path: root/packages/monorepo-scripts/src
diff options
authorBrandon Millman <brandon.millman@gmail.com>2018-08-24 01:58:33 +0800
committerBrandon Millman <brandon.millman@gmail.com>2018-08-24 01:58:33 +0800
commit57c104119c409c053eb977553c92341c3ca83afd (patch)
tree7f1129fd01001604e7412e33ccef202c1ff90612 /packages/monorepo-scripts/src
parentcd5c73550b969fe0a87524143ce617749935427a (diff)
parent6e27324a341801e1a2d8d6989d749dfe021ae39b (diff)
Merge branch 'development' into feature/forwarder-helper/init
* development: (187 commits) Remove trailing slash Fix linter Stop nesting interfaces and add necessary type exports Remove duplicate type and remove nested interface Add support for rending the Tuple type Add missing keyu Remove excessive timestamp Improve doc commebnt Remove docs catch-all endpoint Fix comments Look for all TS mapped types Add catch and exit with non-zero Remove superfluous dep Fix CHANGELOG entry Fix double assignment Upgrade Typedoc to 0.12.0, which works with TS 3.x Fix prettier issues Enable dry run of release publishing and handle git tags existing update yarn.lock Missing/superfluous type exports from connect ...
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/monorepo-scripts/src')
11 files changed, 786 insertions, 236 deletions
diff --git a/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/constants.ts b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/constants.ts
index e5d3348bd..acb4b211e 100644
--- a/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/constants.ts
+++ b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/constants.ts
@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ export const constants = {
stagingWebsite: 'http://staging-0xproject.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com',
lernaExecutable: path.join('node_modules', '@0x-lerna-fork', 'lerna', 'cli.js'),
githubPersonalAccessToken: process.env.GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN_0X_JS,
+ dependenciesUpdatedMessage: 'Dependencies updated',
diff --git a/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/doc_gen_configs.ts b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/doc_gen_configs.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d7560943
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/doc_gen_configs.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import { DocGenConfigs } from './types';
+export const docGenConfigs: DocGenConfigs = {
+ // Versions our doc JSON format so we can handle breaking changes intelligently
+ DOC_JSON_VERSION: '0.0.1',
+ // Some types that are exposed by our package's public interface are external types. As such, we won't
+ // be able to render their definitions. Instead we link to them using this lookup.
+ Array: 'https://developer.mozilla.org/pt-PT/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array',
+ BigNumber: 'http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js',
+ Error: 'https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error',
+ Buffer: 'https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/types/node/v9/index.d.ts#L262',
+ 'solc.StandardContractOutput':
+ 'https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.4.24/using-the-compiler.html#output-description',
+ 'solc.CompilerSettings': 'https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.4.24/using-the-compiler.html#input-description',
+ Schema:
+ 'https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/5c2edd4baba149964aec0f23c87ad12c25a50dfb/lib/index.d.ts#L49',
+ Uint8Array: 'https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Uint8Array',
+ 'Ganache.GanacheOpts':
+ 'https://github.com/0xProject/0x-monorepo/blob/ddf85112d7e4eb1581e0d82ce6eedad429641106/packages/typescript-typings/types/ganache-core/index.d.ts#L3',
+ 'lightwallet.keystore':
+ 'https://github.com/0xProject/0x-monorepo/blob/ddf85112d7e4eb1581e0d82ce6eedad429641106/packages/typescript-typings/types/eth-lightwallet/index.d.ts#L32',
+ },
+ // If a 0x package re-exports an external package, we should add a link to it's exported items here
+ Web3ProviderEngine: 'https://www.npmjs.com/package/web3-provider-engine',
+ BigNumber: 'https://www.npmjs.com/package/bignumber.js',
+ Schema: 'https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/v1.2.4/lib/index.d.ts#L49',
+ ValidatorResult: 'https://github.com/tdegrunt/jsonschema/blob/v1.2.4/lib/helpers.js#L31',
+ },
+ // Sometimes we want to hide a constructor from rendering in our docs. An example is when our library has a
+ // factory method which instantiates an instance of a class, but we don't want users instantiating it themselves
+ // and getting confused. Any class name in this list will not have it's constructor rendered in our docs.
+ 'ERC20ProxyWrapper',
+ 'ERC20TokenWrapper',
+ 'ERC721ProxyWrapper',
+ 'ERC721TokenWrapper',
+ 'EtherTokenWrapper',
+ 'ExchangeWrapper',
+ 'ForwarderWrapper',
+ 'TransactionEncoder',
+ ],
+ // Some types are not explicitly part of the public interface like params, return values, etc... But we still
+ // want them exported. E.g error enum types that can be thrown by methods. These must be manually added to this
+ // config
+ IGNORED_EXCESSIVE_TYPES: ['NonceSubproviderErrors', 'Web3WrapperErrors', 'ContractWrappersError', 'OrderError'],
+ // Some libraries only export types. In those cases, we cannot check if the exported types are part of the
+ // "exported public interface". Thus we add them here and skip those checks.
