path: root/contracts/extensions/contracts/OrderValidator/OrderValidator.sol
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 218 deletions
diff --git a/contracts/extensions/contracts/OrderValidator/OrderValidator.sol b/contracts/extensions/contracts/OrderValidator/OrderValidator.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index 33dd1326c..000000000
--- a/contracts/extensions/contracts/OrderValidator/OrderValidator.sol
+++ /dev/null
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- Copyright 2018 ZeroEx Intl.
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
-pragma solidity 0.4.24;
-pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
-import "@0x/contracts-interfaces/contracts/protocol/Exchange/IExchange.sol";
-import "@0x/contracts-libs/contracts/libs/LibOrder.sol";
-import "@0x/contracts-tokens/contracts/tokens/ERC20Token/IERC20Token.sol";
-import "@0x/contracts-tokens/contracts/tokens/ERC721Token/IERC721Token.sol";
-import "@0x/contracts-utils/contracts/utils/LibBytes/LibBytes.sol";
-contract OrderValidator {
- using LibBytes for bytes;
- bytes4 constant internal ERC20_DATA_ID = bytes4(keccak256("ERC20Token(address)"));
- bytes4 constant internal ERC721_DATA_ID = bytes4(keccak256("ERC721Token(address,uint256)"));
- struct TraderInfo {
- uint256 makerBalance; // Maker's balance of makerAsset
- uint256 makerAllowance; // Maker's allowance to corresponding AssetProxy
- uint256 takerBalance; // Taker's balance of takerAsset
- uint256 takerAllowance; // Taker's allowance to corresponding AssetProxy
- uint256 makerZrxBalance; // Maker's balance of ZRX
- uint256 makerZrxAllowance; // Maker's allowance of ZRX to ERC20Proxy
- uint256 takerZrxBalance; // Taker's balance of ZRX
- uint256 takerZrxAllowance; // Taker's allowance of ZRX to ERC20Proxy
- }
- // solhint-disable var-name-mixedcase
- IExchange internal EXCHANGE;
- bytes internal ZRX_ASSET_DATA;
- // solhint-enable var-name-mixedcase
- constructor (address _exchange, bytes memory _zrxAssetData)
- public
- {
- EXCHANGE = IExchange(_exchange);
- ZRX_ASSET_DATA = _zrxAssetData;
- }
- /// @dev Fetches information for order and maker/taker of order.
- /// @param order The order structure.
- /// @param takerAddress Address that will be filling the order.
- /// @return OrderInfo and TraderInfo instances for given order.
- function getOrderAndTraderInfo(LibOrder.Order memory order, address takerAddress)
- public
- view
- returns (LibOrder.OrderInfo memory orderInfo, TraderInfo memory traderInfo)
- {
- orderInfo = EXCHANGE.getOrderInfo(order);
- traderInfo = getTraderInfo(order, takerAddress);
- return (orderInfo, traderInfo);
- }
- /// @dev Fetches information for all passed in orders and the makers/takers of each order.
- /// @param orders Array of order specifications.
- /// @param takerAddresses Array of taker addresses corresponding to each order.
- /// @return Arrays of OrderInfo and TraderInfo instances that correspond to each order.
- function getOrdersAndTradersInfo(LibOrder.Order[] memory orders, address[] memory takerAddresses)
- public
- view
- returns (LibOrder.OrderInfo[] memory ordersInfo, TraderInfo[] memory tradersInfo)
- {
- ordersInfo = EXCHANGE.getOrdersInfo(orders);
- tradersInfo = getTradersInfo(orders, takerAddresses);
- return (ordersInfo, tradersInfo);
- }
- /// @dev Fetches balance and allowances for maker and taker of order.
- /// @param order The order structure.
- /// @param takerAddress Address that will be filling the order.
- /// @return Balances and allowances of maker and taker of order.
- function getTraderInfo(LibOrder.Order memory order, address takerAddress)
- public
- view
- returns (TraderInfo memory traderInfo)
- {
- (traderInfo.makerBalance, traderInfo.makerAllowance) = getBalanceAndAllowance(order.makerAddress, order.makerAssetData);
- (traderInfo.takerBalance, traderInfo.takerAllowance) = getBalanceAndAllowance(takerAddress, order.takerAssetData);
- bytes memory zrxAssetData = ZRX_ASSET_DATA;
- (traderInfo.makerZrxBalance, traderInfo.makerZrxAllowance) = getBalanceAndAllowance(order.makerAddress, zrxAssetData);
- (traderInfo.takerZrxBalance, traderInfo.takerZrxAllowance) = getBalanceAndAllowance(takerAddress, zrxAssetData);
- return traderInfo;
- }
- /// @dev Fetches balances and allowances of maker and taker for each provided order.
