll();
+ delete this._callbackIfExists;
+ this._eventWatcher.unsubscribe();
+ this._expirationWatcher.unsubscribe();
+ intervalUtils.clearAsyncExcludingInterval(this._cleanupJobIntervalIdIfExists);
+ }
+ private async _cleanupAsync(): Promise<void> {
+ for (const orderHash of _.keys(this._orderByOrderHash)) {
+ this._cleanupOrderRelatedState(orderHash);
+ await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync([orderHash]);
+ }
+ }
+ private _cleanupOrderRelatedState(orderHash: string): void {
+ const signedOrder = this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash];
- this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.deleteFilledTakerAmount(orderHash);
- this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.deleteCancelledTakerAmount(orderHash);
+ this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.deleteFilledTakerAmount(orderHash);
+ this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.deleteCancelledTakerAmount(orderHash);
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteBalance(signedOrder.makerTokenAddress, signedOrder.maker);
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteProxyAllowance(signedOrder.makerTokenAddress, signedOrder.maker);
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteBalance(signedOrder.takerTokenAddress, signedOrder.taker);
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteProxyAllowance(signedOrder.takerTokenAddress, signedOrder.taker);
+ this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteBalance(signedOrder.makerTokenAddress, signedOrder.maker);
+ this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteProxyAllowance(signedOrder.makerTokenAddress, signedOrder.maker);
+ this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteBalance(signedOrder.takerTokenAddress, signedOrder.taker);
+ this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteProxyAllowance(signedOrder.takerTokenAddress, signedOrder.taker);
- const zrxTokenAddress = this._getZRXTokenAddress();
- if (!signedOrder.makerFee.isZero()) {
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteBalance(zrxTokenAddress, signedOrder.maker);
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteProxyAllowance(zrxTokenAddress, signedOrder.maker);
- }
- if (!signedOrder.takerFee.isZero()) {
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteBalance(zrxTokenAddress, signedOrder.taker);
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteProxyAllowance(zrxTokenAddress, signedOrder.taker);
- }
- }
- private _onOrderExpired(orderHash: string): void {
- const orderState: OrderState = {
- isValid: false,
- orderHash,
- error: ExchangeContractErrs.OrderFillExpired,
- };
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash])) {
- this.removeOrder(orderHash);
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._callbackIfExists)) {
- this._callbackIfExists(null, orderState);
- }
- }
- }
- private async _onEventWatcherCallbackAsync(err: Error | null, logIfExists?: LogEvent): Promise<void> {
- if (!_.isNull(err)) {
- if (!_.isUndefined(this._callbackIfExists)) {
- this._callbackIfExists(err);
- this.unsubscribe();
- }
- return;
- }
- const log = logIfExists as LogEvent; // At this moment we are sure that no error occured and log is defined.
- const maybeDecodedLog = this._abiDecoder.tryToDecodeLogOrNoop(log);
- const isLogDecoded = !_.isUndefined((maybeDecodedLog as LogWithDecodedArgs<any>).event);
- if (!isLogDecoded) {
- return; // noop
- }
- const decodedLog = maybeDecodedLog as LogWithDecodedArgs<ContractEventArgs>;
- let makerToken: string;
- let makerAddress: string;
- switch (decodedLog.event) {
- case TokenEvents.Approval: {
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as ApprovalContractEventArgs;
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteProxyAllowance(decodedLog.address, args._owner);
- // Revalidate orders
- makerToken = decodedLog.address;
- makerAddress = args._owner;
- if (
- !_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress]) &&
- !_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][makerToken])
- ) {
- const orderHashes = Array.from(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][makerToken]);
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes);
- }
- break;
- }
- case TokenEvents.Transfer: {
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as TransferContractEventArgs;
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteBalance(decodedLog.address, args._from);
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteBalance(decodedLog.address, args._to);
- // Revalidate orders
- makerToken = decodedLog.address;
- makerAddress = args._from;
- if (
- !_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress]) &&
- !_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][makerToken])
- ) {
- const orderHashes = Array.from(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][makerToken]);
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes);
- }
- break;
- }
- case EtherTokenEvents.Deposit: {
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as DepositContractEventArgs;
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteBalance(decodedLog.address, args._owner);
- // Revalidate orders
- makerToken = decodedLog.address;
- makerAddress = args._owner;