+ TYPES_ONLY_LIBRARIES: ['ethereum-types', 'types'],
diff --git a/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/doc_generate_and_upload.ts b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/doc_generate_and_upload.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c4a72701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/doc_generate_and_upload.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import * as yargs from 'yargs';
+import { DocGenerateAndUploadUtils } from './utils/doc_generate_and_upload_utils';
+import { utils } from './utils/utils';
+const args = yargs
+ .option('package', {
+ describe: 'Monorepo sub-package for which to generate DocJSON',
+ type: 'string',
+ demandOption: true,
+ })
+ .option('isStaging', {
+ describe: 'Whether we wish to publish docs to staging or production',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ demandOption: true,
+ })
+ .option('shouldUpload', {
+ describe: 'Whether we wish to upload the docs to S3 or not',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ demandOption: false,
+ default: true,
+ })
+ .example("$0 --package '0x.js' --isStaging true", 'Full usage example').argv;
+(async () => {
+ const packageName = args.package;
+ const isStaging = args.isStaging;
+ const shouldUploadDocs = args.shouldUpload;
+ const docGenerateAndUploadUtils = new DocGenerateAndUploadUtils(packageName, isStaging, shouldUploadDocs);
+ await docGenerateAndUploadUtils.generateAndUploadDocsAsync();
+ process.exit(0);
+})().catch(err => {
+ utils.log(err);
+ process.exit(1);
diff --git a/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/index.ts b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/index.ts
index 95c96ebe8..e69de29bb 100644
--- a/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/index.ts
+++ b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/index.ts
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-export { postpublishUtils } from './postpublish_utils';
diff --git a/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/postpublish_utils.ts b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/postpublish_utils.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e445a045..000000000
--- a/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/postpublish_utils.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-import { execAsync } from 'async-child-process';
-import * as promisify from 'es6-promisify';
-import * as fs from 'fs';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import * as path from 'path';
-import * as publishRelease from 'publish-release';
-import { constants } from './constants';
-import { configs } from './utils/configs';
-import { utils } from './utils/utils';
-const publishReleaseAsync = promisify(publishRelease);
-const generatedDocsDirectoryName = 'generated_docs';
-export interface PostpublishConfigs {
- cwd: string;
- packageName: string;
- version: string;
- assets: string[];
- docPublishConfigs: DocPublishConfigs;
-export interface DocPublishConfigs {
- fileIncludes: string[];
- s3BucketPath: string;
- s3StagingBucketPath: string;
-export const postpublishUtils = {
- generateConfig(packageJSON: any, tsConfigJSON: any, cwd: string): PostpublishConfigs {
- if (_.isUndefined(packageJSON.name)) {
- throw new Error('name field required in package.json. Cannot publish release notes to Github.');
- }
- if (_.isUndefined(packageJSON.version)) {
- throw new Error('version field required in package.json. Cannot publish release notes to Github.');
- }
- const postpublishConfig = _.get(packageJSON, 'config.postpublish', {});
- const postpublishConfigs: PostpublishConfigs = {
- cwd,
- packageName: packageJSON.name,
- version: packageJSON.version,
- assets: _.get(postpublishConfig, 'assets', []),
- docPublishConfigs: {
- fileIncludes: [
- ...tsConfigJSON.include,
- ..._.get(postpublishConfig, 'docPublishConfigs.extraFileIncludes', []),
- ],
- s3BucketPath: _.get(postpublishConfig, 'docPublishConfigs.s3BucketPath'),
- s3StagingBucketPath: _.get(postpublishConfig, 'docPublishConfigs.s3StagingBucketPath'),
- },
- };
- return postpublishConfigs;
- },
- async runAsync(packageJSON: any, tsConfigJSON: any, cwd: string): Promise<void> {
- if (configs.IS_LOCAL_PUBLISH) {
- return;
- }
- const postpublishConfigs = postpublishUtils.generateConfig(packageJSON, tsConfigJSON, cwd);
- await postpublishUtils.publishReleaseNotesAsync(
- postpublishConfigs.packageName,
- postpublishConfigs.version,
- postpublishConfigs.assets,
- );
- if (
- !_.isUndefined(postpublishConfigs.docPublishConfigs.s3BucketPath) ||
- !_.isUndefined(postpublishConfigs.docPublishConfigs.s3StagingBucketPath)
- ) {
- utils.log('POSTPUBLISH: Release successful, generating docs...');
- await postpublishUtils.generateAndUploadDocsAsync(
- postpublishConfigs.cwd,
- postpublishConfigs.docPublishConfigs.fileIncludes,
- postpublishConfigs.version,
- postpublishConfigs.docPublishConfigs.s3BucketPath,
- );
- } else {
- utils.log(`POSTPUBLISH: No S3Bucket config found for ${packageJSON.name}. Skipping doc JSON generation.`);
- }
- },
- async publishDocsToStagingAsync(packageJSON: any, tsConfigJSON: any, cwd: string): Promise<void> {
- const postpublishConfigs = postpublishUtils.generateConfig(packageJSON, tsConfigJSON, cwd);
- if (_.isUndefined(postpublishConfigs.docPublishConfigs.s3StagingBucketPath)) {
- utils.log('config.postpublish.docPublishConfigs.s3StagingBucketPath entry in package.json not found!');
- return;
- }
- utils.log('POSTPUBLISH: Generating docs...');
- await postpublishUtils.generateAndUploadDocsAsync(
- postpublishConfigs.cwd,
- postpublishConfigs.docPublishConfigs.fileIncludes,
- postpublishConfigs.version,
- postpublishConfigs.docPublishConfigs.s3StagingBucketPath,
- );
- },
- async publishReleaseNotesAsync(packageName: string, version: string, assets: string[]): Promise<void> {
- const notes = postpublishUtils.getReleaseNotes(packageName, version);
- const releaseName = postpublishUtils.getReleaseName(packageName, version);
- const tag = postpublishUtils.getTag(packageName, version);
- postpublishUtils.adjustAssetPaths(assets);
- utils.log('POSTPUBLISH: Releasing ', releaseName, '...');
- await publishReleaseAsync({
- token: constants.githubPersonalAccessToken,
- owner: '0xProject',
- repo: '0x-monorepo',
- tag,
- name: releaseName,
- notes,
- draft: false,
- prerelease: false,
- reuseRelease: true,
- reuseDraftOnly: false,
- assets,
- });
- },
- getReleaseNotes(packageName: string, version: string): string {
- const packageNameWithNamespace = packageName.replace('@0xproject/', '');
- const changelogJSONPath = path.join(
- constants.monorepoRootPath,
- 'packages',
- packageNameWithNamespace,
- 'CHANGELOG.json',
- );
- const changelogJSON = fs.readFileSync(changelogJSONPath, 'utf-8');
- const changelogs = JSON.parse(changelogJSON);
- const latestLog = changelogs[0];
- // We sanity check that the version for the changelog notes we are about to publish to Github
- // correspond to the new version of the package.
- if (version !== latestLog.version) {
- throw new Error('Expected CHANGELOG.json latest entry version to coincide with published version.');
- }
- let notes = '';
- _.each(latestLog.changes, change => {
- notes += `* ${change.note}`;
- if (change.pr) {
- notes += ` (#${change.pr})`;
- }
- notes += `\n`;
- });
- return notes;
- },
- getTag(packageName: string, version: string): string {
- return `${packageName}@${version}`;
- },
- getReleaseName(subPackageName: string, version: string): string {
- const releaseName = `${subPackageName} v${version}`;
- return releaseName;
- },
- // Asset paths should described from the monorepo root. This method prefixes
- // the supplied path with the absolute path to the monorepo root.
