import 'mocha';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import * as chai from 'chai';
import * as Web3 from 'web3';
import * as BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
import * as dirtyChai from 'dirty-chai';
import ChaiBigNumber = require('chai-bignumber');
import promisify = require('es6-promisify');
import {web3Factory} from './utils/web3_factory';
import {ZeroEx} from '../src/0x.js';
import {BlockchainLifecycle} from './utils/blockchain_lifecycle';
import {orderFactory} from './utils/order_factory';
import {FillOrderValidationErrs, Token, SignedOrder} from '../src/types';
import {FillScenarios} from './utils/fill_scenarios';
const expect = chai.expect;
const blockchainLifecycle = new BlockchainLifecycle();
const NON_EXISTENT_ORDER_HASH = '0x79370342234e7acd6bbeac335bd3bb1d368383294b64b8160a00f4060e4d3777';
describe('ExchangeWrapper', () => {
let zeroEx: ZeroEx;
let userAddresses: string[];
let web3: Web3;
let tokens: Token[];
let fillScenarios: FillScenarios;
before(async () => {
web3 = web3Factory.create();
zeroEx = new ZeroEx(web3);
userAddresses = await promisify(web3.eth.getAccounts)();
tokens = await zeroEx.tokenRegistry.getTokensAsync();
fillScenarios = new FillScenarios(zeroEx, userAddresses, tokens);
beforeEach(async () => {
await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync();
afterEach(async () => {
await blockchainLifecycle.revertAsync();
describe('#isValidSignatureAsync', () => {
// The Exchange smart contract `isValidSignature` method only validates orderHashes and assumes
// the length of the data is exactly 32 bytes. Thus for these tests, we use data of this size.
const dataHex = '0x6927e990021d23b1eb7b8789f6a6feaf98fe104bb0cf8259421b79f9a34222b0';
const signature = {
v: 27,
r: '0x61a3ed31b43c8780e905a260a35faefcc527be7516aa11c0256729b5b351bc33',
s: '0x40349190569279751135161d22529dc25add4f6069af05be04cacbda2ace2254',
const address = '0x5409ed021d9299bf6814279a6a1411a7e866a631';
describe('should throw if passed a malformed signature', () => {
it('malformed v', async () => {
const malformedSignature = {
v: 34,
r: signature.r,
s: signature.s,
expect(, malformedSignature, address));
it('r lacks 0x prefix', () => {
const malformedR = signature.r.replace('0x', '');
const malformedSignature = {
v: signature.v,
r: malformedR,
s: signature.s,
expect(, malformedSignature, address));
it('r is too short', () => {
const malformedR = signature.r.substr(10);
const malformedSignature = {
v: signature.v,
r: malformedR,
s: signature.s.replace('0', 'z'),
expect(, malformedSignature, address));
it('s is not hex', () => {
const malformedS = signature.s.replace('0', 'z');
const malformedSignature = {
v: signature.v,
r: signature.r,
s: malformedS,
expect(, malformedSignature, address));
it('should return false if the data doesn\'t pertain to the signature & address', async () => {
const isValid = await'0x0', signature, address);
it('should return false if the address doesn\'t pertain to the signature & dataHex', async () => {
const validUnrelatedAddress = '0x8b0292B11a196601eD2ce54B665CaFEca0347D42';
const isValid = await, signature, validUnrelatedAddress);
it('should return false if the signature doesn\'t pertain to the dataHex & address', async () => {
const wrongSignature = {...signature, v: 28};
const isValid = await, wrongSignature, address);
it('should return true if the signature does pertain to the dataHex & address', async () => {
const isValid = await, signature, address);
describe('#fillOrderAsync', () => {
let makerTokenAddress: string;
let takerTokenAddress: string;
let takerAddress: string;
const fillTakerAmountInBaseUnits = new BigNumber(5);
const shouldCheckTransfer = false;
before('fetch tokens', async () => {
takerAddress = userAddresses[1];
const [makerToken, takerToken] = tokens;
makerTokenAddress = makerToken.address;
takerTokenAddress = takerToken.address;
afterEach('reset default account', () => {
describe('failed fills', () => {
it('should throw when the fill amount is zero', async () => {