- if (
- !_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress]) &&
- !_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][makerToken])
- ) {
- const orderHashes = Array.from(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][makerToken]);
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes);
- }
- break;
- }
- case EtherTokenEvents.Withdrawal: {
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as WithdrawalContractEventArgs;
- this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteBalance(decodedLog.address, args._owner);
- // Revalidate orders
- makerToken = decodedLog.address;
- makerAddress = args._owner;
- if (
- !_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress]) &&
- !_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][makerToken])
- ) {
- const orderHashes = Array.from(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][makerToken]);
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes);
- }
- break;
- }
- case ExchangeEvents.LogFill: {
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as LogFillContractEventArgs;
- this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.deleteFilledTakerAmount(args.orderHash);
- // Revalidate orders
- const orderHash = args.orderHash;
- const isOrderWatched = !_.isUndefined(this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash]);
- if (isOrderWatched) {
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync([orderHash]);
- }
- break;
- }
- case ExchangeEvents.LogCancel: {
- // Invalidate cache
- const args = decodedLog.args as LogCancelContractEventArgs;
- this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.deleteCancelledTakerAmount(args.orderHash);
- // Revalidate orders
- const orderHash = args.orderHash;
- const isOrderWatched = !_.isUndefined(this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash]);
- if (isOrderWatched) {
- await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync([orderHash]);
- }
- break;
- }
- case ExchangeEvents.LogError:
- return; // noop
+ const zrxTokenAddress = this._getZRXTokenAddress();
+ if (!signedOrder.makerFee.isZero()) {
+ this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteBalance(zrxTokenAddress, signedOrder.maker);
+ this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteProxyAllowance(zrxTokenAddress, signedOrder.maker);
+ }
+ if (!signedOrder.takerFee.isZero()) {
+ this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteBalance(zrxTokenAddress, signedOrder.taker);
+ this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteProxyAllowance(zrxTokenAddress, signedOrder.taker);
+ }
+ }
+ private _onOrderExpired(orderHash: string): void {
+ const orderState: OrderState = {
+ isValid: false,
+ orderHash,
+ error: ExchangeContractErrs.OrderFillExpired,
+ };
+ if (!_.isUndefined(this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash])) {
+ this.removeOrder(orderHash);
+ if (!_.isUndefined(this._callbackIfExists)) {
+ this._callbackIfExists(null, orderState);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private async _onEventWatcherCallbackAsync(err: Error | null, logIfExists?: LogEvent): Promise<void> {
+ if (!_.isNull(err)) {
+ if (!_.isUndefined(this._callbackIfExists)) {
+ this._callbackIfExists(err);
+ this.unsubscribe();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ const log = logIfExists as LogEvent; // At this moment we are sure that no error occured and log is defined.
+ const maybeDecodedLog = this._abiDecoder.tryToDecodeLogOrNoop(log);
+ const isLogDecoded = !_.isUndefined((maybeDecodedLog as LogWithDecodedArgs<any>).event);
+ if (!isLogDecoded) {
+ return; // noop
+ }
+ const decodedLog = maybeDecodedLog as LogWithDecodedArgs<ContractEventArgs>;
+ let makerToken: string;
+ let makerAddress: string;
+ switch (decodedLog.event) {
+ case TokenEvents.Approval: {
+ // Invalidate cache
+ const args = decodedLog.args as ApprovalContractEventArgs;
+ this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteProxyAllowance(decodedLog.address, args._owner);
+ // Revalidate orders
+ makerToken = decodedLog.address;
+ makerAddress = args._owner;
+ if (
+ !_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress]) &&
+ !_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][makerToken])
+ ) {
+ const orderHashes = Array.from(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][makerToken]);
+ await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case TokenEvents.Transfer: {
+ // Invalidate cache
+ const args = decodedLog.args as TransferContractEventArgs;
+ this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteBalance(decodedLog.address, args._from);
+ this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteBalance(decodedLog.address, args._to);
+ // Revalidate orders
+ makerToken = decodedLog.address;
+ makerAddress = args._from;
+ if (
+ !_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress]) &&
+ !_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][makerToken])
+ ) {
+ const orderHashes = Array.from(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][makerToken]);
+ await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EtherTokenEvents.Deposit: {
+ // Invalidate cache
+ const args = decodedLog.args as DepositContractEventArgs;
