path: root/packages/website/ts/components/portal.tsx
diff options
authorFabio Berger <me@fabioberger.com>2017-11-22 04:03:08 +0800
committerFabio Berger <me@fabioberger.com>2017-11-22 04:03:08 +0800
commit3660ba28d73d70d08bf14c33ef680e5ef3ec7f3b (patch)
treef101656799da807489253e17bea7abfaea90b62d /packages/website/ts/components/portal.tsx
parent037f466e1f80f635b48f3235258402e2ce75fb7b (diff)
Add website to mono repo, update packages to align with existing sub-packages, use new subscribeAsync 0x.js method
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/website/ts/components/portal.tsx')
1 files changed, 344 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/website/ts/components/portal.tsx b/packages/website/ts/components/portal.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3591a347b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/website/ts/components/portal.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+import * as _ from 'lodash';
+import * as React from 'react';
+import * as DocumentTitle from 'react-document-title';
+import {Switch, Route} from 'react-router-dom';
+import {Dispatcher} from 'ts/redux/dispatcher';
+import {State} from 'ts/redux/reducer';
+import {utils} from 'ts/utils/utils';
+import {configs} from 'ts/utils/configs';
+import {constants} from 'ts/utils/constants';
+import Paper from 'material-ui/Paper';
+import RaisedButton from 'material-ui/RaisedButton';
+import {colors} from 'material-ui/styles';
+import {GenerateOrderForm} from 'ts/containers/generate_order_form';
+import {TokenBalances} from 'ts/components/token_balances';
+import {PortalDisclaimerDialog} from 'ts/components/dialogs/portal_disclaimer_dialog';
+import {FillOrder} from 'ts/components/fill_order';
+import {Blockchain} from 'ts/blockchain';
+import {SchemaValidator} from 'ts/schemas/validator';
+import {orderSchema} from 'ts/schemas/order_schema';
+import {localStorage} from 'ts/local_storage/local_storage';
+import {TradeHistory} from 'ts/components/trade_history/trade_history';
+import {
+ HashData,
+ TokenByAddress,
+ BlockchainErrs,
+ Order,
+ Fill,
+ Side,
+ Styles,
+ ScreenWidths,
+ Token,
+ TokenStateByAddress,
+ WebsitePaths,
+} from 'ts/types';
+import {TopBar} from 'ts/components/top_bar';
+import {Footer} from 'ts/components/footer';
+import {Loading} from 'ts/components/ui/loading';
+import {PortalMenu} from 'ts/components/portal_menu';
+import {BlockchainErrDialog} from 'ts/components/dialogs/blockchain_err_dialog';
+import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
+import {FlashMessage} from 'ts/components/ui/flash_message';
+const THROTTLE_TIMEOUT = 100;
+export interface PortalPassedProps {}
+export interface PortalAllProps {
+ blockchainErr: BlockchainErrs;
+ blockchainIsLoaded: boolean;
+ dispatcher: Dispatcher;
+ hashData: HashData;
+ networkId: number;
+ nodeVersion: string;
+ orderFillAmount: BigNumber;
+ screenWidth: ScreenWidths;
+ tokenByAddress: TokenByAddress;
+ tokenStateByAddress: TokenStateByAddress;
+ userEtherBalance: BigNumber;
+ userAddress: string;
+ shouldBlockchainErrDialogBeOpen: boolean;
+ userSuppliedOrderCache: Order;
+ location: Location;
+ flashMessage?: string|React.ReactNode;
+interface PortalAllState {
+ prevNetworkId: number;
+ prevNodeVersion: string;
+ prevUserAddress: string;
+ hasAcceptedDisclaimer: boolean;
+const styles: Styles = {
+ button: {
+ color: 'white',
+ },
+ headline: {
+ fontSize: 20,
+ fontWeight: 400,
+ marginBottom: 12,
+ paddingTop: 16,
+ },
+ inkBar: {
+ background: colors.amber600,
+ },
+ menuItem: {
+ padding: '0px 16px 0px 48px',
+ },
+ tabItemContainer: {
+ background: colors.blueGrey500,
+ borderRadius: '4px 4px 0 0',
+ },
+export class Portal extends React.Component<PortalAllProps, PortalAllState> {
+ private blockchain: Blockchain;
+ private sharedOrderIfExists: Order;
+ private throttledScreenWidthUpdate: () => void;
+ constructor(props: PortalAllProps) {
+ super(props);
+ this.sharedOrderIfExists = this.getSharedOrderIfExists();
+ this.throttledScreenWidthUpdate = _.throttle(this.updateScreenWidth.bind(this), THROTTLE_TIMEOUT);
+ this.state = {
+ prevNetworkId: this.props.networkId,
+ prevNodeVersion: this.props.nodeVersion,
+ prevUserAddress: this.props.userAddress,
+ hasAcceptedDisclaimer: false,
+ };
+ }
+ public componentDidMount() {
+ window.addEventListener('resize', this.throttledScreenWidthUpdate);
+ window.scrollTo(0, 0);
+ }
+ public componentWillMount() {
+ this.blockchain = new Blockchain(this.props.dispatcher);
+ const didAcceptPortalDisclaimer = localStorage.getItemIfExists(constants.ACCEPT_DISCLAIMER_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY);
+ const hasAcceptedDisclaimer = !_.isUndefined(didAcceptPortalDisclaimer) &&
+ !_.isEmpty(didAcceptPortalDisclaimer);
+ this.setState({
+ hasAcceptedDisclaimer,
+ });
+ }
+ public componentWillUnmount() {
+ this.blockchain.destroy();
+ window.removeEventListener('resize', this.throttledScreenWidthUpdate);
+ // We re-set the entire redux state when the portal is unmounted so that when it is re-rendered
+ // the initialization process always occurs from the same base state. This helps avoid
+ // initialization inconsistencies (i.e While the portal was unrendered, the user might have
+ // become disconnected from their backing Ethereum node, changes user accounts, etc...)
