path: root/packages/abi-gen
diff options
authorFabio Berger <me@fabioberger.com>2018-01-30 20:26:46 +0800
committerFabio Berger <me@fabioberger.com>2018-01-30 20:26:46 +0800
commitc6dece6bd1e5f5afa56b290557eb7a6245c76cb6 (patch)
treead7a33ffe5d80c0eb41ae10fbc8314f193e52383 /packages/abi-gen
parent93a5b3f457c1211676296840c285759007a55500 (diff)
Add config file specifically in prettier command and fix files
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/abi-gen')
7 files changed, 192 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/packages/abi-gen/package.json b/packages/abi-gen/package.json
index 58ee12220..31a0f7f55 100644
--- a/packages/abi-gen/package.json
+++ b/packages/abi-gen/package.json
@@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
- "name": "@0xproject/abi-gen",
- "version": "0.1.4",
- "description": "Generate contract wrappers from ABI and handlebars templates",
- "main": "lib/index.js",
- "types": "lib/index.d.ts",
- "scripts": {
- "lint": "tslint --project . 'src/**/*.ts'",
- "clean": "shx rm -rf lib",
- "build": "tsc"
- },
- "bin": {
- "abi-gen": "lib/index.js"
- },
- "repository": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "https://github.com/0xProject/0x.js.git"
- },
- "license": "Apache-2.0",
- "bugs": {
- "url": "https://github.com/0xProject/0x.js/issues"
- },
- "homepage": "https://github.com/0xProject/0x.js/packages/abi-gen/README.md",
- "dependencies": {
- "@0xproject/utils": "^0.2.2",
- "chalk": "^2.3.0",
- "glob": "^7.1.2",
- "handlebars": "^4.0.11",
- "lodash": "^4.17.4",
- "mkdirp": "^0.5.1",
- "to-snake-case": "^1.0.0",
- "web3": "^0.20.0",
- "yargs": "^10.0.3"
- },
- "devDependencies": {
- "@0xproject/tslint-config": "^0.4.4",
- "@types/glob": "^5.0.33",
- "@types/handlebars": "^4.0.36",
- "@types/mkdirp": "^0.5.1",
- "@types/node": "^8.0.53",
- "@types/yargs": "^10.0.0",
- "npm-run-all": "^4.1.2",
- "shx": "^0.2.2",
- "tslint": "5.8.0",
- "typescript": "~2.6.1",
- "web3-typescript-typings": "^0.9.6"
- }
+ "name": "@0xproject/abi-gen",
+ "version": "0.1.4",
+ "description": "Generate contract wrappers from ABI and handlebars templates",
+ "main": "lib/index.js",
+ "types": "lib/index.d.ts",
+ "scripts": {
+ "lint": "tslint --project . 'src/**/*.ts'",
+ "clean": "shx rm -rf lib",
+ "build": "tsc"
+ },
+ "bin": {
+ "abi-gen": "lib/index.js"
+ },
+ "repository": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "https://github.com/0xProject/0x.js.git"
+ },
+ "license": "Apache-2.0",
+ "bugs": {
+ "url": "https://github.com/0xProject/0x.js/issues"
+ },
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/0xProject/0x.js/packages/abi-gen/README.md",
+ "dependencies": {
+ "@0xproject/utils": "^0.2.2",
+ "chalk": "^2.3.0",
+ "glob": "^7.1.2",
+ "handlebars": "^4.0.11",
+ "lodash": "^4.17.4",
+ "mkdirp": "^0.5.1",
+ "to-snake-case": "^1.0.0",
+ "web3": "^0.20.0",
+ "yargs": "^10.0.3"
+ },
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "@0xproject/tslint-config": "^0.4.4",
+ "@types/glob": "^5.0.33",
+ "@types/handlebars": "^4.0.36",
+ "@types/mkdirp": "^0.5.1",
+ "@types/node": "^8.0.53",
+ "@types/yargs": "^10.0.0",
+ "npm-run-all": "^4.1.2",
+ "shx": "^0.2.2",
+ "tslint": "5.8.0",
+ "typescript": "~2.6.1",
+ "web3-typescript-typings": "^0.9.6"
+ }
diff --git a/packages/abi-gen/src/globals.d.ts b/packages/abi-gen/src/globals.d.ts
index 0b46f2c40..39df3f852 100644
--- a/packages/abi-gen/src/globals.d.ts
+++ b/packages/abi-gen/src/globals.d.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
declare function toSnakeCase(str: string): string;
declare module 'to-snake-case' {
- export = toSnakeCase;
+ export = toSnakeCase;
diff --git a/packages/abi-gen/src/index.ts b/packages/abi-gen/src/index.ts
index 15d218711..527af32b1 100644
--- a/packages/abi-gen/src/index.ts
+++ b/packages/abi-gen/src/index.ts
@@ -20,91 +20,91 @@ const ABI_TYPE_EVENT = 'event';
const MAIN_TEMPLATE_NAME = 'contract.mustache';
const args = yargs
- .option('abiGlob', {