+ this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteBalance(decodedLog.address, args._owner);
+ // Revalidate orders
+ makerToken = decodedLog.address;
+ makerAddress = args._owner;
+ if (
+ !_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress]) &&
+ !_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][makerToken])
+ ) {
+ const orderHashes = Array.from(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][makerToken]);
+ await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EtherTokenEvents.Withdrawal: {
+ // Invalidate cache
+ const args = decodedLog.args as WithdrawalContractEventArgs;
+ this._balanceAndProxyAllowanceLazyStore.deleteBalance(decodedLog.address, args._owner);
+ // Revalidate orders
+ makerToken = decodedLog.address;
+ makerAddress = args._owner;
+ if (
+ !_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress]) &&
+ !_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][makerToken])
+ ) {
+ const orderHashes = Array.from(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][makerToken]);
+ await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ExchangeEvents.LogFill: {
+ // Invalidate cache
+ const args = decodedLog.args as LogFillContractEventArgs;
+ this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.deleteFilledTakerAmount(args.orderHash);
+ // Revalidate orders
+ const orderHash = args.orderHash;
+ const isOrderWatched = !_.isUndefined(this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash]);
+ if (isOrderWatched) {
+ await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync([orderHash]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ExchangeEvents.LogCancel: {
+ // Invalidate cache
+ const args = decodedLog.args as LogCancelContractEventArgs;
+ this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore.deleteCancelledTakerAmount(args.orderHash);
+ // Revalidate orders
+ const orderHash = args.orderHash;
+ const isOrderWatched = !_.isUndefined(this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash]);
+ if (isOrderWatched) {
+ await this._emitRevalidateOrdersAsync([orderHash]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ExchangeEvents.LogError:
+ return; // noop
- default:
- throw utils.spawnSwitchErr('decodedLog.event', decodedLog.event);
- }
- }
- private async _emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes: string[]): Promise<void> {
- for (const orderHash of orderHashes) {
- const signedOrder = this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash];
- // Most of these calls will never reach the network because the data is fetched from stores
- // and only updated when cache is invalidated
- const orderState = await this._orderStateUtils.getOrderStateAsync(signedOrder);
- if (_.isUndefined(this._callbackIfExists)) {
- break; // Unsubscribe was called
- }
- if (_.isEqual(orderState, this._orderStateByOrderHashCache[orderHash])) {
- // Actual order state didn't change
- continue;
- } else {
- this._orderStateByOrderHashCache[orderHash] = orderState;
- }
- this._callbackIfExists(null, orderState);
- }
- }
- private _addToDependentOrderHashes(signedOrder: SignedOrder, orderHash: string): void {
- if (_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker])) {
- this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker] = {};
- }
- if (_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker][signedOrder.makerTokenAddress])) {
- this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker][signedOrder.makerTokenAddress] = new Set();
- }
- this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker][signedOrder.makerTokenAddress].add(orderHash);
- const zrxTokenAddress = this._getZRXTokenAddress();
- if (_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker][zrxTokenAddress])) {
- this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker][zrxTokenAddress] = new Set();
- }
- this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker][zrxTokenAddress].add(orderHash);
- }
- private _removeFromDependentOrderHashes(makerAddress: string, tokenAddress: string, orderHash: string) {
- this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][tokenAddress].delete(orderHash);
- if (this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][tokenAddress].size === 0) {
- delete this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][tokenAddress];
- }
- if (_.isEmpty(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress])) {
- delete this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress];
- }
- }
- private _getZRXTokenAddress(): string {
- const exchange = (this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore as any)._exchange as ExchangeWrapper;
- const zrxTokenAddress = exchange.getZRXTokenAddress();
- return zrxTokenAddress;
- }
+ default:
+ throw utils.spawnSwitchErr('decodedLog.event', decodedLog.event);
+ }
+ }
+ private async _emitRevalidateOrdersAsync(orderHashes: string[]): Promise<void> {
+ for (const orderHash of orderHashes) {
+ const signedOrder = this._orderByOrderHash[orderHash];
+ // Most of these calls will never reach the network because the data is fetched from stores
+ // and only updated when cache is invalidated
+ const orderState = await this._orderStateUtils.getOrderStateAsync(signedOrder);
+ if (_.isUndefined(this._callbackIfExists)) {
+ break; // Unsubscribe was called