- adjustAssetPaths(assets: string[]): string[] {
- const finalAssets: string[] = [];
- _.each(assets, (asset: string) => {
- finalAssets.push(`${constants.monorepoRootPath}/${asset}`);
- });
- return finalAssets;
- },
- adjustFileIncludePaths(fileIncludes: string[], cwd: string): string[] {
- const fileIncludesAdjusted = _.map(fileIncludes, fileInclude => {
- let includePath = _.startsWith(fileInclude, './')
- ? `${cwd}/${fileInclude.substr(2)}`
- : `${cwd}/${fileInclude}`;
- // HACK: tsconfig.json needs wildcard directory endings as `/**/*`
- // but TypeDoc needs it as `/**` in order to pick up files at the root
- if (_.endsWith(includePath, '/**/*')) {
- // tslint:disable-next-line:custom-no-magic-numbers
- includePath = includePath.slice(0, -2);
- }
- return includePath;
- });
- return fileIncludesAdjusted;
- },
- async generateAndUploadDocsAsync(
- cwd: string,
- fileIncludes: string[],
- version: string,
- S3BucketPath: string,
- ): Promise<void> {
- const fileIncludesAdjusted = postpublishUtils.adjustFileIncludePaths(fileIncludes, cwd);
- const projectFiles = fileIncludesAdjusted.join(' ');
- const jsonFilePath = `${cwd}/${generatedDocsDirectoryName}/index.json`;
- const result = await execAsync(
- `JSON_FILE_PATH=${jsonFilePath} PROJECT_FILES="${projectFiles}" yarn docs:json`,
- {
- cwd,
- },
- );
- if (!_.isEmpty(result.stderr)) {
- throw new Error(result.stderr);
- }
- const fileName = `v${version}.json`;
- utils.log(`POSTPUBLISH: Doc generation successful, uploading docs... as ${fileName}`);
- const s3Url = S3BucketPath + fileName;
- await execAsync(`S3_URL=${s3Url} yarn upload_docs_json`, {
- cwd,
- });
- // Remove the generated docs directory
- await execAsync(`rm -rf ${generatedDocsDirectoryName}`, {
- cwd,
- });
- utils.log(`POSTPUBLISH: Docs uploaded to S3 bucket: ${S3BucketPath}`);
- },
diff --git a/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/publish.ts b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/publish.ts
index 6ff0c9bef..d9e09bdeb 100644
--- a/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/publish.ts
+++ b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/publish.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
import * as promisify from 'es6-promisify';
+import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import * as moment from 'moment';
import opn = require('opn');
@@ -13,23 +14,13 @@ import { constants } from './constants';
import { Package, PackageToNextVersion, VersionChangelog } from './types';
import { changelogUtils } from './utils/changelog_utils';
import { configs } from './utils/configs';
+import { DocGenerateAndUploadUtils } from './utils/doc_generate_and_upload_utils';
+import { publishReleaseNotesAsync } from './utils/github_release_utils';
import { utils } from './utils/utils';
const DOC_GEN_COMMAND = 'docs:json';
const NPM_NAMESPACE = '@0xproject/';
const TODAYS_TIMESTAMP = moment().unix();
-const packageNameToWebsitePath: { [name: string]: string } = {
- '0x.js': '0xjs',
- 'web3-wrapper': 'web3_wrapper',
- contracts: 'contracts',
- connect: 'connect',
- 'json-schemas': 'json-schemas',
- 'sol-compiler': 'sol-compiler',
- 'sol-cov': 'sol-cov',
- subproviders: 'subproviders',
- 'order-utils': 'order-utils',
- 'ethereum-types': 'ethereum-types',
async function confirmAsync(message: string): Promise<void> {
@@ -45,12 +36,13 @@ async function confirmAsync(message: string): Promise<void> {
// Fetch public, updated Lerna packages
const shouldIncludePrivate = true;
const allUpdatedPackages = await utils.getUpdatedPackagesAsync(shouldIncludePrivate);
+ const packagesWithDocs = getPackagesWithDocs(allUpdatedPackages);
if (!configs.IS_LOCAL_PUBLISH) {
await confirmAsync(
'THIS IS NOT A TEST PUBLISH! You are about to publish one or more packages to npm. Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n)',
- await confirmDocPagesRenderAsync(allUpdatedPackages);
+ await confirmDocPagesRenderAsync(packagesWithDocs);
// Update CHANGELOGs
@@ -83,44 +75,67 @@ async function confirmAsync(message: string): Promise<void> {
utils.log(`Calling 'lerna publish'...`);
await lernaPublishAsync(packageToNextVersion);
+ const isStaging = false;
+ const shouldUploadDocs = !configs.IS_LOCAL_PUBLISH;
+ await generateAndUploadDocJsonsAsync(packagesWithDocs, isStaging, shouldUploadDocs);
+ const isDryRun = configs.IS_LOCAL_PUBLISH;
+ await publishReleaseNotesAsync(updatedPublicPackages, isDryRun);
})().catch(err => {
-async function confirmDocPagesRenderAsync(packages: Package[]): Promise<void> {
+function getPackagesWithDocs(allUpdatedPackages: Package[]): Package[] {
+ const rootPackageJsonPath = `${constants.monorepoRootPath}/package.json`;
+ const rootPackageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(rootPackageJsonPath).toString());
+ const packagesWithDocPagesStringIfExist = _.get(rootPackageJson, 'configs.packagesWithDocPages', undefined);
+ if (_.isUndefined(packagesWithDocPagesStringIfExist)) {
+ return []; // None to generate & publish
+ }
+ const packagesWithDocPages = packagesWithDocPagesStringIfExist.split(' ');
+ const updatedPackagesWithDocPages: Package[] = [];
+ _.each(allUpdatedPackages, pkg => {
+ const nameWithoutPrefix = pkg.packageJson.name.replace('@0xproject/', '');
+ if (_.includes(packagesWithDocPages, nameWithoutPrefix)) {
+ updatedPackagesWithDocPages.push(pkg);
+ }
+ });
+ return updatedPackagesWithDocPages;
+async function generateAndUploadDocJsonsAsync(
+ packagesWithDocs: Package[],
+ isStaging: boolean,
+ shouldUploadDocs: boolean,
+): Promise<void> {
+ for (const pkg of packagesWithDocs) {
+ const nameWithoutPrefix = pkg.packageJson.name.replace('@0xproject/', '');
+ const docGenerateAndUploadUtils = new DocGenerateAndUploadUtils(nameWithoutPrefix, isStaging, shouldUploadDocs);
+ await docGenerateAndUploadUtils.generateAndUploadDocsAsync();
+ }
+async function confirmDocPagesRenderAsync(packagesWithDocs: Package[]): Promise<void> {
// push docs to staging
utils.log("Upload all docJson's to S3 staging...");
