path: root/src/types.ts
blob: b7ee9c9461547febf7f6177be0970589136931c8 (plain) (tree)





























































import * as _ from 'lodash';
import * as Web3 from 'web3';

// Utility function to create a K:V from a list of strings
// Adapted from: https://basarat.gitbooks.io/typescript/content/docs/types/literal-types.html
function strEnum(values: string[]): {[key: string]: string} {
    return _.reduce(values, (result, key) => {
        result[key] = key;
        return result;
    }, Object.create(null));

export const ZeroExError = strEnum([
export type ZeroExError = keyof typeof ZeroExError;

 * Elliptic Curve signature
export interface ECSignature {
    v: number;
    r: string;
    s: string;

export type OrderAddresses = [string, string, string, string, string];

export type OrderValues = [BigNumber.BigNumber, BigNumber.BigNumber, BigNumber.BigNumber,
                           BigNumber.BigNumber, BigNumber.BigNumber, BigNumber.BigNumber];

export type EventCallbackAsync = (err: Error, event: ContractEvent) => Promise<void>;
export type EventCallbackSync = (err: Error, event: ContractEvent) => void;
export type EventCallback = EventCallbackSync|EventCallbackAsync;
export interface ContractEventObj {
    watch: (eventWatch: EventCallback) => void;
    stopWatching: () => void;
export type CreateContractEvent = (indexFilterValues: IndexedFilterValues,
                                   subscriptionOpts: SubscriptionOpts) => ContractEventObj;
export interface ExchangeContract extends ContractInstance {
    isValidSignature: {
        call: (signerAddressHex: string, dataHex: string, v: number, r: string, s: string,
               txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<boolean>;
    LogFill: CreateContractEvent;
    LogCancel: CreateContractEvent;
    LogError: CreateContractEvent;
    ZRX: {
        call: () => Promise<string>;
    getUnavailableValueT: {
        call: (orderHash: string) => BigNumber.BigNumber;
    isRoundingError: {
        call: (takerTokenAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber, fillTakerAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber,
               makerTokenAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber, txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<boolean>;
    fill: {
        (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses, orderValues: OrderValues, fillAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber,
         shouldCheckTransfer: boolean, v: number, r: string, s: string, txOpts?: TxOpts): ContractResponse;
        estimateGas: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses, orderValues: OrderValues, fillAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber,
                      shouldCheckTransfer: boolean, v: number, r: string, s: string, txOpts?: TxOpts) => number;
    batchFill: {
        (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses[], orderValues: OrderValues[], fillAmounts: BigNumber.BigNumber[],
         shouldCheckTransfer: boolean, v: number[], r: string[], s: string[], txOpts?: TxOpts): ContractResponse;
        estimateGas: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses[], orderValues: OrderValues[], fillAmounts: BigNumber.BigNumber[],
                      shouldCheckTransfer: boolean, v: number[], r: string[], s: string[], txOpts?: TxOpts) => number;
    fillUpTo: {
        (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses[], orderValues: OrderValues[], fillAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber,
         shouldCheckTransfer: boolean, v: number[], r: string[], s: string[], txOpts?: TxOpts): ContractResponse;
        estimateGas: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses[], orderValues: OrderValues[], fillAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber,
                      shouldCheckTransfer: boolean, v: number[], r: string[], s: string[], txOpts?: TxOpts) => number;
    cancel: {
        (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses, orderValues: OrderValues, cancelAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber,
         txOpts?: TxOpts): ContractResponse;
        estimateGas: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses, orderValues: OrderValues, cancelAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber,
                      txOpts?: TxOpts) => number;
    batchCancel: {
        (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses[], orderValues: OrderValues[], cancelAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber[],
         txOpts?: TxOpts): ContractResponse;
        estimateGas: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses[], orderValues: OrderValues[], cancelAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber[],
                      txOpts?: TxOpts) => number;
    fillOrKill: {
        (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses, orderValues: OrderValues, fillAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber,
         v: number, r: string, s: string, txOpts?: TxOpts): ContractResponse;
        estimateGas: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses, orderValues: OrderValues, fillAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber,
                      v: number, r: string, s: string, txOpts?: TxOpts) => number;
    batchFillOrKill: {
        (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses[], orderValues: OrderValues[], fillValuesT: BigNumber.BigNumber[],
         v: number[], r: string[], s: string[], txOpts: TxOpts): ContractResponse;
        estimateGas: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses[], orderValues: OrderValues[], fillValuesT: BigNumber.BigNumber[],
                      v: number[], r: string[], s: string[], txOpts?: TxOpts) => number;
    filled: {
        call: (orderHash: string) => BigNumber.BigNumber;
    cancelled: {
        call: (orderHash: string) => BigNumber.BigNumber;
    getOrderHash: {
        call: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses, orderValues: OrderValues) => string;

export interface TokenContract extends ContractInstance {
    balanceOf: {
        call: (address: string) => Promise<BigNumber.BigNumber>;
    allowance: {
        call: (ownerAddress: string, allowedAddress: string) => Promise<BigNumber.BigNumber>;
    transfer: (toAddress: string, amountInBaseUnits: BigNumber.BigNumber, txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<boolean>;
    transferFrom: (fromAddress: string, toAddress: string, amountInBaseUnits: BigNumber.BigNumber,
                   txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise<boolean>;
    approve: (proxyAddress: string, amountInBaseUnits: BigNumber.BigNumber, txOpts?: TxOpts) => void;