+ }
+ if (_.isEqual(orderState, this._orderStateByOrderHashCache[orderHash])) {
+ // Actual order state didn't change
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ this._orderStateByOrderHashCache[orderHash] = orderState;
+ }
+ this._callbackIfExists(null, orderState);
+ }
+ }
+ private _addToDependentOrderHashes(signedOrder: SignedOrder, orderHash: string): void {
+ if (_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker])) {
+ this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker] = {};
+ }
+ if (_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker][signedOrder.makerTokenAddress])) {
+ this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker][signedOrder.makerTokenAddress] = new Set();
+ }
+ this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker][signedOrder.makerTokenAddress].add(orderHash);
+ const zrxTokenAddress = this._getZRXTokenAddress();
+ if (_.isUndefined(this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker][zrxTokenAddress])) {
+ this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker][zrxTokenAddress] = new Set();
+ }
+ this._dependentOrderHashes[signedOrder.maker][zrxTokenAddress].add(orderHash);
+ }
+ private _removeFromDependentOrderHashes(makerAddress: string, tokenAddress: string, orderHash: string) {
+ this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][tokenAddress].delete(orderHash);
+ if (this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][tokenAddress].size === 0) {
+ delete this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress][tokenAddress];
+ }
+ if (_.isEmpty(this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress])) {
+ delete this._dependentOrderHashes[makerAddress];
+ }
+ }
+ private _getZRXTokenAddress(): string {
+ const exchange = (this._orderFilledCancelledLazyStore as any)._exchange as ExchangeWrapper;
+ const zrxTokenAddress = exchange.getZRXTokenAddress();
+ return zrxTokenAddress;
+ }
diff --git a/packages/0x.js/src/order_watcher/remaining_fillable_calculator.ts b/packages/0x.js/src/order_watcher/remaining_fillable_calculator.ts
index 20b09d606..e010092af 100644
--- a/packages/0x.js/src/order_watcher/remaining_fillable_calculator.ts
+++ b/packages/0x.js/src/order_watcher/remaining_fillable_calculator.ts
@@ -3,94 +3,94 @@ import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils';
import { SignedOrder } from '../types';
export class RemainingFillableCalculator {
- private _signedOrder: SignedOrder;
- private _isMakerTokenZRX: boolean;
- // Transferrable Amount is the minimum of Approval and Balance
- private _transferrableMakerTokenAmount: BigNumber;
- private _transferrableMakerFeeTokenAmount: BigNumber;
- private _remainingMakerTokenAmount: BigNumber;
- private _remainingMakerFeeAmount: BigNumber;
- constructor(
- signedOrder: SignedOrder,
- isMakerTokenZRX: boolean,
- transferrableMakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- transferrableMakerFeeTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- remainingMakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
- ) {
- this._signedOrder = signedOrder;
- this._isMakerTokenZRX = isMakerTokenZRX;
- this._transferrableMakerTokenAmount = transferrableMakerTokenAmount;
- this._transferrableMakerFeeTokenAmount = transferrableMakerFeeTokenAmount;
- this._remainingMakerTokenAmount = remainingMakerTokenAmount;
- this._remainingMakerFeeAmount = remainingMakerTokenAmount
- .times(signedOrder.makerFee)
- .dividedToIntegerBy(signedOrder.makerTokenAmount);
- }
- public computeRemainingMakerFillable(): BigNumber {
- if (this._hasSufficientFundsForFeeAndTransferAmount()) {
- return this._remainingMakerTokenAmount;
- }
- if (this._signedOrder.makerFee.isZero()) {
- return BigNumber.min(this._remainingMakerTokenAmount, this._transferrableMakerTokenAmount);
- }
- return this._calculatePartiallyFillableMakerTokenAmount();
- }
- public computeRemainingTakerFillable(): BigNumber {
- return this.computeRemainingMakerFillable()
- .times(this._signedOrder.takerTokenAmount)
- .dividedToIntegerBy(this._signedOrder.makerTokenAmount);
- }
- private _hasSufficientFundsForFeeAndTransferAmount(): boolean {
- if (this._isMakerTokenZRX) {
- const totalZRXTransferAmountRequired = this._remainingMakerTokenAmount.plus(this._remainingMakerFeeAmount);
- const hasSufficientFunds = this._transferrableMakerTokenAmount.greaterThanOrEqualTo(
- totalZRXTransferAmountRequired,
- );
- return hasSufficientFunds;
- } else {
- const hasSufficientFundsForTransferAmount = this._transferrableMakerTokenAmount.greaterThanOrEqualTo(
- this._remainingMakerTokenAmount,
- );
- const hasSufficientFundsForFeeAmount = this._transferrableMakerFeeTokenAmount.greaterThanOrEqualTo(
- this._remainingMakerFeeAmount,
- );
- const hasSufficientFunds = hasSufficientFundsForTransferAmount && hasSufficientFundsForFeeAmount;
- return hasSufficientFunds;
- }
- }
- private _calculatePartiallyFillableMakerTokenAmount(): BigNumber {
- // Given an order for 200 wei for 2 ZRXwei fee, find 100 wei for 1 ZRXwei. Order ratio is then 100:1
- const orderToFeeRatio = this._signedOrder.makerTokenAmount.dividedBy(this._signedOrder.makerFee);
- // The number of times the maker can fill the order, if each fill only required the transfer of a single
- // baseUnit of fee tokens.