- await execAsync(`yarn stage_docs`, { cwd: constants.monorepoRootPath });
+ const isStaging = true;
+ const shouldUploadDocs = true;
+ await generateAndUploadDocJsonsAsync(packagesWithDocs, isStaging, shouldUploadDocs);
// deploy website to staging
utils.log('Deploy website to staging...');
const pathToWebsite = `${constants.monorepoRootPath}/packages/website`;
await execAsync(`yarn deploy_staging`, { cwd: pathToWebsite });
- const packagesWithDocs = _.filter(packages, pkg => {
- const scriptsIfExists = pkg.packageJson.scripts;
- if (_.isUndefined(scriptsIfExists)) {
- throw new Error('Found a public package without any scripts in package.json');
- }
- return !_.isUndefined(scriptsIfExists[DOC_GEN_COMMAND]);
- });
_.each(packagesWithDocs, pkg => {
const name = pkg.packageJson.name;
const nameWithoutPrefix = _.startsWith(name, NPM_NAMESPACE) ? name.split('@0xproject/')[1] : name;
- const docSegmentIfExists = packageNameToWebsitePath[nameWithoutPrefix];
- if (_.isUndefined(docSegmentIfExists)) {
- throw new Error(
- `Found package '${name}' with doc commands but no corresponding docSegment in monorepo_scripts
-package.ts. Please add an entry for it and try again.`,
- );
- }
- const link = `${constants.stagingWebsite}/docs/${docSegmentIfExists}`;
+ const link = `${constants.stagingWebsite}/docs/${nameWithoutPrefix}`;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-floating-promises
- await confirmAsync('Do all the doc pages render properly? (y/n)');
+ await confirmAsync('Do all the doc pages render? (y/n)');
async function pushChangelogsToGithubAsync(): Promise<void> {
@@ -153,7 +168,7 @@ async function updateChangeLogsAsync(updatedPublicPackages: Package[]): Promise<
version: nextPatchVersionIfValid,
changes: [
- note: 'Dependencies updated',
+ note: constants.dependenciesUpdatedMessage,
diff --git a/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/publish_release_notes.ts b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/publish_release_notes.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13cf0d85d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/publish_release_notes.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import * as yargs from 'yargs';
+import { publishReleaseNotesAsync } from './utils/github_release_utils';
+import { utils } from './utils/utils';
+const args = yargs
+ .option('isDryRun', {
+ describe: 'Whether we wish to do a dry run, not committing anything to Github',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ demandOption: true,
+ })
+ .example('$0 --isDryRun true', 'Full usage example').argv;
+(async () => {
+ const isDryRun = args.isDryRun;
+ const shouldIncludePrivate = false;
+ const allUpdatedPackages = await utils.getUpdatedPackagesAsync(shouldIncludePrivate);
+ await publishReleaseNotesAsync(allUpdatedPackages, isDryRun);
+})().catch(err => {
+ utils.log(err);
+ process.exit(1);
diff --git a/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/types.ts b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/types.ts
index d9e1dfabb..3c2ec5069 100644
--- a/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/types.ts
+++ b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/types.ts
@@ -49,3 +49,25 @@ export interface Package {
location: string;
packageJson: PackageJSON;
+export interface DocGenConfigs {
+ EXTERNAL_TYPE_TO_LINK: { [externalType: string]: string };
+ EXTERNAL_EXPORT_TO_LINK: { [externalExport: string]: string };
+export interface ExportPathToExportedItems {
+ [pkgName: string]: string[];
+export interface ExportInfo {
+ exportPathToExportedItems: ExportPathToExportedItems;
+ exportPathOrder: string[];
+export interface ExportNameToTypedocNames {
+ [exportName: string]: string[];
diff --git a/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/utils/doc_generate_and_upload_utils.ts b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/utils/doc_generate_and_upload_utils.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de52b3a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/utils/doc_generate_and_upload_utils.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs';
+import * as _ from 'lodash';
+import * as path from 'path';
+import { exec as execAsync } from 'promisify-child-process';
+import * as ts from 'typescript';
+import { constants } from '../constants';
+import { docGenConfigs } from '../doc_gen_configs';
+import { ExportInfo, ExportNameToTypedocNames, ExportPathToExportedItems, PackageJSON } from '../types';
+import { utils } from './utils';
+export class DocGenerateAndUploadUtils {
+ private readonly _isStaging: boolean;
+ private readonly _shouldUploadDocs: boolean;
+ private readonly _packageName: string;
+ private readonly _omitExports: string[];
+ private readonly _packagePath: string;
+ private readonly _exportPathToExportedItems: ExportPathToExportedItems;
+ private readonly _exportPathOrder: string[];
+ private readonly _monoRepoPkgNameToPath: { [name: string]: string };
+ private readonly _packageJson: PackageJSON;
+ /**
+ * Recursively iterate over the TypeDoc JSON object and find all type names
+ */
+ private static _getAllTypeNames(node: any, typeNames: string[]): string[] {
+ if (!_.isObject(node)) {
+ return typeNames;
+ }
+ const typeKindStrings = ['Interface', 'Enumeration', 'Type alias'];
+ if (_.includes(typeKindStrings, node.kindString)) {
+ return [...typeNames, node.name];
+ }
+ let updatedTypeNames = typeNames;
+ _.each(node, nodeValue => {
+ if (_.isArray(nodeValue)) {
+ _.each(nodeValue, aNode => {
+ updatedTypeNames = DocGenerateAndUploadUtils._getAllTypeNames(aNode, updatedTypeNames);
+ });
+ } else if (_.isObject(nodeValue)) {
+ updatedTypeNames = DocGenerateAndUploadUtils._getAllTypeNames(nodeValue, updatedTypeNames);
+ }
+ });
+ return updatedTypeNames;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Recursively iterate over the TypeDoc JSON object and find all reference names (i.e types, classNames,
+ * objectLiteral names, etc...)