- describe: 'Glob pattern to search for ABI JSON files',
- type: 'string',
- demand: true,
- })
- .option('templates', {
- describe: 'Folder where to search for templates',
- type: 'string',
- demand: true,
- })
- .option('output', {
- describe: 'Folder where to put the output files',
- type: 'string',
- demand: true,
- }).argv;
+ .option('abiGlob', {
+ describe: 'Glob pattern to search for ABI JSON files',
+ type: 'string',
+ demand: true,
+ })
+ .option('templates', {
+ describe: 'Folder where to search for templates',
+ type: 'string',
+ demand: true,
+ })
+ .option('output', {
+ describe: 'Folder where to put the output files',
+ type: 'string',
+ demand: true,
+ }).argv;
function writeOutputFile(name: string, renderedTsCode: string): void {
- const fileName = toSnakeCase(name);
- const filePath = `${args.output}/${fileName}.ts`;
- fs.writeFileSync(filePath, renderedTsCode);
- utils.log(`Created: ${chalk.bold(filePath)}`);
+ const fileName = toSnakeCase(name);
+ const filePath = `${args.output}/${fileName}.ts`;
+ fs.writeFileSync(filePath, renderedTsCode);
+ utils.log(`Created: ${chalk.bold(filePath)}`);
Handlebars.registerHelper('parameterType', utils.solTypeToTsType.bind(utils, ParamKind.Input));
Handlebars.registerHelper('returnType', utils.solTypeToTsType.bind(utils, ParamKind.Output));
const partialTemplateFileNames = globSync(`${args.templates}/partials/**/*.mustache`);
for (const partialTemplateFileName of partialTemplateFileNames) {
- const namedContent = utils.getNamedContent(partialTemplateFileName);
- Handlebars.registerPartial(namedContent.name, namedContent.content);
+ const namedContent = utils.getNamedContent(partialTemplateFileName);
+ Handlebars.registerPartial(namedContent.name, namedContent.content);
const mainTemplate = utils.getNamedContent(`${args.templates}/${MAIN_TEMPLATE_NAME}`);
const template = Handlebars.compile<ContextData>(mainTemplate.content);
const abiFileNames = globSync(args.abiGlob);
if (_.isEmpty(abiFileNames)) {
- utils.log(`${chalk.red(`No ABI files found.`)}`);
- utils.log(`Please make sure you've passed the correct folder name and that the files have
+ utils.log(`${chalk.red(`No ABI files found.`)}`);
+ utils.log(`Please make sure you've passed the correct folder name and that the files have
${chalk.bold('*.json')} extensions`);
- process.exit(1);
+ process.exit(1);
} else {
- utils.log(`Found ${chalk.green(`${abiFileNames.length}`)} ${chalk.bold('ABI')} files`);
- mkdirp.sync(args.output);
+ utils.log(`Found ${chalk.green(`${abiFileNames.length}`)} ${chalk.bold('ABI')} files`);
+ mkdirp.sync(args.output);
for (const abiFileName of abiFileNames) {
- const namedContent = utils.getNamedContent(abiFileName);
- utils.log(`Processing: ${chalk.bold(namedContent.name)}...`);
- const parsedContent = JSON.parse(namedContent.content);
- const ABI = _.isArray(parsedContent)
- ? parsedContent // ABI file
- : parsedContent.abi; // Truffle contracts file
- if (_.isUndefined(ABI)) {
- utils.log(`${chalk.red(`ABI not found in ${abiFileName}.`)}`);
- utils.log(`Please make sure your ABI file is either an array with ABI entries or an object with the abi key`);
- process.exit(1);
- }
+ const namedContent = utils.getNamedContent(abiFileName);
+ utils.log(`Processing: ${chalk.bold(namedContent.name)}...`);
+ const parsedContent = JSON.parse(namedContent.content);
+ const ABI = _.isArray(parsedContent)
+ ? parsedContent // ABI file
+ : parsedContent.abi; // Truffle contracts file
+ if (_.isUndefined(ABI)) {
+ utils.log(`${chalk.red(`ABI not found in ${abiFileName}.`)}`);
+ utils.log(`Please make sure your ABI file is either an array with ABI entries or an object with the abi key`);
+ process.exit(1);
+ }
- let ctor = ABI.find((abi: Web3.AbiDefinition) => abi.type === ABI_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR) as Web3.ConstructorAbi;
- if (_.isUndefined(ctor)) {
- ctor = utils.getEmptyConstructor(); // The constructor exists, but it's implicit in JSON's ABI definition
- }
