path: root/packages/website/ts/components/generate_order/new_token_form.tsx
diff options
authorFabio Berger <me@fabioberger.com>2017-11-22 04:03:08 +0800
committerFabio Berger <me@fabioberger.com>2017-11-22 04:03:08 +0800
commit3660ba28d73d70d08bf14c33ef680e5ef3ec7f3b (patch)
treef101656799da807489253e17bea7abfaea90b62d /packages/website/ts/components/generate_order/new_token_form.tsx
parent037f466e1f80f635b48f3235258402e2ce75fb7b (diff)
Add website to mono repo, update packages to align with existing sub-packages, use new subscribeAsync 0x.js method
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/website/ts/components/generate_order/new_token_form.tsx')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/website/ts/components/generate_order/new_token_form.tsx b/packages/website/ts/components/generate_order/new_token_form.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..95c05f5bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/website/ts/components/generate_order/new_token_form.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+import * as _ from 'lodash';
+import * as React from 'react';
+import {colors} from 'material-ui/styles';
+import TextField from 'material-ui/TextField';
+import {constants} from 'ts/utils/constants';
+import {Blockchain} from 'ts/blockchain';
+import {Token, TokenState, TokenByAddress, AlertTypes} from 'ts/types';
+import {AddressInput} from 'ts/components/inputs/address_input';
+import {Alert} from 'ts/components/ui/alert';
+import {LifeCycleRaisedButton} from 'ts/components/ui/lifecycle_raised_button';
+import {RequiredLabel} from 'ts/components/ui/required_label';
+import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
+interface NewTokenFormProps {
+ blockchain: Blockchain;
+ tokenByAddress: TokenByAddress;
+ onNewTokenSubmitted: (token: Token, tokenState: TokenState) => void;
+interface NewTokenFormState {
+ globalErrMsg: string;
+ name: string;
+ nameErrText: string;
+ symbol: string;
+ symbolErrText: string;
+ address: string;
+ shouldShowAddressIncompleteErr: boolean;
+ decimals: string;
+ decimalsErrText: string;
+export class NewTokenForm extends React.Component<NewTokenFormProps, NewTokenFormState> {
+ constructor(props: NewTokenFormProps) {
+ super(props);
+ this.state = {
+ address: '',
+ globalErrMsg: '',
+ name: '',
+ nameErrText: '',
+ shouldShowAddressIncompleteErr: false,
+ symbol: '',
+ symbolErrText: '',
+ decimals: '18',
+ decimalsErrText: '',
+ };
+ }
+ public render() {
+ return (
+ <div className="mx-auto pb2" style={{width: 256}}>
+ <div>
+ <TextField
+ floatingLabelFixed={true}
+ floatingLabelStyle={{color: colors.grey500}}
+ floatingLabelText={<RequiredLabel label="Name" />}
+ value={this.state.name}
+ errorText={this.state.nameErrText}
+ onChange={this.onTokenNameChanged.bind(this)}
+ />
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <TextField
+ floatingLabelFixed={true}
+ floatingLabelStyle={{color: colors.grey500}}
+ floatingLabelText={<RequiredLabel label="Symbol" />}
+ value={this.state.symbol}
+ errorText={this.state.symbolErrText}
+ onChange={this.onTokenSymbolChanged.bind(this)}
+ />
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <AddressInput
+ isRequired={true}
+ label="Contract address"
+ initialAddress=""
+ shouldShowIncompleteErrs={this.state.shouldShowAddressIncompleteErr}
+ updateAddress={this.onTokenAddressChanged.bind(this)}
+ />
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <TextField
+ floatingLabelFixed={true}
+ floatingLabelStyle={{color: colors.grey500}}
+ floatingLabelText={<RequiredLabel label="Decimals" />}
+ value={this.state.decimals}
+ errorText={this.state.decimalsErrText}
+ onChange={this.onTokenDecimalsChanged.bind(this)}
+ />
+ </div>
+ <div className="pt2 mx-auto" style={{width: 120}}>
+ <LifeCycleRaisedButton
+ labelReady="Add"
+ labelLoading="Adding..."
+ labelComplete="Added!"