+ */
+ private static _getAllReferenceNames(propertyName: string, node: any, referenceNames: string[]): string[] {
+ if (!_.isObject(node)) {
+ return referenceNames;
+ }
+ let updatedReferenceNames = referenceNames;
+ // Some nodes of type reference are for subtypes, which we don't want to return.
+ // We therefore filter them out.
+ const SUB_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAMES = ['inheritedFrom', 'overwrites', 'extendedTypes', 'implementationOf'];
+ const TS_MAPPED_TYPES = ['Partial', 'Promise', 'Readonly', 'Pick', 'Record'];
+ if (
+ !_.isUndefined(node.type) &&
+ _.isString(node.type) &&
+ node.type === 'reference' &&
+ !_.includes(TS_MAPPED_TYPES, node.name) &&
+ !_.includes(SUB_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAMES, propertyName)
+ ) {
+ updatedReferenceNames = _.uniq([...referenceNames, node.name]);
+ return updatedReferenceNames;
+ }
+ _.each(node, (nodeValue, innerPropertyName) => {
+ if (_.isArray(nodeValue)) {
+ _.each(nodeValue, aNode => {
+ updatedReferenceNames = DocGenerateAndUploadUtils._getAllReferenceNames(
+ innerPropertyName,
+ aNode,
+ updatedReferenceNames,
+ );
+ });
+ } else if (_.isObject(nodeValue)) {
+ updatedReferenceNames = DocGenerateAndUploadUtils._getAllReferenceNames(
+ innerPropertyName,
+ nodeValue,
+ updatedReferenceNames,
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ return _.uniq(updatedReferenceNames);
+ }
+ private static _getExportPathToExportedItems(filePath: string, omitExports?: string[]): ExportInfo {
+ const sourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(
+ 'indexFile',
+ readFileSync(filePath).toString(),
+ ts.ScriptTarget.ES2017,
+ /*setParentNodes */ true,
+ );
+ const exportPathToExportedItems: ExportPathToExportedItems = {};
+ const exportPathOrder: string[] = [];
+ const exportsToOmit = _.isUndefined(omitExports) ? [] : omitExports;
+ processNode(sourceFile);
+ function processNode(node: ts.Node): void {
+ switch (node.kind) {
+ case ts.SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration: {
+ const exportClause = (node as any).exportClause;
+ const exportPath = exportClause.parent.moduleSpecifier.text;
+ _.each(exportClause.elements, element => {
+ const exportItem = element.name.escapedText;
+ if (!_.includes(exportsToOmit, exportItem)) {
+ exportPathToExportedItems[exportPath] = _.isUndefined(exportPathToExportedItems[exportPath])
+ ? [exportItem]
+ : [...exportPathToExportedItems[exportPath], exportItem];
+ }
+ });
+ if (!_.isUndefined(exportPathToExportedItems[exportPath])) {
+ exportPathOrder.push(exportPath);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword: {
+ const foundNode: any = node;
+ let exportPath = './index';
+ if (foundNode.parent && foundNode.parent.name) {
+ const exportItem = foundNode.parent.name.escapedText;
+ const isExportImportRequireStatement = !_.isUndefined(
+ _.get(foundNode, 'parent.moduleReference.expression.text'),
+ );
+ if (isExportImportRequireStatement) {
+ exportPath = foundNode.parent.moduleReference.expression.text;
+ }
+ if (!_.includes(exportsToOmit, exportItem)) {
+ exportPathToExportedItems[exportPath] = _.isUndefined(exportPathToExportedItems[exportPath])
+ ? [exportItem]
+ : [...exportPathToExportedItems[exportPath], exportItem];
+ }
+ }
+ if (
+ !_.includes(exportPathOrder, exportPath) &&
+ !_.isUndefined(exportPathToExportedItems[exportPath])
+ ) {
+ exportPathOrder.push(exportPath);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ // noop
+ break;
+ }
+ ts.forEachChild(node, processNode);
+ }
+ const exportInfo = {
+ exportPathToExportedItems,
+ exportPathOrder,
+ };
+ return exportInfo;
+ }
+ constructor(packageName: string, isStaging: boolean, shouldUploadDocs: boolean) {
+ this._isStaging = isStaging;
+ this._packageName = packageName;
+ this._shouldUploadDocs = shouldUploadDocs;
+ this._packagePath = `${constants.monorepoRootPath}/packages/${packageName}`;
+ this._monoRepoPkgNameToPath = {};
+ const monorepoPackages = utils.getPackages(constants.monorepoRootPath);
+ _.each(monorepoPackages, p => (this._monoRepoPkgNameToPath[p.packageJson.name] = p.location));
+ const pkg = _.find(monorepoPackages, monorepoPackage => {
+ return _.includes(monorepoPackage.packageJson.name, packageName);
+ });
+ if (_.isUndefined(pkg)) {
+ throw new Error(`Couldn't find a package.json for ${packageName}`);
+ }
+ this._packageJson = pkg.packageJson;
+ this._omitExports = _.get(this._packageJson, 'config.postpublish.docOmitExports', []);
+ const indexPath = `${this._packagePath}/src/index.ts`;
+ const exportInfo = DocGenerateAndUploadUtils._getExportPathToExportedItems(indexPath, this._omitExports);
+ this._exportPathToExportedItems = exportInfo.exportPathToExportedItems;
+ this._exportPathOrder = exportInfo.exportPathOrder;
+ }
+ public async generateAndUploadDocsAsync(): Promise<void> {
+ // For each dep that is another one of our monorepo packages, we fetch it's index.ts
+ // and see which specific files we must pass to TypeDoc, in order to generate a Doc JSON
+ // the includes everything exported by the public interface.
+ const typeDocExtraFileIncludes: string[] = this._getTypeDocFileIncludesForPackage();
+ // In order to avoid TS errors, we need to pass TypeDoc the package's global.d.ts file
+ typeDocExtraFileIncludes.push(path.join(this._packagePath, 'src', 'globals.d.ts'));
+ utils.log(`GENERATE_UPLOAD_DOCS: Generating Typedoc JSON for ${this._packageName}...`);
+ const jsonFilePath = path.join(this._packagePath, 'generated_docs', 'index.json');
+ const projectFiles = typeDocExtraFileIncludes.join(' ');
+ const cwd = path.join(constants.monorepoRootPath, 'packages', this._packageName);
+ // HACK: For some reason calling `typedoc` command directly from here, even with `cwd` set to the
+ // packages root dir, does not work. It only works when called via a `package.json` script located
+ // in the package's root.