+ let ctor = ABI.find((abi: Web3.AbiDefinition) => abi.type === ABI_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR) as Web3.ConstructorAbi;
+ if (_.isUndefined(ctor)) {
+ ctor = utils.getEmptyConstructor(); // The constructor exists, but it's implicit in JSON's ABI definition
+ }
- const methodAbis = ABI.filter((abi: Web3.AbiDefinition) => abi.type === ABI_TYPE_METHOD) as Web3.MethodAbi[];
- const methodsData = _.map(methodAbis, methodAbi => {
- _.map(methodAbi.inputs, input => {
- if (_.isEmpty(input.name)) {
- // Auto-generated getters don't have parameter names
- input.name = 'index';
- }
- });
- // This will make templates simpler
- const methodData = {
- ...methodAbi,
- singleReturnValue: methodAbi.outputs.length === 1,
- };
- return methodData;
- });
+ const methodAbis = ABI.filter((abi: Web3.AbiDefinition) => abi.type === ABI_TYPE_METHOD) as Web3.MethodAbi[];
+ const methodsData = _.map(methodAbis, methodAbi => {
+ _.map(methodAbi.inputs, input => {
+ if (_.isEmpty(input.name)) {
+ // Auto-generated getters don't have parameter names
+ input.name = 'index';
+ }
+ });
+ // This will make templates simpler
+ const methodData = {
+ ...methodAbi,
+ singleReturnValue: methodAbi.outputs.length === 1,
+ };
+ return methodData;
+ });
- const eventAbis = ABI.filter((abi: Web3.AbiDefinition) => abi.type === ABI_TYPE_EVENT) as Web3.EventAbi[];
+ const eventAbis = ABI.filter((abi: Web3.AbiDefinition) => abi.type === ABI_TYPE_EVENT) as Web3.EventAbi[];
- const contextData = {
- contractName: namedContent.name,
- ctor,
- methods: methodsData,
- events: eventAbis,
- };
- const renderedTsCode = template(contextData);
- writeOutputFile(namedContent.name, renderedTsCode);
+ const contextData = {
+ contractName: namedContent.name,
+ ctor,
+ methods: methodsData,
+ events: eventAbis,
+ };
+ const renderedTsCode = template(contextData);
+ writeOutputFile(namedContent.name, renderedTsCode);
diff --git a/packages/abi-gen/src/types.ts b/packages/abi-gen/src/types.ts
index 413f94467..e82ab824b 100644
--- a/packages/abi-gen/src/types.ts
+++ b/packages/abi-gen/src/types.ts
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
import * as Web3 from 'web3';
export enum ParamKind {
- Input = 'input',
- Output = 'output',
+ Input = 'input',
+ Output = 'output',
export enum AbiType {
- Function = 'function',
- Constructor = 'constructor',
- Event = 'event',
- Fallback = 'fallback',
+ Function = 'function',
+ Constructor = 'constructor',
+ Event = 'event',
+ Fallback = 'fallback',
export interface Method extends Web3.MethodAbi {
- singleReturnValue: boolean;
+ singleReturnValue: boolean;
export interface ContextData {
- contractName: string;
- methods: Method[];
- events: Web3.EventAbi[];
+ contractName: string;
+ methods: Method[];
+ events: Web3.EventAbi[];
diff --git a/packages/abi-gen/src/utils.ts b/packages/abi-gen/src/utils.ts
index 4e1216a77..14255643a 100644
--- a/packages/abi-gen/src/utils.ts
+++ b/packages/abi-gen/src/utils.ts
@@ -6,68 +6,68 @@ import * as Web3 from 'web3';
import { AbiType, ParamKind } from './types';
export const utils = {
- solTypeToTsType(paramKind: ParamKind, solType: string): string {
- const trailingArrayRegex = /\[\d*\]$/;
- if (solType.match(trailingArrayRegex)) {
- const arrayItemSolType = solType.replace(trailingArrayRegex, '');
- const arrayItemTsType = utils.solTypeToTsType(paramKind, arrayItemSolType);
- const arrayTsType = utils.isUnionType(arrayItemTsType)
- ? `Array<${arrayItemTsType}>`
- : `${arrayItemTsType}[]`;
- return arrayTsType;
- } else {
- const solTypeRegexToTsType = [
- { regex: '^string$', tsType: 'string' },
- { regex: '^address$', tsType: 'string' },
- { regex: '^bool$', tsType: 'boolean' },
- { regex: '^u?int\\d*$', tsType: 'BigNumber' },
- { regex: '^bytes\\d*$', tsType: 'string' },
- ];
- if (paramKind === ParamKind.Input) {
- // web3 allows to pass those an non-bignumbers and that's nice
- // but it always returns stuff as BigNumbers
- solTypeRegexToTsType.unshift({