+ onClickAsyncFn={this.onAddNewTokenClickAsync.bind(this)}
+ />
+ </div>
+ {this.state.globalErrMsg !== '' &&
+ <Alert type={AlertTypes.ERROR} message={this.state.globalErrMsg} />
+ }
+ </div>
+ );
+ }
+ private async onAddNewTokenClickAsync() {
+ // Trigger validation of name and symbol
+ this.onTokenNameChanged(undefined, this.state.name);
+ this.onTokenSymbolChanged(undefined, this.state.symbol);
+ this.onTokenDecimalsChanged(undefined, this.state.decimals);
+ const isAddressIncomplete = this.state.address === '';
+ let doesContractExist = false;
+ if (!isAddressIncomplete) {
+ doesContractExist = await this.props.blockchain.doesContractExistAtAddressAsync(this.state.address);
+ }
+ let hasBalanceAllowanceErr = false;
+ let balance = new BigNumber(0);
+ let allowance = new BigNumber(0);
+ if (doesContractExist) {
+ try {
+ [
+ balance,
+ allowance,
+ ] = await this.props.blockchain.getCurrentUserTokenBalanceAndAllowanceAsync(this.state.address);
+ } catch (err) {
+ hasBalanceAllowanceErr = true;
+ }
+ }
+ let globalErrMsg = '';
+ if (this.state.nameErrText !== '' || this.state.symbolErrText !== '' ||
+ this.state.decimalsErrText !== '' || isAddressIncomplete) {
+ globalErrMsg = 'Please fix the above issues';
+ } else if (!doesContractExist) {
+ globalErrMsg = 'No contract found at supplied address';
+ } else if (hasBalanceAllowanceErr) {
+ globalErrMsg = 'Unsuccessful call to `balanceOf` and/or `allowance` on supplied contract address';
+ } else if (!isAddressIncomplete && !_.isUndefined(this.props.tokenByAddress[this.state.address])) {
+ globalErrMsg = 'A token already exists with this address';
+ }
+ if (globalErrMsg !== '') {
+ this.setState({
+ globalErrMsg,
+ shouldShowAddressIncompleteErr: isAddressIncomplete,
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ const newToken: Token = {
+ address: this.state.address,
+ decimals: _.parseInt(this.state.decimals),
+ iconUrl: undefined,
+ name: this.state.name,
+ symbol: this.state.symbol.toUpperCase(),
+ isTracked: true,
+ isRegistered: false,
+ };
+ const newTokenState: TokenState = {
+ balance,
+ allowance,
+ };
+ this.props.onNewTokenSubmitted(newToken, newTokenState);
+ }
+ private onTokenNameChanged(e: any, name: string) {
+ let nameErrText = '';
+ const maxLength = 30;
+ const tokens = _.values(this.props.tokenByAddress);
+ const tokenWithNameIfExists = _.find(tokens, {name});
+ const tokenWithNameExists = !_.isUndefined(tokenWithNameIfExists);
+ if (name === '') {
+ nameErrText = 'Name is required';
+ } else if (!this.isValidName(name)) {
+ nameErrText = 'Name should only contain letters, digits and spaces';
+ } else if (name.length > maxLength) {
+ nameErrText = `Max length is ${maxLength}`;
+ } else if (tokenWithNameExists) {
+ nameErrText = 'Token with this name already exists';
+ }
+ this.setState({
+ name,
+ nameErrText,
+ });
+ }
+ private onTokenSymbolChanged(e: any, symbol: string) {
+ let symbolErrText = '';
+ const maxLength = 5;
+ const tokens = _.values(this.props.tokenByAddress);
+ const tokenWithSymbolExists = !_.isUndefined(_.find(tokens, {symbol}));
+ if (symbol === '') {
+ symbolErrText = 'Symbol is required';
+ } else if (!this.isLetters(symbol)) {
+ symbolErrText = 'Can only include letters';
+ } else if (symbol.length > maxLength) {
+ symbolErrText = `Max length is ${maxLength}`;
+ } else if (tokenWithSymbolExists) {
+ symbolErrText = 'Token with symbol already exists';
+ }
+ this.setState({
+ symbol,
+ symbolErrText,
+ });
+ }
+ private onTokenDecimalsChanged(e: any, decimals: string) {
+ let decimalsErrText = '';
+ const maxLength = 2;
+ if (decimals === '') {
+ decimalsErrText = 'Decimals is required';
+ } else if (!this.isInteger(decimals)) {
+ decimalsErrText = 'Must be an integer';
+ } else if (decimals.length > maxLength) {
+ decimalsErrText = `Max length is ${maxLength}`;
+ }
+ this.setState({
+ decimals,
+ decimalsErrText,
+ });
+ }
+ private onTokenAddressChanged(address?: string) {
+ if (!_.isUndefined(address)) {
+ this.setState({
+ address,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ private isValidName(input: string) {
+ return /^[a-z0-9 ]+$/i.test(input);
+ }
+ private isInteger(input: string) {
+ return /^[0-9]+$/i.test(input);
+ }
+ private isLetters(input: string) {
+ return /^[a-zA-Z]+$/i.test(input);
+ }