blob: 30225d0d89b799afa7fab8de065ca8a01d0c2ba5 (
plain) (
declare module 'chai-bignumber';
declare module 'bn.js';
declare interface Schema {
id: string;
// HACK: In order to merge the bignumber declaration added by chai-bignumber to the chai Assertion
// interface we must use `namespace` as the Chai definitelyTyped definition does. Since we otherwise
// disallow `namespace`, we disable tslint for the following.
/* tslint:disable */
declare namespace Chai {
interface Assertion {
bignumber: Assertion;
/* tslint:enable */
declare module '*.json' {
const json: any;
/* tslint:disable */
export default json;
/* tslint:enable */
declare module 'ethereumjs-util' {
const toBuffer: (dataHex: string) => Buffer;
const hashPersonalMessage: (msg: Buffer) => Buffer;
const bufferToHex: (buff: Buffer) => string;
const ecrecover: (msgHashBuff: Buffer, v: number, r: Buffer, s: Buffer) => string;
const pubToAddress: (pubKey: string) => Buffer;
const isValidAddress: (address: string) => boolean;
// truffle-contract declarations
declare interface ContractInstance {}
declare interface ContractFactory {
setProvider: (providerObj: any) => void;
deployed: () => ContractInstance;
at: (address: string) => ContractInstance;
declare interface Artifact {
networks: {[networkId: number]: any};
declare function contract(artifacts: Artifact): ContractFactory;
declare module 'truffle-contract' {
export = contract;
// es6-promisify declarations
declare function promisify(original: any, settings?: any): ((...arg: any[]) => Promise<any>);
declare module 'es6-promisify' {
export = promisify;
declare module 'ethereumjs-abi' {
const soliditySHA3: (argTypes: string[], args: any[]) => Buffer;