+ await execAsync(`JSON_FILE_PATH=${jsonFilePath} PROJECT_FILES="${projectFiles}" yarn docs:json`, {
+ cwd,
+ });
+ utils.log('GENERATE_UPLOAD_DOCS: Modifying Typedoc JSON to our custom format...');
+ const typedocOutputString = readFileSync(jsonFilePath).toString();
+ const typedocOutput = JSON.parse(typedocOutputString);
+ const standardizedTypedocOutput = this._standardizeTypedocOutputTopLevelChildNames(typedocOutput);
+ const modifiedTypedocOutput = this._pruneTypedocOutput(standardizedTypedocOutput);
+ if (!_.includes(docGenConfigs.TYPES_ONLY_LIBRARIES, this._packageName)) {
+ const propertyName = ''; // Root has no property name
+ const referenceNames = DocGenerateAndUploadUtils._getAllReferenceNames(
+ propertyName,
+ modifiedTypedocOutput,
+ [],
+ );
+ this._lookForUnusedExportedTypesThrowIfExists(referenceNames, modifiedTypedocOutput);
+ this._lookForMissingReferenceExportsThrowIfExists(referenceNames);
+ }
+ // Some of our packages re-export external package exports in their index.ts
+ // Typedoc is incapable of rendering these packages, so we need to special-case them
+ const externalExportToLink: { [externalExport: string]: string } = {};
+ const externalExportsWithoutLinks: string[] = [];
+ const externalExports: string[] = this._getAllExternalExports();
+ _.each(externalExports, externalExport => {
+ const linkIfExists = docGenConfigs.EXTERNAL_EXPORT_TO_LINK[externalExport];
+ if (_.isUndefined(linkIfExists)) {
+ externalExportsWithoutLinks.push(externalExport);
+ return;
+ }
+ externalExportToLink[externalExport] = linkIfExists;
+ });
+ if (!_.isEmpty(externalExportsWithoutLinks)) {
+ throw new Error(
+ `Found the following external exports in ${
+ this._packageName
+ }'s index.ts:\n ${externalExportsWithoutLinks.join(
+ '\n',
+ )}\nThey are missing from the EXTERNAL_EXPORT_TO_LINK mapping. Add them and try again.`,
+ );
+ }
+ const exportPathToTypedocNames: ExportNameToTypedocNames = {};
+ _.each(modifiedTypedocOutput.children, file => {
+ const exportPath = this._findExportPathGivenTypedocName(file.name);
+ exportPathToTypedocNames[exportPath] = _.isUndefined(exportPathToTypedocNames[exportPath])
+ ? [file.name]
+ : [...exportPathToTypedocNames[exportPath], file.name];
+ });
+ // Since we need additional metadata included in the doc JSON, we nest the TypeDoc JSON
+ // within our own custom, versioned docsJson format.
+ const docJson = {
+ version: docGenConfigs.DOC_JSON_VERSION,
+ metadata: {
+ exportPathToTypedocNames,
+ exportPathOrder: this._exportPathOrder,
+ externalTypeToLink: docGenConfigs.EXTERNAL_TYPE_TO_LINK,
+ externalExportToLink,
+ },
+ typedocJson: modifiedTypedocOutput,
+ };
+ utils.log(`GENERATE_UPLOAD_DOCS: Saving Doc JSON to: ${jsonFilePath}`);
+ writeFileSync(jsonFilePath, JSON.stringify(docJson, null, 2));
+ if (this._shouldUploadDocs) {
+ await this._uploadDocsAsync(jsonFilePath, cwd);
+ }
+ utils.log(`GENERATE_UPLOAD_DOCS: Doc generation done for ${this._packageName}`);
+ }
+ private async _uploadDocsAsync(jsonFilePath: string, cwd: string): Promise<void> {
+ const fileName = `v${this._packageJson.version}.json`;
+ utils.log(`GENERATE_UPLOAD_DOCS: Doc generation successful, uploading docs... as ${fileName}`);
+ const S3BucketPath = this._isStaging
+ ? `s3://staging-doc-jsons/${this._packageName}/`
+ : `s3://doc-jsons/${this._packageName}/`;
+ const s3Url = `${S3BucketPath}${fileName}`;
+ await execAsync(
+ `aws s3 cp ${jsonFilePath} ${s3Url} --profile 0xproject --grants read=uri=http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers --content-type application/json`,
+ {
+ cwd,
+ },
+ );
+ utils.log(`GENERATE_UPLOAD_DOCS: Docs uploaded to S3 bucket: ${S3BucketPath}`);
+ // Remove the generated docs directory
+ await execAsync(`rm -rf ${jsonFilePath}`, {
+ cwd,
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Look for types that are used by the public interface but are missing from a package's index.ts
+ */
+ private _lookForMissingReferenceExportsThrowIfExists(referenceNames: string[]): void {
+ const allExportedItems = _.flatten(_.values(this._exportPathToExportedItems));
+ const missingReferences: string[] = [];
+ _.each(referenceNames, referenceName => {
+ if (
+ !_.includes(allExportedItems, referenceName) &&
+ _.isUndefined(docGenConfigs.EXTERNAL_TYPE_TO_LINK[referenceName])
+ ) {
+ missingReferences.push(referenceName);
+ }
+ });
+ if (!_.isEmpty(missingReferences)) {
+ throw new Error(
+ `${this._packageName} package needs to export: \n${missingReferences.join(
+ '\n',
+ )} \nFrom it\'s index.ts. If any are from external dependencies, then add them to the EXTERNAL_TYPE_TO_LINK mapping.`,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Look for exported types that are not used by the package's public interface
+ */
+ private _lookForUnusedExportedTypesThrowIfExists(referenceNames: string[], typedocOutput: any): void {
+ const exportedTypes = DocGenerateAndUploadUtils._getAllTypeNames(typedocOutput, []);
+ const excessiveReferences = _.difference(exportedTypes, referenceNames);
+ const excessiveReferencesExceptIgnored = _.difference(
+ excessiveReferences,
+ );
+ if (!_.isEmpty(excessiveReferencesExceptIgnored)) {
+ throw new Error(
+ `${this._packageName} package exports BUT does not need: \n${excessiveReferencesExceptIgnored.join(
+ '\n',
+ )} \nin it\'s index.ts. Remove them then try again.`,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * For each entry in the TypeDoc JSON, remove it if:
+ * - it was not exported in index.ts
+ * - the constructor is to be ignored
+ * - it begins with an underscore (i.e is private)
+ */
+ private _pruneTypedocOutput(typedocOutput: any): any {
+ const modifiedTypedocOutput = _.cloneDeep(typedocOutput);
+ _.each(typedocOutput.children, (file, i) => {