+ this.props.dispatcher.resetState();
+ }
+ public componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: PortalAllProps) {
+ if (nextProps.networkId !== this.state.prevNetworkId) {
+ this.blockchain.networkIdUpdatedFireAndForgetAsync(nextProps.networkId);
+ this.setState({
+ prevNetworkId: nextProps.networkId,
+ });
+ }
+ if (nextProps.userAddress !== this.state.prevUserAddress) {
+ this.blockchain.userAddressUpdatedFireAndForgetAsync(nextProps.userAddress);
+ if (!_.isEmpty(nextProps.userAddress) &&
+ nextProps.blockchainIsLoaded) {
+ const tokens = _.values(nextProps.tokenByAddress);
+ this.updateBalanceAndAllowanceWithLoadingScreenAsync(tokens);
+ }
+ this.setState({
+ prevUserAddress: nextProps.userAddress,
+ });
+ }
+ if (nextProps.nodeVersion !== this.state.prevNodeVersion) {
+ this.blockchain.nodeVersionUpdatedFireAndForgetAsync(nextProps.nodeVersion);
+ }
+ }
+ public render() {
+ const updateShouldBlockchainErrDialogBeOpen = this.props.dispatcher
+ .updateShouldBlockchainErrDialogBeOpen.bind(this.props.dispatcher);
+ const portalStyle: React.CSSProperties = {
+ minHeight: '100vh',
+ display: 'flex',
+ flexDirection: 'column',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ };
+ return (
+ <div style={portalStyle}>
+ <DocumentTitle title="0x Portal DApp"/>
+ <TopBar
+ userAddress={this.props.userAddress}
+ blockchainIsLoaded={this.props.blockchainIsLoaded}
+ location={this.props.location}
+ />
+ <div id="portal" className="mx-auto max-width-4 pt4" style={{width: '100%'}}>
+ <Paper className="mb3 mt2">
+ {!configs.isMainnetEnabled && this.props.networkId === constants.MAINNET_NETWORK_ID ?
+ <div className="p3 center">
+ <div className="h2 py2">Mainnet unavailable</div>
+ <div className="mx-auto pb2 pt2">
+ <img
+ src="/images/zrx_token.png"
+ style={{width: 150}}
+ />
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ 0x portal is currently unavailable on the Ethereum mainnet.
+ <div>
+ To try it out, switch to the Kovan test network
+ (networkId: 42).
+ </div>
+ <div className="py2">
+ Check back soon!
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div> :
+ <div className="mx-auto flex">
+ <div
+ className="col col-2 pr2 pt1 sm-hide xs-hide"
+ style={{overflow: 'hidden', backgroundColor: 'rgb(39, 39, 39)', color: 'white'}}
+ >
+ <PortalMenu menuItemStyle={{color: 'white'}} />
+ </div>
+ <div className="col col-12 lg-col-10 md-col-10 sm-col sm-col-12">
+ <div className="py2" style={{backgroundColor: colors.grey50}}>
+ {this.props.blockchainIsLoaded ?
