path: root/packages/web3-typescript-typings/index.d.ts
diff options
authorLeonid Logvinov <logvinov.leon@gmail.com>2018-01-05 20:32:01 +0800
committerLeonid Logvinov <logvinov.leon@gmail.com>2018-01-10 18:24:37 +0800
commit78fd942faa752980caba6e37edd2932b1235cfd7 (patch)
treebf2c8b18ac7ae166002695098d135be94f6044ed /packages/web3-typescript-typings/index.d.ts
parenta3274ac9b1f972f58f9e3b7ca5fc45829c4a1cd2 (diff)
Return to old way of including web3 types
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/web3-typescript-typings/index.d.ts')
1 files changed, 421 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/web3-typescript-typings/index.d.ts b/packages/web3-typescript-typings/index.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6fd126d2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/web3-typescript-typings/index.d.ts
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+declare module 'web3' {
+ import * as BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
+ type MixedData = string | number | object | any[] | BigNumber.BigNumber;
+ class Web3 {
+ public static providers: typeof providers;
+ public currentProvider: Web3.Provider;
+ public eth: Web3.EthApi;
+ public personal: Web3.PersonalApi | undefined;
+ public version: Web3.VersionApi;
+ public net: Web3.NetApi;
+ public constructor(provider?: Web3.Provider);
+ public isConnected(): boolean;
+ public setProvider(provider: Web3.Provider): void;
+ public reset(keepIsSyncing: boolean): void;
+ public toHex(data: MixedData): string;
+ public toAscii(hex: string): string;
+ public fromAscii(ascii: string, padding?: number): string;
+ public toDecimal(hex: string): number;
+ public fromDecimal(value: number | string): string;
+ public fromWei(value: number | string, unit: Web3.Unit): string;
+ public fromWei(value: BigNumber.BigNumber, unit: Web3.Unit): BigNumber.BigNumber;
+ public toWei(amount: number | string, unit: Web3.Unit): string;
+ public toWei(amount: BigNumber.BigNumber, unit: Web3.Unit): BigNumber.BigNumber;
+ public toBigNumber(value: number | string): BigNumber.BigNumber;
+ public isAddress(address: string): boolean;
+ public isChecksumAddress(address: string): boolean;
+ public sha3(value: string, options?: Web3.Sha3Options): string;
+ }
+ namespace providers {
+ class HttpProvider implements Web3.Provider {
+ constructor(url?: string, timeout?: number, username?: string, password?: string);
+ public sendAsync(
+ payload: Web3.JSONRPCRequestPayload,
+ callback: (err: Error, result: Web3.JSONRPCResponsePayload) => void,
+ ): void;
+ }
+ }
+ namespace Web3 {
+ type ContractAbi = AbiDefinition[];
+ type AbiDefinition = FunctionAbi | EventAbi;
+ type FunctionAbi = MethodAbi | ConstructorAbi | FallbackAbi;
+ enum AbiType {
+ Function = 'function',
+ Constructor = 'constructor',
+ Event = 'event',
+ Fallback = 'fallback',
+ }
+ type ConstructorStateMutability = 'nonpayable' | 'payable';
+ type StateMutability = 'pure' | 'view' | ConstructorStateMutability;
+ interface MethodAbi {
+ type: AbiType.Function;
+ name: string;
+ inputs: FunctionParameter[];
+ outputs: FunctionParameter[];
+ constant: boolean;
+ stateMutability: StateMutability;
+ payable: boolean;
+ }
+ interface ConstructorAbi {
+ type: AbiType.Constructor;
+ inputs: FunctionParameter[];
+ payable: boolean;
+ stateMutability: ConstructorStateMutability;
+ }
+ interface FallbackAbi {
+ type: AbiType.Fallback;
+ payable: boolean;
+ }
+ interface EventParameter {
+ name: string;
+ type: string;
+ indexed: boolean;
+ }
+ interface EventAbi {
+ type: AbiType.Event;
+ name: string;
+ inputs: EventParameter[];
+ anonymous: boolean;
+ }
+ interface FunctionParameter {
+ name: string;
+ type: string;
+ }
+ interface ContractInstance {
+ address: string;
+ abi: Web3.ContractAbi;
+ [name: string]: any;
+ }
+ interface Contract<A extends ContractInstance> {
+ at(address: string): A;
+ 'new'(...args: any[]): A;
+ }
+ interface FilterObject {
+ fromBlock?: number | string;
+ toBlock?: number | string;
+ address?: string;
+ topics?: LogTopic[];
+ }
+ type LogTopic = null | string | string[];
+ interface DecodedLogEntry<A> extends LogEntry {
+ event: string;
+ args: A;
+ }