const fillableAmount = new BigNumber(5);
const signedOrder = await fillScenarios.createAFillableSignedOrderAsync(
makerTokenAddress, takerTokenAddress, takerAddress, fillableAmount,
const zeroFillAmount = new BigNumber(0);
expect(, zeroFillAmount, shouldCheckTransfer));
it('should throw when sender is not a taker', async () => {
const fillableAmount = new BigNumber(5);
const signedOrder = await fillScenarios.createAFillableSignedOrderAsync(
makerTokenAddress, takerTokenAddress, takerAddress, fillableAmount,
expect(, fillTakerAmountInBaseUnits, shouldCheckTransfer));
it('should throw when order is expired', async () => {
const expirationInPast = new BigNumber(42);
const fillableAmount = new BigNumber(5);
const signedOrder = await fillScenarios.createAFillableSignedOrderAsync(
makerTokenAddress, takerTokenAddress, takerAddress, fillableAmount, expirationInPast,
expect(, fillTakerAmountInBaseUnits, shouldCheckTransfer));
it('should throw when taker balance is less than fill amount', async () => {
const fillableAmount = new BigNumber(5);
const signedOrder = await fillScenarios.createAFillableSignedOrderAsync(
makerTokenAddress, takerTokenAddress, takerAddress, fillableAmount,
const moreThanTheBalance = new BigNumber(6);
expect(, moreThanTheBalance, shouldCheckTransfer));
describe('successful fills', () => {
it('should fill the valid order', async () => {
const fillableAmount = new BigNumber(5);
const signedOrder = await fillScenarios.createAFillableSignedOrderAsync(
makerTokenAddress, takerTokenAddress, takerAddress, fillableAmount,
expect(await zeroEx.token.getBalanceAsync(makerTokenAddress, takerAddress));
expect(await zeroEx.token.getBalanceAsync(takerTokenAddress, takerAddress));
await, fillTakerAmountInBaseUnits, shouldCheckTransfer);
expect(await zeroEx.token.getBalanceAsync(makerTokenAddress, takerAddress));
expect(await zeroEx.token.getBalanceAsync(takerTokenAddress, takerAddress));
describe('tests that require partially filled order', () => {
let makerTokenAddress: string;
let takerTokenAddress: string;
let takerAddress: string;
let fillableAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber;
let partialFillAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber;
let signedOrder: SignedOrder;
before(() => {
takerAddress = userAddresses[1];
const [makerToken, takerToken] = tokens;
makerTokenAddress = makerToken.address;
takerTokenAddress = takerToken.address;
beforeEach(async () => {
fillableAmount = new BigNumber(5);
partialFillAmount = new BigNumber(2);
signedOrder = await fillScenarios.createPartiallyFilledSignedOrderAsync(
makerTokenAddress, takerTokenAddress, takerAddress, fillableAmount, partialFillAmount,
describe('#getUnavailableTakerAmountAsync', () => {
it ('should throw if passed an invalid orderHash', async () => {
const invalidOrderHashHex = '0x123';
it ('should return zero if passed a valid but non-existent orderHash', async () => {
const unavailableValueT = await;
it ('should return the unavailableValueT for a valid and partially filled orderHash', async () => {
const orderHash = await zeroEx.getOrderHashHexAsync(signedOrder);
const unavailableValueT = await;
describe('#getFilledTakerAmountAsync', () => {
it ('should throw if passed an invalid orderHash', async () => {
const invalidOrderHashHex = '0x123';
it ('should return zero if passed a valid but non-existent orderHash', async () => {
const filledValueT = await;
it ('should return the filledValueT for a valid and partially filled orderHash', async () => {
const orderHash = await zeroEx.getOrderHashHexAsync(signedOrder);
const filledValueT = await;
describe('#getCanceledTakerAmountAsync', () => {
it ('should throw if passed an invalid orderHash', async () => {
const invalidOrderHashHex = '0x123';
it ('should return zero if passed a valid but non-existent orderHash', async () => {
const cancelledValueT = await;
it ('should return the cancelledValueT for a valid and partially filled orderHash', async () => {
const orderHash = await zeroEx.getOrderHashHexAsync(signedOrder);
const cancelledValueT = await;