path: root/packages/website/ts/pages/documentation/zero_ex_js_documentation.tsx
diff options
authorFabio Berger <me@fabioberger.com>2017-11-22 04:03:08 +0800
committerFabio Berger <me@fabioberger.com>2017-11-22 04:03:08 +0800
commit3660ba28d73d70d08bf14c33ef680e5ef3ec7f3b (patch)
treef101656799da807489253e17bea7abfaea90b62d /packages/website/ts/pages/documentation/zero_ex_js_documentation.tsx
parent037f466e1f80f635b48f3235258402e2ce75fb7b (diff)
Add website to mono repo, update packages to align with existing sub-packages, use new subscribeAsync 0x.js method
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/website/ts/pages/documentation/zero_ex_js_documentation.tsx')
1 files changed, 340 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/website/ts/pages/documentation/zero_ex_js_documentation.tsx b/packages/website/ts/pages/documentation/zero_ex_js_documentation.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c26fb7d0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/website/ts/pages/documentation/zero_ex_js_documentation.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+import * as _ from 'lodash';
+import * as React from 'react';
+import * as ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown';
+import DocumentTitle = require('react-document-title');
+import findVersions = require('find-versions');
+import semverSort = require('semver-sort');
+import {colors} from 'material-ui/styles';
+import MenuItem from 'material-ui/MenuItem';
+import CircularProgress from 'material-ui/CircularProgress';
+import Paper from 'material-ui/Paper';
+import {
+ Link as ScrollLink,
+ Element as ScrollElement,
+ scroller,
+} from 'react-scroll';
+import {Dispatcher} from 'ts/redux/dispatcher';
+import {
+ KindString,
+ TypeDocNode,
+ ZeroExJsDocSections,
+ Styles,
+ ScreenWidths,
+ TypeDefinitionByName,
+ DocAgnosticFormat,
+ TypescriptMethod,
+ Property,
+ CustomType,
+ Docs,
+} from 'ts/types';
+import {TopBar} from 'ts/components/top_bar';
+import {utils} from 'ts/utils/utils';
+import {docUtils} from 'ts/utils/doc_utils';
+import {constants} from 'ts/utils/constants';
+import {Loading} from 'ts/components/ui/loading';
+import {MethodBlock} from 'ts/pages/documentation/method_block';
+import {SourceLink} from 'ts/pages/documentation/source_link';
+import {Type} from 'ts/pages/documentation/type';
+import {TypeDefinition} from 'ts/pages/documentation/type_definition';
+import {MarkdownSection} from 'ts/pages/shared/markdown_section';
+import {Comment} from 'ts/pages/documentation/comment';
+import {AnchorTitle} from 'ts/pages/shared/anchor_title';
+import {SectionHeader} from 'ts/pages/shared/section_header';
+import {NestedSidebarMenu} from 'ts/pages/shared/nested_sidebar_menu';
+import {typeDocUtils} from 'ts/utils/typedoc_utils';
+/* tslint:disable:no-var-requires */
+const IntroMarkdown = require('md/docs/0xjs/introduction');
+const InstallationMarkdown = require('md/docs/0xjs/installation');
+const AsyncMarkdown = require('md/docs/0xjs/async');
+const ErrorsMarkdown = require('md/docs/0xjs/errors');
+const versioningMarkdown = require('md/docs/0xjs/versioning');
+/* tslint:enable:no-var-requires */
+const SCROLL_TO_TIMEOUT = 500;
+const sectionNameToMarkdown = {
+ [ZeroExJsDocSections.introduction]: IntroMarkdown,
+ [ZeroExJsDocSections.installation]: InstallationMarkdown,
+ [ZeroExJsDocSections.async]: AsyncMarkdown,
+ [ZeroExJsDocSections.errors]: ErrorsMarkdown,
+ [ZeroExJsDocSections.versioning]: versioningMarkdown,
+export interface ZeroExJSDocumentationPassedProps {
+ source: string;
+ location: Location;
+export interface ZeroExJSDocumentationAllProps {
+ source: string;
+ location: Location;
+ dispatcher: Dispatcher;
+ docsVersion: string;
+ availableDocVersions: string[];
+interface ZeroExJSDocumentationState {
+ docAgnosticFormat?: DocAgnosticFormat;