+ const exportPath = this._findExportPathGivenTypedocName(file.name);
+ const exportItems = this._exportPathToExportedItems[exportPath];
+ _.each(file.children, (child, j) => {
+ const isNotExported = !_.includes(exportItems, child.name);
+ if (isNotExported) {
+ delete modifiedTypedocOutput.children[i].children[j];
+ return;
+ }
+ const innerChildren = typedocOutput.children[i].children[j].children;
+ _.each(innerChildren, (innerChild, k) => {
+ const isHiddenConstructor =
+ child.kindString === 'Class' &&
+ _.includes(docGenConfigs.CLASSES_WITH_HIDDEN_CONSTRUCTORS, child.name) &&
+ innerChild.kindString === 'Constructor';
+ const isPrivate = _.startsWith(innerChild.name, '_');
+ if (isHiddenConstructor || isPrivate) {
+ delete modifiedTypedocOutput.children[i].children[j].children[k];
+ }
+ });
+ modifiedTypedocOutput.children[i].children[j].children = _.compact(
+ modifiedTypedocOutput.children[i].children[j].children,
+ );
+ });
+ modifiedTypedocOutput.children[i].children = _.compact(modifiedTypedocOutput.children[i].children);
+ });
+ return modifiedTypedocOutput;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Unfortunately TypeDoc children names will only be prefixed with the name of the package _if_ we passed
+ * TypeDoc files outside of the packages root path (i.e this package exports another package from our
+ * monorepo). In order to enforce that the names are always prefixed with the package's name, we check and add
+ * them here when necessary.
+ */
+ private _standardizeTypedocOutputTopLevelChildNames(typedocOutput: any): any {
+ const modifiedTypedocOutput = _.cloneDeep(typedocOutput);
+ _.each(typedocOutput.children, (child, i) => {
+ if (!_.includes(child.name, '/src/')) {
+ const nameWithoutQuotes = child.name.replace(/"/g, '');
+ const standardizedName = `"${this._packageName}/src/${nameWithoutQuotes}"`;
+ modifiedTypedocOutput.children[i].name = standardizedName;
+ }
+ });
+ return modifiedTypedocOutput;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Maps back each top-level TypeDoc JSON object name to the exportPath from which it was generated.
+ */
+ private _findExportPathGivenTypedocName(typedocName: string): string {
+ const typeDocNameWithoutQuotes = _.replace(typedocName, /"/g, '');
+ const sanitizedExportPathToExportPath: { [sanitizedName: string]: string } = {};
+ const exportPaths = _.keys(this._exportPathToExportedItems);
+ const sanitizedExportPaths = _.map(exportPaths, exportPath => {
+ if (_.startsWith(exportPath, './')) {
+ const sanitizedExportPath = path.join(this._packageName, 'src', exportPath);
+ sanitizedExportPathToExportPath[sanitizedExportPath] = exportPath;
+ return sanitizedExportPath;
+ }
+ const monorepoPrefix = '@0xproject/';
+ if (_.startsWith(exportPath, monorepoPrefix)) {
+ const sanitizedExportPath = exportPath.split(monorepoPrefix)[1];
+ sanitizedExportPathToExportPath[sanitizedExportPath] = exportPath;
+ return sanitizedExportPath;
+ }
+ sanitizedExportPathToExportPath[exportPath] = exportPath;
+ return exportPath;
+ });
+ // We need to sort the exportPaths by length (longest first), so that the match finding will pick
+ // longer matches before shorter matches, since it might match both, but the longer match is more
+ // precisely what we are looking for.
+ const sanitizedExportPathsSortedByLength = sanitizedExportPaths.sort((a: string, b: string) => {
+ return b.length - a.length;
+ });
+ const matchingSanitizedExportPathIfExists = _.find(sanitizedExportPathsSortedByLength, p => {
+ return _.startsWith(typeDocNameWithoutQuotes, p);
+ });
+ if (_.isUndefined(matchingSanitizedExportPathIfExists)) {
+ throw new Error(`Didn't find an exportPath for ${typeDocNameWithoutQuotes}`);
+ }
+ const matchingExportPath = sanitizedExportPathToExportPath[matchingSanitizedExportPathIfExists];
+ return matchingExportPath;
+ }
+ private _getAllExternalExports(): string[] {
+ const externalExports: string[] = [];
+ _.each(this._exportPathToExportedItems, (exportedItems, exportPath) => {
+ const pathIfExists = this._monoRepoPkgNameToPath[exportPath];
+ if (_.isUndefined(pathIfExists) && !_.startsWith(exportPath, './')) {
+ _.each(exportedItems, exportedItem => {
+ externalExports.push(exportedItem);
+ });
+ return; // It's an external package
+ }
+ });
+ return externalExports;
+ }
+ private _getTypeDocFileIncludesForPackage(): string[] {
+ let typeDocExtraFileIncludes: string[] = [];
+ _.each(this._exportPathToExportedItems, (exportedItems, exportPath) => {
+ const isInternalToPkg = _.startsWith(exportPath, '.');
+ if (isInternalToPkg) {
+ const pathToInternalPkg = path.join(this._packagePath, 'src', `${exportPath}.ts`);
+ typeDocExtraFileIncludes.push(pathToInternalPkg);
+ return;
+ }
+ const pathIfExists = this._monoRepoPkgNameToPath[exportPath];
+ if (_.isUndefined(pathIfExists)) {
+ return; // It's an external package
+ }
+ const typeDocSourceIncludes = new Set();
+ const pathToIndex = `${pathIfExists}/src/index.ts`;
+ const exportInfo = DocGenerateAndUploadUtils._getExportPathToExportedItems(pathToIndex);
+ const innerExportPathToExportedItems = exportInfo.exportPathToExportedItems;
+ _.each(exportedItems, exportName => {
+ _.each(innerExportPathToExportedItems, (innerExportItems, innerExportPath) => {
+ if (!_.includes(innerExportItems, exportName)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!_.startsWith(innerExportPath, './')) {
+ throw new Error(
+ this._packageName
+ } is exporting one of ${innerExportItems} which is
+ itself exported from an external package. To fix this, export the external dependency directly,
+ not indirectly through ${innerExportPath}.`,
+ );
+ } else {
+ const absoluteSrcPath = path.join(pathIfExists, 'src', `${innerExportPath}.ts`);