- // Given 2 ZRXwei, the maximum amount of times Maker can fill this order, in terms of fees, is 2
- const fillableTimesInFeeTokenBaseUnits = BigNumber.min(
- this._transferrableMakerFeeTokenAmount,
- this._remainingMakerFeeAmount,
- );
- // The number of times the Maker can fill the order, given the Maker Token Balance
- // Assuming a balance of 150 wei, and an orderToFeeRatio of 100:1, maker can fill this order 1 time.
- let fillableTimesInMakerTokenUnits = this._transferrableMakerTokenAmount.dividedBy(orderToFeeRatio);
- if (this._isMakerTokenZRX) {
- // If ZRX is the maker token, the Fee and the Maker amount need to be removed from the same pool;
- // 200 ZRXwei for 2ZRXwei fee can only be filled once (need 202 ZRXwei)
- const totalZRXTokenPooled = this._transferrableMakerTokenAmount;
- // The purchasing power here is less as the tokens are taken from the same Pool
- // For every one number of fills, we have to take an extra ZRX out of the pool
- fillableTimesInMakerTokenUnits = totalZRXTokenPooled.dividedBy(orderToFeeRatio.plus(new BigNumber(1)));
- }
- // When Ratio is not fully divisible there can be remainders which cannot be represented, so they are floored.
- // This can result in a RoundingError being thrown by the Exchange Contract.
- const partiallyFillableMakerTokenAmount = fillableTimesInMakerTokenUnits
- .times(this._signedOrder.makerTokenAmount)
- .dividedToIntegerBy(this._signedOrder.makerFee);
- const partiallyFillableFeeTokenAmount = fillableTimesInFeeTokenBaseUnits
- .times(this._signedOrder.makerTokenAmount)
- .dividedToIntegerBy(this._signedOrder.makerFee);
- const partiallyFillableAmount = BigNumber.min(
- partiallyFillableMakerTokenAmount,
- partiallyFillableFeeTokenAmount,
- );
- return partiallyFillableAmount;
- }
+ private _signedOrder: SignedOrder;
+ private _isMakerTokenZRX: boolean;
+ // Transferrable Amount is the minimum of Approval and Balance
+ private _transferrableMakerTokenAmount: BigNumber;
+ private _transferrableMakerFeeTokenAmount: BigNumber;
+ private _remainingMakerTokenAmount: BigNumber;
+ private _remainingMakerFeeAmount: BigNumber;
+ constructor(
+ signedOrder: SignedOrder,
+ isMakerTokenZRX: boolean,
+ transferrableMakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
+ transferrableMakerFeeTokenAmount: BigNumber,
+ remainingMakerTokenAmount: BigNumber,
+ ) {
+ this._signedOrder = signedOrder;
+ this._isMakerTokenZRX = isMakerTokenZRX;
+ this._transferrableMakerTokenAmount = transferrableMakerTokenAmount;
+ this._transferrableMakerFeeTokenAmount = transferrableMakerFeeTokenAmount;
+ this._remainingMakerTokenAmount = remainingMakerTokenAmount;
+ this._remainingMakerFeeAmount = remainingMakerTokenAmount
+ .times(signedOrder.makerFee)
+ .dividedToIntegerBy(signedOrder.makerTokenAmount);
+ }
+ public computeRemainingMakerFillable(): BigNumber {
+ if (this._hasSufficientFundsForFeeAndTransferAmount()) {
+ return this._remainingMakerTokenAmount;
+ }
+ if (this._signedOrder.makerFee.isZero()) {
+ return BigNumber.min(this._remainingMakerTokenAmount, this._transferrableMakerTokenAmount);
+ }
+ return this._calculatePartiallyFillableMakerTokenAmount();
+ }
