blob: 9f6ed9e7ab4e9cea8ade4ddd9f6d1f6c55edac2a (
plain) (
import * as React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import { getCSSPadding, PaddingInterface } from 'ts/@next/constants/utilities';
interface BaseTextInterface extends PaddingInterface {
size?: 'default' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'small' | number;
isCentered?: boolean;
textAlign?: string;
interface HeadingProps extends BaseTextInterface {
asElement?: 'h1' | 'h2' | 'h3' | 'h4';
maxWidth?: string;
fontWeight?: string;
isCentered?: boolean;
isFlex?: boolean;
isNoMargin?: boolean;
isMuted?: boolean | number;
marginBottom?: string;
color?: string;
interface ParagraphProps extends BaseTextInterface {
isNoMargin?: boolean;
marginBottom?: string; // maybe we should remove isNoMargin
isMuted?: boolean | number;
fontWeight?: string | number;
const StyledHeading =
styled.h1 <
HeadingProps >
max-width: ${props => props.maxWidth};
color: ${props => props.color || props.theme.textColor};
display: ${props => props.isFlex && `inline-flex`};
align-items: center;
justify-content: ${props => props.isFlex && `space-between`};
font-size: ${props =>
typeof props.size === 'string' ? `var(--${props.size || 'default'}Heading)` : `${props.size}px`};
line-height: ${props => `var(--${props.size || 'default'}HeadingHeight)`};
text-align: ${props => props.isCentered && 'center'};
padding: ${props => props.padding && getCSSPadding(props.padding)};
margin-left: ${props => props.isCentered && 'auto'};
margin-right: ${props => props.isCentered && 'auto'};
margin-bottom: ${props => !props.isNoMargin && (props.marginBottom || '30px')};
opacity: ${props => (typeof props.isMuted === 'boolean' ? 0.75 : props.isMuted)};
font-weight: ${props => (props.fontWeight ? props.fontWeight : ['h4'].includes(props.asElement) ? 400 : 300)};
width: ${props => props.isFlex && `100%`};
export const Heading: React.StatelessComponent<HeadingProps> = props => {
const { asElement = 'h1', children } = props;
const Component = StyledHeading.withComponent(asElement);
return <Component {...props}>{children}</Component>;
Heading.defaultProps = {
size: 'default',
// No need to declare it twice as Styled then rewrap as a stateless comp
// Note: this would be useful to be implemented the same way was "Heading"
// and be more generic. e.g. <Text /> with a props asElement so we can use it
// for literally anything =
export const Paragraph =
styled.p <
ParagraphProps >
font-size: ${props => `var(--${props.size || 'default'}Paragraph)`};
font-weight: ${props => props.fontWeight || 300};
margin-bottom: ${props => !props.isNoMargin && (props.marginBottom || '30px')};
padding: ${props => props.padding && getCSSPadding(props.padding)};
color: ${props => props.color || props.theme.paragraphColor};
opacity: ${props => (typeof props.isMuted === 'boolean' ? 0.75 : props.isMuted)};
text-align: ${props => (props.textAlign ? props.textAlign : props.isCentered && 'center')};
line-height: 1.4;
Paragraph.defaultProps = {
isMuted: true,