+const styles: Styles = {
+ mainContainers: {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: 60,
+ left: 0,
+ bottom: 0,
+ right: 0,
+ overflowZ: 'hidden',
+ overflowY: 'scroll',
+ minHeight: 'calc(100vh - 60px)',
+ WebkitOverflowScrolling: 'touch',
+ },
+ menuContainer: {
+ borderColor: colors.grey300,
+ maxWidth: 330,
+ marginLeft: 20,
+ },
+export class ZeroExJSDocumentation extends React.Component<ZeroExJSDocumentationAllProps, ZeroExJSDocumentationState> {
+ constructor(props: ZeroExJSDocumentationAllProps) {
+ super(props);
+ this.state = {
+ docAgnosticFormat: undefined,
+ };
+ }
+ public componentWillMount() {
+ const pathName = this.props.location.pathname;
+ const lastSegment = pathName.substr(pathName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
+ const versions = findVersions(lastSegment);
+ const preferredVersionIfExists = versions.length > 0 ? versions[0] : undefined;
+ this.fetchJSONDocsFireAndForgetAsync(preferredVersionIfExists);
+ }
+ public render() {
+ const menuSubsectionsBySection = _.isUndefined(this.state.docAgnosticFormat)
+ ? {}
+ : typeDocUtils.getMenuSubsectionsBySection(this.state.docAgnosticFormat);
+ return (
+ <div>
+ <DocumentTitle title="0x.js Documentation"/>
+ <TopBar
+ blockchainIsLoaded={false}
+ location={this.props.location}
+ docsVersion={this.props.docsVersion}
+ availableDocVersions={this.props.availableDocVersions}
+ menuSubsectionsBySection={menuSubsectionsBySection}
+ shouldFullWidth={true}
+ doc={Docs.ZeroExJs}
+ />
+ {_.isUndefined(this.state.docAgnosticFormat) ?
+ <div
+ className="col col-12"
+ style={styles.mainContainers}
+ >
+ <div
+ className="relative sm-px2 sm-pt2 sm-m1"
+ style={{height: 122, top: '50%', transform: 'translateY(-50%)'}}
+ >
+ <div className="center pb2">
+ <CircularProgress size={40} thickness={5} />
+ </div>
+ <div className="center pt2" style={{paddingBottom: 11}}>Loading documentation...</div>
+ </div>
+ </div> :
+ <div
+ className="mx-auto flex"
+ style={{color: colors.grey800, height: 43}}
+ >
+ <div className="relative col md-col-3 lg-col-3 lg-pl0 md-pl1 sm-hide xs-hide">
+ <div
+ className="border-right absolute"
+ style={{...styles.menuContainer, ...styles.mainContainers}}
+ >
+ <NestedSidebarMenu
+ selectedVersion={this.props.docsVersion}
+ versions={this.props.availableDocVersions}
+ topLevelMenu={typeDocUtils.getFinal0xjsMenu(this.props.docsVersion)}
+ menuSubsectionsBySection={menuSubsectionsBySection}
+ doc={Docs.ZeroExJs}
+ />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div className="relative col lg-col-9 md-col-9 sm-col-12 col-12">
+ <div
+ id="documentation"
+ style={styles.mainContainers}
+ className="absolute"
+ >
+ <div id="zeroExJSDocs" />
+ <h1 className="md-pl2 sm-pl3">
+ <a href={constants.GITHUB_0X_JS_URL} target="_blank">
+ 0x.js
+ </a>
+ </h1>
+ {this.renderDocumentation()}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ }
+ </div>
+ );
+ }
+ private renderDocumentation(): React.ReactNode {
+ const typeDocSection = this.state.docAgnosticFormat[ZeroExJsDocSections.types];
+ const typeDefinitionByName = _.keyBy(typeDocSection.types, 'name');
+ const subMenus = _.values(constants.menu0xjs);
+ const orderedSectionNames = _.flatten(subMenus);
+ const sections = _.map(orderedSectionNames, this.renderSection.bind(this, typeDefinitionByName));
+ return sections;
+ }
+ private renderSection(typeDefinitionByName: TypeDefinitionByName, sectionName: string): React.ReactNode {
+ const docSection = this.state.docAgnosticFormat[sectionName];
+ const markdownFileIfExists = sectionNameToMarkdown[sectionName];
+ if (!_.isUndefined(markdownFileIfExists)) {
+ return (
+ <MarkdownSection
+ key={`markdown-section-${sectionName}`}
+ sectionName={sectionName}
+ markdownContent={markdownFileIfExists}
+ />
+ );
+ }