- /// @param orders Array of order specifications.
- /// @param takerAddresses Array of taker addresses corresponding to each order.
- /// @return Array of balances and allowances for maker and taker of each order.
- function getTradersInfo(LibOrder.Order[] memory orders, address[] memory takerAddresses)
- public
- view
- returns (TraderInfo[] memory)
- {
- uint256 ordersLength = orders.length;
- TraderInfo[] memory tradersInfo = new TraderInfo[](ordersLength);
- for (uint256 i = 0; i != ordersLength; i++) {
- tradersInfo[i] = getTraderInfo(orders[i], takerAddresses[i]);
- }
- return tradersInfo;
- }
- /// @dev Fetches token balances and allowances of an address to given assetProxy. Supports ERC20 and ERC721.
- /// @param target Address to fetch balances and allowances of.
- /// @param assetData Encoded data that can be decoded by a specified proxy contract when transferring asset.
- /// @return Balance of asset and allowance set to given proxy of asset.
- /// For ERC721 tokens, these values will always be 1 or 0.
- function getBalanceAndAllowance(address target, bytes memory assetData)
- public
- view
- returns (uint256 balance, uint256 allowance)
- {
- bytes4 assetProxyId = assetData.readBytes4(0);
- address token = assetData.readAddress(16);
- address assetProxy = EXCHANGE.getAssetProxy(assetProxyId);
- if (assetProxyId == ERC20_DATA_ID) {
- // Query balance
- balance = IERC20Token(token).balanceOf(target);
- // Query allowance
- allowance = IERC20Token(token).allowance(target, assetProxy);
- } else if (assetProxyId == ERC721_DATA_ID) {
- uint256 tokenId = assetData.readUint256(36);
- // Query owner of tokenId
- address owner = getERC721TokenOwner(token, tokenId);
- // Set balance to 1 if tokenId is owned by target
- balance = target == owner ? 1 : 0;
- // Check if ERC721Proxy is approved to spend tokenId
- bool isApproved = IERC721Token(token).isApprovedForAll(target, assetProxy);
- // Set alowance to 1 if ERC721Proxy is approved to spend tokenId
- allowance = isApproved ? 1 : 0;
- } else {
- }
- return (balance, allowance);
- }
- /// @dev Fetches token balances and allowances of an address for each given assetProxy. Supports ERC20 and ERC721.
- /// @param target Address to fetch balances and allowances of.
- /// @param assetData Array of encoded byte arrays that can be decoded by a specified proxy contract when transferring asset.
- /// @return Balances and allowances of assets.
- /// For ERC721 tokens, these values will always be 1 or 0.
- function getBalancesAndAllowances(address target, bytes[] memory assetData)
- public
- view
- returns (uint256[] memory, uint256[] memory)
- {
- uint256 length = assetData.length;
- uint256[] memory balances = new uint256[](length);
- uint256[] memory allowances = new uint256[](length);
- for (uint256 i = 0; i != length; i++) {
- (balances[i], allowances[i]) = getBalanceAndAllowance(target, assetData[i]);
- }
- return (balances, allowances);
- }
- /// @dev Calls `token.ownerOf(tokenId)`, but returns a null owner instead of reverting on an unowned token.
- /// @param token Address of ERC721 token.
- /// @param tokenId The identifier for the specific NFT.
- /// @return Owner of tokenId or null address if unowned.
- function getERC721TokenOwner(address token, uint256 tokenId)
- public
- view
- returns (address owner)
- {
- assembly {
- // load free memory pointer
- let cdStart := mload(64)
- // bytes4(keccak256(ownerOf(uint256))) = 0x6352211e
- mstore(cdStart, 0x6352211e00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
- mstore(add(cdStart, 4), tokenId)
- // staticcall `ownerOf(tokenId)`
- // `ownerOf` will revert if tokenId is not owned
- let success := staticcall(
- gas, // forward all gas
- token, // call token contract
- cdStart, // start of calldata
- 36, // length of input is 36 bytes
- cdStart, // write output over input
- 32 // size of output is 32 bytes
- )
- // Success implies that tokenId is owned
- // Copy owner from return data if successful
- if success {
- owner := mload(cdStart)
- }
- }
- // Owner initialized to address(0), no need to modify if call is unsuccessful
- return owner;
- }