+ public computeRemainingTakerFillable(): BigNumber {
+ return this.computeRemainingMakerFillable()
+ .times(this._signedOrder.takerTokenAmount)
+ .dividedToIntegerBy(this._signedOrder.makerTokenAmount);
+ }
+ private _hasSufficientFundsForFeeAndTransferAmount(): boolean {
+ if (this._isMakerTokenZRX) {
+ const totalZRXTransferAmountRequired = this._remainingMakerTokenAmount.plus(this._remainingMakerFeeAmount);
+ const hasSufficientFunds = this._transferrableMakerTokenAmount.greaterThanOrEqualTo(
+ totalZRXTransferAmountRequired,
+ );
+ return hasSufficientFunds;
+ } else {
+ const hasSufficientFundsForTransferAmount = this._transferrableMakerTokenAmount.greaterThanOrEqualTo(
+ this._remainingMakerTokenAmount,
+ );
+ const hasSufficientFundsForFeeAmount = this._transferrableMakerFeeTokenAmount.greaterThanOrEqualTo(
+ this._remainingMakerFeeAmount,
+ );
+ const hasSufficientFunds = hasSufficientFundsForTransferAmount && hasSufficientFundsForFeeAmount;
+ return hasSufficientFunds;
+ }
+ }
+ private _calculatePartiallyFillableMakerTokenAmount(): BigNumber {
+ // Given an order for 200 wei for 2 ZRXwei fee, find 100 wei for 1 ZRXwei. Order ratio is then 100:1
+ const orderToFeeRatio = this._signedOrder.makerTokenAmount.dividedBy(this._signedOrder.makerFee);
+ // The number of times the maker can fill the order, if each fill only required the transfer of a single
+ // baseUnit of fee tokens.
+ // Given 2 ZRXwei, the maximum amount of times Maker can fill this order, in terms of fees, is 2
+ const fillableTimesInFeeTokenBaseUnits = BigNumber.min(
+ this._transferrableMakerFeeTokenAmount,
+ this._remainingMakerFeeAmount,
+ );
+ // The number of times the Maker can fill the order, given the Maker Token Balance
+ // Assuming a balance of 150 wei, and an orderToFeeRatio of 100:1, maker can fill this order 1 time.
+ let fillableTimesInMakerTokenUnits = this._transferrableMakerTokenAmount.dividedBy(orderToFeeRatio);
+ if (this._isMakerTokenZRX) {
+ // If ZRX is the maker token, the Fee and the Maker amount need to be removed from the same pool;
+ // 200 ZRXwei for 2ZRXwei fee can only be filled once (need 202 ZRXwei)
+ const totalZRXTokenPooled = this._transferrableMakerTokenAmount;
+ // The purchasing power here is less as the tokens are taken from the same Pool
+ // For every one number of fills, we have to take an extra ZRX out of the pool
+ fillableTimesInMakerTokenUnits = totalZRXTokenPooled.dividedBy(orderToFeeRatio.plus(new BigNumber(1)));
+ }
+ // When Ratio is not fully divisible there can be remainders which cannot be represented, so they are floored.
+ // This can result in a RoundingError being thrown by the Exchange Contract.
+ const partiallyFillableMakerTokenAmount = fillableTimesInMakerTokenUnits
+ .times(this._signedOrder.makerTokenAmount)
+ .dividedToIntegerBy(this._signedOrder.makerFee);
+ const partiallyFillableFeeTokenAmount = fillableTimesInFeeTokenBaseUnits
+ .times(this._signedOrder.makerTokenAmount)
+ .dividedToIntegerBy(this._signedOrder.makerFee);
+ const partiallyFillableAmount = BigNumber.min(
+ partiallyFillableMakerTokenAmount,
+ partiallyFillableFeeTokenAmount,
+ );
+ return partiallyFillableAmount;
+ }