+ typeDocSourceIncludes.add(absoluteSrcPath);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ // @0xproject/types & ethereum-types are examples of packages where their index.ts exports types
+ // directly, meaning no internal paths will exist to follow. Other packages also have direct exports
+ // in their index.ts, so we always add it to the source files passed to TypeDoc
+ if (typeDocSourceIncludes.size === 0) {
+ typeDocSourceIncludes.add(pathToIndex);
+ }
+ typeDocExtraFileIncludes = [...typeDocExtraFileIncludes, ...Array.from(typeDocSourceIncludes)];
+ });
+ return typeDocExtraFileIncludes;
+ }
diff --git a/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/utils/github_release_utils.ts b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/utils/github_release_utils.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f3485de0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/utils/github_release_utils.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+import * as promisify from 'es6-promisify';
+import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
+import * as _ from 'lodash';
+import * as path from 'path';
+import { exec as execAsync } from 'promisify-child-process';
+import * as publishRelease from 'publish-release';
+import { constants } from '../constants';
+import { Package } from '../types';
+import { utils } from './utils';
+const publishReleaseAsync = promisify(publishRelease);
+// tslint:disable-next-line:completed-docs
+export async function publishReleaseNotesAsync(updatedPublishPackages: Package[], isDryRun: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ // Git push a tag representing this publish (publish-{commit-hash}) (truncate hash)
+ const result = await execAsync('git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%H"', { cwd: constants.monorepoRootPath });
+ const latestGitCommit = result.stdout;
+ const prefixLength = 7;
+ const shortenedGitCommit = latestGitCommit.slice(0, prefixLength);
+ const tagName = `monorepo@${shortenedGitCommit}`;
+ if (!isDryRun) {
+ try {
+ await execAsync(`git tag ${tagName}`);
+ } catch (err) {
+ if (_.includes(err.message, 'already exists')) {
+ // Noop tag creation since already exists
+ } else {
+ throw err;
+ }
+ }
+ const { stdout } = await execAsync(`git ls-remote --tags origin refs/tags/${tagName}`);
+ if (_.isEmpty(stdout)) {
+ await execAsync(`git push origin ${tagName}`);
+ }
+ }
+ const releaseName = `0x monorepo - ${shortenedGitCommit}`;
+ let assets: string[] = [];
+ let aggregateNotes = '';
+ _.each(updatedPublishPackages, pkg => {
+ const notes = getReleaseNotesForPackage(pkg.packageJson.name, pkg.packageJson.version);
+ if (_.isEmpty(notes)) {
+ return; // don't include it
+ }
+ aggregateNotes += `### ${pkg.packageJson.name}@${pkg.packageJson.version}\n${notes}\n\n`;
+ const packageAssets = _.get(pkg.packageJson, 'config.postpublish.assets');
+ if (!_.isUndefined(packageAssets)) {
+ assets = [...assets, ...packageAssets];
+ }
+ });
+ const finalAssets = adjustAssetPaths(assets);
+ const publishReleaseConfigs = {
+ token: constants.githubPersonalAccessToken,
+ owner: '0xProject',
+ tag: tagName,
+ repo: '0x-monorepo',
+ name: releaseName,
+ notes: aggregateNotes,
+ draft: false,
+ prerelease: false,
+ reuseRelease: true,
+ reuseDraftOnly: false,
+ // TODO: Currently publish-release doesn't let you specify the labels for each asset uploaded
+ // Ideally we would like to name the assets after the package they are from
+ // Source: https://github.com/remixz/publish-release/issues/39
+ assets: finalAssets,
+ };
+ if (isDryRun) {
+ utils.log(`Dry run: stopping short of publishing release notes to github`);
+ utils.log(`Would publish with configs:\n${JSON.stringify(publishReleaseConfigs, null, '\t')}`);
+ return;
+ }
+ utils.log('Publishing release notes ', releaseName, '...');
+ await publishReleaseAsync(publishReleaseConfigs);
+// Asset paths should described from the monorepo root. This method prefixes
+// the supplied path with the absolute path to the monorepo root.
+function adjustAssetPaths(assets: string[]): string[] {
+ const finalAssets: string[] = [];
+ _.each(assets, (asset: string) => {
+ const finalAsset = `${constants.monorepoRootPath}/${asset}`;
+ finalAssets.push(finalAsset);
+ });
+ return finalAssets;
+function getReleaseNotesForPackage(packageName: string, version: string): string {
+ const packageNameWithoutNamespace = packageName.replace('@0xproject/', '');
+ const changelogJSONPath = path.join(
+ constants.monorepoRootPath,
+ 'packages',
+ packageNameWithoutNamespace,
+ 'CHANGELOG.json',
+ );
+ const changelogJSON = readFileSync(changelogJSONPath, 'utf-8');
+ const changelogs = JSON.parse(changelogJSON);
+ const latestLog = changelogs[0];
+ // If only has a `Dependencies updated` changelog, we don't include it in release notes
+ if (latestLog.changes.length === 1 && latestLog.changes[0].note === constants.dependenciesUpdatedMessage) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ let notes = '';
+ _.each(latestLog.changes, change => {
+ notes += `* ${change.note}`;
+ if (change.pr) {
+ notes += ` (#${change.pr})`;
+ }
+ notes += `\n`;
+ });
+ return notes;
diff --git a/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/utils/utils.ts b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/utils/utils.ts
index 26ac801bd..2ce36942c 100644
--- a/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/utils/utils.ts
+++ b/packages/monorepo-scripts/src/utils/utils.ts
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ export const utils = {
} catch (err) {
- utils.log(`Couldn't find a 'package.json' for ${subpackageName}. Skipping.`);
+ // Couldn't find a 'package.json' for package. Skipping.