- regex: '^u?int(8|16|32)?$',
- tsType: 'number|BigNumber',
- });
- }
- for (const regexAndTxType of solTypeRegexToTsType) {
- const { regex, tsType } = regexAndTxType;
- if (solType.match(regex)) {
- return tsType;
- }
- }
- throw new Error(`Unknown Solidity type found: ${solType}`);
- }
- },
- isUnionType(tsType: string): boolean {
- return tsType === 'number|BigNumber';
- },
- log(...args: any[]): void {
- console.log(...args); // tslint:disable-line:no-console
- },
- getPartialNameFromFileName(filename: string): string {
- const name = path.parse(filename).name;
- return name;
- },
- getNamedContent(filename: string): { name: string; content: string } {
- const name = utils.getPartialNameFromFileName(filename);
- try {
- const content = fs.readFileSync(filename).toString();
- return {
- name,
- content,
- };
- } catch (err) {
- throw new Error(`Failed to read ${filename}: ${err}`);
- }
- },
- getEmptyConstructor(): Web3.ConstructorAbi {
- return {
- type: AbiType.Constructor,
- stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
- payable: false,
- inputs: [],
- };
- },
+ solTypeToTsType(paramKind: ParamKind, solType: string): string {
+ const trailingArrayRegex = /\[\d*\]$/;
+ if (solType.match(trailingArrayRegex)) {
+ const arrayItemSolType = solType.replace(trailingArrayRegex, '');
+ const arrayItemTsType = utils.solTypeToTsType(paramKind, arrayItemSolType);
+ const arrayTsType = utils.isUnionType(arrayItemTsType)
+ ? `Array<${arrayItemTsType}>`
+ : `${arrayItemTsType}[]`;
+ return arrayTsType;
+ } else {
+ const solTypeRegexToTsType = [
+ { regex: '^string$', tsType: 'string' },
+ { regex: '^address$', tsType: 'string' },
+ { regex: '^bool$', tsType: 'boolean' },
+ { regex: '^u?int\\d*$', tsType: 'BigNumber' },
+ { regex: '^bytes\\d*$', tsType: 'string' },
+ ];
+ if (paramKind === ParamKind.Input) {
+ // web3 allows to pass those an non-bignumbers and that's nice
+ // but it always returns stuff as BigNumbers
+ solTypeRegexToTsType.unshift({
+ regex: '^u?int(8|16|32)?$',
+ tsType: 'number|BigNumber',
+ });
+ }
+ for (const regexAndTxType of solTypeRegexToTsType) {
+ const { regex, tsType } = regexAndTxType;
+ if (solType.match(regex)) {
+ return tsType;
+ }
+ }
+ throw new Error(`Unknown Solidity type found: ${solType}`);
+ }
+ },
+ isUnionType(tsType: string): boolean {
+ return tsType === 'number|BigNumber';
+ },
+ log(...args: any[]): void {
+ console.log(...args); // tslint:disable-line:no-console
+ },
+ getPartialNameFromFileName(filename: string): string {
+ const name = path.parse(filename).name;
+ return name;
+ },
+ getNamedContent(filename: string): { name: string; content: string } {
+ const name = utils.getPartialNameFromFileName(filename);
+ try {
+ const content = fs.readFileSync(filename).toString();
+ return {
+ name,
+ content,
+ };
+ } catch (err) {
+ throw new Error(`Failed to read ${filename}: ${err}`);
+ }
+ },
+ getEmptyConstructor(): Web3.ConstructorAbi {
+ return {
+ type: AbiType.Constructor,
+ stateMutability: 'nonpayable',
+ payable: false,
+ inputs: [],
+ };
+ },
diff --git a/packages/abi-gen/tsconfig.json b/packages/abi-gen/tsconfig.json
index 1f89fb820..5e0c7c6d3 100644
--- a/packages/abi-gen/tsconfig.json
+++ b/packages/abi-gen/tsconfig.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "extends": "../../tsconfig",
- "compilerOptions": {
- "outDir": "lib"
- },
- "include": ["./src/**/*", "./test/**/*", "../../node_modules/web3-typescript-typings/index.d.ts"]
+ "extends": "../../tsconfig",
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "outDir": "lib"
+ },
+ "include": ["./src/**/*", "./test/**/*", "../../node_modules/web3-typescript-typings/index.d.ts"]
diff --git a/packages/abi-gen/tslint.json b/packages/abi-gen/tslint.json
index e63054bfc..ffaefe83a 100644
--- a/packages/abi-gen/tslint.json
+++ b/packages/abi-gen/tslint.json
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
- "extends": ["@0xproject/tslint-config"]
+ "extends": ["@0xproject/tslint-config"]