+ if (_.isUndefined(docSection)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ const typeDefs = _.map(docSection.types, customType => {
+ return (
+ <TypeDefinition
+ key={`type-${customType.name}`}
+ customType={customType}
+ />
+ );
+ });
+ const propertyDefs = _.map(docSection.properties, this.renderProperty.bind(this));
+ const methodDefs = _.map(docSection.methods, method => {
+ const isConstructor = false;
+ return this.renderMethodBlocks(method, sectionName, isConstructor, typeDefinitionByName);
+ });
+ return (
+ <div
+ key={`section-${sectionName}`}
+ className="py2 pr3 md-pl2 sm-pl3"
+ >
+ <SectionHeader sectionName={sectionName} />
+ <Comment
+ comment={docSection.comment}
+ />
+ {sectionName === ZeroExJsDocSections.zeroEx && docSection.constructors.length > 0 &&
+ <div>
+ <h2 className="thin">Constructor</h2>
+ {this.renderZeroExConstructors(docSection.constructors, typeDefinitionByName)}
+ </div>
+ }
+ {docSection.properties.length > 0 &&
+ <div>
+ <h2 className="thin">Properties</h2>
+ <div>{propertyDefs}</div>
+ </div>
+ }
+ {docSection.methods.length > 0 &&
+ <div>
+ <h2 className="thin">Methods</h2>
+ <div>{methodDefs}</div>
+ </div>
+ }
+ {typeDefs.length > 0 &&
+ <div>
+ <div>{typeDefs}</div>
+ </div>
+ }
+ </div>
+ );
+ }
+ private renderZeroExConstructors(constructors: TypescriptMethod[],
+ typeDefinitionByName: TypeDefinitionByName): React.ReactNode {
+ const constructorDefs = _.map(constructors, constructor => {
+ return this.renderMethodBlocks(
+ constructor, ZeroExJsDocSections.zeroEx, constructor.isConstructor, typeDefinitionByName,
+ );
+ });
+ return (
+ <div>
+ {constructorDefs}
+ </div>
+ );
+ }
+ private renderProperty(property: Property): React.ReactNode {
+ return (
+ <div
+ key={`property-${property.name}-${property.type.name}`}
+ className="pb3"
+ >
+ <code className="hljs">
+ {property.name}: <Type type={property.type} />
+ </code>
+ <SourceLink
+ version={this.props.docsVersion}
+ source={property.source}
+ />
+ {property.comment &&
+ <Comment
+ comment={property.comment}
+ className="py2"
+ />
+ }
+ </div>
+ );
+ }
+ private renderMethodBlocks(method: TypescriptMethod, sectionName: string, isConstructor: boolean,
+ typeDefinitionByName: TypeDefinitionByName): React.ReactNode {
+ return (
+ <MethodBlock
+ key={`method-${method.name}-${!_.isUndefined(method.source) ? method.source.line : ''}`}
+ method={method}
+ typeDefinitionByName={typeDefinitionByName}
+ libraryVersion={this.props.docsVersion}
+ />
+ );
+ }
+ private scrollToHash(): void {
+ const hashWithPrefix = this.props.location.hash;
+ let hash = hashWithPrefix.slice(1);
+ if (_.isEmpty(hash)) {
+ hash = 'zeroExJSDocs'; // scroll to the top
+ }
+ scroller.scrollTo(hash, {duration: 0, offset: 0, containerId: 'documentation'});
+ }
+ private async fetchJSONDocsFireAndForgetAsync(preferredVersionIfExists?: string): Promise<void> {
+ const versionToFileName = await docUtils.getVersionToFileNameAsync(DOC_JSON_ROOT);
+ const versions = _.keys(versionToFileName);
+ this.props.dispatcher.updateAvailableDocVersions(versions);
+ const sortedVersions = semverSort.desc(versions);
+ const latestVersion = sortedVersions[0];
+ let versionToFetch = latestVersion;
+ if (!_.isUndefined(preferredVersionIfExists)) {
+ const preferredVersionFileNameIfExists = versionToFileName[preferredVersionIfExists];
+ if (!_.isUndefined(preferredVersionFileNameIfExists)) {
+ versionToFetch = preferredVersionIfExists;
+ }
+ }
+ this.props.dispatcher.updateCurrentDocsVersion(versionToFetch);
+ const versionFileNameToFetch = versionToFileName[versionToFetch];
+ const versionDocObj = await docUtils.getJSONDocFileAsync(versionFileNameToFetch, DOC_JSON_ROOT);
+ const docAgnosticFormat = typeDocUtils.convertToDocAgnosticFormat((versionDocObj as TypeDocNode));
+ this.setState({
+ docAgnosticFormat,
+ }, () => {
+ this.scrollToHash();
+ });
+ }