+ <Switch>
+ <Route
+ path={`${WebsitePaths.Portal}/fill`}
+ render={this.renderFillOrder.bind(this)}
+ />
+ <Route
+ path={`${WebsitePaths.Portal}/balances`}
+ render={this.renderTokenBalances.bind(this)}
+ />
+ <Route
+ path={`${WebsitePaths.Portal}/trades`}
+ component={this.renderTradeHistory.bind(this)}
+ />
+ <Route
+ path={`${WebsitePaths.Home}`}
+ render={this.renderGenerateOrderForm.bind(this)}
+ />
+ </Switch> :
+ <Loading />
+ }
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ }
+ </Paper>
+ <BlockchainErrDialog
+ blockchain={this.blockchain}
+ blockchainErr={this.props.blockchainErr}
+ isOpen={this.props.shouldBlockchainErrDialogBeOpen}
+ userAddress={this.props.userAddress}
+ toggleDialogFn={updateShouldBlockchainErrDialogBeOpen}
+ networkId={this.props.networkId}
+ />
+ <PortalDisclaimerDialog
+ isOpen={!this.state.hasAcceptedDisclaimer}
+ onToggleDialog={this.onPortalDisclaimerAccepted.bind(this)}
+ />
+ <FlashMessage
+ dispatcher={this.props.dispatcher}
+ flashMessage={this.props.flashMessage}
+ />
+ </div>
+ <Footer location={this.props.location} />
+ </div>
+ );
+ }
+ private renderTradeHistory() {
+ return (
+ <TradeHistory
+ tokenByAddress={this.props.tokenByAddress}
+ userAddress={this.props.userAddress}
+ networkId={this.props.networkId}
+ />
+ );
+ }
+ private renderTokenBalances() {
+ return (
+ <TokenBalances
+ blockchain={this.blockchain}
+ blockchainErr={this.props.blockchainErr}
+ blockchainIsLoaded={this.props.blockchainIsLoaded}
+ dispatcher={this.props.dispatcher}
+ screenWidth={this.props.screenWidth}
+ tokenByAddress={this.props.tokenByAddress}
+ tokenStateByAddress={this.props.tokenStateByAddress}
+ userAddress={this.props.userAddress}
+ userEtherBalance={this.props.userEtherBalance}
+ networkId={this.props.networkId}
+ />
+ );
+ }
+ private renderFillOrder(match: any, location: Location, history: History) {
+ const initialFillOrder = !_.isUndefined(this.props.userSuppliedOrderCache) ?
+ this.props.userSuppliedOrderCache :
+ this.sharedOrderIfExists;
+ return (
+ <FillOrder
+ blockchain={this.blockchain}
+ blockchainErr={this.props.blockchainErr}
+ initialOrder={initialFillOrder}
+ isOrderInUrl={!_.isUndefined(this.sharedOrderIfExists)}
+ orderFillAmount={this.props.orderFillAmount}
+ networkId={this.props.networkId}
+ userAddress={this.props.userAddress}
+ tokenByAddress={this.props.tokenByAddress}
+ tokenStateByAddress={this.props.tokenStateByAddress}
+ dispatcher={this.props.dispatcher}
+ />
+ );
+ }
+ private renderGenerateOrderForm(match: any, location: Location, history: History) {
+ return (
+ <GenerateOrderForm
+ blockchain={this.blockchain}
+ hashData={this.props.hashData}
+ dispatcher={this.props.dispatcher}
+ />
+ );
+ }
+ private onPortalDisclaimerAccepted() {
+ localStorage.setItem(constants.ACCEPT_DISCLAIMER_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, 'set');
+ this.setState({
+ hasAcceptedDisclaimer: true,
+ });
+ }
+ private getSharedOrderIfExists(): Order {
+ const queryString = window.location.search;
+ if (queryString.length === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const queryParams = queryString.substring(1).split('&');
+ const orderQueryParam = _.find(queryParams, queryParam => {
+ const queryPair = queryParam.split('=');
+ return queryPair[0] === 'order';
+ });
+ if (_.isUndefined(orderQueryParam)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const orderPair = orderQueryParam.split('=');
+ if (orderPair.length !== 2) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const validator = new SchemaValidator();
+ const order = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(orderPair[1]));
+ const validationResult = validator.validate(order, orderSchema);
+ if (validationResult.errors.length > 0) {
+ utils.consoleLog(`Invalid shared order: ${validationResult.errors}`);
+ return;
+ }
+ return order;
+ }
+ private updateScreenWidth() {
+ const newScreenWidth = utils.getScreenWidth();
+ this.props.dispatcher.updateScreenWidth(newScreenWidth);
+ }
+ private async updateBalanceAndAllowanceWithLoadingScreenAsync(tokens: Token[]) {
+ this.props.dispatcher.updateBlockchainIsLoaded(false);
+ await this.blockchain.updateTokenBalancesAndAllowancesAsync(tokens);
+ this.props.dispatcher.updateBlockchainIsLoaded(true);
+ }