+ interface DecodedLogEntryEvent<A> extends DecodedLogEntry<A> {
+ removed: boolean;
+ }
+ interface LogEntryEvent extends LogEntry {
+ removed: boolean;
+ }
+ interface FilterResult {
+ get(callback: () => void): void;
+ watch(callback: (err: Error, result: LogEntryEvent) => void): void;
+ stopWatching(callback?: () => void): void;
+ }
+ export interface JSONRPCRequestPayload {
+ params: any[];
+ method: string;
+ id: number;
+ jsonrpc: string;
+ }
+ export interface JSONRPCResponsePayload {
+ result: any;
+ id: number;
+ jsonrpc: string;
+ }
+ interface Provider {
+ sendAsync(
+ payload: JSONRPCRequestPayload,
+ callback: (err: Error, result: JSONRPCResponsePayload) => void,
+ ): void;
+ }
+ interface Sha3Options {
+ encoding: 'hex';
+ }
+ interface EthApi {
+ coinbase: string;
+ mining: boolean;
+ hashrate: number;
+ gasPrice: BigNumber.BigNumber;
+ accounts: string[];
+ blockNumber: number;
+ defaultAccount: string;
+ defaultBlock: Web3.BlockParam;
+ syncing: Web3.SyncingResult;
+ compile: {
+ solidity(sourceString: string, cb?: (err: Error, result: any) => void): object;
+ };
+ getMining(cd: (err: Error, mining: boolean) => void): void;
+ getHashrate(cd: (err: Error, hashrate: number) => void): void;
+ getGasPrice(cd: (err: Error, gasPrice: BigNumber.BigNumber) => void): void;
+ getAccounts(cd: (err: Error, accounts: string[]) => void): void;
+ getBlockNumber(callback: (err: Error, blockNumber: number) => void): void;
+ getSyncing(cd: (err: Error, syncing: Web3.SyncingResult) => void): void;
+ isSyncing(cb: (err: Error, isSyncing: boolean, syncingState: Web3.SyncingState) => void): Web3.IsSyncing;
+ getBlock(hashStringOrBlockNumber: string | Web3.BlockParam): Web3.BlockWithoutTransactionData;
+ getBlock(
+ hashStringOrBlockNumber: string | Web3.BlockParam,
+ callback: (err: Error, blockObj: Web3.BlockWithoutTransactionData) => void,
+ ): void;
+ getBlock(
+ hashStringOrBlockNumber: string | Web3.BlockParam,
+ returnTransactionObjects: true,
+ ): Web3.BlockWithTransactionData;
+ getBlock(
+ hashStringOrBlockNumber: string | Web3.BlockParam,
+ returnTransactionObjects: true,
+ callback: (err: Error, blockObj: Web3.BlockWithTransactionData) => void,
+ ): void;
+ getBlockTransactionCount(hashStringOrBlockNumber: string | Web3.BlockParam): number;
+ getBlockTransactionCount(
+ hashStringOrBlockNumber: string | Web3.BlockParam,
+ callback: (err: Error, blockTransactionCount: number) => void,
+ ): void;
+ // TODO returnTransactionObjects
+ getUncle(
+ hashStringOrBlockNumber: string | Web3.BlockParam,
+ uncleNumber: number,
+ ): Web3.BlockWithoutTransactionData;
+ getUncle(
+ hashStringOrBlockNumber: string | Web3.BlockParam,
+ uncleNumber: number,
+ callback: (err: Error, uncle: Web3.BlockWithoutTransactionData) => void,
+ ): void;
+ getTransaction(transactionHash: string): Web3.Transaction;
+ getTransaction(
+ transactionHash: string,
+ callback: (err: Error, transaction: Web3.Transaction) => void,
+ ): void;
+ getTransactionFromBlock(
+ hashStringOrBlockNumber: string | Web3.BlockParam,
+ indexNumber: number,
+ ): Web3.Transaction;
+ getTransactionFromBlock(
+ hashStringOrBlockNumber: string | Web3.BlockParam,
+ indexNumber: number,
+ callback: (err: Error, transaction: Web3.Transaction) => void,
+ ): void;
+ contract(abi: Web3.AbiDefinition[]): Web3.Contract<any>;
+ // TODO block param
+ getBalance(addressHexString: string): BigNumber.BigNumber;
+ getBalance(addressHexString: string, callback: (err: Error, result: BigNumber.BigNumber) => void): void;
+ // TODO block param
+ getStorageAt(address: string, position: number): string;
+ getStorageAt(address: string, position: number, callback: (err: Error, storage: string) => void): void;
+ // TODO block param
+ getCode(addressHexString: string): string;
+ getCode(addressHexString: string, callback: (err: Error, code: string) => void): void;
+ filter(value: string | Web3.FilterObject): Web3.FilterResult;
+ sendTransaction(txData: Web3.TxData): string;
+ sendTransaction(txData: Web3.TxData, callback: (err: Error, value: string) => void): void;
+ sendRawTransaction(rawTxData: string): string;
+ sendRawTransaction(rawTxData: string, callback: (err: Error, value: string) => void): void;