export interface TokenRegistryContract extends ContractInstance {
    getTokenMetaData: {
        call: (address: string) => Promise<TokenMetadata>;
    getTokenAddresses: {
        call: () => Promise<string[]>;

export interface EtherTokenContract extends ContractInstance {
    deposit: (txOpts: TxOpts) => Promise<void>;
    withdraw: (amount: BigNumber.BigNumber, txOpts: TxOpts) => Promise<void>;

export interface ProxyContract extends ContractInstance {
    authorized: {
        call: (address: string) => Promise<boolean>;

export const SolidityTypes = strEnum([
export type SolidityTypes = keyof typeof SolidityTypes;

export enum ExchangeContractErrCodes {
    ERROR_FILL_EXPIRED, // Order has already expired
    ERROR_FILL_NO_VALUE, // Order has already been fully filled or cancelled
    ERROR_FILL_TRUNCATION, // Rounding error too large
    ERROR_FILL_BALANCE_ALLOWANCE, // Insufficient balance or allowance for token transfer
    ERROR_CANCEL_EXPIRED, // Order has already expired
    ERROR_CANCEL_NO_VALUE, // Order has already been fully filled or cancelled

export const ExchangeContractErrs = strEnum([
export type ExchangeContractErrs = keyof typeof ExchangeContractErrs;

export interface ContractResponse {
    logs: ContractEvent[];

export interface ContractEvent {
    logIndex: number;
    transactionIndex: number;
    transactionHash: string;
    blockHash: string;
    blockNumber: number;
    address: string;
    type: string;
    event: string;
    args: ContractEventArgs;

export interface LogFillContractEventArgs {
    maker: string;
    taker: string;
    feeRecipient: string;
    tokenM: string;
    tokenT: string;
    filledValueM: BigNumber.BigNumber;
    filledValueT: BigNumber.BigNumber;
    feeMPaid: BigNumber.BigNumber;
    feeTPaid: BigNumber.BigNumber;
    tokens: string;
    orderHash: string;
export interface LogCancelContractEventArgs {
    maker: string;
    feeRecipient: string;
    tokenM: string;
    tokenT: string;
    cancelledValueM: BigNumber.BigNumber;
    cancelledValueT: BigNumber.BigNumber;
    tokens: string;
    orderHash: string;
export interface LogErrorContractEventArgs {
    errorId: BigNumber.BigNumber;
    orderHash: string;
export type ContractEventArgs = LogFillContractEventArgs|LogCancelContractEventArgs|LogErrorContractEventArgs;
export type ContractEventArg = string|BigNumber.BigNumber;

export interface Order {
    maker: string;
    taker: string;
    makerFee: BigNumber.BigNumber;
    takerFee: BigNumber.BigNumber;
    makerTokenAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber;
    takerTokenAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber;
    makerTokenAddress: string;
    takerTokenAddress: string;
    salt: BigNumber.BigNumber;
    exchangeContractAddress: string;
    feeRecipient: string;
    expirationUnixTimestampSec: BigNumber.BigNumber;

export interface SignedOrder extends Order {
    ecSignature: ECSignature;

//                          [address, name, symbol, projectUrl, decimals, ipfsHash, swarmHash]
export type TokenMetadata = [string, string, string, string, BigNumber.BigNumber, string, string];

export interface Token {
    name: string;
    address: string;
    symbol: string;
    decimals: number;
    url: string;

export interface TxOpts {
    from: string;
    gas?: number;
    value?: BigNumber.BigNumber;

export interface TokenAddressBySymbol {
    [symbol: string]: string;

export const ExchangeEvents = strEnum([
export type ExchangeEvents = keyof typeof ExchangeEvents;

export interface IndexedFilterValues {
    [index: string]: any;

export type BlockParam = 'latest'|'earliest'|'pending'|number;

export interface SubscriptionOpts {
    fromBlock: BlockParam;
    toBlock: BlockParam;

export type DoneCallback = (err?: Error) => void;

export interface OrderFillOrKillRequest {
    signedOrder: SignedOrder;
    fillTakerAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber;

export interface OrderCancellationRequest {
    order: Order|SignedOrder;
    takerTokenCancelAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber;

export interface OrderFillRequest {
    signedOrder: SignedOrder;
    takerTokenFillAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber;

export type AsyncMethod = (...args: any[]) => Promise<any>;

export interface ContractInstance {
    address: string;

export interface Artifact {
    networks: {[networkId: number]: any};

export interface ContractEventEmitter {
    watch: (eventCallback: EventCallback) => void;
    stopWatchingAsync: () => Promise<void>;

 * We re-export the `Web3.Provider` type specified in the Web3 Typescript typings
 * since it is the type of the `provider` argument to the `ZeroEx` constructor.
 * It is however a `Web3` library type, not a native `0x.js` type.
export type Web3Provider = Web3.Provider;

export interface ExchangeContractByAddress {
    [address: string]: ExchangeContract;

export interface ContractArtifact {
    networks: {
        [networkId: number]: {
            address: string;