+ sign(address: string, data: string): string;
+ sign(address: string, data: string, callback: (err: Error, signature: string) => void): void;
+ getTransactionReceipt(txHash: string): Web3.TransactionReceipt;
+ getTransactionReceipt(
+ txHash: string,
+ callback: (err: Error, receipt: Web3.TransactionReceipt) => void,
+ ): void;
+ // TODO block param
+ call(callData: Web3.CallData): string;
+ call(callData: Web3.CallData, callback: (err: Error, result: string) => void): void;
+ estimateGas(callData: Web3.CallData): number;
+ estimateGas(callData: Web3.CallData, callback: (err: Error, gas: number) => void): void;
+ // TODO defaultBlock
+ getTransactionCount(address: string): number;
+ getTransactionCount(address: string, callback: (err: Error, count: number) => void): void;
+ }
+ interface VersionApi {
+ api: string;
+ network: string;
+ node: string;
+ ethereum: string;
+ whisper: string;
+ getNetwork(cd: (err: Error, networkId: string) => void): void;
+ getNode(cd: (err: Error, nodeVersion: string) => void): void;
+ getEthereum(cd: (err: Error, ethereum: string) => void): void;
+ getWhisper(cd: (err: Error, whisper: string) => void): void;
+ }
+ interface PersonalApi {
+ listAccounts: string[] | undefined;
+ newAccount(password?: string): string;
+ unlockAccount(address: string, password?: string, duration?: number): boolean;
+ lockAccount(address: string): boolean;
+ sign(message: string, account: string, password: string): string;
+ sign(hexMessage: string, account: string, callback: (error: Error, signature: string) => void): void;
+ }
+ interface NetApi {
+ listening: boolean;
+ peerCount: boolean;
+ getListening(cd: (err: Error, listening: boolean) => void): void;
+ getPeerCount(cd: (err: Error, peerCount: number) => void): void;
+ }
+ type BlockParam = number | 'earliest' | 'latest' | 'pending';
+ type Unit =
+ | 'kwei'
+ | 'ada'
+ | 'mwei'
+ | 'babbage'
+ | 'gwei'
+ | 'shannon'
+ | 'szabo'
+ | 'finney'
+ | 'ether'
+ | 'kether'
+ | 'grand'
+ | 'einstein'
+ | 'mether'
+ | 'gether'
+ | 'tether';
+ interface SyncingState {
+ startingBlock: number;
+ currentBlock: number;
+ highestBlock: number;
+ }
+ type SyncingResult = false | SyncingState;
+ interface IsSyncing {
+ addCallback(cb: (err: Error, isSyncing: boolean, syncingState: SyncingState) => void): void;
+ stopWatching(): void;
+ }
+ interface AbstractBlock {
+ number: number | null;
+ hash: string | null;
+ parentHash: string;
+ nonce: string | null;
+ sha3Uncles: string;
+ logsBloom: string | null;
+ transactionsRoot: string;
+ stateRoot: string;
+ miner: string;
+ difficulty: BigNumber.BigNumber;
+ totalDifficulty: BigNumber.BigNumber;
+ extraData: string;
+ size: number;
+ gasLimit: number;
+ gasUsed: number;
+ timestamp: number;
+ uncles: string[];
+ }
+ interface BlockWithoutTransactionData extends AbstractBlock {
+ transactions: string[];
+ }
+ interface BlockWithTransactionData extends AbstractBlock {
+ transactions: Transaction[];
+ }
+ interface Transaction {
+ hash: string;
+ nonce: number;
+ blockHash: string | null;
+ blockNumber: number | null;
+ transactionIndex: number | null;
+ from: string;
+ to: string | null;
+ value: BigNumber.BigNumber;
+ gasPrice: BigNumber.BigNumber;
+ gas: number;
+ input: string;
+ }
+ interface CallTxDataBase {
+ to?: string;
+ value?: number | string | BigNumber.BigNumber;
+ gas?: number | string | BigNumber.BigNumber;
+ gasPrice?: number | string | BigNumber.BigNumber;
+ data?: string;
+ nonce?: number;
+ }
+ interface TxData extends CallTxDataBase {
+ from: string;
+ }
+ interface CallData extends CallTxDataBase {
+ from?: string;
+ }
+ interface TransactionReceipt {
+ blockHash: string;
+ blockNumber: number;
+ transactionHash: string;
+ transactionIndex: number;
+ from: string;
+ to: string;
+ status: null | string | 0 | 1;
+ cumulativeGasUsed: number;
+ gasUsed: number;
+ contractAddress: string | null;
+ logs: LogEntry[];
+ }
+ interface LogEntry {
+ logIndex: number | null;
+ transactionIndex: number | null;
+ transactionHash: string;
+ blockHash: string | null;
+ blockNumber: number | null;
+ address: string;
+ data: string;
+ topics: string[];
+ }
+ }
+ /* tslint:disable */
+ export = Web3;
+ /* tslint:enable */